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The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall

insane 5g

5G: The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall

USA, 24 March: Portland Oregon city officials state clear opposition to the installation of 5G networks around the city, supported by the mayor and two commissioners.
Italy, 28 March: Florence applies the precautionary principle, refusing permissions for 5G and referring to “the ambiguity and the uncertainty of supranational bodies and private bodies (like ICNIRP)”, which “have very different positions from each other, despite the huge evidence of published studies”.
Italy, 28 March: One Roman district votes against 5G trials, with others expected to follow. Other motions to Stop 5G are expected in the four regional councils, one provincial council and other municipal councils of Italy.
Russia, 28 March: The Russian Ministry of Defence refuses to transfer frequencies for 5G, which effectively delays any 5G rollout there for several years.
Belgium, 31 March: The Belgian Environment Minister announces that Brussels is halting its 5G rollout plans, saying, “The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit.
Germany, 4 April: Germans sign a petition en masse to force the German Bundestag to debate 5G.
Netherlands, 4 April: Members of Parliament in the Netherlands insist that radiation research must be carried out before any approval of the 5G network.
USA, 5 April: California Supreme Court Justices unanimously uphold a 2011 San Francisco ordinance requiring telecommunications companies to get permits before placing antennas on city infrastructure.
Switzerland, 9 April: The Canton of Vaud adopts a resolution calling for a moratorium on 5G antennas until the publication this summer of a report on 5G by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.
Switzerland, 10 April: Geneva adopts a motion for a moratorium on 5G, calling on the Council of State to request WHO to monitor independent scientific studies to determine the harmful effects of 5G.


Read article here


NYT Fact Check: Actually, the Overwhelming Majority of Americans Got a Tax Cut, Despite Democrats’ False Propaganda


It’s a Tweetapalooza!

Apr 15, 2019 04:58:34 PM – God bless the people of France!

Apr 15, 2019 04:57:02 PM – The forgotten voters of the 2016 Election are now doing great. The Steel Industry is rebuilding and expanding at a pace that it hasn’t seen in decades. Our Country has one of the best Economies in many years, perhaps ever. Unemployment numbers best in 51 years. Wow!

Apr 15, 2019 12:39:48 PM – So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!

Apr 15, 2019 12:35:41 PM – Spoke to @TigerWoods to congratulate him on the great victory he had in yesterday’s @TheMasters, & to inform him that because of his incredible Success & Comeback in Sports (Golf) and, more importantly, LIFE, I will be presenting him with the PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM!

Apr 15, 2019 11:36:19 AM – Heading to the Great State of Minnesota!

Apr 15, 2019 11:24:39 AM – ….Since there was no Collusion, why was there an Investigation in the first place! Answer – Dirty Cops, Dems and Crooked Hillary!

Apr 15, 2019 11:21:01 AM – The Mueller Report, which was written by 18 Angry Democrats who also happen to be Trump Haters (and Clinton Supporters), should have focused on the people who SPIED on my 2016 Campaign, and others who fabricated the whole Russia Hoax. That is, never forget, the crime…..

Apr 15, 2019 11:05:21 AM – Those Illegal Immigrants who can no longer be legally held (Congress must fix the laws and loopholes) will be, subject to Homeland Security, given to Sanctuary Cities and States!

Apr 15, 2019 10:33:56 AM – Mark Morgan, President Obama’s Border Patrol Chief, gave the following message to me: “President Trump, stay the course.” I agree, and believe it or not, we are making great progress with a system that has been broken for many years!

Apr 15, 2019 10:33:36 AM – I finally agree with @Cher!


AIM Patriots know a Cloward and Piven move when they see one. Nice job, POTUS. The left uses this strategy to overwhelm our system so that it will collapse. Two can play that game. Watch California be overwhelmed by their very own invitees!

In the last week, we have seen the following strategies in play:

Ridicule is a potent weapon

Make them play by their rules

Overwhelm their systems

Keep the pressure on

From his hilarious meme tweets to his stance on illegals and sanctuary states, POTUS is showing us how to fight in the Great Information War.  How did you use these strategies in your information network?

Let’s get focused on what needs to get done. Apply these tactics within your abilities, skills, and opportunities. If you are in a legal area, think about lawsuits that need to be filed. If you are a mememaker, keep the truth bombs coming. Contact your congresspeople everyday by phone, email, and/or visits. Keep the pressure on them!





Imagine this…the Ukrainian government did not want to turn over the evidence they have to the FBI and couldn’t understand why the DOJ wasn’t interested. Now, the Ukrainian government just wants to meet with Bill Barr one on one and give him the evidence.

Of course, AIM Patriots know what has been going on at the DOJ. It is filled with Senior Executive Service operatives like Bruce Ohr and Jessie Liu who are trying to protect Hillary, Obama, and the SES traitorous gang. Of course they didn’t want to investigate Hunter and Joe Biden….

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don’t you want our evidence on Democrats?




Notre Dame fire follows months of arson, vandalism & desecration of French Catholic churches


Who were the construction workers and companies working at Notre Dame?


The fire isn’t out yet & French politicians are claiming it wasn’t terrorism or arson.

That’s how you know they’re lying to you.

— Ramses Goat (@RamsesGoat) April 15, 2019



“In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.” Source



Petition Launched to Criminally Investigate CBS for Threatening President Trump’s Life





Boston Globe writer urges waiters to ‘tamper’ with food of Republicans


Chinese Woman Who Entered Mar-a-Lago Denied Bail






henry posts:

Looks like Lois Learner, et al, will never see justice done to them. I’m not a lawyer but maybe lurking lawyer can opine on this review?

Under the Supreme Court’s doctrine of qualified immunity, courts will hold government officials liable for violating the rights of their fellow citizens only if a prior court, adjudicating another case with virtually identical facts, has already held that such conduct was unconstitutional, effectively ensuring that nearly zero government officials ever face federal trial for their crimes.

In essence, police officers and other government officials, theoretically those members of society best equipped to know the current state of the law, are held to a significantly lower standard of legal conduct than ordinary citizens, for whom ignorance of the law is not a defense.

This toxic deference to government authority also extends far beyond the context of police misconduct. Courts regularly allow federal agencies to define the scope of their own authority and redefine what their own regulations mean on the fly, with little to no oversight. State and local governments are routinely permitted to pass laws protecting the business enterprises of well-established and politically connected individuals from upstart competitors under the barest and most transparent of pretenses, often with the courts themselves proffering potential justifications to help the government’s case.

This is a judicially created doctrine with no basis in the Constitution.



Let’s try it again. This time the creator used music that won’t get a copyright strike. Still the best Trump 2020 vid we have seen yet. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!



     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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