‘I Want The Same Equal Treatment’: Biden Accuser Tara Reade Tears Into Media, Women’s Groups, Democratic Politicians


biden bra

Evidence Surfaces Supporting Sexual Assault Claim Against Joe Biden


Paging Mr. Cuomo. Paging Mr. Cuomo.

Mr. Cuomo, please report to the podium immediately.

Former Clinton adviser calls on Biden to withdraw over assault allegations


carroll rape
Remember this Anderson Cooper interview with Trump accuser E. Jean Carroll?


‘I Want The Same Equal Treatment’: Biden Accuser Tara Reade Tears Into Media, Women’s Groups, Democratic Politicians


hunter biden


Virus Strikes Media Dumb

There’s a lot of important news this week which is getting insufficient coverage. By way of example, we have these developments:

  • There are increasingly plausible reports that North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un may be dead, dying, or comatose.
  • General Michael Flynn, in support of his motion that he be allowed to withdraw his guilty plea, filed a new pleading this week. In it he notes that exculpatory material that he just now tardily received had been deliberately withheld from him, against the mandate of the Brady case. This material supports his motion that he was framed and his son threatened by prosecutors if he did not plead guilty. He also asserts that his prior counsel urged him to give up dirt on the President.to the prosecutors.
  • Congressman Adam Schiff, an avatar for deceit, continues to withhold the transcripts of 43 interviews of “Russia collusion” witnesses his committee had in secret and is blocking declassification of another 10.  Hiding the evidence allows him to continue to lie about what the witnesses revealed with no possibility of contradiction. Among the 10 for which he’s blocking declassification are those of Obama’s National Security Adviser Susan Rice and former Ambassador Samantha Powers, two figures deeply involved in unmasking Trump campaign figures who had been unlawfully surveilled under FISA after the DOJ submitted false information to the FISC to open the surveillance.
  • The governors of New York, New Jersey, and California imperiled the most vulnerable to the virus — the elderly in nursing homes (and their caretakers) — by ordering virus stricken patients be housed in nursing homes after transport from hospitals.  In none of these governors’ many pressers, to my knowledge, were they asked about this policy and why the hell they instituted it.  Surely, there are empty motels which would have better served this purpose. After all, our latest reports indicate 20% of the virus fatalities occurred in nursing homes. Add this to other policy mishaps in these states — cutting the number of scheduled subway runs in New York, for example, assuring that essential workers will be more greatly endangered in packed cars, and refusing to permit stricken nursing home residents from being transferred to the hospital ship in New York.  READ MORE!


darth soros

The Brennan Center for Justice, which is heavily financed by George Soros, is calling for Democrats to spend $250 million to educate voters about any changes that will allow vote-by-mail in the upcoming presidential election, advocating an advertising campaign about those changes in non-English languages.

The recommendations are part of the Brennan Center’s updated $4 billion nationwide funding blueprint for voting reform during the coronavirus pandemic.  Read more


U.S. says will not take part in WHO global drugs, vaccine initiative launch


What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately. They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time & effort!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 25, 2020


mike flynn


The Plan to Completely Destroy Nevada’s Economy


“The uncertainly associated with all this is immense. Consider some examples: thanks to moratoria on evictions in many cities, renters who can’t pay rent — thanks in part to government-forced lockdowns — can stay in their rental units indefinitely. Landlords have no idea when they will next be able to actually collect revenues again from paying customers. Meanwhile, “elective” healthcare services like eye care and dental care have been deemed “unessential” by bureaucrats and governors in many states. These offices will be closed and collecting little-to-no revenue. Restaurants, of course, aren’t permitted to do business beyond take-out service in places with lockdowns. (Although these restaurants still have to pay rent for their dining rooms.)

Even beyond the short term, business owners have no way to plan. If a business owner is allowed to actually conduct business during the summertime this year, it may still be that politicians will later elect to shut businesses whenever it is decided the risk of spreading viruses demands another “shutdown.” We’re even told this could go on for years.” Read more


chalk pay rent


Big Tech, Elected Officials Mimicking China’s Surveillance Methods To Police Citizens Amid Pandemic


HIllary obama


“Like A Black Mirror Episode”: Company Laid Off 406 People In 2-Minute Zoom Call



geometry lesson


Another Nazi move by Gestapo Gretchen to jackboot the citizens of Michigan. Just think what she will do to your state if he/she becomes Joe’s running mate!

Whitmer: ‘The Most Important Thing We Can Do’ Is Encourage Everyone to Vote by Mail




Our patriot action plan has something for everyone. If you prefer educating and enlightening in cyber space, then don’t waste another minute of your coronaville lockdown and get to work posting, commenting, and memeing throughout the social medias. Keep in mind that we filled AIM with redpill goodies just waiting for you to grab and share links, videos, memes, research.

If you prefer groundwork, then join a rebel alliance group or start one yourself. Or just show up at a protest in your community. Rebel Alliance also show up IN MASS at any Trump rally. They don’t care if they get in or not; they are showing the world, the huge support Americans have for another four years of President Trump’s agenda.

Make sure to send us your ground reports and share your stories in your social media. The excitement will help others get excited. We can’t wait to see all the Trump fangirls at the next rally…or start early and ‘fan’ away at any local event.

Ground Reports From The Rebel Alliance – What’s Going on in Your State/Region?


badge jewish

X XYZ is paying attention to history repeat itself:

The mandatory mask is now becoming the same as wearing the mandatory yellow star on the sleeve was in another country, in another place and time. Except that this time it is outright authoritarianism.


“The Math Is Not Pretty” – COVID Concerns Spark “Existential Threat” For Many Colleges


bill gates of hell


Message from Gov. Whitmer – SNL. Why are we giving this feminazi so much attention, the comedienne inquires? Because we want to make sure everyone is well aware of her George Soros gestapo tactics so that she is rejected as sleepy Joe’s VP nominee. Remember – whoever winds up as Joe’s nominee is who the DemonRats are positioning as president.

To recap the playing field of contenders: We have Kamala, the Jamaican anchor baby whose family was the biggest slave traders in the Caribbean. Klobacher is just plain michelle obama mikevanilla. Whenever Stacey speaks, her low IQ shows; sorry but those front teeth will be rich content for wicked memes. Don’t take it personally, Stacey; it’s just politics.

No way America is ready for a presidential linebacker in drag so go back to sodomizing Barry Soetoro, Big Mike. We can all agree on that!

That leaves ‘the Scold’, otherwise known as ‘Karen’ Elizabeth Warren. After watching Governor ‘Karen’ Whitmer in action this month, it’s doubtful that America is interested in giving federal power to this type of woman.

Know your Karen meme at https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/karen

warren scold queen

Message from Gov. Whitmer – SNL

hillary kim jong un


Just curious…how do we “flatten the curve” for TDS?

— Lisa Mei Crowley  (@LisaMei62) April 25, 2020


Made in America

Today, Senator Rick Scott introduced the Promoting Responsibility In Markets and E-Retailers (PRIME) Act of 2019 to require online retailers to list the country of origin for each product they sell. Following recent privacy concerns surrounding a popular Russia-based app, the bill also requires digital apps to disclose their country of origin.

Senator Rick Scott said, “We have to get serious about where our money is going. There are nations around the world, like China, that are trying to compete with America. By buying products made by our adversaries, we are sending them money without a second thought and supporting their efforts to compete with us on the global stage. Consumers should know where the products they buy online are made and where the apps they download to their phones are developed. I introduced the PRIME Act to create more transparency in the online retail space so consumers can make informed choices for themselves and their families.” Read more.


jack dorsey garrison twitter.

Introducing interstitial censorship.

Twitter CEO Unveils Feature To “Editorialize” Trump’s Tweets As Election Looms



AIM Patriot Chris sends this image and it doesn’t surprise us as we, too, have experienced missing images from our files – poof just gone. Overnight.

window delete


The Birth of YHWH


AIM Patriot Lex writes:

I am a 66 yrs old alpha male mad as hell that I wasted the most impressionable years of my life and beyond not questioning a damn thing when I should have been questioning absolutely everything….Your information is always enlightening so thank you very much for each and every post.

AIM Patriot Elizabeth has a similar comment:

I am 87. And so very sad, and heartbroken about the lies we have lived with all these years. Thank you for what you do and Michael. Many Hugs

Our Reply: We, too, are appalled at the truth being uncovered the last few months. The scope of this global criminality and evil is overwhelming! Most egregious was to find out that the coup operation on Donald Trump was masterminded and implemented by the Queen and her Privy Council. While their Senior Executive Services shampeachment was failing, they were preparing their next attack on the President, America, and people around the world – the coronavirus attack which came from the Queen’s Pirbright and QinetiQ…just ask Elizabeth Manningham-Buller  and Jonathan Richard Symonds.

Manningham Buller Jonathan Symonds

But here is what should fill every American, and perhaps even you in another country, with RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION. We fought two major world wars to protect our so-called “ally” Great Britain. We sent our young soldiers to fight to protect their freedom and liberty. We sent trillions of dollars over the centuries to help our “allies” through challenging times. We sacrificed on the homeland by rationing, believing, and packing up our boys to the frontline where they spilled their blood to protect our European friend.

All the while, our ally was not our ally…but an enemy to America and the entire world. We are talking about the British Imperial Empire which never stopped its march towards total world domination. From the days of Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner to today with genocidists Bill Gates and Richard Dearlove, the EVIL EMPIRE has always been working behind the shadows to destroy humanity.

white slave tradeThey want it all for themselves. Your children, or your reincarnated self, will be their chattel to work their fields and be their organ, blood, and adrenachrome sources. You will not be permitted to evolve as a human being as they enslave you in their dense, Ahrimanic realm of existence.

They have lied to us since our birth. Their Pilgrims Society history textbooks were propaganda. They told us about “our special relationship” with the Brits, all the while they used Five Eyes to spy on us while Arvinder Sambei and Robert Hannigan kept Robert Mueller and John Brennan on a short leash to destroy the American presidency.

Lex and Liz, in order to save our planet for the glorious, amazing future that awaits us, we must all join together to resist and destroy the EVIL EMPIRE. We call on Rebel Alliance forces everywhere on the planet to gear up and step up. The video below may give you suggestions of how to attack your globalist target.

May the Force be with you.


Now, let’s check in and see how the rebel alliance are doing in the gaming world. Warning: This video, which is an impersonation of President Trump, is filled with trashy language. Enter at your own risk.

Trump Plays Modern Warfare! (Voice Troll)


48 red border

People ask us all the time how we can be sure that we have gathered the 48 spiritual warriors needed to defeat the enemy. “Just do the patriot math”, point out Michael, Douglas, and Tyla. Everyone else that shows up are reinforcements. Wink.

re-elect 45 trump

45 + 3 = 48


war zone


TD_Covfefe_Crusader posts:

I went shopping today and they were playing nonstop “social distancing” propaganda over the intercom. Creepy as f^ck, and adding in all the people with masks on it reminded me of some Orwellian Twilight Zone episode.


et examination


gretchen whitmer clown

fiona hill cartoon.

TrudopesEyebrow says:

Fiona Hill, same face

Come to think of it,

Most democrat women, actively trying to remove the President, look the same

rootGoose adds:

Underlying attitude. It gets out.

Can we really say the resemblance is because of her gargantuan chin or her square face and squinty eyes?


It’s that wicked heart showing through and because it’s so common, artist have been faithfully rendering it for generations.


Fiona Hill giorgio

.fiona hill soros meme

.soros whitmer pig

Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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