Trump Declares National Emergency For Information and Communication Technology

garrison party over


President Trump Declares National Emergency For Information and Communication Technology



Information Warriors to your keyboards

Senate examines 5G security concerns

Make sure to visit the Fox Business YT site directly and leave your comments. We need to educate and enlighten all those that stop in to listen. You will see us there in several comment boxes.


social media platforms
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White House launches tool for reporting social media ‘bias’


Jim Jordan Urges Democrats to Release Coordination Agreement to Attack Trump


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White House to unveil sweeping overhaul of immigration system, including merit-based admissions, officials say



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leader boxes

Pictured above are 6 boxes containing First Amendment Miller Act Notices from the shareholders of Leader Technologies that are in route to the White House. These shareholders are investors who believed in Michael McKibben’s dream of connecting the world in a peaceful and productive way through the amazing technology that highly skilled engineers, not a couple of Harvard dudes over a beer weekend, spent many years developing. Then the United States Government and its agents, including James P. Chandler, Andrew Marshall, and Dick O’Neill, stole the technology, gave it the face of Zuckerberg-Schmidt-Dorsey-Theil, and weaponized it against the American people and the world.

We The People Demand that the U. S. Government Pay Leader Technologies for the Theft of its Inventions


While you have your keyboard out, pick up a few meme bombs below to push out to your circle of influence. Information warriors keep their meme arsenal well stocked and we fire with precision. 

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hillary 2016


garrison vaccinations


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kamala harris


barr investigates


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barr nadler


burka umbrella




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Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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