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It’s Personal for Betsy Ross

betsy is back

Thank you, AIM Patriot Leonia, for sharing the best meme yet!

Yes, it is personal for ‘Betsy’. In August 2010, she went to the White House on a tour and vowed silently and powerfully as she walked through the rooms that she would do everything she could to reveal the evil behind the Obama’s administration. At that time her course was not clear, but she trusted God to guide her to all the resources she would need. Taking one step at a time, over a period of nine years, Betsy and her team, along with those boys in the Conclave she picked up on the journey, have uncovered more truths on this little old blog than any Pulitzer-prize winning journalist – ever.

The time has come. Citizen patriots have a weapon of truth that can put an end to digital tyranny of the social media cabal. But, folks, YOU have to use it. It won’t fire itself. If you are ready to show the social media giants who WE THE PEOPLE are, please send this message through their very own lines.


This interview can be accessed at: | Raw video

President Trump is poised to hold the social media summit without social media companies. Perhaps one company – Leader Technologies – is enough!

Michael McKibben, the entrepreneur who created social media scalability, had his invention stolen and weaponized by the U.S. government through the Highlands Forum and the IBM Eclipse Foundation

The White House continues to ignore McKibben’s and his shareholders’ rightful claims. McKibben has not yet received his invitation to attend the White House social media summit

Patriots around the world want REAL SOLUTIONS, not BAND-AIDs to social media tyranny

Be a Patriot and contact the White House to request that the President meet with Michael McKibben for real and lasting solutions to Digital Tyranny . . . everywhere.

For more information, go to:

See also:

AIM Patriot Bob H. writes:
I emailed the following to the white house, thank you all for your splendid work. We in Canada are being are being forced into a subversive political culture through our B.S. constitution which was forced on us by a communist leader of a political party. I have coined this system COMMUNO-FASCISM. America and free speech is our only hope.

Michael McKibben has still not received his invitation to attend the White House social media summit. Please, President Trump, we want real solutions, American Intelligence Media has a lot to offer in this regard. TRUTH AND JUSTICE – A BETTER WAY indeed TRUTH AND JUSTICE – THE ONLY WAY.


AIM Patriot Tim S. sent us a screen shot from his phone to show everybody how easy it is to connect:


Please share your attempt to contact the White House by dropping us a note in our ‘contact us’ page or writing a comment below. Patriots around the world, please help get Michael McKibben, the inventor of social media scalability, in front of Donald Trump, the leader of the free world, to show him where Hillary Clinton has been hiding the keys that control the internet.

The Clinton-Zuckerberg-Schmidt plan of digital tyranny effects every living being on the planet. So, yes, it matters.


Betsy’s friend Rosie was also an amazing gal.


Order your Betsy Ross t-shirt here.


Post production comments from AIM Patriots:

AIM Patriot Susan R. S. writes:

I was deeply moved by Michael McKibben’s story and ready to believe that this man had been traduced by the US government in the figure, primarily, of one man: James Chandler, with lots of help from other very shady characters. This morning I listened to James Corbett’s Episode 359 on the history of the internet and wrote this summary:

Silicon Valley/Big Tech is a front for the US government. The internet was never intended to be anything but a surveillance tool… its noose growing tighter and tighter as time passes. This is the secret that James Corbett tells in Episode 359 of his Corbett Report. Listening to it, one must realize that someone like Michael McKibben would never have fit into this picture. They were looking for deceitful sleazy characters like Mark Zuckerberg and Eric Schmidt, or outspoken eugenicists, fervent supporters of Planned Parenthood like Bill Gates. The only way America will be saved is if the population is willing to get out on the streets and fight for it — literally.


AIM Patriot Kevin writes:

Myself and a few others have been emailing the White House letting the president know how crucial it is for Michael McKibben to be a central part of the Social Media Summit. Not just these meme makers & talking heads, but a man who is integral to our freedom and privacy in the digital realm. We must take back what is ours, delete all the dark profile dossiers written on all of us, and end the digital prisons with shadow banning of conservative voices. He must be heard, and we won’t give up!

AIM Patriot Bruce drops a note that he is trying to capture his screenshot, but can’t get it to us. He encourages all patriots to take a moment and give a shout out to the WHite House.

AIM Patriot Bruce sends us his screenshot:


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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