Dangerous 5G is being rolled out

5g death

5g banner from SOTN.JPG

“5G is so dangerous and unsafe
and harmful to human life,
people will be dropping like flies
and not know why!” Read more


Brussels…now Rome opposes 5G.


Minneapolis and Chicago

5G Transmitters Have Been Turned ‘ON’ in Two US Cities


Carl Sagan on the uniqueness of Earth And we want to roll out an UNTESTED technology like 5G on the planet when this is our only HOME!!??


Who also works in the New York Southern District?

James Comey’s daughter.


CBP to close cargo lanes at El Paso international bridge as it shifts officers to aid migrant processing


Trucks gridlocked at U.S.-Mexico border – Time for the OFFENSE! Slideshow

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The Origin of The Feces – President Trump Smartly Draws Attention to Beginning of Russian Conspiracy Effort

tt russia collusion

trump tweet how did it start


Make sure to contact the White House. The President needs to know that ordinary citizens like us know what happened. Here is his email box: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/


trump army


Educating George Papadopoulos. The article Douglas refers to in this audio is here:

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Unleashes USMCA Coalition for North American Integration


merkel obama meme


sue tech giants.jpg


Class Action Lawsuit v Facebook Just Launched Read below for more on Sir Nick Clegg – yep another corrupt Privy Council thug.


Clegg and queen

Sir Nick Clegg was Lord President of the Privy Council and worked closely with Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie in communications and trade


Bill Warner PhD: Resolving the Reality of Political Islam


omar tweet 2.JPG


Reminder of what SHE represents in OUR government. In Islam there is:

  • NO freedom of speech

  • NO freedom of religion

  • NO freedom of artistic expression

  • NO freedom of the press

  • NO right to bear arms… for non-Muslims

  • NO equality, since a non-Muslim is never equal to a Muslim, and women are never equal to men

  • NO democracy, since that would mean a non-Muslim is equal to a Muslim

  • NO equal justice under the law, since Sharia has one set of laws for Muslim men and a different set of laws for women and non-Muslims

  • NO abolition since, slavery has always been a big part of Islam – and still is today

Islam violates at minimum the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Eighth, and Thirteenth Amendments.

It has NO place ANYWHERE in the United States. In fact, we’ve had laws against it on the books for decades. They are being deliberately ignored:

U.S. Code › Title 18 › Part I › Chapter 115 › § 2385

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952


Poland: No Muslim Invaders Not one illegal shall come to Poland!


redacted mueller report

Team Mueller with 60 Federal Employees, two years, and nothing to show for it: $30 million.

Donald J. Trump still kickin’ ass and takin’ names: priceless.



rachel tweet



This is what an information war looks like (see posts and memes below). Are you in the fight yet? Have you learned to create memes? Are are you building your information network to inform patriots of truth?

NPC and Pepe

Are you bringing education and enlightenment to others who are still living in the gray shadow land of the NPCs? Your special meme could brighten their world. NPCs may not know that color actually exists!

Our goal is to make sure that the Trump 2020 landslide is so huge that it is an avalanche tsunami that washes away the opposition into oblivion so we can start really getting stuff done around here to reimagine America under new managementWe the People with CEO Donald Trump!


carpe tweet 1.JPG
Read this tweet


Any one of these video memes inside the article is a hoot to share in your network.

Hilarious: Women duplicate AOC’s wine-infused video chat, talking with popcorn in mouth, building IKEA furniture




nancy pelosi
See Nancy take the tidepod taste test


AOC birthing babies
Butterfly McQueen doesn’t know nothin’ bout birthin’ babies


trump wins shirt.jpg


nunes cattle trucks


orange man bad


america first.JPG


You don’t need a social media network to make your statement. Look what two farmers did:


You could even make an action figure!

trump action figure

Or do what the street artist Sabo does and get your message out at the street level.

sabo street artist


Animals reacting to musical instruments (this one is just for fun)


AIM Patriot Edward writes:

@American Intelligence Media Kudos to you Mr. & Mrs Gabriel and much thanks for reposting the great LPAC webcast material in your YouTube video titled British Monarchy Attempts to Overthrow Trump. (Would be great it you’d given them credit and identified the speakers: William Wertz, Dennis Speed, and Barbara Boyd). BTW I watch your videos here regularly and you have contributed great research. Why don’t you do a video about the MOON & MARS mission the President has launched — which will change the world forever and is Trump’s adoption of the principal policy of LAROUCHE’S FOUR LAWS. Whatever your differences of thinking with LaRouche and LPAC. you could do the human race and the nation a great service by calling for the late Lyndon LaRouche’s public exoneration from his frame up by Nazi favorite son George Herbert Walker Bush. whose purpose was to stop LaRouche’s 40-year campaign for the restoration of the American System of physical economy during which time Lyndon and Executive Intelligence Review were slandered and blacked out even more than Donald Trump.


Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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