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The United States Military is collaborating with the CIA to remove a U.S. President from office




Conviction of Roger Stone is the “tipping point for tyranny” as Americans realize the whole system is rigged, dishonest and DANGEROUS to us all


Reminder from 2017

A federal judge in Washington D.C. on Friday tossed out a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton that alleged negligence in her email security was the cause of two Americans’ deaths in the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. Read more

And who was that judge? Same one for Roger Stone and Paul Manafort. 






Opposition Research Inside This Link!

START DIGGING! The devil is in these details. Even if the info is scrubbed, the bad guys always miss things. Download and repost these supporting documents in many places so they will not disappear from web availability.

Perkins Coie and Fusion GPS would salivate for info like this on one of our patriot candidates!


Here’s an example of the goodies you will find under the headline link. Thank the AFI miners for their hard work!!

Twitter has suspended me for an entire week for telling the Truth about Nikki Haley and because I was getting too much traction


Yellow Vests mobilize across France to mark one-year anniversary



Print available for purchase


Dow hits 28,000 – FIRST TIME EVER, HIGHEST EVER! Gee, Pelosi & Schitt have a good idea, “lets Impeach the President.” If something like that ever happened, it would lead to the biggest FALL in Market History. It’s called a Depression, not a Recession! So much for 401-K’s & Jobs!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2019



AIM Patriot Christopher Strunk recommends this Greg Hunter interview. We gave up long ago reporting news about matters like this. The markets are a LIE just like fake news and do not operate in a logical economic world. They are really nothing more than casinos. So who’s to say what will happen – these folks have been saying this for years, yet the Pilgrims Society operatives still keep their stock market ponzi scheme going.

Amount of Money Fed Into System Now Too Hard to Hide



Trump puts finger on the travesty of throwing Roger Stone in the can



Congresswoman Tlaib paid herself over $40K using campaign donations… why are local Michigan outlets the only ones reporting on this?


“White Helmets” specifically serving the purpose of war propagandists thinly disguised as ‘rescue workers’ or local ‘civil defense’


Something is about to Happen – Important Message


Democrat John Bel Edwards Wins Re-Election as Louisiana Governor by Narrow Margin

Read all about it.

Analysis: New Louisiana election, same old voting machines


mari posts:

It’s almost as if Ronna is helping Democrats get elected through voter fraud by doing nothing. So sad.

Rynn69 posts:

Voter fraud has been and keeps occurring on a massive scale in these areas without any repercussions. RNC is freak$ng worthless. But then what do you expect with a Romney in charge? Another puzzling personnel decision.

When is anyone going to hold the RNC accountable for rooting out the fraud?

Hawkins 6 posts

For some reason I cannot find a single picture of, nor an article describing, @GOPChairwoman Ronna McDaniel visiting and organizing a Louisiana GOTV effort?

mari replies:

She is worthless. We lost the House in 2018 due to heavy voter fraud. Will she look the other way in 2020? She needs to be able to multitask numbers of elections at once. That’s what Democrats do. They are loaded for bear. And we come up empty-handed with a leader like Ronna McDaniel. Replace her! Who’s in charge? We need a real fighter.



Ronna Romney and the RNC Rigged Election Boxes


The GOP Romney Problem



Medicare-for-All “Socialism” Is Just Another Racket


Meals on Broken Wheels: Uber Eats, GrubHub, DoorDash & Postmates



Solar Wind, Hail, Lightning, Volcanoes, Galaxies Align | S0 News Nov.16 2019




Your comments reflect the despicable nature of your character, hate & fear of our foreign service officers & desperation to protect your corrupt & criminal acts. Your efforts to intimidate will fail. May your downfall be swift, your penalty onerous, & your legacy condemned by all

— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) November 15, 2019


SLOWnews sites like PJ Media are just now reporting this…can you believe they are so slow in reporting truth?

Is Former CIA Director John Brennan the Leader of the Coup Against Trump?

Or how about this one from Real Clear Investigations (yawn)? They are just now reporting what AIM patriots have known since the early days of outing Dmitri Alperovitch and the Atlantic Council.

Of course, as an AIM patriot you know that John Brennan had his boy at GCHQ Robert Hannigan come over and wiretap Trump Tower. The entire Five Eyes operation is an elaborate multi-national spying operation to keep America under the thumb of the Pilgrims Society.

The commands for Brennan came from the Queen’s Privy Council and Sir Sleezebags Richard Dearlove, Mark-Malloch Brown, and Geoffrey Pattie. Don’t forget that the Queen’s prosecutor Alison Saunders was cooking up more than dinner with Bruce and Nellie Ohr as they hatched their plans for treason and espionage. Don’t forget the Bonnie and Clyde of the group – Arvinder Sambei and Robert Mueller who have been pulling hoaxes and heists for the Pilgrim seven before their 9-11 cover-up operation. The origins of the coup resides in the Pilgrims Society.

Keep your focus, patriots. We will eventually disclose them as truth goes marching on. 

Pilgrims Society Membership List


His Truth Goes Marching On


Angela Primm “Battle Hymn of the Republic”



To start off, let’s clear the one aspect of his mission that is straightforward and terribly direct: he’s the first and only American President to ever address humanity’s worst collective flaw, its total ignorance of reality. Because medias and education are both controlled by the handful of billionaires that are running the planet, we don’t know anything about our history that’s been twisted dry by the winners, and we don’t have a clue about our present world.

As he stepped in the political arena, Donald popularized the expression «fake news» to convince the American citizens, and the world population as well, that medias always lie to you. The expression has now become commonplace, but do you realize how deeply shocking is the fact that nearly everything you think you know is totally fake? Source





AIM Patriot Johan asked Michael McKibben for assistance. He writes:

I watched a video (American Intelligence Media) with Douglas Gabriel and Phil Brooks and yourself this week. At about 26 minute in ( for +- 7/8 minutes ) you talked about the Burroughs Wellcome ( Now – GlaxoSmithCline ) medical experiments on Boer children in the ZAR British Concentration Camps ( 1899 – 1902 ).

My Gran ( ‘n Girl – Horak of Heilbron – 18 Jr old in 1899 ) was in the Norvals Pont Camp and she told us before her passing away how they hid the children with light coughs etc. from  the Brits . Because if they were taken to the Camp Sick Bay they never returned.

Her kid brother ( Mattheus Coenraad Horak – 10 jrs ) was most probably a victim of these experiments. So now we know where Joseph Mengele got his ideas from . ( See below Milner’s photo.) I thus ask a massive favour please – you mention you have evidence of above experiments , is it possible to mail me copies thereof ??.

I am a National Tourist guide and I like to inform my guests of the History , Customs etc . of my country South Africa.

Connect with Johan to help get the real truth out to patriots in Africa.

Prophetically South Africa plays a major part in the end times – which is now ( Re : New Jerusalem etc.)

Michael replied to Johan below and we thought it might be beneficial for our patriot friends in Africa who are still living through this nightmare created by Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner.

Here are some Parliamentary records disclosing the Boer and black deaths. It should be noted that Milner was made a viscount on the same day he returned to London from SA.

Here is a Wellcome confirmation that the Burroughs Wellcome medicine chest were supplied to Milner and Rhodes regimes.

It would be quite helpful if you could have researchers dig through archives in SA to find additional discussion of the “research” that Burroughs Wellcome & Co were carrying out.’s-Peace-Foundation-Jul-26-1911.pdf


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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