Eustace Millins. (1992). The World Order- Our Secret Rulers, Second Edition, Library of Congress No. 84-082357, Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

Eustace Mullins and the One World Order


We also included a video of Mullins so you could hear him in your own words.


Douglas Gabriel has summarized passages (See Below) from Mullin’s book that are relevant today as we fight the globalists (Pilgrims Society) in their take-over of the world and the extermination of humanity.

Gabriel explains, “The following is an abbreviation of Eustace Mullins ideas found in Chapter 9 of his book. The endless details that support this conclusion are found in the first eight chapters of the book. There are few books that spell out the people and plans of the World Order as well as this one. We have been promoting Mullis ideas, especially the ones concerning taking legal action against the corrupt “Charitable Foundations” that drive America’s political machinery.

We also note that Mullins does not name the Pilgrims Society as the Secret Society behind the World Order – even though our research has demonstrably proven the case. Mullins has repeatedly said in interviews that if a writer were to tell the whole story – the Secret Society would simply murder him as they have ruthlessly killed many others in the past.

Chapter 9

The Rule of the Order


It has taken centuries of patient effort for the World Order to attain the power it exercises today. Its origins as an international force go back to the Phoenician slave-traders, continues through the families of the Byzantine Empire, then the Venetian and Genoese traders and bankers of the Middle Ages, who moved into Spain and Portugal, and later into England and Scotland. By the 14th century, the Genoese controlled the Scottish landlords. The Imperial Family of the Byzantine Empire, the Paleologues were attacked by the Gnostic faction, whose materialistic Aristotelian philosophy was the forerunner of Hegelian dialectic and Marxism.

The Paleologues devoutly believed in the Christian faith, as expressed by the Orthodox Rite. The materialistic Venetian and Genoese armies, with the aid of the Turkish “infidels”, looted and conquered Constantinople, the legendary “City of God.” The Byzantine survivors means “deposit bank”; the Lombards were bankers to the entire Medieval world. Modern history begins with the transfer of their operations north to Hamburg, Amsterdam, and finally to London.

The great American fortunes originated with the Guelph slave trade to the colonies. Many of the slave traders doubled in piracy. Trinity Church, whose leading vestryman later was J. P. Morgan, was originally known as “the church of the pirates.” Captain William Kidd recreated their culture in Russia, with Moscow as “the third Rome.” The plan to destroy the Orthodox Church and its Romanov (new Rome) leader was the hidden goal of the First World War. The victors came away with one billion dollars of the Romanov fortune, after achieving the defeat of their hated enemy, the Orthodox Church.

During the Middle Ages, European power centers coalesced into two camps, the Ghibellines, those who supported the Emperor’s Hohenstaufen family, and the Guelphs, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire. The Pope then allied himself with the Guelphs against the Ghibellines resulting in their victory. All of modern history stems directly from the struggle between these two powers.

The Guelphs, also called the Neri, or Black Guelphs, and Black Nobility, were the Normans who conquered England in the 11th century; the Genoese who backed Robert Bruce in his conquest of Scotland, and who supported William of Orange in his seizure of the throne of England. William’s victory resulted in the formation of the Bank of England and the East India Company, which have ruled the world since the 17th century. Every subsequent coup d’etat, revolution and war has centered in the battle of the Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the World Order.

The Guelphs and Ghibellines

The power of the Guelphs grew through their control of banking and international trade. It was extended through the Italian centers to the north of Florence, in Lombardy, which became great financial centers. All Italian bankers, including the Genoese, the Venetians, and Milanese, were referred to as “Lombards.”

Two of the most powerful influences in the world today are the international drug trade, which began with the East India Co., and international espionage, which began with the Bank of England. The East India Co. was granted a charter in 1600 in the closing days of Queen Elizabeth’s reign. In 1622, under James I, it became a joint stock company. In 1661, in an attempt to retain his throne, Charles II granted the East India Co. the power to make war. From 1700 to 1830, the East India Co. gained control of all India, and wrested the historic monopoly of opium from the Great Moguls.

The East India Co. originated as the London Staplers, was later known as the London Mercers were merchant guilds which held monopolies over certain avenues of commerce. It was a direct offshoot of the commercial banking establishments of northern Italy, Venice and Genoa. Related firms were the German Hansa, and the Hanse of the Low Countries, which was headquartered in Bruges. It was also allied with the Levant Co. and the Anglo-Muscovy Company. Sebastian Cabot, whose descendants are prominent in the American banking and intelligence, raised the seed money for Anglo-Muscovy in Italy and London. The company operated northern overland trade routes from the Baltic to India and China. Other related firms were the London Company, chartered in 1606 to establish The Virginian Plantation on a communistic basis, and the Plymouth Company, whose descendants control the New England business world.

The “City” banks, which dominate American finance and politics (code name for banks for the “City”, financial district of London, CityofLondon), descend directly from East India and Bank of England operations. The Rockefeller Empire is the most prominent scion of this dynasty.

Jeremy Bentham’s business partner was manufacturer Robert Owen, an atheist who taught free love. Like most do-gooders, Owen’s cotton mills in Asia, associated with the East India Co., caused bankruptcies and great misery in India. In 1824, Owen bought Father Rapp’s anabaptist commune in America, Harmonie on the Wabash, renaming it New Harmony. Owen’s associate at New Harmony was Frances (Fanny) Wright, who initiated the practice of free love in America. She also started the Women’s Equal Rights Movement, which was intended to break up families by inciting war between husband and wife. She travelled through the South, preaching the amalgamation of the races, and founded a commune in Tennessee for Negro freedmen. In 1829, she helped found the Workingmen’s Party in New York City, which later became the Communist Party.

The Fabian Society

A principal offspring of the East India Co. was the Fabian Society, founded by Sidney and Beatrice Potter Webb, (whose father, Richard Potter, was a close friend of John Stuart Mill). Beatrice’s sister Georgina married Daniel Meinertzhagen, chairman of Lazard Bros. London; another sister, Theresa, married Sir Alfred Cripps. John Stuart Mill’s father, James, who was with the East India Co., named his son after John Stuart, head of East India Co. John Stuart Mill was secretary of the East India Co. from 1856 until its dissolution.

One of Mill’s most famous disciples, David Ricardo, originated the Theory of Rents, later expounded by the Marxists, and the ‘bare subsistence’ law of wages. His descendant, Rita Ricardo, married to Wesley Campbell, head of the Hoover Institution, advised President Reagan on social security. Robert Owen, promoter of the New Harmony commune, was a principal backer of John Quincy Adams’ Presidential campaign. Adams had withheld support from Madison during the War of 1812, and had threatened secession from the Union. As Secretary of State,  Adams had drafted the Monroe Doctrine, which gave the British East India Co. control of all Latin American markets, while keeping out all of its competitors.

The New England banking and shipping interests controlled by Adams’ group created the Second Bank of the United States by repeated stock speculation campaigns, marked by typical bouts of hyperinflation and sudden deflation, which gave them control of millions of acres of farmlands throughout the Mississippi Valley from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. This gave them enormous political influence in this entire region, allowing them to seed the southern Mississippi Valley with fanatical Secessionists and Abolitionists, whose revolutionary acts made the Civil War inevitable. Owen also coined the term Socialism; he was a business partner of a cotton manufacturer named Engels, whose son later became the partner of Karl Marx in founding the world Communist movement.

Ortega noted the phenomenon of leveling in The Revolt of the Masses, “A hurricane of farcicality, everywhere and in every form, is presently raging over the lands of Europe. Almost all the positions taken up and proclaimed are false ones.”

Ortega was commenting on the most striking phenomenon of the twentieth century, the hegemony of parasitism which was attained through the World Order. It was the Congress of 1815, at Vienna, which unleashed the rats from their nests, nor is it accidental that the Viennese School of Economics has become the principal vehicle through which the World Order maintains its political and financial power.

After crushing Napoleon, the emerging oligarchy, which owed no allegiance to any nation or to any philosophy of life, attained power because it knew how to defeat its foes, the republicans and individualists of Europe; but its foes had no idea how to combat, or even to identify, its cleverly camouflaged enemy, because these people were a biological throwback in the continuing development of humanity. They were persons who were unable to become productive members of any society, and who could exist only by maintaining a parasitic attachment upon a host. Incredibly, they seized upon this striking difference as a sign that they had been chosen to rule all of mankind.

Initially no more than a harmless illusion, this self-deception was transformed into an evidence of “superiority.” Their biological uniqueness, their committal to a parasitic mode of life, became their principal advantage in attaining their goals. They set up techniques of immediately recognizing each other in any part of the world. They resolved to act always cohesively as well-trained and determined phalanx against their unwitting opposition.

They made full use of their qualities of non-allegiance and nonalignment, which was actually enmity, undying hatred towards all nations, races and creeds of the host peoples who tolerated their presence. This freedom from all loyalties and moral codes of the kinds which governed all other groups gave them an enormous tactical advantage over those whom they planned to enslave and destroy.

The conspirators knew that their parasitic way of life would not be long endured by any host. They had to set up a program to subdue and overcome all governments, all religious creeds, all group loyalties, and replace them with their own World Order, which would allow any type of perversion, as long as the host peoples tolerated the presence of the parasite. The old morality had been based upon the duties and responsibilities of the citizen to raise a family, attend church, and support his nation. The “new morality”, the “liberation theology”, swept away all duties of the citizen. He now only had a single duty, to obey the World Order. In return, he was relieved of duties, and was free to gratify his “needs”, his sexual desires, perverted gratifications with children and animals, abandonment of monogamous life. The new morality reduced the citizen to a mere animal, which was what the World Order required in order to perpetuate its parasitic way of life.

Society was now replaced by a mere facade of society. Only one crime would be severely punished — any resistance to the World Order. Murder, rape, arson, armed robbery, incest, child molestation, alcoholism, drug addition, homosexuality – all would be excused as minor aberrations, as long as the World Order was allowed to function without hindrance. One former crime, treason, now vanished, because national loyalties no longer existed. No one was expected to be “loyal” to the World Order, except its own members. The host peoples, the slaves, would never be asked for loyalty-only for obedience.

Despite this new “tolerance”, which was in itself a revolution against the innate moral codes of all peoples, many citizens continued to resist enslavement by the World Order. Famines, riots, revolutions and wars were instigated to get rid of the troublemakers, but a more universal restraint was required. This was found in drugs. In Asia, for centuries assassins had been sent to carry out their duties after being given quantities of drugs. The World Order realized that drugs would provide the means of “behavioral psychology” or people control, which they had been seeking. The opium clippers began to sail from England to the Far East. By pushing drugs among the Asian masses, they stupefied and controlled them, reaping not only a substantial cash flow, but the raw materials needed for their Industrial Revolution.

In the twentieth century, the foundations began to stupefy the European and American population with drugs, the final step in the enthronement of the World Order. They had eradicated the last serious resistance to their program.

All conspiratorial societies for the past thousand years have sought a single goal – hegemony of parasitism. Parasitism’s existential philosophy holds that man is thrown into the world without plan or program. This is the basic concept of parasitism, which finds itself in the world with only one mission; to find a host or perish. Many physicists now claim that the universe is the result of an accidental explosion which threw its components hither and yon, with no plan or order, an atheistic concept which denies that there is either a Logician or Logic to the universe.

Rockefeller Foundation Is A Criminal Enterprise Trying to Destroy the United States and President Trump


The U.S. Congress has specifically chartered many parasitic functions in the philanthropic foundations. These groups now dominate educational and governmental institutions, laying down financial and social goals which are designed solely to maintain the hegemony of parasitism through its World Order. The American foundations are not even run by Americans; their policies are formulated in London by the financiers and transmitted to this country through the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare front – the Tavistock Institute. This is a typical disguised parasitic operation.

Despite its present hegemony, the World Order of parasitism realizes that it is always subject to being dislodged, which, in effect, would mean its destruction. Therefore, it is necessary to control not only the channels of communication of the host, but his very thought processes as well; to maintain constant vigilance that the host does not develop any concept of the danger of his situation, or any power to throw off the parasite. Therefore, the parasite carefully instructs the host that he exists only because of the “benign” presence of the parasite – that he owes everything to the presence of the parasite, his religion, his social order, his monetary system, and his educational system. The parasite deliberately inculcates in the host the fear that if the parasite happens to be dislodged, the host will lose all these things, and be left with nothing.

Although the World Order has control of the legal system and the courts, it remains vulnerable to any enforcement of the pre-existing body of law which the host had formulated to protect his society. This body of law forbids everything that the parasite is doing, and forces the parasite to maintain a precarious existence outside of the law. If the law were to be enforced at any time, the parasite would be dislodged. The existing body of law clearly forbids the operation of criminal syndicates, which is precisely what the hegemony of parasitism and its World Order is.

Criminal syndicalism denies the equal protection of the law to citizens. Only by acting against criminal syndicalism can the state protect its citizens.

Corpus Juris Secundum 16: Constitutional Law 213 (10) states: “The Constitutional guaranty of freedom of speech does not include the right to advocate, or conspire to effect, the violent destruction or overthrow of the government or the criminal destruction of property. The Constitutional guaranty of the right of assembly was never intended as a license for illegality or invitation for fraud – the right of freedom of assembly may be abused by using assembly to incite violence and crime, and the people through their legislatures may protect themselves against the abuse.”

The assembly of any World Order organization, such as the against fraud (their charters claim they are engaged in philanthropy), the Council on Foreign Relations or any foundation, is subject to the laws and enforcement of the laws against criminal syndicalism would end the institutions through which the World Order illegally rules the people of the United States, the illegal conspiracies and the introduction of alien laws into our system by the foundations instructions to Congress.

We have already shown (the previous chapters) that the Rockefeller Foundation and other key organizations of the World Order are “syndicates”, which are engaged in the practice of criminal syndicalism.

Corpus Juris Secundum Criminal Law 185 (10); Conspiracy and Monopolies: “Where the statute makes mere membership in an organization formed to promote syndicalism a crime, without an overt act, this offense is indictable in any county into which a member may go during the continuance of his membership, and this is true although such member comes into a county involuntarily. People v. Johansen, 226 P 634, 66 C.A.343.”

Corpus Juris Secundum Criminal Law section 182 (3) states, “A prosecution for conspiracy to commit an offense against the U.S. may also be tried in any district wherein any overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy is performed. U.S. v.Cohen C.A.N.J. 197 F 2d 26.”

Thus a publication by the Council on Foreign Relations promoting the stripping of sovereignty of the United States of America, mailed into any county of the U.S.; the county authorities can bring the Council on Foreign Relations, or any member therein, to trial in that county, and any action by any member of the Council on Foreign Relations in the past is admissible as evidence, such as starting World War II, subsidizing the Nazi Government, or subsidizing the USSR.

Criminal syndicalism can also be prosecuted according to Corpus Juris Secundum 46, Insurrection and Sedition: section 461 (c): “Sabotage and syndicalism aiming to abolish the present political and social system, including direct action or sabotage is illegal. Thus any program of a foundation which seeks to abolish the present political or social system of the United States can be prosecuted. Of course every foundation program seeks to accomplish just that, and is indictable. Present members of the organization in their capacity as members is admissible to show its character. People v. LaRue 216 P 627 C.A. 276.”

Thus testimony about John Foster Dulles financing the Nazi Government of Germany, his telegram starting the Korean War, and other evidence can be used to indict any member of the Rockefeller Foundation in any state or locality in which the Rockefeller Foundation has ever been active in any way. Since these organizations are all closely interlocked, and there is so much available evidence of their illegal operations, it will be relatively simple to obtain criminal convictions against them for their criminal syndicalist operations.

Not only individuals, but any corporation supporting criminal syndicalism can be prosecuted, according to Corpus Juris Secundum, 46 462b, Criminal Syndicalism: “Statutes against criminal syndicalism apply to corporations as well as to individuals organizing or belonging to criminal syndicalist society; evidence of the character and activities of other organizations with which the organization in which the accused is a member is affiliated is admissible.”

Not only can the members of the World Order be arrested and tried anywhere, since they function worldwide in their conspiratorial activities to undermine and overthrow all governments and nations, but because their organizations are so tightly interlocked, any evidence about any one of them can be introduced in prosecuting any member of other organizations in any part of the U.S. or the world. Their attempts to undermine the political and social orders of all peoples make them subject to legal retribution. The People of the U.S. must begin at once to enforce the statutes outlawing criminal syndicalist activities, and bring the criminals to justice.

Being well aware of their danger, the World Order is working frantically to achieve even greater dictatorial powers over the nations of the world. They constantly intensify all problems through “foundations”, so that political and economic crises prevent the peoples of the world from organizing against them. The World Order must paralyze its opponents.

In 1984, as these words are written, we are observing the “Year of 1984.” George Orwell’s book, written in 1949, was thought to be only a warning against what was to come. It was not a warning. 1984 is the Program! Orwell, a lifelong Socialist, fought for many days in the front lines for the Communists in Spain. He was wounded, but this did not lessen his dedication to the goals of World Socialism. Orwell laid down the dictum that slogans must be in Newspeak: “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.” This is the program of the hegemony of parasitism through the World Order.

Orwell posited three super-states, Eurasia, Oceania, and Eastasia, “permanently at war in one combination or another.” He continues, “War, however, is no longer the desperate annihilating struggle that it was in the early decades of the 20th century. It is a warfare of limited aims, between combatants who are unable to destroy one another, have no material cause for fighting, and are not divided by a genuine ideological difference. There is no longer in a material sense anything to fight about. The balance of power will always remain roughly even, and the territory which forms the heartland of each super-state always remains inviolate.  (The present writer has pointed out that the CIA does not commit sabotage in Russia, and the KGB does not commit sabotage in the U.S.) The primary aim of modern warfare (in accordance with the principle of “doublethink”, the aim is simultaneously recognized and not recognized by the directing brains of the Party) is to use up the products of the machine without raising the general standard of living. The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor. The two aims of the party are to “conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought.”

Unfortunately for the megalomaniac plans of the minions of the World Order, they are fighting a losing battle. Time is running out for them. Their world order, which they tried to revive by hastily terming it “a new world order”, is slowly collapsing, speeded in its demise by the rapid increase in communications, the computer, television, and other factors of modern life. The World Order, which has always been based upon naked force, worked best in the pre-Industrial Age. Because it depends on planning and total control of the economy.

World Order programs are too inflexible to survive in the fast moving world of today. Within the next several years, if not, indeed, in the next few months, we shall see an exasperated and aroused public complete what has already taken place in the Communist satellites and in Soviet Russia, the final dismantling of the Communist system of the World Order in the United States itself. This is not romanticism or optimism; it is the result of many years of studying present developments, and of a realistic assessment of the prospect before us. It will be a very rewarding one, except for the parasites whose curse on humanity will at last be removed.

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