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So much WINNING — Don’t stop Mr. President!

So much WINNING — Don’t stop Mr. President!


The Corruption and Influence of Jessie K Liu

Jessie K. Liu is in Place to Protect the Unelected Senior Executive Service (SES) Secret Government


“Trump brilliantly applied the fourth of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” And now we see liberals across the country suddenly decrying illegals.” Source

NIMBY Cher taking her medicine.


Posters say that this is an aerial view of Cher’s house. We don’t know if it is or isn’t, but whoever owns this Malibu house has plenty of room to welcome foreign invaders. The tennis court alone could be used for a dozen tent families. And that pool will be a great place for communal bathing. Love your generous spirit, Cher!


Does this guy still have his security clearance?



Calling all AIM patriots in the UK to get the word out that we need patriots like this to step up and get involved in saving your nation.

My Campaign to become an MEP for South West England


We don’t often post Steve Pieczenik, but when we do, you can be sure that the Conclave approved the message. We, too, have been telling you that Andrew Marshall and the Highlands Forum Group are very bad for America and the world. The secretive NEOCON group must be disbanded for its decades-long anti-American activity.

This secret cabal in Washington has wreaked havoc and war around the world for decades. Millions have been murdered and maimed because of Andrew Marshal, Henry Kissinger, and the Highlands Forum.

Andrew Marshall – rot in hell


U.N. Strategically Positioned in Mexico


5G alters the DNA future of all living species


Donald Trump Re-Election Campaign Raises $30 Million in First Quarter

Keep up the pressure on the establishment wing of the GOP. Give your MAGA campaign donations directly to and NOT to the Ronna Romney-led Republican party which supports globalists like Uncle Mitt Romney (and his election rigging machines), Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham, Joni Ernst, Corey Gardner, Richard Burr, daughter-of-demon-Dick Liz Cheney and all the Koch Brothers – Chamber of Commerce candidates in the cesspool called the Republican National Party. See 25 top RINOs.

As the Demonrats try to figure out who among them can win 2020, let’s start cleaning up our own ‘party house’ by ridding the RNC of the RINO, globalist puppets that have been using patriot donations to win elections, then turning around and voting against our protection and security by not funding the southern border. Bypass all donations to the RNC and give directly to MAGA candidates.



The Nationalist Populist FINNS PARTY Makes MASSIVE Gains in Stunning Victory


‘Sharia Law’ Rashida Tlaib claims Dem leadership uses party’s minority members as tokens of diversity



“Trump needs to hear daily that we appreciate his courage and that we are solidly standing shoulder to shoulder with him. We must help Trump keep America great in 2020.”  Source


Red, White, and Blue Police Car Triggers Lefties



Inciting Violence: Ilhan Omar and “The Good Fight”


CBS Drama ‘The Good Fight’ Tweet with ’Assassinate Trump’ Sparks Calls for Secret Service Investigation

Listen to ‘Black Pilled’ critique ‘The Good Fight’ in this video.



Memes are dangerous weapons in the Great Information War. This is why the EU is pushing so hard to eliminate them with their copyright laws. Two things that the opposition lacks: creativity and truth. Both are needed for lethal memes.

Europe looks to remold internet with new copyright rules



TOP TEN MEMES Spying Did Occur



     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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Jacob Engels is a pathetic reporter and Gateway Pundit is FAKE NEWS.