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Ukrainian president Zelensky’s fresh denial of a quid pro quo




EU and UK Policies Aided Crypto Criminals to Pocket Billions of Euros

Read the complaint here: Levy Complaint

Remember when we told you that something was happening behind the scenes with Bitcoin? August 2019 – Bitcoin Troubles and Philip Venables

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Why Is The United States Supreme Court Listed as a Private Corporation On DUN & BRADSTREET?


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Spying and conniving on Donald Trump went straight up the chain to Barack Obama.

Share this collection of Lisa Page memes and articles from this link:

Yep, TRAITORS are separated from their children when they go to prison. She has no one to blame but herself – scumbag traitor of the people of the United States of America.

SES IG Michael Horowitz permitted Peter Strzok to redact-remove-hide any tweet he wasn’t comfortable with because he claimed they were “having an affair” and it might be too personal. Enough with this BS. These two FBI EMPLOYEES used GOVERNMENT PHONES to commit treason, sedition, and who knows what else. We have not seen one tweet that even hinted that these two were lovers. Citizens DEMAND that every text be released to the public.


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Ukrainian president Zelensky’s fresh denial of a quid pro quo


International Crisis Group Destroys America on Taxpayer Funds




Field McConnell’s prepared statement. Video only available on his site.


DOD Issues Special Notice Seeking Input From Industry on 5G Technology Development




Read and share the tweet. See Rep. Collins’ letter to Jerry Nadler



Joe Biden says the darndest things Cartoon







Let’s introduce you to another community member – AIM Patriot Charles who lives in the Philippines with his beloved wife. He is pictured with his new Santa hat that just arrived in the mail, with plenty of time to grow out his beard over the next few weeks.

Charles is working on a project that will benefit everyone in our AIM community. He, with the help of AIM Patriot Jeremy, are preserving AIM video/audios off-line so that patriots can keep a hard copy for family historical records.

Once the project is finished, he will give us details of how to purchase the material, which will be mailed from the Philippines. We have asked him to add a few dollars to support the work he and his wife do with children in his neighborhood.

Charles writes:

“The Philippines is a poor country. Most of the people cannot afford a computer. The neighborhood kids, and those even further away, walk to our home to play the games on the computers. They range in age from young children of 4 yrs to adults who want to use camera to chat with relatives overseas. It is a joy for me to listen to their excitement and singing of songs! (Even though some cannot carry a note, God knows their joy)!

We also have a store inside where they can buy snacks or order food to eat & drink so they can stay all day!”

Note to AIM Patriots:

What is YOUR story? Why are you here in the AIM truth community? Where are you from? We tell you all the time that our global community is absolutely amazing. We are connected through our love of freedom and our desire to bring lasting peace and prosperity to our planet. It’s a big job. Somebody had to do it. Thank goodness, you guys ARE!



He was also elected to put the evil criminal pictured above IN JAIL. 🙂


The following is an answer that a Conclaver had about the GALT system. Condor answers:

In our telephone conference call with AIM, you asked how GALT systems (Geothermal Atmospheric Liquified Thorium) chemical reactors renewed their fuel resource with Th92.

Thorium (92 protons and 140 neutrons), on its own, has a very stable half-life of around 7 billion years.  It will sit lazily on its own until it absorbs a neutron to become Thorium233 ((92 protons and 141 neutrons). It is at this point, when Th232Th233 it becomes unstable.  Should another neutron get absorbed by this heavy Thorium233 element, it immediately fissions.

These unstable atom splits into two smaller elements.  On average, 2.5 neutrons (see image to right) are ejected as a result of the fissuring process.

The are highly energetic neutrons flying all about the salt bath after all these fissions.  Many will be absorbed by other Thorium232 atoms contained within the brew itself to become new Th233 fuel.  Those neutrons which escape the chemical reactor shielding barrier will be captured by an exterior shielding blanket comprised of additional Thorium232 in the Kirk Sorenson design.  This generates even more Th233 which will serve as additional fuel to eventually be pumped into the GALT brew circulating inside the chemical reactor core itself.


Message received.




Soros’ Pilgrim Society International Crisis Group (ICG) started stacking its board of directors in Jun. 2008, right during the banking crisis and the 2008 presidential election. The Board included many future Obama officials (before anyone even knew he would win – or did they know?) Was the FIX in by the Pilgrims Society?) 

Victor Pinchuk of Trump-Russia Hoax fame is all in with these Trump-hating globalists 

International Crisis Group (ICG), Co. No. FC018735. (Accessed Dec. 02, 2019). Filings. Companies House.

Premonition or Foreknowledge?

International Crisis Group (ICG) directorships Leftist, Globalist Associations
2008-06-07-FRANK-GIUSTRA-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Jun-07-2008.pdf Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Gold Corp, Clinton-Giustra Global Initiative
2008-06-07-SAMANTHA-POWER-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Jun-07-2008.pdf Clinton Foundation, Obama
2008-06-07-VICTOR-PINCHUK-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Jun-07-2008.pdf Clinton Foundation
2008-06-07-WESLEY-CLARK-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Jun-07-2008.pdf Clinton Foundation, Obama
2008-06-07-ZBIGNIEW-BRZEZINSKI-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Jun-07-2008.pdf Pilgrims Society
2008-08-08-GEORGE-SOROS-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Aug-08-2008.pdf Pilgrims Society, Open Society
2008-08-08-KOFI-ANNAN-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Aug-08-2008.pdf United Nations
2008-08-08-LAWRENCE-SUMMERS-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Aug-08-2008.pdf Clinton Foundation, Pilgrims Society
2008-08-08-LORD-CHRISTOPHER-FRANCIS-PATTEN-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Aug-08-2008.pdf Privy Council, Pilgrims Society
2008-08-08-LORD-JEREMY-JOHN-DURHAM-ASHDOWN-PRIVY-COUNCIL-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Aug-08-2008.pdf Privy Council, Pilgrims Society
2014-07-11-LORD-MARK-MALLOCH-BROWN-Director-appointed-Privy-Council-Open-Society-Foundation-Pilgrims-Society-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Companies-House-(UK)-Jul-11-2014.pdf Privy Council, Pilgrims Society, George Soros
2019-04-26-ALEXANDER-GEORGE-SOROS-Director-appointed-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Open-Society-Foundation-Pilgrims-Society-Companies-House-(UK)-Apr-26-2019.pdf Pilgrims Society, Open Society
2019-04-26-ROBERT MALLEY-Director-President-CEO-appointment-International-Crisis-Group-(ICG)-Co-No-FC018735-Open-Society-Foundation-Pilgrims-Society-Clinton-Obama-National-Security-Council-Apr-26-2019.pdf Pilgrims Society, Clinton, Obama, National Security Council

     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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