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Barr Releases Statement

Barr Releases Letter



Jim Jordan says ‘release it all,’ not just the Mueller report


Trump on Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  Prompted at 17:50


No Collusion No Obstruction



Britain Readying for Brexit or Staging for War?

“More than 10,000 military personnel, 35 warships, 5 submarines and 59 aircraft and helicopters from 13 countries will take part in Exercise Joint Warrior until 11 April.

The aim of Joint Warrior is to allow the UK’s Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force and their allies to conduct joint operations involving different forces and units and against a range of current and future threats.”


Propaganda media is not going to tell you that fake news and the Queen’s Privy Council are the enemies of the people of the world.

The Monarch has been using propaganda on the world’s people for over 100 years. It was part of Cecil Rhodes’ 200 year plan to take over the world. If you did not know this, then your brainwashing was complete. No need to feel embarrassed about your condition and AIM Cats offer education and enlightenment to help you awaken from your slumber.

Keep in mind that when someone is aroused from a hypnotic condition, it is natural for them to express anger, frustration, sadness, and/or loss. Be gentle with them.


Were YOU a victim of media false narratives? Do you suffer from cognitive dissonance, Trump Derangement Syndrome, or impeachment fever? These conditions may not be your fault. Seek an attorney who can help you sue fake news for your pain and suffering. Get in now while they still have money to pay out large settlements.

The Media’s Role in Pushing The False Russian Collusion Conspiracy



Note to AIM Cats: If anyone here can contact George, please do. Ask him if he would like to have a Skype conversation with Douglas – one that we can share with all of you on our YT channel. Wouldn’t that be a mind-blowing conversation for everyone?


WTF? Justice Brett Kavanaugh is going to teach a summer class in England for 6 weeks this summer? Is this when the British Privy Council indoctrinates a U.S. Supreme Court justice in how the world really operates under the rule of the Monarchy?

….and guess where Justice Neil Gorsuch will be going? ITALY!! Is this where he goes for the Vatican-Knights of Malta indoctrination and payoffs?

….Could this be where United States judges go to get their offshore bank account codes and instructions from the the overlords of Earth?

…. Why aren’t United States justices, since they have all this free time and goodwill, teaching in AMERICA for the summer? Why are they going abroad? AIM cats smell a nest of rats.


LTNPC – Cognitive Dissonance



Our Turn? – President Trump’s Declassification Arsenal





Thierry Baudet’s FvD Victory Speech (English Subtitles)



AIM Patriot David V. writes:

The Blue Skies above the capital of SC returned This past Fri and Sat. Then this morning THEY are spraying us with a fury again. I’ve had it writing the White House many times about POTUS doing something because, either he’s not getting the message, or it’s not a priority! T

hey don’t even write back! Can’t he see them as he looks out of window on AF #1! I only write here because I’m at my wit’s end and am hoping that AIM power can get cracking here with our collective imagination so all these chemtrail planes flying all over America will soon be grounded even if it means shooting some of them down! My wife and I will get yellow vests, make a chemtrail sign, and stand at our state capital at noontime on a Saturday soon!


Our reply: If you are looking at the sky full of these white trails and not asking WHAT are they? WHO is doing this to us? WHY are we being sprayed on like cockroaches?  …… then you could be suffering from cognitive dissonance.



Just the average Joe on the street telling you how he perceives John Podesta and Obama’s visit to New Zealand.
REALIST NEWS – Now Obama is called to New Zealand – Uh Oh – PANIC in DC?


5G NUTCASE: FCC Pitchman Demanded Buildout Now, No More Studies Necessary Before 5G Rollout (Video)


2.3 Million At Risk of Identity Theft Due to FEMA Negligence




Trust the Universe


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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Jacob Engels is a pathetic reporter and Gateway Pundit is FAKE NEWS.