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Dear Mr. President: A letter from patriots everywhere


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Dear Mr. President:

As all of us know, the social media complex (Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Yahoo, and others) control an enormous percentage of electronic communications today. The result? Most Americans are unaware of the damage this does to our nation, its ideals and both individual and national futures.

Michael McKibben, founder of Leader Technologies (“Leader”), is the inventor and owner of the source code used (stolen) by the current big tech companies in collusion with the DoD Office of Net Assessment (see below).

The question becomes: What can be done to counter the juggernaut of oligopolist control of information (political, economic, social, environmental, educational)? McKibben’s company and investors have a masterful plan to take on this challenge and win. In the process of their proposal, our federal government will gain revenue that can be used in many ways and McKibben’s investors will FINALLY get their long, overdue ROI. Information below explains how the Miller Act Notice can solve this dilemma.

As President, perhaps you have not realized the potential revenue streams that social networking represents to our Constitutional government. Currently, the Deep State shadow government controls it and profits from it. The technology world, in secret alliances with this shadow government, generates literally trillions of dollars in value from social networking. Yet, they have never paid a dime in fees to We The People or Leader Technologies for using Leader Technologies’ inventions. We are proposing a win-win-win solution that:


The shareholders in Leader, filed a First Amended Miller Act Notice to your office recently. Leader and its founder, Michael T. McKibben, invented social networking starting in 1997, and hold the trade secrets, multiple copyrights and patents.

These facts are extremely well documented. Michael had previously rebuilt AT&T’s email system (ca. 1995). In fact, Microsoft, IBM, AT&T, Apple, Novell, and later Google and Amazon did NOT have the answer to scalability. Leader Technologies invented it!

The DoD Office of Net Assessment (Highlands Group, Andrew W. Marshall, James P. Chandler, III, MG James E. Freeze), in conspiracy with insider corporations, most notably IBM, stole Leader’s invention property. They immediately distributed it carte blanche through the IBM Eclipse Foundation (since Nov. 29, 2001) and to everyone else in Silicon Valley and the military-industrial establishment.

The Miller Act was passed to compensate investors who have been denied their rightful compensation when the federal government confiscates their property. An ongoing user license fee will  make everyone in the world legal who is currently using Leader’s stolen property without license, and will enable the new revenue.

Michael McKibben, along with other shareholders, are willing to dedicate a substantial portion of their compensation through the ongoing sharing of our license fees to be levied on the social networking ecosystem to build a truly FREE Press. This will be independent of the mainstream media, who promote their lying propaganda incessantly.


AIM Patriots Everywhere

Patriots: We put this letter in a link that you can send the White House with your personal note. Here is the link. Here is the White House contact page.

White House Patriots: Would you please make sure this gets in the President’s hands?

Dear Mr. President: A letter from patriots everywhere


P R O P A G A N D A   A L E R T

Nice video from reallygraceful, but she didn’t talk about the theft of Leader’s trade secrets by the DoD Office of Net Assessment and the IBM Eclipse Foundation that was doled out to Silicon Valley for free. She also concludes with the solution being to end their monopolies – which is exactly what they want us to do as they will make tons of money and escape their crimes. We call it the “Standard Oil – Ma Bell – Don’t throw me in the briar patch’ move.

She does not offer other solutions like disgorge them before trumping them with the original source code.

We call out reallygraceful as a shill for poor research and/or being paid to read propaganda for who ever is calling the shots from the Pilgrims Society. That being said, the middle part of the story is good and she does an excellent presentation.

What the Media Won’t Tell You About YouTube


More Secret Societies Busted!

The Elite 1001 Club


Read this BLOCKBUSTER thread


AFL-CIO Union Comes Out in Support of Illegal Alien Workers Taking U.S. Jobs

“It is quite remarkable to see a large U.S. labor union now standing in support of illegal workers in the U.S.  There was a time, throughout the history of labor unions, when some of the strongest immigration voices were against American worker displacement.  Apparently that time is passed.”



The article below is from Politico, a MSM propaganda site, but we are seeing other articles like it being posted. This one seemed to be the most comprehensive. We will all see soon enough how President Trump handles these Silicon Valley criminals who stole Leader Technologies’ trade secrets and who are surveiling and controlling the citizenry.

White House drafting executive order to tackle Silicon Valley’s alleged anti-conservative bias


Seems Royals around the world wanted a tighter hold on Rio Tinto lands and less demands on those resources than the Pilgrims afford them, so they broke off with lots of intertwined connections with the Pilgrims to not run afoul of one another. It also appears that the “climate change” eugenics agenda is #1 on their wish list.

Prince Philip on what should be done about “overpopulation”




Andrew McCabe Files Federal Civil Lawsuit Against DOJ and FBI – Claims Trump Carried Out “Unconstitutional Plan” Against Him

Getting impatient?


Magabear posts:

These small group nut jobs like Strozk and McCabe must know that Durham and Barr are about ready to drop a large legal rock on top of them and are acting quickly to play the victim card (one of the left’s go to options when in trouble).


Ninth Circuit Advances $35 Billion Privacy Suit Against Facebook


French Court Rules Against Utility Smart Meters Because They Are Making People Sick


Unconstitutional, Tyrannical Red Flag Gun Confiscation Laws Are Coming Fast


Dan isn’t looking too MAGA these days. Here is his recent score card. He needs to step away from any infringement of our Second Amendment rights or his scorecard is going to be an “F”. You know what we do to failing students in our AIM Schoolhouse?


McConnell rejects calls to bring Senate back early for gun debate


This is what we call a live-action meme:




We want YOU for the coming MEME war!
r/The_Donald is deploying a program to train you how to meme our side to victory in 2020 and to help KEEP AMERICA GREAT!
If you love America, you already have the greatest asset you will need to succeed, the heart of a patriot!




Blackstone closes its biggest fund ever



This is pathetic. Just pathetic. Looks like the Senior Executive Service attorneys at the DOJ had to show that they were doing SOMETHING in their jobs besides thwarting the will of the people, so they threw Omarosa out as fresh meat to the LIONS.

Here is the real agenda of this lawfare move which is at the bottom of the article:

“The lawsuit which was filed earlier this summer will surely be jumped on by the usual suspects who will accuse the attorney general and Trump of being white supremacists for attacking a poor, persecuted woman of color.”

AG William Barr Just Smacked Omarosa With A Lawsuit


Hey, guys…this video just uploaded by Leo Zagami with John Barnwell. The Gabriels always like to listen to their friend John Barnwell discuss history and tonight’s topic was on the Pilgrims Society. Grab the popcorn, sit back, and learn some history from these smart guys.

2019 Signs of the End Times Leo Zagami & John Barnwell


Benjamin Franklin Exposed: The truth you weren’t taught in school!



     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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