Citizens Release Treason Report

Over 20 years of data collection with two powerful citizen intelligence groups – -Americans for Innovation and American Intelligence Media -release this report to Attorney General A. G Barr and President Donald Trump.

We need your help, patriots. Please email a PDF copy of this extensive report to places listed below. You don’t even need to leave your armchair to get this done – our patriot team did the research. We need YOU to give it some fuel.

Here is the report link: The Treason Report

First copy goes to Bill Barr. Contact him here:

Then send a copy to the White House here:

Please send copies to your Senator and Congressperson. Many of them are criminal collaborators…others are just clueless. Contact them here:

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Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss the Treason Report, a U.S. citizen intelligence report on high crimes, treason, and espionage in D.C..