Trump slams the globalists flat to the mat


Breaking News | More New History

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Lenin’s “Bolshevik Revolution” in 1917 was a Pilgrims Society criminal operation executed on the pages of the New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Daily Telegraph, London Times, Daily Mail, Guardian—all founding members of the Empire Press Union (1909)

“Five Eyes” Pilgrims Society spies are attempting a U.S. coup d’état right now

(Oct. 07, 2019)—AOC’s communism is right out of the Bolshevik 1902 playbook. They are attempting to replace love and respect for one’s fellow human being with impersonal notions of “social justice.” It has been the same playbook for over 100 years.

Knowledge of the past is essential in order not to make the same mistakes again.

Full story and evidence


fight to win thumbnailTrump slams them flat to the mat


Stephen Miller Issues Dire Warning to Americans


Give it up, Nancy. You failed.

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House Sends More Carefully Worded Impeachment Demand Letters (Not Subpoenas) – OMB and Pentagon




Mitch McConnell

AIM Patriot Chris writes about Mr. China Chao RINO Mitch McConnell:

Check out this story about McConnell’s Ad.  He says that the impeachment buck stops with HIM as senate leader
BUT THEN he says “please donate before the deadline”.
It reads like “If you don’t, I might just impeach Trump. Please give generously. (Or else).”


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AIM Patriot Lorraine sends in this article with a reminder that Barr and Dunham were in Italy right around this time:

Vatican prosecutors conduct raid on Secretariat of State offices

“Vatican prosecutors seized documents and electronic devices in a raid executed Tuesday at the offices of the most senior curial department.

According to a statement from the Holy See press office Oct. 1, the raid was conducted at the offices of the general affairs section of the Secretariat of State. The action was authorized by the Vatican City court’s Promoter of Justice, Gian Piero Milano, and Adjunct Promoter of Justice Alessandro Diddi.”


Hey, patriots…have you been redpilling your circle of influence about this propagandist? Here is a great tweet to pass along through your networks. Don’t be fooled by cleavage, legs, and a pretty voice.

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Yes, we listened to the SGT Report below. Sean-Shaun is a poor researcher, or maybe he is being paid big bucks to protect the folks in The Pilgrim Society, Senior Executive Service, and Crown Agents. We totally tuned him out when he started preaching the Q psyop over and over again to his trusting audience. As time goes on, more and more patriots are seeing his limitations and deflections.

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AIM Patriot Marilyn writes:

I wanted to share with you how I found The Gospel of Sophia. One evening at twilight, my ex-husband showed up at my home. He owns the property bordering mine, his down the hill and mine up. He had been drinking alcohol for at least one month straight. I asked him what he was doing at my home and he replied “I followed the three ladies up the hill.”
I thought that was odd because there were THREE ladies he followed. I know that 3 is a significant number and means something.  Well, I told him I would take care of his dogs until he was in a better place and told him to get into bed and he’d be seeing more clearly in the morning.
The “Three Ladies” started rolling around in my brain and I decided to look it up on Youtube. That’s when The Gospel of Sophia popped up. Now I laugh with the joy of how I was led. It’s all so wondrous. I never feel alone and often cradled by something I can’t see in great gratitude. -Marilyn


Our reply:

TheGospelOfSophia_FrontCover_FINAL_141107We have heard remarkable stories of how Sophia awakens her ‘sleepy ones’. One of our favorites was when we first started and only had the book in print form. An anthropologist emailed us with a sense of urgency that he must have the book in electronic form as he was in the jungle in South America and couldn’t get the print book delivered to him.

He had had a powerful dream and when he did an internet search for what he had dreamed, he was led to The Gospel of Sophia.

For those of you who have had similar experiences, we wanted you to know you are not alone. Sophia is leading us through the awakening new world.

If you are curious, his dream was something like this (from the opening chapter):

She was standing before me, a crone with leathery skin and a crepey neck, yet eyes that sparkled with vibrancy and youth that pierced my soul with a knowingness of ageless wisdom.  So deeply did her eyes penetrate me, with such discomfort, that I glanced away. 

She pointed her crooked, ancient finger back over her shoulder to hot red fields of molten lava that was pouring forth as a rich cake batter might spill in folds upon itself as it emptied from a baker’s mixing bowl. 

Through intense heated air, I could see massive pools of percolating magma fed by liquefied rock cascading down a mountain.  From the lava pools, four bubbling, red-hot rivers  curved downstream away into a distant, smoke-hazed horizon.  In a silence where all is understood, the wisdom woman brought forth from her cloak an ordinary shovel and held it out to me.  


With her other hand, she pointed upward to the distant falling streams of molten lava.  I accepted the shovel and set off in the direction she indicated.   With an intuition of knowing the destination and then floating into it with a kind of spiritual thrust, I looked behind me to see if the crone was following, but she had faded into darkness and invisibility with only the sound of her laughter lingering in the aura of fire. 

As I started my ascent up the mountain, headed toward the rim of the summit, I could see a fountainhead of the thick folding, churning streams of molten rock.  Tightly holding the shovel as my walking stick, I seemed to use a type of dream-will to pole vault and weightlessly propel myself over the streams and pools of liquid fire.  Yet, in little time, the intense heat had melted the blade, leaving me only the handle. 

But this was of no concern to me as I vision-willed myself to the top of the summit with no constraints of ordinary physics. 

In a dimension of experience that was not framed in time and space, I perceived the source of the four rivers of molten rock – a huge black cube, suspended a few feet off the liquid fire ground.  Gushing streams of molten magma flowed out of four sides of the black cube to the rim of the summit and cascaded down the mountainside.

What was this mysterious dark cube? How could I reach it? 

Feeling the presence of someone other than myself on the precipice of the fiery threshold, I turned my head and there was the wisdom woman standing in her knowingness with a warm and loving smile.  

“How could you be here?” I questioned her without words.  “Without a walking stick?”

“How can I get to the black cube?”

Her silent language told me to turn to the cube and hold out the remaining shovel stick that I still grasped.  Following her inner directive, I turned back to the cube, held out the shovel stick, which seemed to have become an enchanted wand, and struck the cube’s ebony side in an attempt to analyze the strange formation.  Instantaneously in a whirl of mystical displacement, I found myself inside the cube, immersed in an enormous volcanic fountainhead. 

There she was.  Standing motionless in the middle of the fiery fountain of magma.  The wisdom woman.

Her timeworn image had been transformed into a youthful, shimmering beauty, holding an infant in her arms. 

Her heavy pleated cloak that had hidden all of her features except her face and hands had become a gossamer gown of sky blue chiffon that barely made modest her naked figure underneath.  Her hair fell below her shoulders like opulent strands of silky ribbons in a multitude of hues and tones.  Her skin was luscious luminescence.  Her face was perfect symmetry.  Her eyes sparkled with vibrancy and youth.  

She approached me and with a mother’s tender love placed the baby in my arms.

Holding the infant and gazing into its face, rushing imaginations flooded through me.  The infant became a mirror of recognition. 

“This child is me,” my soul reflected.

 I saw my life stream forward in time as the four rivers of magma gushed from the cube. 

I was the child growing into what I had become, quite unconscious of the guiding forces of the wisdom woman who stood before me as mother, maiden, crone, hidden Goddess. 

Once hesitant to look into the eyes of the crone, I now hungered to look into her wisdom gaze to give me knowledge of myself.  Our eyes met and her wordless language began to pour into my heart and soul.

“You have traveled this path of fire and heat, given only a simple shovel,” she thought into me.  “By trusting forces beyond your physical experience, you willed yourself over fiery obstacles and up to the volcano summit.”

“Then, trusting your intuition in a place where no logic seemed operative,” she continued, “you awakened your consciousness to a time and space defying the act of holding yourself as a babe.’

Her parting thoughts to me resounded as I began to wake from my dream.

“It is time,” she said.

“Time for what?” I asked.

She smiled knowingly. “It is time to birth your higher self.”  


Visit to expand your awareness of Sophia.


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