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Everything points to the likelihood that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been replaced with a double

Everything points to the likelihood that Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been replaced with a double

This is so outrageous that Supreme Court justices are permitting this hoax to go on. The position of a Supreme Court justice is not a “franchise” where the human is interchangeable with another human.

After you see the evidence that paulmuaddib61 has compiled, we must demand proof of life of Ruth and if a “Ruth” is presented to us, we must insist that she be examined medically to determine if she is the actual Ruth Ginsberg (DNA, blood tests, whatever) and whether she is mentally fit to perform her duties.

Aren’t you getting tired of this BS? If we find that the justices are in on this hoax, we will hold them all responsible. They will then need to be tried for treason. We the People put them on notice. Keep an eye out for any and all suspicious activities at the Supreme Court.


Patriot Candace Owens rips into globalist Rep. Ted Lieu


White House To TARGET Illegal Alien Money Transfers Out of U.S.


Pentagon awards first border wall contracts for diverted funds



Former Medical Director of Cleveland Clinic Speaks Out After Being Fired for Questioning Flu Vaccine




The Walrus goo goo g’joob

DOJ Watchdog Scrutinizing FBI Informant Who Made Contact With Trump Campaign


Finally…..the info about the Brit involvement in the attempted OVERTHROW of Donald Trump is beginning to take off in the lamestream media. Even information laggards are talking about Stefan Halper.

We can’t wait until they get to the movie climax where the viewer realizes that it wasn’t just treasonous Senior Executive Services operatives attempting to spy and overthrow Donald Trump in the most historic coup in all history…..

…..but that behind American traitors lurk an even greater enemy of America. The British Monarchy.

As our readers know, the Brits (specifically, under the direction of the Privy Council) meddled in U.S. elections. When their gal Hillary didn’t win, Sir Richard Dearlove got his knickers in a knot and sent in Hannigan to set up the spy operations on Trump.

This is called espionage.

To make sure the Trump Tower meeting was coordinated with insider Brit Rob Goldstone, the Queen’s gal Alison Saunders met with Bruce and Nellie Ohr at their home for dinner four days before the Trump Tower meeting – perhaps making sure the Queen’s instructions and money (probably a nice offshore account for the Ohrs) were hand delivered to the treasonous couple whose son Michael  (who works at the U. S. copyright office) will now have to live as the son of the biggest traitors in American history…at least until we snag Mueller and the gang.

When the Trump Tower spying failed, the Privy Council worked behind the scenes to fast track a special council with Robert Mueller who was handled and overseen stateside by his long time British associate from the 911 coverup days – Arvinder Sambei.


Barr Confirms Multiple Intel Agencies Implicated In Anti-Trump Spy Operation.



Mnuchin, Maxine Waters get into fiery exchange over length of hearing


Socialists vs Warlord Bankers:

Wall Street Leaders Face Off With Maxine Waters & AOC In House Hearing Battle Royale


But…but…but what about the warmongering banksters who need the business of terror, war, and destruction to keep their cash flowing? Humanity is waking up and enough people know about false flags and propaganda to keep the banksters from doing what they always do when there is fiscal uncertainty for them – create disasters, war, terror, financial crashes…same old playbook.

Proponents of Ending U.S. Wars See Growing Momentum in Washington


In Push to ‘Drain the Swamp,’ Trump Campaign Implements Rigorous Ethics, Transparency Standards for Staff, Consultants



Here’s What Everyone Can Do to Stop 5G


5G Wireless Warfare Explained (Video)


Farage Says New Brexit Party Will Spark “A Political Revolution” And Terrify The Tories


We need proof of life. Where is Julian Assange? The Conclave kitties haven’t seen Embassy Cat since October 2017


Documents Detailing Google’s ‘News Blacklist’ Show Manual Manipulation Of Special Search Results


Where the spiritual world is concerned the first essential is that we should develop thoughts about it. And even if it seems as though the dead were remote, while present life is near and close at hand, the very fact that we have such thoughts as have been described to-day, that we let our mind dwell on things seemingly remote from external life — this very fact uplifts and develops the soul, imparts to it spiritual force and spiritual nourishment.

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 182 – The Dead Are With Us – Nuremberg, 10th February 1918


Gold & Basel 3: A Revolution That Once Again No One Noticed


What is Basel 3?


Minneapolis cop Mohamed Noor convicted of murder of white woman….all this in the land of Sharia Law pusher Rep. Omar Ilhan!


Learn more and fine tune your skills!


Twitter removes Trump video for use of ‘Dark Knight’ score


The People’s Champion This one is aging very nicely.


AIM Patriot Connie wrote with this question regarding the email service: “I have about 10 years of wonderful letters..and emails in Yahoo.”

Our Reply: Of course you don’t have to give up your Yahoo account, Connie. You can keep those treasured letters in your Yahoo account for as long as Yahoo is around. Then open a second box at and over time your friends will catch on — just like moving from a physical location and address. People will move with you.

But if you want to transfer them, Mike says that you might check to see if Yahoo has a backup/archive feature that will prepare some sort of archive zip file with your messages in *.eml format. That is a universal archiving format. You needs to first download that archive to your computer.


Is the Aether Element the Key to Unlocking the Secret of the Universe?


To learn more about the ethers, we recommend Douglas Gabriel’s book The Eternal Ethers, A Theory of Everything. We offer a print version for those that like the classical look and feel of a handheld book. We also offer a free PDF version.

The next step in our amazing journey takes us into areas of science and spirit that fake science keeps from us because of its amazing capacity to free humans from enslavement to a ruling class of petro warlord bankers, brokers, and monarchs.

The Gabriels have been writing and lecturing about black holes and ion jets for awhile, as many of you will know. It’s a great day that science has proven this fact.

Eventually, science will catch up with us about the ethers!


AIM Patriot Ron (who is a Nam-Vet doctor) writes POTUS:

Dear President Trump, the people of the world badly need to be STOPPED these incessant, genocidal, geo-engineering, “Chem Trails” spraying, which have slowly been poisoning the air above all of us for decades. But you, sir, have our brilliant military people, who are motivated to protect us and their own children and families, by pulling a “Sting” operation attack like this: Simultaneously across the globe, suddenly grab a big number of these CHEM-TRAIL BASES and their planes!

Then (before the msm news is aware) open up to the people of the world many Disneyland-like “Chem-Trail Land” exhibitions of what’s been going on over their heads! Show the people in each country: an exhibit of the patents, the contracts, the science, interviews with pilots, and walk slowly through the planes viewing the actual tanks, hoses, valves, spray-nozzles, and of course videos of the effects on trees, animals, humans, etc.

People will LINE UP FOR MILES to SEE what’s been going on over their heads, causing much of this illness and havoc in our world! The people of our country and of the world will thank you and the Lord for revealing the Truth!


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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Jacob Engels is a pathetic reporter and Gateway Pundit is FAKE NEWS.