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The Swamp Crimeline Online

Crime Line Logo

Those Pulitzer prize wanna-be fake news reporters are so out of touch with truth and reality that we created a crimeline for them so they can access in one handy link. All the evidence is there. Huge files of corruption, all documented with something that propagandists may not be familiar with – judicially recognized EVIDENCE. So giddy up you slow pokes in corporate fake media and start reporting the details that citizens out here in America already know.

When you open the timeline you will see a graphic like the one below. Click on the years and see the trail of evidence the AFI and AIM researchers present to you as evidence of their crimes, from Hillary Clinton to Mark Zuckerburg. If it is your first time visiting or if you haven’t updated the files from this link in a while, please give it time to load on to your browser.

Make sure to save a PDF copy of this HUGE IMPORTANT file on your computer so that TRUTH is scattered throughout the world on the spectacular wings of the internet, never, ever to be hidden from humanity again.

Go directly to the Timeline

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Why do we need to get control over Silicon Valley before we are all snuffed out by AI? Listen to this powerful presentation by Black Pilled. This is our reality – TODAY.  If you found his presentation valuable, please share the video in your social network while you still have one and hit his tip jar at

The Rise of Colossus


Trump – I will declassify!


Nunes on origins of Russia probe, his request for docs on Misfud






82 arrested in multistate child exploitation sting


Read article here



William Barr Made A Major Disclosure In His Senate Hearing That Hardly Anyone Noticed



Trump takes on the propagandists




These are all faux channels….and they are funny. Congrats to the information warrior who created this amazing arsenal for all to share wide and far.

Do your part to save western civilization. Be an information warrior.

Joe Biden website

Bernie Sanders website

Kamala Harris website




Many thanks to our in-house mememeister Giorgio for creating these hilarious memes like the two presented today. Good memes are like sugar that helps the medicine of truth be swallowed a little easier.



     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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Jacob Engels is a pathetic reporter and Gateway Pundit is FAKE NEWS.