Deval Patrick: The Democrat Dark Horse Emerges



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We told you in December 2017 to keep an eye on this globalist darkhorse Deval Patrick. Here’s some great opposition research on this corrupt Mueller-Romney-Obama man:

Mueller’s Pathetic Attempt to Overthrow Trump and Prepare His 2020 Successor Fails Miserably


We also reminded you in April in this Cat Report that the globalists were lining up Deval Patrick to be Hillary’s ‘step-n-fetch it’ candidate.

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deval patrick AIM


AIM Patriot Tim sends us a note about the Deval Patrick update. Time writes: “As you predicted! Ask Christopher Strunk what he knows about D. Patrick and his non-stop promotion on Alan Chartock’s WAMC radio. It’s funded by The Kaplan Fund and the Kaplan son was married to Edwina Sandys, Churchill’s granddaughter.

Our reply: Hello, Chris….can you send us an answer to Tim’s question so that we can post for all to see?


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ses enemy senior executive

Patriots are Exposing SES


Have you noticed that Judicial Watch NEVER discloses Senior Executive Service?

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Folks, make sure to read this one. Not good.

New YouTube Terms: Accounts Deemed Not “Commercially Viable” Can Be Deleted


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Listen to how egregious the YouTube-Google censorship has become

AIM Patriot Chris sent us the above video clip along with this note:

Mr President, the level of censorship has gone BEYOND OUTRAGEOUS… now TREASONOUS AND DANGEROUS

SIGN the Miller Act Notice and end this insanity.


Thank goodness for BOOMER Veterans!


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Read all about it


AIM Patriot Leslie is a grade school teacher. We actually know her in the 3D world, as well as here in 5D. She sent us an email about an assignment she gave her fifth grade writing class. Her instructions were to make a story about a poison flower, a dragon, and a mask.  Below is Zakaria’s story, written by himself, no edits.

Mr. P. and the Great Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a superhero called Mr. Poison. It’s Mr. P. for short. One day Mr. P. spotted a fire-breathing dragon and the dragon was attacking the city. So, Mr. P. rushed there to help and then the dragon spotted Mr. P.  Mr. P. punched the dragon in the face. Then the dragon blew fire out of his mouth and the fire burned Mr. P.’s mask off. And then the hero, Mr. P., turned out to be Donald Trump. Then everyone was so surprised on the news! Mr. P./Donald Trump got mad and then he struck the dragon with poison. The dragon faded like when people put salt on their food and the flowers come back up.


Americans spent more money on taxes than basic necessities in 2018


AIM Patriot dx sent in the image and link below in response to our question the other day about Will:

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Read the backstory here


AIM Patriot Helen in New Zealand is well into the spring season and thinking about all of the delicious veggies growing in the garden. Helen is playing the Glass Bead Game. She has offered the community this video glass bead for our education and enlightenment.

How to Make a No-Dig Garden: Morag Gamble’s Method for Simple Abundance – Our Permaculture Life



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