Pelosi Rejects U.S. Sovereignty – U.S. Immigration Subject to Laws of “A Global Society”



Read the evidence we collected for this blockbuster report:

The British Black Chamber


pelosi aoc ilhan omar

pelosi aoc omarPelosi Rejects U.S. Sovereignty – U.S. Immigration Subject to Laws of “A Global Society”



social media summit

Jul 11, 2019 05:39:23 AM The White House will be hosting a very big and very important Social Media Summit today. Would I have become President without Social Media? Yes (probably)! At its conclusion, we will all go to the beautiful Rose Garden for a News Conference on the Census and Citizenship.

Jul 11, 2019 09:01:22 AM – Will be a big and exciting day at the White House for Social Media!

Jul 11, 2019 10:52:18 AM – A big subject today at the White House Social Media Summit will be the tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies. We will not let them get away with it much longer. The Fake News Media will also be there, but for a limited period..

Jul 11, 2019 10:52:18 AM – …The Fake News is not as important, or as powerful, as Social Media. They have lost tremendous credibility since that day in November, 2016, that I came down the escalator with the person who was to become your future First Lady. When I ultimately leave office in six…

Jul 11, 2019 10:52:19 AM – …years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding), they will quickly go out of business for lack of credibility, or approval, from the public. That’s why they will all be Endorsing me at some point, one way or the other. Could you imagine having Sleepy Joe Biden, or Alfred E. Newman…

Jul 11, 2019 10:52:19 AM – …or a very nervous and skinny version of Pocahontas (1/1024th), as your President, rather than what you have now, so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius! Sorry to say that even Social Media would be driven out of business along with, and finally, the Fake News Media!


Twitter goes down world-wide just before the social media summit.

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Trump issues Executive Order to get around census citizenship question


DOJ Attorney Says Russian Government Had Nothing To Do With Troll Farms

“A newly released transcript reveals details of a humiliating hearing that took place the day before Mueller’s puzzling press conference. The judge asked the prosecutor, “Can you address also the specific tie to the Russian government, which is the overarching comment that the attorney general made tying both this case and then the case involving the hacking and the release of the e-mails, the GRU case, to the Russian government?”

Buckle up, buttercup, because you’re not going to believe DOJ’s response: “The report doesn’t say that.” What? I thought we “knew” that the Russian government committed an act of war by posting politically charged information on the internet. Now the DOJ is backing away from any tie between the internet troll farm and the Russian government?”


Fitton: You Can’t Have Trump/Russia Hoax Without Clinton Email Cover-Up — “Mueller Was King of DOJ”


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Kevin McCarthy, 140 GOP Reps Vote for Democrat Plan to Outsource Jobs


US Geologists Nervous About CA Dormant Volcanoes


Just sayin’..let’s call it what it is:

Federal Blackmail Institution


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Records show Clinton dined with Epstein in 1995, predating public timeline


The FBI Flying Brothel


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Cy Vance challenger slams DA for downgrading Epstein’s sex offender status



September 3, 2006

Questions of Preferential Treatment Are Raised in Sex Case Against Money Manager


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trump iran gambler


Italy’s Salvini SHUTS DOWN Largest Migrant Center in Europe!!! Prompt at 1:17


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ROUND TWO: June 30 and 31


Real Women Vote Trump


Here’s to the Deplorables


US Fast-Food Drive-Thrus Will Soon Use License Plate And Facial Recognition Technology


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Refresh your meme arsenal and fire away


AIM Patriot Kevin drops us a note:

Here’s some interesting connections to Les Wexner, murdered Columbus attorney, Arthur Shapiro, & the Genovese crime family. Wexner and his L Brands company, including Victoria’s Secret…a lot of access to “young models” for Epstein to peruse. Wexner is far from innocent in all of this.


AIM Patriot dx gives us an answer to yesterday’s question:

Re: Dragonfly (billboard)

Why are there blue and yellow billboards up all around Cincinnati that just say “Dragonfly”?

The Dragonfly foundation.

They’re a local “Make-a-wish” foundation for children who have life threatening diseases


What do mentors do? They introduce you to your future self.


Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



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