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The True Back Story Of The Missing 13th Amendment

The Missing 13th Amendment

Time for a history lesson and a deep dive into the United States Constitution. Read the full article above in the headline link above or sit back and listen to Headlines with a Voice read the article along with pictures and images. Whatever learning style works best for you, do what you can to understand the significance of the Thirteenth Amendment and why its exclusion benefits the globalists.

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The Missing Amendment, pt. 1

In the winter of 1983, archival research expert David Dodge, and former Baltimore police investigator Tom Dunn, were searching for evidence of government corruption in public records stored in the Belfast Library on the coast of Maine. By chance, they discovered the library’s oldest authentic copy of the Constitution of the United States (printed in 1825


Was It Ratified? What Does It Mean?, pt. 2

The story of this “missing” Amendment is complex and at times confusing because the political issues and vocabulary of the American Revolution were different from our own. However, there are essentially two issues: What does the Amendment mean? and, Was the Amendment ratified? Before we consider the issue of ratification, we should first understand the Amendment’s meaning and consequent current relevance


Don’t Bank On It, pt. 3

To understand the meaning of this “missing” 13th Amendment, we must understand its historical context — the era surrounding the American Revolution. We tend to regard the notion of a constitutional republic as benign, harmless, and politically unremarkable.


Bankers Own the Earth, pt. 4

The essence of banking was once explained by Sir Josiah Stamp, a former president of the Bank of England: “The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born …


Constitution Prohibits Paper Money, pt. 6

If the colonists forgot the lessons of goldsmith bankers, the American Revolution refreshed their memories. Congress authorized the printing of continental bills of credit in an amount not to exceed $200,000,000. The States issued another $200,000,000 in paper notes. …


U.S. Senators in Cahoots w/ Britain Since 1794, pt. 7

A few examples of attempts by the monarchies and banks that almost succeeded in destroying the United States: According to the Tennessee Laws, in the 1794 Jay Treaty, the United States agreed to pay 600,000 pounds sterling to King George III, as reparations for the American …


Out-Foxed by Euro Bankers, pt.8

The Jeffersonians opposed the United States Bank from the beginning, but the Federalists (the pro-monarchy party) won-out and it was established. The initial capitalization was $10,000,000 — 80% of which would be owned by foreign bankers. …


Rare Book Reveals Plans for Coup, pt. 9

There are undoubtedly other examples of the monarchy’s efforts to subvert or destroy the United States; some are common knowledge, others remain to be disclosed to the public. For example, David Dodge discovered a book called “2 VA LAW” in the Library of Congress Law Library. …


Titles of Nobility Legitimize Crime, pt. 10

In seeking to rule the world and destroy the United States, bankers committed many crimes. Foremost among these crimes were fraud, conversion, and plain old theft. To escape prosecution for their crimes, the bankers did the same thing any career criminal does. …


Constitution Prohibits the IBA, pt. 11

In Colonial America, attorneys trained attorneys but most held no “title of nobility” or “honor”. There was no requirement that one be a lawyer to hold the position of district attorney, attorney general, or judge; a citizen’s “counsel of choice” was not restricted to a lawyer; there were no state or national bar associations. …


No Free Pass, pt. 12

The missing Amendment is referred to as the “title of nobility” Amendment, but the second prohibition against honor, may be more significant. …


Never Before in World History, pt. 13

If the missing 13th Amendment were restored, special interests and immunity might be rendered unconstitutional. The prohibition against “honors” (privileges) would compel the entire government to operate under the same laws as the citizens of this nation.


Feds Say Amendment Never Ratified, pt. 14

Senator George Mitchell of Maine and the National Archives concede this 13th Amendment was proposed by Congress in 1810. However, they explain that there were seventeen states when Congress proposed the “title of nobility” Amendment; that ratification required the support of thirteen states, but since only twelve states supported the Amendment, it was not ratified. …










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