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A New Europe is Born

Congratulations, Patriot Salvini. BTW we see that MAGA hat on your bookshelf. And many thanks for taking out those corrupt intelligence officials who attempted to overthrow Donald Trump.


Congratulations, Patriot Farage. Now let’s work to overthrow your corrupt Crown, Privy Council and intelligence agencies who attempted to overthrow Donald Trump. It would help us out over here in America and be YUGE WIN for British patriots. As POTUS tells us – “Think big.” Nationalists of the world can defeat globalism and set the world ablaze in a new age of peace and prosperity.




Yes, Preet, we are expanding the lexicon of patriots everywhere to name events and people as they really are – like treason, traitor, tribunals, act of war (think UK and any other country that doesn’t turn over its conspirators to overthrow Trump immediately), espionage, Privy Council, Crown agents, Senior Executive Service, SERCO, nooses, executions, GITMO, Five Eyes spying, institutionalized human trafficking and pedophilia.

We also like these words – world peace, free energy, prosperity, honest money, and mass awakening. It you tweet, please drop in and give this slimeball, enemy of POTUS, a vocabulary lesson. We need to help him move his own Overton Window.


Treason is the correct term- a cabal of government officials used the nation’s powerful intelligence and law enforcement capabilities to undermine and attempt unlawful removal of a dually elected President – treason.

— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) May 24, 2019



AIM Patriot Sparky824 writes: “Of course, the British have perpetrated Crossfire Hurricane before. In the late 17th century, it was called the Glorious Revolution.”

Our reply: Yes, just as we have been saying for awhile. The United States did not free itself from Britain after the American Revolution. We have been colonists all along and the Crown has played us the entire time. Gig’s up. Citizens around the world now know the dirty secrets of the British monarch.


DARPA’s 5G End Game For Humanity



Supreme Court Halts Judge-Ordered Redistricting in Ohio, Michigan

If Ruth Bader Ginsberg “casts a vote” and later it turns out she had died months previously, does it invalidate her so-called vote? Then what about all the votes that have been going on since her death or incapacitation? What happens to the current justices who have been perpetuating the Ginsberg fraud and hoax on the American people?

Eventually, citizens will see her death certificate which will have a date, time, and cause of death. Tick tock for treason.


AIM Patriot Christopher Strunk offers this for those that want to know more about industrial and commercial uses of hemp.



Suggested narrative: Let’s start saying ‘AT&T’s CNN” whenever we call them out for being fake news and traitors.  Helps to wake up some of the sheeple who hadn’t considered this – like the publicity and marketing departments at AT&T.



Election rigging is virtually certain, reporting only 2.2%—the elite could not let Tommy Robinson win, so they censored him

We trust the British people don’t listen to these lies and innuendo any longer

JOSPEH STALIN: “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”

2.2% was evidently chosen as an insult-number to discourage Tommy Robinson and his supporters. Hopefully, it just strengthens their resolve.

The election system is thoroughly corrupt. We have written several articles on the topic. To bottom line this for patriots everywhere in the world, we must DEMAND paper ballots. No electronic voting unless each vote can be checked against a paper ballot.


Reader note:

This video was added post production in yesterday’s Cat Report. For those that receive emails of our blog, this is for your records.



Many of you asked about RSO after our audio on endocannabinoids. Here are two videos that you may find informative. We plan on discussing the topic of cannabis and unicorns for many more months. So if you didn’t have a clue what we were discussing, relax. Keep a Shoshin Mind.

How to Make Hash Oil Using the Rick Simpson Method (RSO)

Making A Small Batch of Rick Simpsons Cannabis Oil


Important Channel Update




     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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