Five Eyes and the Global Spy Racketeers

Five Eyes had organized global spy racketeers before the Japanese had even surrendered on Sep. 02, 1945

Within weeks of this instruction, the OSS/MI-6/CIA had taken over Five Eyes against the express instructions of General Marshall and Admiral King

Five Eyes, ANCIB(US), ANCICC(UK). (Aug. 22, 1945). Memorandum for General Marshall and Admiral King, DOCID: 2959406, REF ID:A2666797. NSA.

C.I.A. effectively given control of post-war China
Four (4) years later, with the aid of the C.I.A., on October 1, 1949, Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong declared the creation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This illustrates what evil criminals do when they are given political power. Now China is using this same intelligence capability to implement a Social Credit Scoring System to exercise total control over individual citizens. They are using their market power to export the social credit score to America through their partners at Google, Facebook, Apple, etc.

The Sino-American Special Technical Cooperative Organization, also known as the Sino-American Cooperative Organization (SACO), was an organization created by the SACO Treaty signed by China and the United States in 1942 during the Second World War. It established a mutual intelligence gathering entity in China between the respective nations against Japan. It operated in China jointly along with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), America’s first intelligence agency and forerunner of the CIA while also serving as joint training program between the two nations.

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FBI to be given limited access


No access by OSS (now CIA), Treasury, FCC

Unrestricted current immigration control was specifically authorized, now ignored

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Shows Trump-Russia is a hoax since monitoring Russia/Soviets has been a top priority. The idea that they penetrated this activity is laughable treason


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Five Eyes. (Nov. 01, 1945). TOP SECRET ULTRA, Outline of the draft British-US Communication Intelligence Agreement drafted by the Joint Meeting of ANCIB(US)(Army-Navy Communications Intelligence Board)-ANCICC(UK)(Army-Navy Communications Intelligence Coordinating Committee), 29 Oct. 1945, Cat. Ref. HW 80/2, declassified Jun. 25, 2010. The National Archives.

The drafting of the most notoriously evil “official” agreement in human history?

Ultra was the designation adopted by British military intelligence in June 1941 for wartime signals intelligence obtained by breaking high-level encrypted enemy radio and teleprinter communications at the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park.[1]

REMINDER TO READERS: World War II was over. These Five Eyes organizers just carried on.

Under whose direction and accountability?

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