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Globalist Propagandist Interviews Trump

Know Your Enemy


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Position: Director
Telephone: +44 (0) 7949 55 3060

Start exposing this criminal of humanity in your social network. She works for the Queen and the Privy Council. She was working with the Privy Council to literally OVERTHROW the President of the United States and, hand-in-hand with Robert Mueller and Alison Saunders, tried to topple the United States government.


Globalist Propagandist Interviews Trump


The tweet below is not vetted, but a sentiment we thought appropriate here:

Get ready for a monumental Downing Street temper tantrum as US President Trump requests Brexit hero Nigel Farage as a guest at the State banquet next month. May is desperate to stop it “but it’s not clear if they would be able to stop him coming”

— Leave.EU (@LeaveEUOfficial) May 19, 2019


This article just released:


The Propaganda Multiplier: How Global News Agencies & Western Media Report on Geopolitics


If you have been in our truth community for awhile, this would not be a surprise because you know:

Yellow Journalism: Globalist Weapon of Mass Deception


Free Speech is Now a Whisper



Google Suspends Business With Huawei After Trump/Ross Blacklist



Brexit is EXIT


Meadows Says Declassification Of Russia Probe Documents Is ‘Right Around The Corner’



Why Asians Should Leave the Democratic party





New finding about the promotion of polygamy in the UK Parliament


5G Super-Hotspots: You better know where the “kill zones” are located!


Hundreds Of Respected Scientists Sound The Alarm About Health Effects As 5G Networks Go Up Nationwide


Ford workers pack up for expected layoffs in Dearborn


Facebook Will Now Ban Users Without Warning During Live Streams


AIM Patriot Peace Train writes:

“Am a new AIM subscriber. This site is the best and most honest assessment of daily events in the USA today. Keep up the very excellent reporting AIM!”


You are on the right track! This community is on the Trump Train which is becoming a Global Peace Train…. which reminds us of that delightful tune Peace Train by Cat Stevens. (Yes, we know about the issues with Cat Stevens) But the tune still resounds if you see this as a tribute for a world full of beautiful, sovereign nations with great fences and borders living without bankster wars, Rothschild debt, poverty, and lack. We can have a world of free energy, abundance, real money, and peace….real global peace for the first time ever.

Cat Stevens – Peace Train

The first step in this plan is for you to take a stand against globalism in your country. Support the candidates that will preserve your national borders, language, culture, and identity. Call the ‘migrants’ what they are – George Soros foreign mercenaries or invaders. Get them out of your countries.

Second step – secure your borders.

These are the critical first two steps in the plan. Patriots will need to trust that patriots in other countries are doing the same. This way we hit the globalists all over the world – all at once. They will not be able to withstand the blows.

Your best weapon is information because we are actually engaged in the Great Information War that began with Cecil Rhodes and the theft of wireless technology from Tesla by Marconi. Remember this history lesson:

Patriots Expose the 100-Year Anglo-American Propaganda War That Has Terrorized the World with War, Strife, and Poverty


The Brits have been using propaganda to trick us into wars and terror for over one hundred years. This was the plan Cecil Rhodes devised to take over the world in 200 years. What do you think those Rhodes Scholars like Bill Clinton and Little Peter Buttwhatever are up to – carrying out the Rhodes NWO plan!

Patriots are winning the war because we are using our networks to educate and enlighten people everywhere, all at once, through this amazing technology that Michael McKibben and Leader Technologies built to actually bring peace to the world until the Evil Empire of the Highlands Forum Group and James P. Chandler III, Dick O’Neil, and Andrew Marshall stole from Michael, then weaponized it as a surveillance and control system that we see today in Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, and Google.

But we can turn this evil into the good that Michael McKibben and his team wanted to bring into the world. This is not a fairy tale. Citizens around the world can unite and bring truth into the world – like right now. The internet is beyond time and space and we can fly as fast as our fingers can type.

Patriots around the world are starring in the most amazing realty “TV” show of all where anyone can be one of Trump’s “apprentices”.  We know our assignment – to protect our world from globalism and to honor a world full of diverse nations. So start breaking up into teams and make it happen in your city, province, state, region, country.


U.S. Water Fluoridation … A Forced Experiment that Needs to End!


Research: Fluoride Literally Turns the Pineal Gland to Stone


Why all this material on pineal glands, you ask? Well…this is the deep dark secret the elites really don’t want you to know about. They have been suppressing our human evolution for a very long time by locking us in to our lower chakras, organs, whatever word fits your spiritual preference. We explain how they have done this and give you a course of correction in our ASCEND diet.

Yesterday we published the updated lesson on the Heart Chakra. There is a video inside that we want to make sure you see as Douglas will be giving some very interesting lectures and articles in the future on the endocannabinoid system which we will publish at the bottom of the page once uploaded.


Cannabis and the endocannabinoid system


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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