Arizona State Rep Issues Call to Withhold State’s Electoral College Votes to Joe Biden Due to Significant Evidence of Fraud


Patriots, please circulate this image throughout your downline.

This image retweeted by Sidney Powell.


Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs certifies general election results



AZ Sec. of State Katie Hobbs takes money from foreign governments and George Soros

…then adds 35,000 votes to all democrat candidates.



Watch Arizona Hearing on RSBN 


Arizona State Rep Issues Call to Withhold State’s Electoral College Votes to Joe Biden Due to Significant Evidence of Fraud


Pictured below: Moss growing on oak trees in the Deep South.

Not that anyone would care about my upbringing in the Deep South (Dothan, Birmingham, Tallahassee, and Pensacola) and other places in Florida that aren’t really “Deep South”, more like ‘Up North’ relocated South. My daddy who you already know as my redneck daddy who sold housewares and hardwares to grocery stores chains – Piggly Wiggly, Winn Dixie, Sav-a-Stop, and the IGAs – was what people around those parts called a “super salesman.”

Everyone loved “FSU Skip” and his salesman sample bag had these words in bright neon letters (yes, it was very tacky) glued to it as he was proud of his alma mater – Florida State University. He was so good at selling that he couldn’t help but become more successful, year after year. His favorite book, which was required reading for his children when they were in high school, was Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. Later, he would drive a Mercedes which, in the early 70s was a big deal where we lived, but he always parked it carefully out-of-site of the buyers’ office window. Inside, he wore tattered brown loafers with thinning heels and carried his “FSU Skip” bag, looking like a poor old country boy just trying to make a living.

The family inside joke is that we were always trying to sell something – whether it was pots and pans, religion (preachers), or country (politicians). In the summers, I would travel around with Daddy, from one country store to another, where he would go inside to meet with the buyer, and I would sit in a hot, steamy car, as it is quite humid in the Deep South in the summer, waiting for him to return.

He would leave the radio on to keep me company and it was always tuned to a country or gospel channel, where he would proclaim: “Listen to the words in country music. They have deep meaning.”

In honor of all the hot summer days I spent traveling with FSU Skip who taught me everything I know about selling, here’s one of our favorites, Merle Haggard, that we played the first of December for as long as he lived.

Merle Haggard – If We Make It Through December

Told you so:


LLinWood tweets and Sidney Powell retweets: Dominion + Kemp + Raffensperger = Foreign Interference With U.S. Election. Do you think lawyers for @BrianKempGA & @GaSecofState are advising clients on potential prison terms or is it just me?


Staten Island – Mac’s Public House – More FINES! Original $15,000 Fine Voided, THE BATTLE HEATS UP!

Fla. Cops Remove Eight Concerned Moms From School Board Meeting For Refusing to Wear the Face Mask

Los Angeles County Banned Outdoor Dining. There’s Zero Evidence It Spreads COVID-19.


The tweet


UNLEASH HUMANITY. (March 5, 2021. Production note. YouTube Big Brother doesn’t want you to view this important information, so they have censored this video.)

The tweet


Soon their ugly faces and horrific deeds will be a part of truth history books.




Mutual Maskerbation



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