You’ve been robbed. Paper Money has lost 98% of its value since 1913



How y’all doing out there, spreading the good word about SILVER and TRUTH? Hyperinflation is already ramping up and you will want to protect your wealth by putting your hard earned money somewhere safe. Silver and gold are two safe havens. Have you checked your coin store for supply lately? How about your favorite bullion dealer? If they are out of silver, consider gold.

For the last few years, we have documented massive corruption in Washington and the world. You know how bad it is. On top of that, we have a do-nothing Supreme Court and runaway spending by the DemonRats, while the globalshits are trying to destroy America with communism so that the British-American Pilgrims can take over the world.

If we all work together as a global community, each person doing what he or she can at the local level, we can squeeze their wealth from their evil hands by doing what’s in our individual best interest, protecting our family and fortune by buying and holding real money.


Email sent to Scottsdale Mint customers. Every ounce removed from the physical, retail market is a silver bullet into your favorite bankster, politician, or globalshit.


Microsoft Forms Ministry of Truth


Well, this article explains a lot.  Bill Gates can’t do math. The most idiotic, sinister billionaire on the planet (except for Klaus Schwab) and his manwife looks like a husky (no offense to the dogs). Weren’t the original Gates executed somewhere in India for murdering children with their bioweapon vaccines? 

“Globalists, Communists, And Satanists—Oh My!”


Michael Burry Slams “Out Of Touch, Rich White Man” Bill Gates



LA Schools To Launch Microsoft COVID-Tracking App So Children Can Attend Classes


Dr. David Martin Speaks Out On The State Of Emergency

What’s your take on what’s happening with the virus right now?

“Let’s start with I don’t think something’s happening with the virus right now. I think this is a very significant criminal operation, which is an act of terrorism. I think that’s what this is. The reason why I think that is because I’ve been monitoring since 1999. In 1999, we noticed that for the first time, the United States officially started funding work to what effectively was amplified biological toxins. They used the Coronavirus model as a way to do that. From 1999 to 2002, there was an explicit program to figure out how to get the coronavirus, which historically has been a nuisance to humans but not a big problem. It’s been a big problem to animals.”


FUNVAX: Globalist Plot to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine Exposes Shocking Satanic Conspiracy



In February 2020, we uploaded this video (inside the headline link below) and it was promptly removed by VIMEO and our channel banned. We have re-uploaded to GAB and to Truthbits so that you can share with your network. You will find the raw audio files inside so that you can upload to your own video platform. GAB links are also included to share on your social media.

Q is for the Queen’s Qinetiq


Michigan Begins Passing Election Integrity Bills: ‘A Lot of Things We Need to Change’

Supreme Court Rejects Sidney Powell’s Lawsuits Challenging Election Results In Wisconsin, Arizona

Nullify! Chapter 4: The Principles of ’98 from Thomas Jefferson and James Madison


Once a globalist pig, always a globalist pig. Nikki Haley is a non-essential politician. Nikki Haley Attempts To Gain Back MAGA Favor, Showcases Her Conniving Decepticon Nature


“An Eye-Popping Decline” – US Mall Values Crash By A Record 60% In 2020

Joe Biden Revokes Trump’s Order Requiring Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings

VIDEO What are the black flags at the US Capitol and why are there so many buses around the Congress?

Media’s MeTooing of Andrew Cuomo Is Really About Protecting Four Democrat Governors


The Genealogy of the Antichrist

King Felipe VI, son of Juan Carlos. These two buffoons claim the lineage of Jesus Christ and have plans to actually pronounce father or son as the ‘Second Coming of Christ’. What a bunch of materialistic, satanic hogwash! They can’t wait to get Damascus bombed so they can make their grand appearance on the world stage as the Second Coming of Christ, when they are more like Ahriman, or the anti-Christ.

Our upcoming research will show a connection between Klaus Schwab, the Swiss Templars, the Vatican, and the kings from the lucky sperm club.

We will also explain why the pedophile Prince Charles makes the same claim as Felipe and Carlos.

They claim that THEY are the rightful heirs of the Earth and are the direct lineage of Jesus Christ…but Tyla says wait, wait… I, too, can (as can many people) prove lineage back as far as you three. PLUS I hold a very special spear whose resonance brought it to my doorstep in a lovely UPS package because ‘likes attract likes’ even if the event spans two millennia. What blood relic do you hold, fake Second Comers?

Sorry, dudes, this CENTURY brings in the DIVINE FEMININE energy which is all about planetary peace and prosperity without old white kings and popes ruling over us, raping and murdering our children, running nonstop wars, and hoarding the Earth’s wealth.

King Felipe VI is positioning himself to proclaim that he is the heir of Jesus Christ and has DIVINE RIGHT to rule the world. Soon, the Jesuit Pope will proclaim him as such.




George Gammon on Mortgage Rates Set To Explode! Will Housing Market Crash? After listening to this, you will have another reason to hold silver and gold.


Comical Yellen Says Everything Is Fine As Inflation Tsunami Approaches.



Mitt Romney knocked unconscious, suffers black eye during fall


The “Black Eye” Club


Why Do So Many Politicians and Celebrities Have Black Eyes?



This ad from a Michigan newspaper.


This poster from Russia. Squeeze Silver = Сжать серебро or Серебряное сжатие


How to Melt Down .999 Fine Silver Shot Into Shiny 10 Gram Silver Rounds.


150 seconds of kitten cuteness


Gab with the Gabriels