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Youtube removed this meme video after 800 views, in less than minutes of upload. Watch for yourself to see the horrific frames that violated Big Brother’s community standards.


SCRAPE AND SHARE. This is the Great Information War and YOU are an information warrior!

Patriot Jim writes us:

I just figured out how they are going to shut down the alt web:

This is a multi step process. Here are the steps:

1. Make it so that it appears the large corporations are going to be held responsible for EVERYTHING their users post. (only that never happens, the rules are for someone else) but pegging it on the big guys makes it look benign.
2. Make it so ANYONE can copyright ANYTHING that is not explicitly copyrighted, even if they did not own it to begin with. Cute cat pic the owner posted and never copyrighted? CHECK. Bar-b-q photo of family party that makes good meme fodder, got posted, and no one copyrighted? CHECK. Make it so anyone combing the web can copyright whatever they find, and call it theirs. THAT HAPPENED.

3. Then, just sit back and let The Case Act pass,
which will open the door for anyone who illegitimately copyrighted something they did not even produce, to sue you for using it. Even if the original poster gave you explicit permission. Once someone else copyrights it, it does not belong to the creator. That’s how screwed up and subverted the American system is.

4. Then have trolls comb through all the memes finding out who posted them and where they got posted, and prosecute every incident to the tune of $15, 000 each. That will BANKRUPT absolutely everyone who’s not Facebook, Google, or some other tech left tyrant. THAT IS THE PLAN FOLKS, DO NOT LET THE CASE ACT PASS..


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Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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