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The FBI-Mueller-Sambir/Sambei Connection Exposed

Mueller Sambei.jpg

Oops…they forgot to add Mueller’s coup d’etat partner in crime Arvinder Sambei to their cozy little group below. She was directing Mueller and his council behind the scenes.

The FBI-Mueller-Sambir/Sambei Connection Exposed

40 FBI Agents Couldn’t Find Crime in their Own Workplace!

You know…those 40 FBI agents that cannot find major crimes and treason right under their own roof!! If 40 professional FBI agents can’t find crime within their own ranks, how are they serving the American people? What we see is a very clear picture: The FBI only exists to protect the criminals in the swamp. It must be closed down and its operations scattered to 50 states. Centralization of power leads to ultimate corruption.


Just heard MSNBC pays Rachel Maddow $7 mil a year. The average salary for a garbage truck driver is $40,000. Why is delivering garbage worth 175 times more than hauling it away?

— Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) April 4, 2019


Information warriors know that this is an information war and, straight out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, we give the left a dose of its own ammunition.

  •  Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. 

Using Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals again, Garrison cartoon below demonstrates another action to take against the opposition:

  • Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.



Kamala Harris wants Dreamers to work in Congress

Of course, Kamala is pushing this. She is an anchor baby, herself! She needs to legitimize her citizenship status for her presidential run. We keep asking where is her proof that she is a US citizen. Unless, she can provide proof that her parents were US citizens at the time of her birth, Kamala is ineligible for the presidency.

See our post: Kamala Harris is not black and she is an anchor baby.


Does Biden’s excuse (click here to watch) pass the sniff test? Why no mention of the little girls he sniffs, fondles, and grooms?


Don’t Forget Joe Biden Exposed Himself to Female Secret Service Agents


Meet Yasmine Taeb:

An Illegal from Iran whose family invaded America & is running as a Democratic candidate for State Senate in Virginia’s 35th District for the 2019 election

Taeb & her family made their way to Mexico & climbed through a hole in the fence at the southern border

— Amy Mek (@AmyMek) April 3, 2019


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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Jacob Engels is a pathetic reporter and Gateway Pundit is FAKE NEWS.