Supreme Court Justices Silent About Ruth Ginsberg Absence on Bench

Winning the Meme Wars!

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President Trump on Meet The Press – Full Unedited Interview and Broadcast Transcript

President Trump’s Full, Unedited Interview With Meet The Press | NBC News


Trump Advisor Jared Kushner Unveils Economic Portion of Middle East Peace Plan


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JW Exposed FBI-Media Collusion Against Trump



Trump is chillin’ at Camp David


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Conspicuous Messaging – Kim Jong Un Receives Letter of “excellent content” From President Trump


5.8 Million People No Longer on Food Stamps Under Trump


Presidential Tweets and a SCOTUS Sneak Peek


Anybody seen Ruth in public? Should we start calling it –  the SCOTUS HOAX? The Six Billion Dollar Woman


human trafficking
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Nunes rips Democrats: They ‘don’t want to get anything done’


HS Girl Who Lost to Transgender Won’t Go Quietly, Files Civil Rights Complaint


Send this when a special Leftist in your life gets that “unfresh” feeling


Desperate Democrats float the ‘Oprah Winfrey for President’ balloon…for the third time.

Bill Maher: Oprah Winfrey Is The Only “Sure-Thing Winner” For Dems In 2020

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Interview with Dean Henderson – the real connection between us


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Go ahead…join the fun. Use our template and create your own New York magazine cover. Send us your best!

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THE ART OF WAR…15 LIFE STRATEGIES |Sun Tzu| ⊛ These concepts apply to battles and wars on the physical plane, and those in the information space. It is the Great Information War and YOU are an information warrior.


Hermann Hesse’s “The Glass Bead Game” – analysis part 1 – Ron Dart



Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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