Christopher Steele is a BRITISH spy. Who are his British handlers?


geoffrey pattie

The Invisible Enemy

Watch this powerful D-Day salute to Sargent Lambert and then ask yourself why we are protecting the EVIL BRITISH EMPIRE when they continue to destroy the United States from the inside with their SES crown agents and Pirbright coronavirus.


spygate downer

Christopher Steele is a BRITISH SPY. He ain’t Russian, folks, so start asking who were his BRITISH handlers and what was the crown operation. Getting very frustrated with Jim Jordan who is still connecting Steele to Russia. Is Jim going to be another ‘roosterhead”? Jordan knows the truth, but keeps stopping short at Steele.

Is Jim Jordan protecting British and Five Eyes interests?

jim jordan pepeWhy hasn’t Jim Jordan, a representative from the 4th district of Ohio, come public with the vast amount of information we have published about the theft of social media from the Ohio company Leader Technologies? Jim, this is an Ohio company and we haven’t seen you do a damn thing to point out this crime. You haven’t even called Mr. McKibben to hear his story and try to resolve the theft by the Executive Office. A brother from Ohio is left abandoned by Jim Jordan.

And what about all you other turkey-butts in Congress that know the story of Leader Technologies and who have taken advantage of years and years of FREE research that the AFI miners have provided your staff…but yet, nothing. No mention of Leader Technologies. Your silence at this point is DEAFENING.

All the while we have to listen to that fake Republican bloviator Senator Josh Hawley spin one piece of dead-end legislation after another to try and “reign in” the social media companies. He is a shill for the globalist to keep anything from ever going forward in the Senate that might strip the globalists of their power and influence.

Jordan knows what happened to an Ohio inventor and entrepreneur and how critical this theft was for DARPA and the Highlands Group to roll out its surveillance state on the whole world...but he doesn’t push truth forward. He stays in a spin zone. He stays in the safespace of “Christopher Steele worked with Russia.” He contains the swamp to D.C. when we know that it spills across the Big Pond into the CityofLondon.

Here’s an example of Jim Jordan in action. Rep. Jim Jordan: FBI knew Steele dossier ‘was Russian disinformation’. No mention that Steele is a British SPY –  which is highly significant. It is the Brits that attempted to OVERTHROW Donald Trump and then released Pirbright’s patented bioweapon – coronavirus. It all tracks back to the Queen and the invisible enemy hiding under her skirts because they are too chicken-shit to show their faces to the world.


bill gates melinda


branco pelosi

Nancy Pelosi Blocking Investigation into Chinese Coronavirus Origins, Tax Money to Wuhan Lab


This comes from Jazz, one of our Rebel Alliance “watchers” in the UK. SERCO and contact tracing. What could go wrong there?

serco corona


Even the DoD vehemently opposes 5G as it threatens national security…so they say!


DNI to Schiff: The transcripts are ready to release


evolutionYou do understand that not everyone is “going to make it”. Right? Some people are so brainwashed that they will not accept anything less than a vaccination concoction by Bill Gates. They will not look at the ingredients or understand the long-term effects – they just want the shot.

Others will try treatments like hydroxychloroquine and drugs like Remdesivir, but the covidiots will have to have their vaccines. We are fine with that as long as vaccines are “personal request only” and that they are not mandated by authorities, from the school districts to TSA. No Bill Gates poisons in our bloodstream, thank you very much.

A lot of folks won’t make it to the New America. Confused trannies, libtards, and huskies won’t be making babies. Families that have not been paying attention of generations of bad diets will, like the cats in the Pottenger Cat study, lose their ability to reproduce in three generations. We will see increasing problems with fertility from lack of enzymes in our diets, vaccines that literally destroy the reproductive system, and the cultural Marxist social program that rejects traditional family-making. All of these strategies are being used in the Pilgrims Society’s depopulation agenda.

At this point, it is best to make the covidiot patients comfortable as they die off through their own bad choices and lack of consciousness and awareness. They can’t be saved at this point and the rest of us are going to need full attention on rebuilding America.


New York judge gives Joe Biden a new headache in ruling the primary must go on


branco blasey ford

Israel’s Largest Bank, Bank Hapoalim, Admits to Conspiring with U.S. Taxpayers to Hide Assets and Income in Offshore Accounts


A person claiming to be an AIM Patriot, Lauren publishes this article in The Duran:

Fighting the invisible enemy: imperial fascism 2020, not covid-19

COVID-19 is not the time to fight for breadcrumbs and concessions, but the time to fight for revolutionary changes.

julie comment


defund who fooled


Don’t forget this Chinese operative – Dianne Feinstein is a traitor to America. As old as she is, when she is found guilty, she, too, will need to be executed for treason. We must make sure that all those found guilty of the biggest political overthrow attempt ever in human history are properly punished and in a manner that is public and will be held as a historical remembrance of what happens to politicians and attorneys that F*CK with our U.S. Constitution. Stop being a bunch of pussies. Be the information warriors that you are and RELEASE THE KRAKEN OF TRUTH UPON OUR ENEMIES.

Here is the traitorous piece of shit in her own words


How is your governor doing upholding your Constitutional rights? Are you envisioning a few of them dangling from the end of American made hemp rope when they are found guilty of sedition, treason, and/or espionage?

governors constitution


Who Are the Maitreya Buddha and Kalki Avatar?




Back on July 29, 2019 we ran this little video featuring John Ratcliffe. We hope Ratcliffe won’t be protecting the British from their centuries-old silent war against America.

John Ratcliffe takes on the swamp rats


Come on, Jim and Devin. Step up your game. Get us out of the spin zone and start nailing the BRITISH enemies behind the Trump overthrow attempt.

jordan schiff nunes silence giorgio


Virgin Atlantic to cut thousands of jobs and end Gatwick operations – BBC News


Protests Break Out Around the World Against CV-19 Lockdown


social media twitter facebook censorship


There is an agenda going on so put your discernment hat on. Let us know what you think in the comment box.


Pritzker Reveals Five-Phased Plan to Reopen Illinois


Propagandist Tucker Carlson explains the reasons for doubting Tara Reade’s story


corona mask condom


murder hornets 2


murder hornets


murder hornets 3


What’s up with the next false flag?

Murder Hornets’ Arrive In US


hornets are coming


murdering hornets


hornet chart


hornet heads


democrats jail


media corona virus


mr clean


Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany handling stupid question


james comey fbi


What we have been trying to show you at the AIM School of Truth is that homeschooling can be fun. Each Cat Report is a lesson plan and reflection of the day. By working through the lesson plans, AIM students get closer towards ultimate truth of how the world really operates. We are citizens helping one another wake up from decades of brainwashing and programming.

We are all teachers. We are a master teachers Tyla and Douglas Gabriel and you have been students in our homeschool. When teaching is done properly, the student may not even be aware of the presence of the teacher. As Maria Montessori said:

The children are working as though the teacher isn’t there.

Please join us and help educate and enlighten more citizens about the truth of our planet. If we want to bring lasting and real peace to the world, we need to know our enemy and neutralize them.

Education is the antidote to propaganda.

We are all teachers.


bill gates lies


The meme warriors are fine tuning their skills in case Big Mike gets into the ring. It’s ok to say mean things in the Great Information War. Pierce truth words into the enemy so that their heartless hearts tremble with the fear from the great revelations that you AIM at them.

Make your memes sharp and deadly like a Samurai sword. Don’t be shy. Don’t apologize. It’s war. Use every bit of power that the First Amendment allows you…or you will lose it to the Queen’s power grab of the world. If you don’t know how to make memes, them grab a few from the Cat Report and push out. Do it daily. Hit the enemy in their Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages.

This is war. And these are just words. Killer words. Drop your political correctness and start slaying their lies with words of truth. Be like the Kalki Avatar.

michelle transend


Wuhan Virus Watch: Israel Isolates Coronavirus Antibody in ‘Significant Breakthrough’


Governor Gretchen Whitmer reveals her true loyalties and it’s not to the people of Michigan


corona fear covid


Tom Hanks – the paedophile


California Seeks to End Gig Economy, Sues Uber and Lyft Under New State Law


gavin newsom garrison beach corona


hair cut


spirit animal


karen hornet


coronavirus kit


wilson sheep dog


Some of you new AIM readers may be wondering what’s up with all the cats on this site? AIM Patriot John sends in the video below to explain.


Guess what…we have so much material today that we will be pushing out a SECOND Cat Report in the next few hours because we just had too much to put on one report!


Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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