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‘Fraudulent Impeachment Hearings’ against President Trump over Ukraine–DEEP STATE ATTACK!



Hundred years of fake news


Rep. Jordan Rails on so-called “Assault Weapons” ban


Justice Department ends investigation of Tony Podesta without charges


Lot’s of fake news out there, patriots. It is called propaganda. Use your discernment and digest with care. Beware of lies and propaganda.

WATCH us expose the #FakeNews Media LIES about @realDonaldTrump

They selectively deleted 500+ words from a transcript, but we show you the TRUTH.




This is what a Fancy Bear-Cozy Bear trap really looks like. Inside joke for you history buffs out there. You if don’t get it, do your homework by opening up the headline link below:

Trump Points to Crowdstrike Origins



As bad as Biden’s corruption is, in the grand scheme of things, it’s peanuts. This is what is shaking DC. #CrowdstrikeUkraine

— TrumpSoldier (@DaveNYviii) September 26, 2019


Further Evidence Intelligence Community Inspector General is Part of Lawfare Alliance



Let’s be real: The Democrats are not calling to impeach @realDonaldTrump—they are calling to impeach the democratic process which got him elected. They are calling to impeach our right as Americans, to vote for change. They have spent the last 2 years, trying to impeach America.

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 25, 2019



DenBrowned posts:

Pelosi is stuck between a rock and a hard place: Her TDS far-left radicals will revolt and run spoiler candidates, stay at home or vote 3rd party if she doesn’t appease their calls for impeachment. But her house majority only comes from vulnerable red-state first-term ‘moderate’ democrats who would lose half their support either way they vote on impeachment, making an actual vote political suicide- there might be so many defectors she’d lose the vote in the house. So her only logical path forward is to PRETEND to pursue impeachment, making very loud noises feigning it to ruse her radical left, while not ever actually approaching the vote that would tank her caucus and instead running out the clock on the process until she can claim its too late.

This is the same play she’s been making the past year, and look at her nonsense after the Mueller nothingburger fell apart: She constantly screamed she needed the report, needed the unredacted report, needed the super-duper unredacted report, kept saying she “needed more evidence” and “needed more documents” and “needed more facts”. She was playing the delay game.

But this is where Trump baited her in. As soon as she went up to declare the impeachment wheels are turning on Ukraineburger, Trump immediately declared he’d release every document, transcript, allow testimony, declassify the report, etc. Giving her no way to delay. She can’t pretend she needs more time when everything is thrown right at her face. And simultaneously, it blows up her narrative because we find out that oh, there’s no quid quo pro, no threats, the conversation was amiable and respectful, the ukrainians never even knew about any delays to the aid so it cannot possibly be leverage, the Ukrainian president is calling bullshit, the media’s fake news is getting exposed, and there’s no crime, no misconduct… except by Biden. Trump had the advantage for one simple reason: The truth is on his side.

So going into 2020 we’re going to have Pelosi with an uncontrollable impeachment monster that’s self destructing her own party as she can go neither forward nor back nor stall, and the democratic frontrunner is shown to be corrupt and a criminal, and the entire democratic narrative has become “We need to impeach the president for exposing the crimes committed by the guy we’re trying to elect presidentSource



Kevin McCarthy on Impeachment: Democrats Have ‘Lost Their Minds,’ Move ‘Will Backfire on them in 2020’


AIM Patriot John comments below the picture on the following article:

Supreme Court ruling leaves Queen in middle of political storm

Her role has always worked in the shadows, the grey areas of the constitution, with an agreement going back decades among politicians that unwritten rules and conventions would be respected, and that nothing would be done to put the Queen into an embarrassing position, a position where she could be accused of having a political role.

Boris Johnson has blown that apart.

With the Supreme Court judgement a bright and critical light now illuminates the monarchy.

And the cry has gone up – even from the present system’s doughtiest defenders – for a written constitution, one where the powers of the different parts of the state and the different nations of the kingdom, are clearly explained and defined.

At which point, of course, some will ask – just what is the role in government, in the 21st Century, of a hereditary monarch?”?? (Whore riding the Beast)


Let’s not forget that little dinner party Bruce and Nellie Ohr had with British Crown Prosecutor Allison Saunders four days before UK spy head Robert Hannigan came over to help John Brennan WIRETAP Trump Tower. Why isn’t FOX NEWS covering this story?

See the Queen back in the painting behind Allison Saunders? Why is she holding a Betsy Ross flag? Wonder what the meme artist had in mind…




Trump: Transparency for Whistleblower, but Also for Joe Biden and Hunter Biden



Audio: Ukrainian Comedians Prank Called Rep. Adam Schiff, Promised Him Naked Photos Of Trump



Mitt Romney adviser sits on Burisma board of directors



Bitcoin Price Sees Second Sharp Decline This Week, Falling Below $8,000

Y’all remember when we reported about the Goldman-Sachs origins of Bitcoin?

AIM Patriots Bust Bitcoin for Fraud




Did Micron Technology fall out with the Pilgrims Society / SES or are they playing the President for the fool with their intellectual property complaint?

See links below for details. For those that may have missed Trump’s UN speech, this is the company to which he referred for trade secret-patent theft by the Chinese.


Michigan patriots on the Mackinac annual bridge walk

RUSH: We are thrilled to announce today that thanks to you and your support of the Stand Up for Betsy Ross campaign, we are able to make another $1 million donation. That’s an additional $1 million that will be donated now to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. That’s the organization that helps the families of the severely injured or fallen first responders and military personnel, 9/11.

Hey, look, lady patriots. New style with a v-neck in ‘patriot (not royal) blue‘:

It’s a world-wide movement to overthrow the British Evil Empire, the globalists, destructive socialism, Marxism, progressivism, Communism and all their evil social constructs that have FAILED each and every time they were forced onto the people.








First Imperial Press Conference meeting: We can now show who was involved in setting up American propaganda and exactly who their targets were in the U.S.

Sir Gilbert Parker was the Pilgrims Society’s director until his death in 1932, no question.

FYI, the head of American propaganda during WWI, Sir Gilbert Parker, worked for Charles F.G. Masterman (Rhodes’ relative, Director the British War Propaganda Bureau – Wellington House. He organized and led American propaganda. We have chapter and verse.)

… was

  • Appointed to Privy Council in 1916 (when the Propaganda Bureau became the War Cabinet Department of Information (Propaganda) led by John Buchan,
  • Pilgrims Society founder with Sir Harry Brittain
  • Organizer of the Imperial Press Conference, 1909; Participant in the first conference meeting on Mon. Jun. 07, 1909
  • Member of the Empire Press Union, formed Jul. 23, 1909, then formed MI5/MI6/GC&CS on Jul. 29, 1909
  • Died September 6, 1932, working on Hitler’s rise to power:
  • 1932 January: Hitler is welcomed by a group of industrialists; his support is broadening and gathering money.

The key structures that defined the post-war development strategy of the West were the Central financial institutions of Great Britain and the United States — the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve System (FRS)

1st: from 1919 to 1924 — to prepare the ground for massive American financial investment in the German economy;

2nd: from 1924 to 1929 — the establishment of control over the financial system of Germany and financial support for national socialism;

3rd: from 1929 to 1933 — provoking and unleashing a deep financial and economic crisis and ensuring the Nazis come to power;

4th: from 1933 to 1939 — financial cooperation with the Nazi government and support for its expansionist foreign policy, aimed at preparing and unleashing a new World War.

All Pilgrim Society members listed below:

This is a good article summarizing the banker/industrial support given by the Pilgrims to Hitler:

Yuri Rubtsov. (Jul. 13, 2018). History of World War II: Nazi Germany was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, translated by Ollie Richardson, first published May 2016. GlobalResearch.


     Presidential Tweets Today


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