Trump is building up to a Perry Mason moment


The buzz in the internet today is that the President went golfing. The propaganda media and Biden are committing major crimes in broad daylight for all to see, and President Trump gets some fresh air and exercise. They have to be freaking out right now!

Watch the video below to see his amazing strength and confidence. Years of careful planning…counter attack incoming. They will never know what hit them.


Trump Takes Pictures With Supporters At Wedding – Shows Confidence While Media Celebrates Biden

U.S. House of Reps. Archives Electoral College historical fact sheet.

Bottom line: Next President is officially declared by President of Senate, i.e. Vice President of U.S., on January 6.

In other words, fake news or anyone else prematurely “declaring” Biden President is propaganda.

“Since the mid-20th century, on January 6 at 1:00 pm before a Joint Session of Congress, the Vice President opens the votes from each state in alphabetical order.

He passes the votes to four tellers—two from the House and two from the Senate—who announce the results. House tellers include one Representative from each party and are appointed by the Speaker.

At the end of the count, the Vice President then declares the name of the next President.”


Stock up now for the big celebration.



Trump is building up to a Perry Mason moment




Democrats Ensnared by Trump’s Secret Election Strategy













What incredible abs you have!