Calling World Revolution for Planetary Freedom!


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Calling World Revolution for Planetary Freedom!


This video (below) is a repeat for our community, but one that has a great shelf-life. We recommend that you share it among your circle of influence to begin waking them up to the EVIL EMPIRE and how it attempted to overthrow a United States President.

British Coup against Trump – New Intelligence


China has lost $30T in business. USA has Gained $20T in business. Trump comments at G7.


President Trump and Prime Minister Boris Johnson Discuss “Big Trade Deal”




AIM Patriot Gail writes: “…. didn’t know if you had seen this or if it is true but given your past comments about RBG, I thought I would send. The only thing I know is that approx 80-85% of people with pancreatic cancer do not survive.”

Somebody is desperate to have us think that Ruth is actually dying when (more than likely) she has been on ice at least since early 2019. Maybe their SCOTUS hoax has been compromised and they need to exit the old bag sooner than they planned.

The above anon post looks like propaganda. Read carefully and you will see the real agenda and may even figure out who posted it.


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Plan To Kill The Truth Is Fully Operational Now


The Truth May Shock You! You Won’t Believe What Is Actually Happening


Can you believe that Drudge is just now featuring this story in a headline? Talk about the way-back-machine. If you want to know what happened a year ago in the “news”, check Drudge’s headlines most any day. Matt Drudge is a propagandist for the enemy, all of his links go to corporate fake news, and his site is a relic from the mid 90s.

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Read Drudge’s big headline reveal.


And here comes Breitbart! Seems to us that the social media companies are desperate to have Trump break up their monopolies. This way they can hide their crimes and be presented the ability to make even more money with even more “baby” companies…you know, like Standard Oil and Ma Bell.

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Don’t break them up. DISGORGE THEM.


Why haven’t the media told the real truth about these social media companies and their conspiracy with the DoD Office of Net Assessment, Highlands Forum Group, the IBM Eclipse Foundation, and government agents like General Freeze and corrupt patent attorney and government operative James P. Chandler, III? This is why Drudge and Breitbart are FAKE NEWS because they aren’t reporting the full truth. They are controlled opposition and keep you from knowing the full truth.

Tech Lords, British Black Chamber, Nazi IBM, and Five Eyes


Song to Mark Zuckerberg – Deplorable Choir


Please note.

Our schedule is jammed tomorrow and we may not have time to push out a Cat Report for the day. Sorry, but the 3D world needs us.



history matters

The War of the Worlds


Trump’s Greenland New Deal


Why are supermarkets still selling fluoridated water for infants? And why aren’t cities that still fluoridate their water being sued?


16 years After I escaped, I finally burned my hijab.


Democratic Socialist Convention



The Democrats have become Slaves to Socialism.


Chosen One.

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The Traveler – Paul Cardall


Tavistock Ana Padilla, Baron Richard Allan’s baby mommy and paramour advises Parliament for Wellcome Trust currently on radiotherapeutics for Little Baron Ricky and Facebook (5G irradiation?)

  • Genetic effects of irradiation with reference to man, by D. C. Catcheside, 6 February 1947.


  • The value of blood counts as a radiation protection measure, by R. H. Mole, 1945.


  • Introductory manual on the control of health hazards from radioactive materials. Issue 1, June 1948.


  • Physicians in an atomic war, by Leon O. Jacobson, R. S. Stone, and J. Garrott Allen, 17 March 1949.


  • Memorandum by Dr D. E. Lea on tolerance doses in relation to genetic effects of radiation. Medical Research Council Research Committee on the Medical and Biological Application of Nuclear Physics Tolerance Doses Panel of the Protection Sub-Committee, 28 April 1947.


  • Copy of a letter from Dr Lewis H. Weed, Chairman of the Division of Medical Sciences of the National Research Council, to Sir Edward [Mellanby], enclosing report about the emerging problem of physicists developing cateracts due to exposure to neutron irradiation, 16 February 1949.


  • Draft recommendations of permissable dosage-rate during irradiation by x and gamma rays from external sources, W. V. Mayneord, 25 February 1948. Two different drafts.


  • Properties of high energy beta and gamma radiations of therapeutic interest, by J. S. Mitchell; some aspects of the betatron, by J. S. Mitchell; and linear acceleratos, by L. H. Gray, c.1946.


Daily Mail = Lord Northcliffe, co-founder of the Empire Press Union on July 23, 1909

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Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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