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Thorium Energy Technology Can Free the World from Nuclear Poisons Today

The power point presentation (below) is provided by American Intelligence Media contributor Condor. We have placed the slides on YouTube as you see in the links below, but also offer these as individual slides so that you can enlarge and read the details.

Notes and answers to questions from author Condor:

Answer from Condor: 

You are correct.  The very Navy Man who oversaw that project was Milton Shaw. Once Congressman Chester Holifield, gained control of Admiral Rickover, through future promotions, Holifield requested the transfer of Milton Shaw over to the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in 1964/65, to oversee the Deep State’s agenda (i.e. the sabotage of the nuclear program).

AEC Chairman Dixy Lee Ray, disclosed in her biography (Is It True What They Say About Dixy, Chapter 7, The Nuclear Adventure Begins, page 99)  her shock and surprise when the outgoing AEC Chairman and future CIA Director, Schlesinger, in January, 1973, in a naked moment of candor, exclaimed to Commissioner Dixy Lee Ray, “It’s no big deal. They haven’t built anything for so long, they have forgotten how to…and anyway, the breeder’s not important.”

This was Schlesinger’s response when she informed him Milton Shaw was a screw-up and she intended to expel him from AES but was hearing he was so important to the very expensive and complicated Metal Cooled Breeder program.  Unfortunately, Dr. Alvin Weinberg had already been ordered to take a leave of absence (and not to return) from the GALT program.  It appears, Dixy never learned of the highly successful secret GALT program.  If she had, Dixy could have finally put the pieces of the puzzle together and report her findings to President Nixon.

If Dixy had learned of GALT she would have rightly concluded “Metal Cooled Breeder” reactor research was selected to kill Weinberg’s Geothermal Atmospheric Liquefied Thorium (GALT) chemical reactor technology.  The elites knew the Metal Cooled Breeder reactor would never come to completion, but they could not outright select the inferior Pressurized Light Water Reactor fuel by uranium openly.  The expensive (over $8 billion) Metal Cooled Breeder was developed as the Global elite’s Trojan Horse.  While everyone was ordered to pay attention to the Trojan Horse, GALT was sacked and hidden and padlocked.  Ultimately, as Doctor Weinberg had warned, the nuclear power industry imploded with an inferior bait & switch of technologies with the Three-Mile Island accident in 1979.

To read more about thorium technology, we recommend these articles:

Thorium: An Energy Solution

Thorium: Energy Cheaper than Coal


Ayn Rand Educates Phil Donahue on Free Market Economics

Thorium and the Future of Nuclear Energy




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