The Restoration Alliance is Born


The Restoration Alliance


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If you are on The_Donald at Reddit, please drop in here and give this post a thumbs up. Tell ’em Betsy sent you. Introduce yourself. Read some new patriot cyber friends. Send the link out to your friends with the same instructions to like and share. We have an information war to win and we need to start drawing together our alliances. These are who we see as the next group of patriots that could come together to create a special synergy.

We see Rush Limbaugh at the base of the flag. His Betsy Ross t-shirts sales are on fire as people around the world are showing support for this global movement. Rush has a huge audience of loyal patriots that could be gently nudged into the next stage of their awakening. We need Sundance to hold his post at Conservative Treehouse for in-depth coverage of the swamp. Conservative Treehouse is consistent in great daily delivery of material and the members in this community are articulate, well-informed, and kind. This is a great community to join and follow.

At the base of this image is the wild and crazy fun The_Donald where their love of Donald Trump is only surpassed by their love of country, family, and God. They are quarantined from by the evil Reddit censors, but don’t let that get in your way of joining the site as a contributor, commentor, or just a lurker. Make sure to recommend this site to your circle on influence.

We love all those Deplorables and Pepes who are everywhere from the Chans to YouTube, BitChute to WordPress. These are the individual patriots who contribute their time and talents to restore the Republic in their own special ways. They do what they can to educate and enlighten those that they can, whether it is leaving an informative link to answer someone’s question or creating a fun meme that awakens one or many….because who knows who you are inspiring in the internet, a space beyond time and space, where we meet in consciousness and inspire and awaken one or many….. in the wink of an eye.

Of course those of you on this site know Betsy and Thomas and recognize one of the Conclave kitties. For those new to our site, our cats take on many meanings, but in the end we all become citizens addicted to truth. Meow.


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Joe Biden Drew Only 30 Supporters in New Hampshire During Trump Rally


sandoval insurrection AIM



dan crenshaw second gun control crenshill




P R O P A G A N D A   A L E R T

This is a meme that attempts to arouse your sympathies for the people in Hong Kong. You are supposed to feel outrage and insist that Trump does something to free Hong Kong….but wait, wait. Put your thinking cap on. Could this be an attempt like Pearl Harbor or 9-11 to get Americans to support war?

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Twitter is displaying China-made ads attacking Hong Kong protesters


British-Hong Kong Propaganda Busted


The British have used propaganda memes like this for a very long time and citizens keep falling for them, time after time.

propaganda poster


Satoshi Nakamoto Dossier Reveals Bitcoin CIA Ponzi Scheme

Included in this link is a Betsy-Thomas audio review of the material.


Clinton pastor’s son is suspected mole during Hillary probe. Senate says hater still works for Trump.


Barron towers over Dad.

baron trump 2019


Trump: US considering possibly buying Greenland, ‘essentially it’s a large real estate deal’


Real Estate Guru posts:

Everything is fake.

The MSM is fake. The Muller Investigation was fake. All the evidence against Trump is fake. Hillary is fake. Obama’s birth certificate is fake. Obamacare was fake. Mortgages were fake. You can keep your doctor was fake. Everything the deep state says about you is what they are doing behind your backs. It is all fake.




Red-light cameras undermine rule of law


This is the work of the members of the Pilgrims Society who own all major news outlets, publishers who write history books, history channels, etc. Now they want to shove more revisionist history into our children’s minds spewing these lies in the public school indoctrination centers.

New goal for New York Times: ‘Reframe’ American history, and target Trump, too

“…..a project with the aim of reframing U.S. history has to be more than a bunch of articles and podcasts. A major goal of the 1619 Project is to take the reframing message to schools. The Times has joined an organization called the Pulitzer Center (which, it should be noted, is not the organization that hands out the Pulitzer Prize) to create a 1619 Project curriculum. “Here you will find reading guides, activities, and other resources to bring The 1619 Project into your classroom,” the center says in a message to teachers.”

Fake History is Deadly

cecil rhodes info


Several of you have written us and recommended that we watch the Netflix show “The Family”. We watched the trailer and could tell that it is huge propaganda series just like that one on the Queen was, the Crown. Great costumes and settings…but full of disinformation, lies, and propaganda.

Netflix loves to push revisionist history as much as fairytales and fiction. Let us know if “The Family” discloses the Pilgrims Society and the relationship it has with the British Privy Council and how these two groups control America. You can still be entertained by watching shows like this, but don’t let the revisionist history scramble your brains.

It is a fictional, fluff series to make you think you have “busted” the inner circle of the elites, but which actually keeps you from really finding out what you should know. John F. Kennedy knew and tried to tell us:

The Pilgrims Society – Enemy of Humanity


AIM Patriot Darrell took the meme challenge and created this image for us.

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Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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