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#Cult45 – The Cult Of Trump And How It Came To Be



This is a must-listen-to video (below) – even if you have to hold a barf bag in one hand to listen to this propaganda. Now that the opposition has lost the impeachment narrative, they are ramping up the mental health narrative, with an added bonus of slamming millions of Trump supporters as cultists.

Remember this article from July 2019? It was a continuation of the mental health narrative that the Democrats have been pushing since the 2016 campaign.

‘Dangerous to an unprecedented degree’: Psychiatrists warn Congress that Trump incites violence

The article was reposted in November. Who are these George Washington University swamp psychiatrists?

‘Mental instablity’: Psychiatrists who called Trump dangerous want to testify on impeachment


Today, the narrative ramps up with this nevertrumper Steven Hassan, a so-called mind control expert who discusses his PROPAGANDA book The Cult of Trump. Pay attention to the screen shot below, which tells us where they are taking this narrative.

‘The Cult Of Trump’ And How It Came To Be. Ok, fine, you might need to grab an extra barf bag…but we need to pay attention to where the cultural Marxists are taking the narrative next. This is an INFORMATION WAR. Be an information warrior and pound the enemy propagandists with TRUTH.


Thank goodness, President Trump was aware of this propaganda and went in early for a portion of his annual medical tests! Hopefully, it was the mental acuity portion of the test… and just when these propaganda bloviators spew this fake news in all their favorite places, President Trump’s doctor will attest his mental capacities as very stable genius.

….and patriots would have made #CULT45 trend everywhere in the internet. Get on it, information troops.






Patriots, let’s start getting on the OFFENSE of the Great Information War. The PILGRIMS do not want the people of the earth to know about THORIUM. It would end their business model of never-ending war, refugees, energy scarcity, and control. Our next ‘education front’ needs to be waking-up citizens about thorium as a fossil fuel alternative.

Our research shows that memes are a great way to get the conversation going. But they won’t work if you don’t fire them through your network.

The left will love what it does for their imaginary climate change crisis. The bankers will hate it because it interferes with their petrodollar. The globalist will hate it because it ends wars for energy and they won’t be able to collect a carbon tax. Patriots will love thorium because it is clean, safe, abundant, and inexpensive.

People around the world are demanding their governments switch from uranium to thorium within the next few years. Those who know about the real climate change coming – a mini-ice age – love thorium because everybody and the greenhouses stay warm and toasty for the decade of colder than average temperatures.

Have you contacted your congresspeople to educate them about thorium? Remember the folks in the Senate and Congress aren’t the brightest bulbs around. They count on information patriots like you to advise them. If you don’t, you give a louder voice to the corporate lobbyists and staffers.

Contact your congressman here.


Why Thorium rocks — Science Sundays


Getting very excited here about our upcoming lessons on new energy. We have been given permission to share some amazing videos and files with the AIM audience about these technologies that are being suppressed from us by the Pilgrims. The files are enormous so Betsy needs to get them well-organized for presentation purposes. We want AIM patriots to be well-informed about energy choices.

Each day, we will present a little bit more, building up to a release of a 1,200 page book that a Conclave member has been working on for decades, just waiting for the time in history when enough people are paying attention. Conclave Condor is making a philanthropic gift to the planet to share these discoveries with the AIM community so that you can push the info out to your audiences. We want to scale the information all at once, planet-wide.

Let’s educate citizens around the world that there are safe, abundant, inexpensive, clean alternatives to fossil fuels that can bring people everywhere unlimited energy. Yes, this will change civilization as we know it…so giddy up and help us pioneer the NEW WORLD AWAKENING. Don’t sit on the sidelines for the greatest time in human history – join our worldwide movement towards lasting planetary peace and prosperity in a world full of separate, different, and distinguishable nations.


Cultural Marxists change the meaning of our words. Push back! Refuse to accept their new definitions for anything, including the twisted way they use pronouns.

People who have NOT been indoctrinated by cultural Marxism know that the pronouns in English are he, she, and they. He is for those with XY chromosomes; she is for XX; and they is when there are at least two included.

See the image below where the definition of nationalism has been changing. Of course the Marxist globalists want nationalism to be a dirty word. Make sure to keep your dictionary books as Big Brother’s digital platforms keep nudging us to definitions that are fake. FAKE DEFINITIONS.

The time Scalia took on the dictionary:

Antonin Scalia v. Merriam-Webster



They sneak their cultural Marxist b.s. into the narrative. In the image below, you will see how they put a piece of propaganda inside one of their propaganda outlets the Daily Mirror. They give the ‘fake news’ traction by having other fake news outlets report on the original lie. Then, before you know it, we have TranSanta.

BTW, doNothing Betsy deVos is still doing nothing at the U.S. Department of Education to dismantle this globalist indoctrination going on in our public schools. She, herself is a billionaire globalist, put in place to keep the public school indoctrination program, along with the Pilgrims Society propaganda textbooks, as undisturbed as possible until they can get President Trump out of office.

Remember this promise in 2017?

Trump to pull feds out of K-12 education

Well…nothing has happened because getting the feds out of K- 12 education would end their national dominance in brainwashing our children with their cultural Marxism. Globalist billionaire Betsy deVos is in place as Secretary of Education to make sure NOTHING HAPPENS. Trump may or may not be aware of her doNothing agenda – hard to tell at this point.

Her doNothing agenda means that millions of children in our public schools continue to be indoctrinated with the Frankfurt School, cultural Marxists, Tavistock propaganda and brainwashing. Betsy deVos is maintaining the globalist indoctrination status quo, hoping that her boss isn’t paying attention to her doNothing agenda.

Start attending your local school board meetings and demand that this evil indoctrination of your children be halted. If you don’t speak up, your silence supports their brainwashing agenda.



How $5 Billion In Physical Gold Was Secretly Moved From London To Poland


President Trump Visits U.S. Troops in Afghanistan for Thanksgiving – Great pictures inside!



This is what President Trump does for us on a daily basis. What are YOU doing to show your great patriot support?

  1. Make sure to keep attending rallies – whether you make it inside or outside.
  2. Educate and enlighten as many folks as you can why a Trump 2020 vote is best for them. 




Did you know that it’s OK now to be in the U. S. military and not follow the the Commander-in-Chief’s orders. It’s a military free-for-all where high level officials can do the hell they want and tell President Trump to stand down. The penalties for this need to be far greater than being FIRED. This Navy Secretary needs to meet justice – military style. PRONTO. We don’t want anymore scumbags like this thwarting the President’s commands.

Fired Navy Secretary Confirms He’s Part of the Deep State


Brenda Lawrence (D-MI) gets pulled back onto the Democrat plantation. Read all about it.


Can You Trust What Medical Journals Publish?


Let’s make sure Greta knows about THORIUM!


Lots of pictures and videos on Vivienne Chow’s twitter thread. Read all about it.


Two polls show massive surge in black voters supporting Trump


CoolAgentStocky posts:

As a brown dude, I’m going all in on Trump 2020. As a registered Democrat who voted Gary Johnson (oops!) in 2016, Trump is the obvious choice this time around. I’ve had a gradual falling out with the Democrats since Hillary. Screw race, every American is better off under Trump. I’m in the entertainment industry and there are more opportunities than ever before to get more work. It’s great. Wallet > feelings. Period.




Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


Great video inside headline link

Mike Robinson posts:

The only thing I want from Horowitz is:  “How did this happen? Where are the holes in the laws and processes which turned out to be big enough to drive a truck through?” Other people will figure out “who.” Laws that were intended to protect us instead exposed us to unprecedented dangers that we never knew. It never should have been possible to do what was so blatantly done.

FISA … PATRIOT … other laws of their kind … put them on the dissecting table, then put them on the chopping block. They were far worse than “they didn’t work.” They created national security issues.



Steve gets to the point at 2:42 and it is worth the upbeat observations.

Three Reasons Trump’s ROCKY TWEET is Absolutely AWESOME!




Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Raises More Money Than Every Other House Democrat: Report




Here’s a meme template for you…


crossthread 42 posts:

Lets play a Lil #FakeNews game..
Where “exactly” is Ruthie?
“Headlines” from a couple Days ago..
Lets start with this one..
Ruth Bader Ginsburg returns to court after hospital stay 
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court says Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has returned to the court after a two-night stay in a hospital.
The court says the 86-year-old Ginsburg is attending an annual fall classical music program on Monday afternoon. Ginsburg loves the opera and classical music, and she has presided over the event for more than 10 years. (SFGate) (AP)
OK, So Ruth was “released” & returned to the “Court” then attends a Fall Music Program..
Moving on… Next Story..

Supreme Court says Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg released from hospital
The 86-year-old Ginsburg has returned to her home in Washington, D.C., and is “doing well,” court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Sunday. Santa Rosa Press..
OK I can buy that one too, BTW, isn’t Her “Home” in Commifornia?
Moving on.. Next Story..
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Released From Hospital After Health Scare

The 86-year-old was first evaluated on Friday at a hospital in Washington, D.C., after feeling unwell. She was then transferred to The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. By Saturday, her fever and chills had lessened after receiving intravenous antibiotic therapy and fluids, the spokeswoman said.
OK, I can buy that.. Now… Moving on…
Ruth Bader Ginsburg ‘Home And Doing Well’ After Hospitalization For Chills & Fever
“Justice Ginsburg has been discharged from the hospital,” Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said in a statement. “She is home and doing well.”
But WAIT a second 
Recently, Ginsburg missed arguments on November 13 with what the court called a stomach bug. She returned on November 18 for the court’s next public meeting.

So, NOW we know,, Ruthie missed arguments Nov 13, Came BACK by the 18th, THEN had “chills” & was feeling “unwell” by the Nov. 22, (Friday),, received “fluids & antibiotics” that “cured Her” by the 25th, to be released to Her Home, though She’s going to ALSO attending an annual fall classical music program on Monday afternoon?? From Home & doing well I presume?
was Ruthie, in Supreme Court, While the Adnan Syed case was reviewed & denied?(Early Monday Morning on the 25th)..
As reported on Yahoo News & CNBC & other “News outlets”.. (She was reportedly Present).
That’s quite ALOT of activity for someone that just had Antibiotic therapy, a 86 year Old Woman, Just discharged from the Hospital that Morning & Present for a Court Case While, *recovering* at home, AND attending a Opera Music fest? Has anyone seen Photos from the Music fest? (yet)?
I tell ya She gets around..



Today’s cat image (at the top of the page) is sent to us by AIM patriot DX. Thanks for the glass bead! Meow.

For those new to our site, you may wonder what’s up with the cats.

Citizens Addicted to Truth. CATs

Plus, these furry little creatures on the top of each Cat Report do a great job keeping the rats off of our site. They take one look at the kitties and dismiss our material – which is fine with us. You know what’s inside!


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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