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President Trump: “It is now just a question of time before the truth comes out, and when it does, it will be a beauty!”


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rush russia probe
Limited hangouts waking up!


SHOCK POLL: Italy’s Nationalist Populists SURGING to STORM Brussels! Start video at 1:36


scarecrow democrat


ALERT. You may need to grab a barf bag before listening to this video.


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CAUGHT: FBI Forced to Admit It Found Clinton Emails in Obama White House. @JudicialWatch also forced FBI to disclose it found nearly 49k emails from Clinton server on Weiner’s laptop. JW doing the heavy lifting..

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) April 23, 2019

This astonishing confirmation, made under oath by the FBI, shows that the Obama FBI had to go to President Obama’s White House office to find emails that Hillary Clinton tried to destroy or hide from the American people.

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) April 23, 2019


Trump tweets about UK Intelligence


privy council

Crown Agent Saboteurs Busted


queen move


orange is new democrat


Efficient Infringement. We also need to take back the United States Patent and Trademark Office from British control. SERCO runs the place now, not the United States and patents are outright stolen from inventors and entrepreneurs.



The American people deserve to know who is in this Country. Yesterday, the Supreme Court took up the Census Citizenship question, a really big deal. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 24, 2019


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Seize the Endowments


Tom Fitton: President Trump Should File a Criminal Complaint with DOJ over Illicit Targeting


“The best thing ever to happen to Twitter is Donald Trump.” @MariaBartiromo So true, but they don’t treat me well as a Republican. Very discriminatory, hard for people to sign on. Constantly taking people off list. Big complaints from many people. Different names-over 100 M…..

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2019

…..But should be much higher than that if Twitter wasn’t playing their political games. No wonder Congress wants to get involved – and they should. Must be more, and fairer, companies to get out the WORD!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2019


Wanted John Kerry


President Trump Suggests John Kerry Violated The Logan Act Over Iran

Where is the criminal accountability for this outrageous violation of the Logan Act? The proof is ironclad, yet we have a Justice Department filled with rogue SES attorneys that continue to protect the swamp. Will Bill Barr do anything or will he and DOJ thugs like Jessie Liu continue to protect SES traitors and criminals?


Review of Boy Scouts ‘Perversion Files’ Reveals 12,000 Victims, Almost 8,000 Abusers


How SpyGate Could Help President Trump


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They’re totally lying about the 5G roll-out!

“The truth is that those few areas, where 5G is somehow made fully functional, will become KILL ZONES—literally. These hotspots will become hot alright; so hot your skin will be fried as your insides are cooked…but you won’t even know it (also known as a soft kill). Eventually, everyone’s brain will be scrambled. Don’t believe us, read the following exposé.

Because of this inevitable outcome, the cities and various venues that boast about their new and improved 5G connectivity will become notorious as kill zones. Who would ever want to step inside a location well-known for being a soup of exceedingly dangerous electro-pollution?!”


John McCain traitor

Globalists and traitors stick together!

REPORT: McCain Family to Support Joe Biden’s Presidential Campaign


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Cher Doubles Down: ‘Excuse the Fk Out of Me If I Don’t Want, Murders, Rapists, & CHILD MOLESTERS to Vote’



Little Hinges


AIM Patriot Nancy writes:

Microsoft is STOPPING us from forwarding emails with links to this site. Tried to send the archived, indexed version of the Mueller Report to a friend. But received an ‘undeliverable’ message stating that the email violated policy. (WTH???)

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Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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