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AIM Patriot Charles Organizes Videos

We wanted to give a shout out to AIM Patriot Charles from the Philippines who has been working to organize our videos and audios in a way that can be shared off-line with folks. Below you will see a sampling of his work product. In the tables below, Charles has prepared summaries that will appear with the videos.

Charles’ plan is to get these loaded on to an external drive so that you can save and preserve for your family records who will always know the truth of this period of time in our planet’s history.

Here’s a sneak peek of some of his work. AIM has patriots all around the world that are working together to save the planet from the globalists.


NotesID Notes
03 Thomas and Betsy take listeners on a new geopolitical adventure – this one involves astrology and astrosophy. Thomas, who guided Nancy Reagan as one of the White House’s astrologer-clairvoyants as President Reagan moved through stages of Alzheimer’s, brushes off his talents and applies them to Donald Trump’s chart. Thomas offers an analysis of the effects of the 2017 eclipse on individuals, America, and Trump. The President’s personal astrological chart is compared to the eclipse chart to predict what the effects and likely outcomes might be for the coming year for Trump and America. “Cosmic” aspects of eclipses are explained and the cycle of annual eclipses indicates that we are in a fiery cycle of change until January 2018. Trump loves the fire and is rising like a Phoenix from the ashes of the Deep State. The two articles that Thomas mentioned in his talk are:
05 Thomas interviews John Barnwell concerning the sharp turn the Left has made into violence, aggression and rioting that is anti-American and threaten US liberties and free speech. Antifa’s recent methods of using fascist violence to protest free speech repeats the history of national socialism instead of the tenets of democracy, liberty, and the US Constitution. Ideological radicalism is supported in large part by Non-Governmental Organizations that can wield more power than political parties or elected officials. The individual’s power of free thought and the right to follow your own conscience is being threatened in America by radical domestic terrorists who are the opposite of what they say they stand for. On the other hand, the Conservatives are being targeted in the plans of the 17 US Intelligence agencies for countering populism, nationalism, and identity politics that are spelled out in great detail in their 2017 Intelligence report entitled, The Paradox of Progress. This document shows that we are clearly in the Second American Revolution.
06 Since we haven’t seen any traction on this story in the media or from the Department of Justice or FBI, the Anonymous Patriots continue to provide citizen research on James Comey so that there are no corners on the face of the earth for this traitorous criminal to hide. No blue curtains in the White House or underground hide-aways will hide James Comey and his crimes as we continue to expose his nefarious operations designed to overthrow America and hand Her over to global interests and control. The full report can be found at the link below. Make sure to circulate this citizen intelligence report wide and far!
07 THIS VIDEO IS NOT ONE HOUR–More like 40 minutes. Betsy had a glitch in the upload, but has moved on to the next project. In this show, Betsy and Thomas answer two questions from recent videos. The first is about with Assad, Syria, ISIS, Al Qaeda. ‘Nature Girl’ and other viewers wanted Thomas to explain why he said in a recent video “Assad created ISIS and Al Qaeda.” Some viewers were under the impression that these were CIA-created. Thomas spends the first half of the show discussing the nuances of these different factions. 23:00 mark: A viewer Dennis Velintino asked a question about how WE THE PEOPLE can put an end to the corruption in D.C. and restore the constitutional republic. Betsy and Thomas spend the rest of the show on this topic. To read the CITIZENS INTELLIGENCE REPORTS (CIR) that the American Intelligence Media has researched for you, please go to Make sure to sign up for our daily posts and peruse our amazing CIRs that you can use to educate your elected officials.
08 American Intelligence Media anonymous patriot ‘Thomas Paine’ reviews today’s TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES and gives listeners deep insight into the leading stories of the day. To receive a free copy of daily TNH, please subscribe at Today’s audio commentary provides these bookmarks for navigation purposes: 1:25 The little fish are now going after big fish Debbie Wasserman Schultz… 10:24 Thomas explains why DWS must go to jail even without a trial. And many more like her who have/had security clearances that have been clearly and grossly violated. THINK HILLARY, COMEY, OBAMA. 18:50 Why do politicians tell such big lies? 20:54 Of course there is a way to find out who murdered Seth Rich 23:30 Mueller’s Russia collusion investigation is the third Trump-Russia investigation so far and this one will be the most expensive of all 25:40 Rahm Emmanuel’s Chicago pay-to-play scheme is just a smaller version of Hillary’s foundation scam. 27:49 Thomas watched Charlie Rose interview with Steve Bannon and provides additional insight 34:29 Geoengineering is very real and is weaponizing weather against citizens 46:32 Duh. The United States funded ISIS 48:19 George Bush Senior and Dick Cheney perpetrated 911 and Bob Mueller led the cover-up 52:42 George Bush Sr. and the Vulcans role in the 911 scheme 1:00 How patriots are using the weaponized internet against its creators and how to play the Glass Bead Game…
09 Our job was to do the research and present you with a Citizens Intelligence Report and an easy-to-follow audio story. Your job, as TRUTH WARRIORS, is to engage and activate the messaging throughout your social network and request that they do the same. We call this INFORMATION RAPID DEPLOYMENT. Do not let the lives and honor given by our fellow Americans who fell on 9-11-2001 and thereafter be in vain. Rise up and educate others. The TRUTH will set us free.…
10 Listeners and readers of the American Intelligence Media are aware that information has been weaponized and is being used against us by the Deep State in all kinds of propaganda methodologies. In this video, Betsy and Thomas review the following key points. To receive their daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES, please go to 0:48 There has been much confusion this week on how Trump plans on handling DACA, immigration reform, and the border wall. Trump supporters are burning their MAGA hats and Democrats are celebrating their victory in gaining the upper hand in immigration policy. Or is Trump playing both the Democrats and Republicans and has another strategy in play? 13:09 Betsy is fed up with the crimes of Hillary Clinton going unnoticed by the Department of Justice. Thomas explains how the process is actually working and that investigations are ongoing. 19:25 Three employees of the Global Engagement Center, a part of the Board of Broadcasting Governors, abruptly “resigned” this week. Thomas explains the nefarious agenda of this Obama creation and how Facebook has used Russian accounts to weaponize the social media platform during the 2016 election. 32:11 Is Trump being poisoned? That’s what many alternative media outlets were decrying this week. Is it true? And what about the claims that Trump is not permitted to read articles from his favorite news sites? True or false? 36:36 The spy ring of Imran Awan and DWS is getting the exposure it needs in order to eradicate the spies and traitors from D.C. Thomas has much to say about this topic as he explains how there were/are no secrets in Washington that haven’t been fully disclosed to anyone in the world. 47:34 Here we are way out in the weeds discussing the eclipse and the astrological indicators for Trump and the United States. If your religion prohibits you from listening to these matters, skip it and head towards the audio exit door. No offense taken, but no apologies offered. 49:44 It’s all about consciousness and the way you perceive your world. Wrap up and thank you for listening.
11 Cultural historian John Barnwell and Aim4Truth patriot ‘Thomas Paine’ discuss the genesis of the political “left-wing” movement in the French Revolution is described in relationship to the evil we see in the “radical left-wing” – Antifa, Black Lives Matter, rioting on the street, aggression, and violence. These radical tendencies are found at the extreme-radical left and extreme-radical right – churches, fascists, racists, terrorism, anarchists, etc. The diabolic tendencies of politics and politicians come from all 3 French estates – church, monarchy, people. The historical tendencies of human sacrifice, war, slavery, and pedophilia are the tools of those who wish to dominate others. These historical secrets are the dark politics of our day. Make sure to subscribe to our daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES at so you will always be ahead of the propaganda corporate media narrative and disinformation.
12 Betsy and Thomas discuss corporate media’s new revelation that Paul Manafort was surveilled before, during, and after the 2016 presidential election. The American Intelligence Media explained this to their listeners and readers some time ago and Thomas is gloating for his original ‘scoop’. Of course, Thomas discusses much more than this as he brings us up to speed on what may be happening with Washington spy ring investigation. Make sure to subscribe to our daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES at so you will always be ahead of the propaganda corporate media narrative and disinformation. This is an information war. So make sure you are stocked up with truth “bullets” to be used against the globalist and Deep State enemies.
13 Where oh where is the gold? Betsy and Thomas lead you right to the world’s gold and share the secrets about China that the main stream media won’t tell you (if they were even smart enough to figure it out). Are you receiving our daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES on your inbox every day? It is free, yet priceless.
14 Betsy and Thomas discuss the unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Act and then banter topics that might surprise new listeners, but our regulars will love – Unfortunately, if we put the ‘key words’ in our description, we may get snubbed by Big Brother. Could early listeners can help describe the subject matter in the comment boxes below? The American Intelligence Media is like a one-room global schoolhouse for wisdom and truth. Make sure you receive your daily lesson – TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES- at Class has already started and if this is your first AIM4Truth audio, then you are late to class. Learning can be fun!
15 Anonymous Patriots Betsy and Thomas have a field day exploring the relationships between: Google, Alphabet, DARPA, the Internet, information warfare, higher consciousness, CERN, blockchain, In-Q-Tel, U.S. Patent Office, Leader Technology, Eric Schmidt, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, MemX, Goldman Sachs, ICE, MERS, CME, Microsoft, Quantum Hedge Fund, George Soros, Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, gold, Reuters, Associated Press, fiat currency, Axios, off-shore accounts, Fort Knox…..and that’s not all!
16 Our main website is located at Betsy was very concerned when she read in Breitbart that Steve Bannon had a meeting with Henry Kissinger and Highland Forum’s Andrew Marshall. The Anonymous Patriots have written plenty about these two in their citizen intelligence reports so when Betsy saw both names together in one article, she knew Thomas and the conclave would be interested. Before Thomas answers her question about the meeting, he answers a few questions from our listeners and gives insight into what is really happening with the Equifax incident where 143 million Americans’ credit records have been severely compromised. Thomas explains that it was NO HACK – but a planned sabotage so that Google-Alphabet can control your personal identity. Are you receiving TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES every day in your inbox? It is free, yet priceless. Go to to join our FULL DISCLOSURE movement.
17 Betsy and Thomas examine topics from TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES. Make sure to get your free copy of TNH delivered to your inbox at Free, yet priceless for the savvy citizen intelligence gatherer. 0:00 Betsy posted a number of questions on TNH after she read this article at… . Betsy wants to know what is the company called ‘Recorded Future’ and who is behind them? Why is the CIA being used as a source in this article? Is the article pro or anti-Bitcoin? What is the real agenda behind an article like this one? 24:30 Betsy read that Russia and the US are going to build a moon station but she knows that this would be rather challenging for us to do with our current technology. She points Thomas to this article and asks him about the authenticity of the Moon landings.… 41:00 Why is the Trump Justice Department blocking the extradition of a Clinton money-man and a Soros associate to China? Thomas gives us a deeper insight into this question. The original article cited is here:…
19 Thomas and Betsy explain how the Equifax fraud and theft of 143 million customer profiles is a sly way for Google’s Alphabet to collect your personal information in order to keep you contained in a cyber credit box. Why is the IRS partnering with Equifax and what is the company FireEye’s role in this breach? For those of you who are not familiar with the American Intelligence Media, please make sure to visit and make sure you are receiving TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES every day.
20 Ready to connect the dots? Follow Betsy and Thomas through an amazing labyrinth of political intrigue and financial machinations as they show you the connection between Mandalay Bay and Sheldon Adelson, Dubai, the Board of Broadcasting Governors, Leslie Ireland, Barack Obama, Nicholas Rasmussen, the Global Engagement Center, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Russian political advertisements, John Podesta, pedophilia, US Small Arms Treaty, Harvey Weinstein, UN Strong Cities Initiative, National Counter Terrorism Center, Las Vegas police, FBI, CIA, Trump Effect, long guns, and more. Are you receiving our free TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES in your inbox each day? Make sure to subscribe at We referred to these articles on Mandalay:…… UPDATE: Megan Rouse, owner of 75000 shares of Putin connected energy company and daughter of John Podesta, is married to Counterintelligence FBI Agent Aaron Rouse who is in control of the FBI’s investigation (cover-up) who was beside Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo at the press conference making sure that the falsified timeline of the Mandalay shootings was reported. See the following links for verification: SGT report on relationship of Rouse’s to Podesta:…… Does the FBI-Podesta connection explain why the FBI has never investigated PizzaGate, Pedogate, and Podestagate?
21 Forget China who openly steals our technology. We should be very concerned about Washington patent attorneys, U.S. Patent Office, intelligence agencies, and corporations of the military-industrial complex that are keeping very important new technologies from the people of the world. Once you listen to Betsy and Thomas discuss this topic, you will be ready to deep dive into their blockbuster article on patent theft.… A supplemental 500-page truth bomb book is available for free here: https://aim4truthblog.files.wordpress… Please pass this video, articles, and PDF book to all of the entrepreneurs, inventors, creators, and investors in your circle of influence. They need to fully understand the ways of THE SWAMP before they submit anymore new ideas and inventions to the patent office for review.
22 Deep in the putrid, slimy swamp of Washington slithers the patent attorneys, corrupt politicians, and criminal degenerates who suck the creative forces from American entrepreneurs to feed their sloth and greed with the fruits of labor that they could never conceive. Get your diving gear on as Betsy and Thomas take you on a tour of darkest place of all – the Swamp’s Den of Thieves. A supplemental 500-page truth bomb book is available for free here: https://aim4truthblog.files.wordpress… Mentioned in this audio are: Patent Theft Steals from all Americans:………… Supreme Court Guts Patents: See our article entitled ‘The Internet Has A Kill Switch’ to read about Crocker
23 Once you hear Thomas Paine describe the players in Washington and their biographies you will see how all the dots are connected. You will be so disgusted that you will want to forward this audio to all of your elected officials, the AG, the White House…..but only AFTER you send it out in lightning speed to everyone in your social media network. This is part of the alternative media’s OPERATION SOCIAL MEDIA SHOCK AND AWE. This time Patriots are pushing the narrative and it is one framed in LAW AND ORDER. Get this audio out to everyone in the world and make sure you are receiving your daily citizen intelligence reports at Make sure to catch the video before this one at… to learn about the DEN OF THIEVES and how they operate. NOTE: WE HAVE NOTICED THAT SOMETHING HAS INTERFERED WITH THE VOLUME OF THIS AUDIO. This is may have been done to distract you from listening. Turn up your volume as this was not an issue for the first 2K listeners.
24 Thomas and Betsy explain the last 100 years of U.S. criminal history in less than 60 minutes, connecting the dots between all the following: John F. Kennedy, Allen Dulles, George H.W. Bush, Warren Commission, Bay of Pigs, Zapata Oil, Edwin Pauley, OSS, CIA, regime changes, Ted Cruz’s father, BCCI, Jimmy Carter, Watergate, Federal Reserve, Woodrow Wilson, Charles Dawes, Bank of International Settlements, Harry Dextr White, United Nations, IMF, Standard Oil, Prescott Bush, Carlisle Group, Haliburton, 911, Barrick Gold, Jesuits, Robert Mueller, H. P. Heidner, Council on Foreign Relations, Kissinger…..and more.
25 Finally, a definitive MAP OF THE SWAMP. Betsy and Thomas give you a quick look of what you will see when you peer deep into the murky swamp of D.C. Listen to their overview, then do a deep dive into its depths by reviewing this important citizen intelligence report:
26 Hillary isn’t the only one exposed in the Uranium One scandal. It will also expose Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, and…Barack Obama. Make sure to check out all of the citizen intelligence reports found at Just type in any of these names into our search bar and educate yourself on the corruption of the Deep State.
27 As the citizens work to bring law and order back to the US from when it was stolen by nefarious means in 1913, everyone will have to face the consequences. Those that have operated outside of the law will need to be indicted and brought to trial. Those who are guilty will need to be punished in a manner outlined by the law. Citizens, too, will have their consequences for turning a blind eye to the enormous corruption that has become the D.C. swamp.
28 This is a lesson for our advanced American Intelligence Media “students”. A supplemental 500-page truth bomb book is available for free here: https://aim4truthblog.files.wordpress… No description or tags will be given as the last time we disseminated such a truth bomb audio, YouTube turned down the volume so low that you can hardly hear the words. If you are new to our audios, then visit us at and join us in the global one-room schoolhouse where you will learn about our real history and current events.
29 You are not only being deceived in the geopolitical realm, you are also not taught in school about the real truth of science. This lesson is for advanced students of the American Intelligence Media and may not be of interest to some listeners. But sometimes Betsy and Thomas have to show their wild and crazy side. Several links that were mentioned in the audio are listed below. Nibiru was discovered in October 2017:… The Universe is Electric:… How the Earth Moves:… The Eternal Ethers:… WHY CERN’S BIG BANG RESEARCH IS A BIG FRAUD:… CERN: BIGGEST SCIENCE SCAM IN HISTORY FALSE FLAG OF ALL TIME:… How Nibiru’s Return Accelerates the Schumann Wave:… Thomas recommends this excellent website:
30 Nobody is going to put it all together like our ‘Thomas Paine’. But once our readers and listeners understand the big picture, there is no calling back the image of truth. Learn the deep connections between Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Tenam, Frank Guistra, the Russians, and what is really going on at the United States Enrichment Corporation in Paducah, Kentucky.
31 Some folks say they have a difficult time with the audio volume so we reloaded a better sound version here: If you saw our recent video on Uranium One… you will want to find out what we discovered this week about the nuclear con game called Uranium One. No apologies for the length of the audio. Information truth warriors want to hear everything Thomas has to say. Are you receiving your daily citizen intelligence reports? If not, go to for your free subscription.
33 If the volume on this audio is too low for you, please see this version: The Donna Brazile story has layers of intrigue that the propaganda media will never share with you. Listen to Betsy and Thomas unpeel those layers and show you why Donna is done, over, toast. Thomas refers to two audios on Uranium One that he just completed. They are HOAX: Uranium One… Nuclear Con Game The Ed Klein article can be found here:… Are you receiving your daily citizen intelligence reports? If not, go to for your free subscription. Notices: Unless marked otherwise, American Intelligence Media (AIM),, copyright claims are waived. Reproduction is permitted with or without attribution. This content and its links may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Fair Use is relied upon for all content. For educational purposes only. No claims are made to the properties of third parties.
34 Betsy and Thomas on their first “on the road” interviews. In this warm up interview with Michael McKibben, American entreprenuer and inventor who was ripped off by the corrupt patent system to turn Facebook into a weapon against all humanity, Thomas asks Michael questions that the media has never asked him in over 17 years. The President has 17 intelligence agencies to give him daily updates. We the People had nothing. We found out that the media actually worked for the enemy. So that is why we created the American Intelligence Media. A place to go for TRUTH NEWS and your daily intelligence reports by an amazing group of alternative media creators, the intelligence conclave, and more. Get your free daily update at
35 Listen to Michael McKibben tell our Thomas Paine what it took him to invent the technology that made social media the amazing tool it is today. Then find another channel and listen to Mark Zuckerberg’s explanation of how he did it. Use some critical thought and decide for yourself who was the real inventor.
36 Betsy and Thomas of the American Intelligence Media discuss Leader Technologies, Michael McKibben, Saudi Arabia…..and who is Q.
37 John Barnwell and Thomas Paine of the American Intelligence Media discuss the true identity of the mysterious “Q” personality that is posting insightful intelligence and making predictions about the future with an inside track to Trump. The battle between the NSA, CIA, and FBI is spelled out against the backdrop of Top Secret clearances in intelligence. The “intelligence wars” raging between the military and corporate intelligence groups is ripping DC apart. White Hats like Q throughout the government are trying to help by becoming anonymous patriots who are working secretly for the Second American Revolution and its duly elected president.
38 Douglas Gabriel interviews Michael McKibben in PART 1 of SIX interviews. One of the largest government sponsored industrial espionage thefts of copyrights, trade secrets, and patents in modern times was the theft of scalable social networking inventions. The technology and programming code that underlie Facebook, Gmail, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and most the other large-scale social networking companies runs on Leader Technologies’ intellectual property. It was stolen by a group of criminal lawyers, judges, spies and bankers working with complete impunity and in total disregard for the law. Under the guise of the IBM Eclipse Foundation, James P. Chandler III (who was a national security advisor and top White House attorney) led the group of criminals who, interestingly enough, are also appearing in the news currently due to their most recently discovered crimes, along with John Podesta, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, John Breyer, James Breyer, Larry Summers, Yuri Milner, Alisher Usmanov, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and a host of others who are not so well known.
39 American Intelligence Media Website: Video Source: Part 3 of SIX. Many people are aware that Mark Zuckerberg has had to settle out of court again and again over his theft of the social network that he called “Facebook”. What they don’t know, perhaps, is that Zuckerberg was one of the fake tech-lords who got his invention from James Chandler’s and Larry Summers’ efforts to apply the technology they stole from Leader and was being disseminated through the IBM Eclipse Foundation.
40 Here is the full interview series:… Many people are aware that Mark Zuckerberg has had to settle out of court again and again over his theft of the social network that he called “Facebook”. What they don’t know, perhaps, is that Zuckerberg was one of the fake tech-lords who got his invention from James Chandler’s and Larry Summers’ efforts to apply the technology they stole from Leader and was being disseminated through the IBM Eclipse Foundation.
42 Leader Technologies’ Michael McKibben has a solution to the problem of the US military and intelligence agency’s control of the cyber-warfare experiment called the Internet. The Department of Defense created the Internet which was originally called ARPANET, after the Department of Defense agency called DARPA. These groups have incubated and funded the principle components of the Internet, from the cables it runs on, to the routers every communication runs through, to the micro-processors inside every computer, to the software that makes it work. All areas of our modern Internet-life were created for military purposes – not to create a system of world-wide free information as Leader Technologies first envisioned. The tech-lords’ monopolies can easily be turned off through one of two plans that the shareholders of Leader Technology have devised. Both plans end the control of the Internet by governmental military and intelligence agencies. Both plans are a win-win scenario for every American. Both plans help bring America back to a lawful society where the innovations and inventions of Americans are treated with respect and not usurped for military weaponization.
43 When Michael McKibben and his software engineers created their quantum leap in technology to almost infinite scalability with their social networking invention, they planned to implement a moral system that respected personal property and privacy and envisioned a new “age of freedom of information.” While Leader Technologies assumed that the government might want to use their invention, they had no way of knowing that the government intended to use it for the exact opposite moral purposes: to take away the user’s freedom and surveil everything in their lives. Michael was trying to advance the industry and certainly would have never believed that his own government might become his enemy as he resisted the whole-sale theft and weaponization of his inventions. How could Leader Technologies know that the most-respected patent attorney in America was also the most corrupt?
44 Patent theft is accomplished through the Patent Trial and Appeals Board and the many laws that allow the US Patent and Trademark Office to confiscate and control any patent deemed a national security issue. Once confiscated, the inventor is not compensated for the out-right theft of the patent. Stiff penalties, including incarceration, accompany these seemingly “illegal” patent laws that can steal any patent that the military (Department of Defense) or cyber-intelligence (all 17 agencies) considers a patent that could be turned into a weapon. Once stolen, the government uses a complex group of public, and secret, defense agencies, corporate contractors, and crooked bankers to fund the weaponization of trade secrets, patents, copyrights and other forms of intellectual property. Usually, the government builds in a “back-door” to the technology–so that they can control and manipulate the weaponized property. Then, they fund a “front-man” as a stooge to run a private corporation that is built on the weaponized invention.
45 Douglas Gabriel of Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies… discuss the following: • ARPANET and the creation of the Internet • The myth of Sir Tim Berners-Lee and the World Wide Web – CERN • Steven Crocker and the ICANN give-away to the United Nations • Who owns the Internet? – its cables, its routers, its cloud computing, cell-towers, etc. • The Myth of a “Russian Internet” being created • China, Turkey, Syria, Iran, etc. can all “turn off” the Internet or any part of it • Why does the US government play like they didn’t invent, regulate, and effectively own the Internet? • Federal Communication Commission pays AT&T, Verizon and other companies Billions to install the lines • Facebook/Google/Twitter and other social media surveil and control all user data and target them for marketing manipulation and US propaganda • The Internet is a weaponized DARPA experiment that got out of control
46 Douglas Gabriel of Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies… discuss how cyber white hats saved the 2016 election by protecting the U.S. Digital Service from creating false tallies. To read more about this blockbuster news that the corrupt main stream media is not telling you, please read: 
47 Douglas Gabriel of Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies… discuss what entities and players were behind the creation of the BitCoin technology. But along the way they also discuss the Miller Act Notice, IBM Eclipse Foundation, Peter Thiel, net neutrality, and Trump’s “wins.”
48 Douglas Gabriel of Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies… discuss who Jeff Bezos and Amazon really are and why we should be asking more questions about his and his company’s questionable background. The guys also discuss a company named Global Thermostat, Accel Partners, and Banker’s Trust. Also discussed are names that may not be familiar with listeners now, but will make more prominence in the news when the media finally catches up with us: Graciela Chichilnisky, Stephen Chu, and Edgar Miles Bronfman. 
49 Thomas and Betsy update listeners on the real headlines behind Michael Flynn and Robert Mueller drama unfolding in Washington. It’s all about the soft coup and election rigging which we have written about in these citizens intelligence reports:
50 Douglas Gabriel from joins Leader Technologies CEO and Founder Michael McKibben the real inventor of the technology that made all social media from Twitter, Facebook, Paypal, Google—all of them scalable. See… In this audio McKibben and Gabriel look at the boy kings of Silicon Valley and unmask their corruption and evil intentions.
51 Douglas Gabriel from joins Leader Technologies CEO and Founder Michael McKibben who has inside knowledge of what is behind the creation of Bitcoin. After all, he is the inventor of the technology that is behind Facebook until Mark Zuckerberg and his cadre of corrupt patent attorneys stole it from him and weaponized social media against us. See
52 Douglas Gabriel from joins Leader Technologies CEO and Founder Michael McKibben the real inventor of the technology that made all social media from Twitter, Facebook, Paypal, Google—all of them scalable. See… In this audio McKibben and Gabriel look at technology stocks and identify their corrupt originations and their trajectory for the future. 
53 Douglas Gabriel from joins Leader Technologies CEO and Founder Michael McKibben to discuss how law and order must be brought back to the Republic, especially those laws that pertain to property rights, if we are to defeat globalism and Make America Great Again. If you don’t know who Michael McKibben is by now, please check out our six-part blockbuster interview with him…
54 The election rigging was so profound that we wanted our YouTube audience to be fully aware of how it worked – so that it can never happen again under the watchful eye of patriots. We only mention this briefly in this audio, but have outlined the crime in two citizen intelligence reports below that explain how Facebook and Google worked within the White House to try to get their gal Hillary in office.…… Douglas Gabriel from joins Leader Technologies CEO and Founder Michael McKibben to give practical solutions that can defeat the tech warlords who wish to enslave America. We can Make America Great Again. Please listen to our suggestions. If you don’t know who Michael McKibben is by now, please check out our six-part blockbuster interview with him…
55 Betsy and Thomas discuss these topics: Where does Trump get his intel? Why is the U.S. Embassy moving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Failed impeachment process by House leaves Trump’s presidency stronger The criminal activities of Peter Strvok creates havoc and turmoil among Washington criminals What is the backstory of Chelsea Clinton? We didn’t speak too deeply about this topic, but offer you a full report at… Paradox of Progress can be downloaded here:…
56 Betsy, Thomas, and the Anonymous Patriots set out to see if there were any more skeletons in Robert Mueller’s closet and what they found even blew them away. Here are the articles that they reference in their discussion: Mueller and Patrick:… Chelsea Clinton:… 911:… Paradox of Progress:…
57 Betsy, Thomas, and the Anonymous Patriots set out to see if there were any more skeletons in Robert Mueller’s closet and what they found even blew them away. Here are the articles that they reference in their discussion: Mueller and Patrick:… Chelsea Clinton:… 911:… Paradox of Progress:…
58 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben name the players in the Deep State corruption of the U.S. patent system. If you are an entrepreneur, inventor, or creator, you will want to listen to this important disclosure before you engage the services of a patent attorney to help you with the process. Michael McKibben found that the very attorneys claiming to help you, can rip you off massively. Michael McKibben’s social media theft backstory is available here:… Other articles of interest from the American Intelligence Media outline how Obama and Silicon Valley tried to rig the 2016 elections:……
59 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain who the Silicon Valley Boy Kings are and why they and their spying operations are dangerous to the world. Michael McKibben’s backstory is available here:… Other articles of interest from the American Intelligence Media outline how Obama and Silicon Valley tried to rig the 2016 elections:……
60 As our regular listeners know, the American Intelligence is more than an information channel, and it is certainly not an entertainment channel—just look at our graphics and hastily uploaded audios! We provide our listeners with INTELLIGENCE. We show you the nuggets of information on the INFOWAR battlefield and arrange them in a way so that you can comprehend what you are seeing. We try to lift the fog of war so that you have a better view of the information terrain than our enemies do. We are intelligence operatives that are crowdsourcing intelligence to our fellow Americans since our lying corrupt media is incapable of doing so. In this endeavor to provide you with excellent intelligence, our Conclave group meets to discuss important data and decipher their codes. In this audio, three of our members meet to discuss the future of AI. Please enjoy the discussion with Douglas Gabriel, Michael McKibben, and John Barnwell.
61 Megan Kelly is pushing more fake news as she drags out fake news props Jessica Leeds, Samantha Holvey, and Rachel Cooks to publicly accuse Donald Trump of sexual harassment. We have already debunked these stories in earlier audios and articles, but bring you up to date so that you don’t have to absorb the lies and propaganda pushed by the main stream media.
62 Betsy and Thomas discuss the massive failures of Robert Mueller in his pursuit to protect and serve his fellow swamp creatures in D.C.
63 Many patriots are waiting for the DOJ’s Office of Inspector General to issue a scathing report on the corruption in D.C. Betsy and Thomas explain why we shouldn’t be expecting a knight in shining white armor to ride on to the political scene. The head of the OIG is Michael Horowitz and once you see his biography and hear what we have to say, it will be apparent to you that he is the ultimate “fixer” and witch hunter in the swamp. Here is our full citizens intelligence report on Horowitz:…
64 Make sure to listen to the first part of this 2-part video here:… Once you do, you will want to hear more about the DEEP STATE lies that they can not hide from the people any longer.
65 Betsy and Thomas say this audio is the best one yet. There are no words to describe the places they go and the people they reveal. Just put the cursor anywhere and listen for 30 seconds. The True Pundit article referenced is here:…
66 What was that white cargo place that landed and took off at Hartsfield International Atlanta during the airport blackout?
67 Betsy and Thomas discuss the pee-pee dossier from its inception to its deception.
68 Betsy and Thomas discuss the executive order that Trump signed on December 21, 2017 entitled: Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption. See the list on the annex at:… Support links to this audio are:… And remember what the pre-president Donald Trump told us…
69 Betsy and Thomas discuss why Eric Schmidt is stepping down as CEO of Google-Alphabet. Articles and links that support this discussion are:
70 Betsy and Thomas call out the actors who want to reauthorize FISA Section 702 Reauthorization – Daniel Coats, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pompeo, Christopher Wray, and Michael Rogers. Americans are sick and tire of 17 intelligence agencies spying on them using this unconstitutional work-around to surveil all of us all the time. Enough is enough. Articles for reference:……
71 This is for advanced students of the American Intelligence Media. Betsy and Thomas describe the pyramidal structure of global governance and how it is being dismantled as we speak. To download a PDF of the chart that is referred to: https://aim4truthblog.files.wordpress… 
72 Andrew McCabe is planning for his retirement – all on the US taxpayer dime – after his failed attempt to bring down an elected president and install a rogue regime led by Hillary Clinton. Thomas and Betsy have a few remarks about this development. Thomas mentions a timeline which can be found here:… More on the election rigging can be found in these citizen intelligence reports:… Who is Michael Horowitz:…
73 Vanguard and companies are modern day PIRATES. Whether you are invested in Vanguard funds, or not, you would be a whole lot smarter if you listened to Betsy and Thomas describe how the banksters, main stream media, patent office, corruptocrats, and hedge funds all work together to screw you – the average hardworking citizen. Then, once you have heard them, go to the article attached and have a RED PILL experience. Totally based. Main article:… Military Industrial Complex:… Also:… Trump Announces January 2018 National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month:… Trump Executive Order of December 21, 2017:… Trump Executive Order of February 9, 2017:…
74 TRUMP IS ON FIRE. Betsy and Thomas explain how and why Trump leads us into a 500-year American Renaissance. See below for a few of the links that they reference in this UPLIFTING and GOOD NEWS report. List of CEOs stepping down:… Vatican and governments involved in human trafficking:… Audio we did in August 2017 about Trump’s astrology:…
75 Look who is knee deep in alligators!?JEFF SESSIONS. His entanglement with Vanguard exposes his hidden agenda and Betsy and Thomas say he must go if we are to clean the swamp and bring in the American Renaissance. Articles mentioned are:
76 Betsy and Thomas think the FREEDOM TRACKER boot is a great way to identify the criminals and let them experience a “free range” prison where they have to pay for their own food and lodging instead of Vanguard private prisons pocketing the profits for their upkeep. The Freedom Tracker boot allows the criminals to be identified anywhere – on the streets, at the mall, in the grocery store – but citizens don’t have to pick up their incarceration costs. The geopolitical Sherpas also take on questions from readers: 8:50 What’s up with Leo Wanta 12:05 Barrick Gold and Peter Munk 25:00 Iran’s people-led revolution Articles that were mentioned:………
77 Betsy and Thomas continue to discuss Jeff Session’s poor performance as Attorney General and question whether he is up to the job in indicting Huma Abedin and the corruptocrats in D.C. Thomas explains that Trump is using the Treasury Department to do a work around the Department of Justice and is doing a great job. Articles that were mentioned:
78 Obama’s DEEP STATE ARMY has been found. It is highly organized, has over 8,000 well paid “soldiers” and they have their marching orders: Thwart Trumps’ attempt to clean the swamp. We prepared an article for you that has all the details we are discussing. Plus at the bottom is a great meme that you can copy and paste into your own messaging:…
79 Betsy and Thomas look inside their computer and find out that there is an Intel inside! Also…In-Q-Tel, Google, DARPA, and the military industrial complex. They planned on using their platform to spy on us and enslave us in their global tyranny, but we have turned the tables on them and are all using social media to awaken the world about their evil escapades that have been going on for way too long. Here are some of the articles we referenced:
80 Just when you thought you knew all the dirt about Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, James A. Baker, James P. Chandler, Robert Mueller, the Bushes, and the corrupt patent system in America, Betsy. AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE MEDIA American Intelligence Media Just when you thought you knew all the dirt about Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, James A. Baker, James P. Chandler, Robert.
81 There are really good reasons why you should say HELL NO to the reauthorization of FISA 702. Thomas explains in this quick audio. He refers to an article which is located below:
82 The wall is already under construction and DACA will terminate in March unless Congress can come up with an immigration plan by then – which is most likely a non-event. So, DACA folks, start getting those bags packed. Obama isn’t your protector anymore.
83 None
84 Betsy and Thomas look into Qanon recent controversies that point to a growing truth movement deep in the internet that the Deep State-Cabal cannot finds its source. Basically – now the Deep State is going down its own rabbit holes.… Here is the article that Thomas referred to:…
85 The front man for government Big Brother has been identified and he holds the most disruptive patent ever facing civilization and human evolution. Listen to Thomas and Betsy explore the corrupt U.S. Patent Office and how it has laid the digital web over the entire planet. No one will be able to escape unless we act now to sever its hydra-head. Here are articles that support this audio:
86 The American Intelligence Media pushed out a detailed report last year on some unsavory topics about the Catholic Church and the refugee crisis. Frankly, if we write the words in our description box, Big Brother Google-YouTube will slam our site. Best thing to do if you want to know what we couldn’t tell you, is to look at the articles below: The articles that support this audio:
87 Obama’s DEEP STATE ARMY has been found. It is highly organized, has over 8000 well paid “soldiers” and they have their marching orders: Thwart Trumps’ attempt to clean the swamp. . American Intelligence Media Obama’s DEEP STATE ARMY has been found. It is highly organized, has over 8000 well paid “soldiers” and they have. AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE MEDIA. Several days ago, shocking new information surfaced about Obama’s unbelievable acts of treason. Undeniable evidence emerged how Obama worked hand-in-hand with ISIS terrorists to secure massive. A description of the video, which was sent to a Swedish tech blog GadgetZZ in a DVD, also written in binary code reads “You have 1 year or less.” The masked figure appears to use a hidden.
88 The country is clamoring for Congress to release “the memo” so that everyone in the world can see what the Obama administration was doing behind closed doors. Make sure you subscribe to our daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES at It is free, yet priceless. Articles mentioned in this report are:
90 Still basking in the glow of speaking from an amazing conversation with Lionel from Lionel Nation at…, Thomas continues to explain the role Michael Horowitz has in the unfolding FISAGate drama. Make sure you subscribe to our daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES at It is free, yet priceless. Articles mentioned in this report are:
91 Y’all come on in now. Betsy recorded a conversation that Thomas is having with a colleague at another alt media network. Shhhhh. Just listen in. They want to know if Trump is ‘Deep State’. Listen to what Thomas tells them. Are you receiving your daily update on the Second American Revolution? Subscribe at It’s free, yet priceless
92 What is this 99 page compliance report that was released from the FISA Court? What happened to the missing texts between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok? Why does Thomas keep breaking verbs? Are you receiving your daily update on the Second American Revolution? Subscribe at It’s free, yet priceless Homework:
93 In this brief audio, Betsy and Thomas review the citizens intelligence report below and remind Americans of the importance of circulating this information to other citizens and to your elected representatives, especially members of Congress which is the branch of government given authority over immigration policy.
94 he letter from Senator Chuck Grassley is like a huge net cast out upon the swamp, ready to pull in the first net of swamp creatures. Listen to Thomas review the list with Betsy.
95 Thomas updates folks on the alien invasion going on through the illegal DACA and DAPA programs. Please see the article and video links below for recent updates that are relevant to this discussion:
96 Thomas and Betsy go so far out in the weeds on this one, you may want to stay safe and not listen to a single word. But if you do, here are the articles and materials referred to:
98 Here is the second part to this audio:
99 You think our first audio on this topic was HUGE, this one will blow your mind.
100 Thomas Paine and John Barnwell discuss some great ways to antidote 5G. Listen as they explore ormus, C60, shungite, buckyballs, and superconnectivity. Betsy and Thomas get many questions about the protocols they use. This short audio… is a way to provide you these links on our YouTube channel. We have several articles on 5g. Here is a good one to get started:… This is an audio that we did on shungite and 5G:… To learn about Paul’s devices for EMF and 5G protection see: To access the ASCEND diet: Here is our self-assessment symptom list: This is our special formula enzyme called Vibes: Of course we have a medical disclaimer:…
101 Thomas describes the convoluted spy operation that James Comey had going at the FBI. It wasn’t just Carter Page…..and he wasn’t just a Russian spy. Are you up to date with your citizens intelligence reports? Make sure to subscribe at The Laura Ingraham – Carter Page audios can be found here:
102 Douglas Gabriel of the American Intelligence Media explains how the Second American Revolution is a New World Awakening in which every citizen around the world can participate. Please note that Thomas meant to say that Washington DC was founded in 1781 (not 1871–numbers flipped in his head) . And apologies for misspeaking about Turkey and NATO at 45:10. Thomas knows that Turkey became a member of NATO on February 16, 1952. He meant to say that Belarus was not a member of NATO.
103 Thomas Paine and John Barnwell continue their conversation about natural ways to counter 5g and EMFs. They discuss C60, aloe vera, sea vegetables, shungite, and other natural methods. We have a great article on this subject:… Here is a recent audio of a related topic:
104 This long audio is not for AIM4Truth neophytes. If you have been waiting for the day that Thomas Paine of the American Intelligence Media puts it all together in one giant intelligence report on James Comey and his conspiracy to overthrow the U. S. government, hang on . The ride is intense. Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Here are the articles that Thomas references in his report:
105 The coup d’etet has failed and the Republic wins. Now the hard reality of setting up military tribunals lies before us.
106 Turns out that the story about the Russian CFO Sergey Panchenko being on the plane that crashed in Russia is a hoax. The plane crash is not the fake news. Please refer to the Daily Caller article below to get the accurate accounting of what occurred
107 uthor and lecturer Douglas Gabriel continues his discussions on the New World Awakening. Find out why he says we are all crossing the threshold during these historical times. If you missed his first video of the series, see…
108 You are going to be blown away with the revelations that Thomas has for you in this deep dive. He is unleashed, way out in the weeds, bringing up the biggest swamp monster of all, handing it to We the People to give it to President Trump. For more on Susan Rice see this citizens intelligence report:
109 This two-part conversation is for advanced Glass Bead Game students. Many subscribe to this channel so this was the best place to put this conversation for fellow truth seekers to savor. PART TWO:… Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. To learn more about the Qube and sigils:… Also: This is about EMFs and 5G:…
110 Look who dropped in to visit Betsy and Thomas for a conversation about Bill Priestap which took some interesting twists and turns. For the best timeline on the internet about the corruption in DC and the world go to:
111 Betsy goes solo and interviews Michael McKibben, Founder and CEO of Leader Technologies about the state of entrepreneurship in America when no one can trust the patent or legal system to protect their inventions. Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. To learn more about Michael see the interview series we did with him:
112 This two-part conversation is for advanced Glass Bead Game students. Many subscribe to this channel so this was the best place to put this conversation for fellow truth seekers to savor. Part One can be found here:
113 This two-part conversation is for advanced Glass Bead Game students. Many subscribe to this channel so this was the best place to put this conversation for fellow truth seekers to savor. PART TWO:
114 This two-part conversation is for advanced Glass Bead Game students. Many subscribe to this channel so this was the best place to put this conversation for fellow truth seekers to savor. PART TWO:… Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. To learn more about the Qube and sigils:… Also: This is about EMFs and 5G:…
115 Listen to Thomas give some big reveals on the Mueller indictments of the 13 Russians. The articles referred to in the discussion are:
116 The Global Engagement Center, America’s Truth Ministry, was behind the Russian election trolling that Mueller’s indictment failed to mention as he and his team created an outlandish report naming 13 Russian spies as the enemies. Here is our report on Michael Lumpkin and his first-hand direction in using the Global Engagement Center as propaganda against the American people. And he calls himself a former SEAL!
117 Here are at least 28 counts of treason, each count being just the start of even more treasonous acts by more domestic traitors of the United States. Please read this important citizens intelligence report and give it some social media traction all the way to the White House:
118 For advanced players of the Glass Bead Game, Douglas Gabriel continues his discussion on apocalypse and prophecy, this time with the emphasis on crossing the threshold. If you missed his first video of the series, see… The second video is here:…
119 Here is an action call sheet to pass around: Transcript here:… Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss strategies for how patriots can take action in restoring the Republic by requesting that the President sign the Miller Act Notice.
120 Try this action link to bypass censorship on FB: Transcript here:… Listen to Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain how the Miller Act Notice, if signed by the President, could take down tech industry, spying Google, lying Facebook, and the Silicon Valley boy kings. This is a truth bomb that We the People, through the White House, can use against the enemies of the state. Get the word out and ACTIVATE.
121 Trump’s response to the treasonous coup d’etat is slow and measured and he is winning. The Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe, Priestap, Clinton, Kerry, Lynch seditious meddling in the election and the attempted “investigation to impeach” turned “Mueller Investigation” coup d’etat is being turned into a public joke. Trump aligned with the military from the beginning and they are protecting his office and watching his back. Listen to Douglas Gabriel and John Barnwell discuss this situation.
122 Here is an action flier that you can pass around: The Washington criminals set up their own court system so that it would LOOK like they were being held accountable for their crimes, but in reality these courts were set up to protect their unconstitutional acts against We the People. Listen to the Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain how this system works that that we can dismantle it.
123 We don’t want to become robot extensions for the corrupt Silicon Valley boy kings so we came up with a citizens’ solution. This is not some pie-in-the-sky solution. This is something we can do to free humanity. Please educate and inform others. Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Here are relevant articles we have prepared for you:………
124 After Thomas discusses his take on the Adam Schiff counter memo to the Devin Nunes one, Betsy and Thomas describe modern information warfare and give you a very powerful information weapon to use against the whole, rotten lot of criminals. Let’s end this war and fire a shot heard round the world. Here is a recent video Michael and Douglas did on the Miller Act:
125 This amazing CRIMELINE of corruption needs to be bookmarked by every patriot.… PDF version… There is a search function on the site so that you can look up the indictable evidence needed to prosecute your favorite D.C. swamp monster!
126 None
127 For those of you that said we talked about kittens too much in our last audio, we decided to switch our attention to puppies and Jeff Sessions. Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Are you playing the Glass Bead Game? Join us. Homework:
128 None
129 Betsy and Thomas have some breaking updates for you regarding Trump’s recent executive action on March 1, 2018. The Conclave started looking at the Annex and it is revealing what is going on behind the scenes. The article that Thomas referred to is:
130 Betsy and Thomas love kitties and puppies almost as much as emptying the D.C. litter box along with their patriot friends. This time round we are looking at the DOJ, Jeff Sessions, and Michael Horowitz. Check out the Crimeline and pass along to your social network: It is a great research tool for truth seekers. Other topics we referred to are:
131 Betsy and Thomas love this little puppy image and invite listeners to step in and hear the real truth about China, that you will never hear on main stream media. Get on in here! And don’t leave without giving the puppy a bone (i.e. thumbs up) Link to Ormus:… Thomas recommends this article about China:…
132 FULL VERSION* Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss a recent uncovering made about the illegitimate basis upon which Mueller’s special council investigation is founded.
133 FULL VERSION* Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss a recent uncovering made about the illegitimate basis upon which Mueller’s special council investigation is founded. They refer to this article: https://americans4innovation.blogspot… Check out the Crimeline and pass along to your social network: It is a great research tool for truth seekers.
134 Betsy and Thomas discuss the backstory of Felix Sater and why his role as James Comey’s water boy might be coming back to haunt him. Articles referenced in the discussion are:
135 Welcome all of our kitty and puppy friends. Sorry we don’t have a fluffy, furry picture for this cat’s meow. You know our Blue Tick Coon Hounds – Gabriel and McKibben. Well, they dun went in that swamp and pulled themselves out a big gator. They are wrestling with it now. Come on in and hear the fun. Here is some nice reading once you finished watching the gator wrestling. Articles referenced in the discussion are:… https://americans4innovation.blogspot…
137 Betsy was thrilled when Jonathan, the youngest Conclave member, dropped by today and gave her a huge tip on how to block all ads — Google, Facebook, YouTube, Chrome, you name it. Not just an “ad block” system you may be using, but one that totally removed all ads – like a power scrubber. Since Silicon Valley Tech Lords have taken away ad revenue for many of our great alt media sites, let’s hit them back and turn off every single ad that comes to us. This product is totally free.  Betsy thinks we have a patriotic duty to tell everybody we know about this great product. You don’t have to go into all of the politics. Just show them how easy it is to install and how clean and nice their computer screen looks. Jonathan describes how to use uBlock Origin to Betsy and Thomas in the video below. To click on the product for instant installation, go here:
138 Betsy and Thomas explain Andrew McCabe’s firing and why it is just an opening conversation with patriots who know that he needs to be tried for treason and we know how this corrupt system is now set up with the Senior Executive Services. Here are the tools you will need to do some information mining. Accessing Crimeline and SES search:
139 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben outline the collapse of the shadow government in this riveting discussion. The research tools they referred to can be found here:… Read about Senior Executive Services here:… Remove the unconstitutional 9000 Senior Executive Services (SES) members . | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government…
140 Let’s talk about McCabe…and then do some scum pulling from the swamp. We have our Bluetick Coonhound and plenty of soft fluffy kitties with us. Thomas is so far out in the weeds, that Betsy just gave up and let him go. The research tools they referred to can be found here:
141 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben review new discoveries they have made while researching Senior Executive Services and SERCO.
142 Thomas Paine-in-the-ass-of-the-globalists has some recommendations for how to handle foreign agent and enemy of the state Christopher Steele. He also describes the relationship of SES to SERCO and the Queen of England. Read about Senior Executive Services here
143 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben reveal the attorneys that control the SHADOW GOVERNMENT through the Senior Executive Services, often called Obama’s army.
144 Betsy and Thomas respond to other alternative media channels who are defending Senior Executive Services. It’s not pretty so don’t go here unless you have had your morning coffee. Read about the Council of 500 that governs the Senior Executive Services here:… Learn to use our research tools to take down the enemy:… Read about Senior Executive Services here:…
145 Thomas wasn’t finished explaining Guccifer 2.0 in the last video entitled “Who Will Have the Last Laugh?” In this audio he names Guccifer 2.0 by name and has the evidence that proves it.
146 Will it be the criminal thugs who run our country or the American Patriots who have armed themselves with truth and plenty of information weapons. Make sure to educate and enlighten your audience of listeners so that we win the Second American Revolution.
147 Who is John Bolton and will he clean the NSC leaks coming from the White House office? Thomas Paine and John Barnwell discuss Trump’s new cabinet appointments and the exit of the globalists.
148 Thomas has a response to George Webb who challenged Douglas on the legitimacy of the Senior Executive Services and the DOJ 500. Gloves off. Let’s rumble. George, ball in your court.
149 None
150 Betsy and Thomas reveal the psyop cyber battle for the original Q’s network lines and expose the FAKE Q now running a disinformation campaign against patriots. Even if you are a die-hard Q fan, you will want to listen to the intel the Conclave has uncovered on Q.
151 Now outed in Australia for the outright selling your personal information, Facebook continues to expose itself as a rotten government-supported surveillance network. Here are the election rigging articles:
152 The war continues and the challenge to other alternative media channels has not been accepted. Will they expose the Senior Executive Services and the Global Engagement Center connections that they have? Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Articles referenced here:
153 Here is the next reveal:… If you like to play nonsensical games that lead you nowhere, then grab the latest mumblings from Q and continue your information spin so that you never arrive at the truth of the unconstitutional Senior Executive Services that is taking over America while you remain fast asleep with subliminal programming in the alt right media limited hangouts. Here is a nice video explaining SES:
154 None
155 Thomas looks at propaganda posts 965-970. Q doesn’t reveal anything new.
156 Thomas and Betsy look at propaganda post 964. Q doesn’t reveal anything new.
157 Betsy and Thomas love puppies and think more could be done to share puppy love all over the world. If you are a smithie or jeweler feel free to use this video – maybe with a different thumbnail. Whatever your audience likes. Let’s share puppy love and licks all over cyberspace.
158 The best disinfectant is the pure light of sunshine. Trolls turn into stone in the sunlight. Once you see the effects of sunlight, you will want all of your puppies and kitties get plenty. All smithies and miners are welcomed to take our video and replicate on your channel…although people would probably like a different picture on the thumbnail.
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161 Time for your daily redpill as we show you how preposterous the latest Q posts were #973-981. Get a big glass of water. This is one big pill to swallow. But remember, once you wake up you have many friends awaiting you on the side of truth.
162 See this link for details:… Betsy and Thomas explain the recent take down of Q by cyber warriors who continue to fight the lies and corruption of the global criminal cabal. Listen as Thomas describes how modern day JEDI WARRIORS are working behind the scenes to help educate and enlighten people around the world. 
163 TRIGGER ALERT. We discuss a Q post #975 and explain why is was a message in the bottle to us. Watch us connect the dots between Jeff Sessions, John Huber, Michael Horowitz, Rod Rosenstein, and Senior Executive Services. Jeff Sessions: Enemy of the State
164 TRIGGER ALERT. Betsy and Thomas continue with their analysis of the biggest psyop of modern time- Q. Articles referenced here:
165 Jeff Sessions is an enemy of the state. Here is the rock solid proof of how he sold out America in the Uranium One Deal. Here is our rap sheet on Sessions:… Learn about Unit 8200 here:… Here is a video that will explain Talpiot:…
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167 Important reference materials
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169 American Intelligence Media Lies about #QAnon
170 Gabriel and McKibben show you the awful results of a week’s worth of mining in the Plum Books. Listen to this eye-opening audio. Then decide how best to educate your audience with this material. Remember, you are welcomed to repost this audio on your own YouTube channel. You can jazz it up and put images, graphs, and visuals that would make it more appealing to your listeners.
171 TRIGGER ALERT. If the open-minded discussion of Q sends you into a troll-like spasm, then don’t listen to this audio. You were warned. Betsy and Thomas look at the psyop and call it out for being war propaganda and anti-Christian. To link to the posts, go to
172 In this heartfelt message, Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben appeal to the American people to pay attention to what is going on Washington and ask you to demand, in whatever way you feel appropriate, to end the Senior Executive Service and all its related entities and activities. This is the enemy within and we have duty to call it out and destroy the SES before it destroys America.
173 This discussion between Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben is supported by the link below which contains the indictable evidence you will need to throw Mark in jail…along with a whole bunch of D.C. corruptocrats.
174 Betsy and Thomas answer questions from Ron, Maggie, Richard and Martin. These included topics about the world trade organization, the Second American Revolution, chemtrails, glyphosates, and Senior Executive Service. Here is the link to the ASCEND diet:
175 Douglas Gabriel is interviewed by Nathan from Lift the Veil. If you want to see the Skype version, please go to Nathan’s site.…
176 None
177 This is an introductory discussion on a company that you may not be familiar with – SERCO. Field McConnell at has been researching this for many years. The American Intelligence Media begins its own uncovering of this corrupt organization whose tentacles spread all over the world and whose head is the Queen of England. On this link you will find research tools to use the D.C. crimeline and one that will help you find SES members:
178 In this revealing discussion between Field McConnell and Douglas Gabriel, Field announces that “SES is dead in the water.” Join Douglas and Field as they plan to take down the next target – SERCO. Then move to the next level of corruption – the Crown Agent. Get on board, patriots. We have a world to save and no time to wait. Learn about Senior Executive Service:…
180 From Mueller’s unconstitutional grab of Trumps attorney’s records to the falsepurr flagmeow play going on in Syria, Trump is under siege by the swamp creatures of the Senior Executive Service. Betsy and Thomas discuss how these events show that Mueller, Rosenstein, Sessions, et al are corrupt players for SES, SERCO, and the Crown. Learn about Senior Executive Service
181 Lyin Comey hits the book trail; more Senior Executive Service uncovered; SERCO runs our country. Join Betsy and Thomas for a look in the swamp.
182 Betsy and Thomas review the Syrian situation and the many forces involved.
183 Donald Trump is the ultimate Pied Piper as the D.C. swamp rats get in line and follow his tune…right out of the swamp.
184 Thomas reviews with Betsy the latest news coming from Syria. Looks like Trump is outsmarting the globalists who want to provoke the world to war.
185 This audio is supported with the following articles:
186 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss how the United States is ruled by the British Crown through a convolution of secret shares, board control, and SES rat lines that make sure the Brits, through Serco, control the United States government. To read more and see the proof yourself, go to
187 We love winning. Listen to Betsy and Thomas explain what other channels might not be telling you. The article on Rod Rosenstein’s wife is here
188 Have you been following the unraveling of the swamp? Here are some articles that support claims that Thomas makes in this audio: Brennan’s secret trip to Russia:
189 Betsy and Thomas explain their most recent article on more scams by foreign aid agencies run against Americans. Here is the article:
190 Douglas Gabriel (Thomas Paine) and Michael McKibben discuss their latest findings from their research. Learn how the America you were taught in school is not the America that is actually operating. Nothing so refreshing than nourishing your thinking with truth. We can’t get enough of it. How about you? Here are some articles that may interest you
191 Lots of articles below that support Betsy and Thomas’ discussion This one shows Session’s SES connection
192 Douglas Gabriel and John Barnwell discuss these topics. The British roots of the mechanisms of the U. S. secret government are put into historical perspective with the current U. S. shadow government working through the Senior Executive Service, Serco, Crown Agents and their connections to the CityofLondonUK. The president is “Trumping the Deep State” through using the strategies of The Art of the Deal mixed with his own brand of counterintelligence.
193 Betsy and Thomas discuss the big red pill – the colonists did not win the Revolutionary War. To review the condensed history referred to ‘Extracts from: The Great American Adventure – Secrets of America’ see:… Other articles of interest:……
194 Betsy and Thomas get many questions about the protocols they use. This short audio… is a way to provide you these links on our YouTube channel. We have several articles on 5g. Here is a good one to get started:… This is an audio that we did on shungite and 5G:… To learn about Paul’s devices for EMF and 5G protection see: To access the ASCEND diet: Here is our self-assessment symptom list: This is our special formula enzyme called Vibes: Of course we have a medical disclaimer:…
195 Betsy and Thomas discuss some breaking news about Loretta Lynch’s involvement in the coup. The article referenced is from Conservative Treehouse and can be found here:
196 Betsy and Thomas take a good hard look at the Nunes Final Report that concludes that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.
197 Betsy and Thomas discuss Netanyahu’s big reveal that Iranians want nuclear weapons. See his ‘Ted Talk’ here.
198 Douglas Gabriel (Thomas Paine) and Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies introduce Doug Fischerrer of the Fayette Regional Hospital in Indiana who explains the relationship between the opioid crisis in his community and the theft of social media. To learn about the theft of social media see this article:… To learn more about the drug crisis in America and who is behind it:
199 Betsy and Thomas join Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies to kick off Serco awareness month. Do use the research tool for finding Senior Executive Service employees go here. Scroll down the page until you find the chart that provides all the links to the PDFs:
200 Douglas Gabriel (Thomas Paine) and Michael McKibben of Americans for Innovation and Leader Technologies explain some effective ways to keep the fraud out of vote counting. Their discussion is about U. S. elections but could easily be happening in your country – especially if you have been infected by George Soros. See this collection of articles on election fraud:
201 SES Leader Robert Mueller is not so transparent in his attempt to lead the coup d’etat in America. Using his SES thugs – Rosenstein, Sessions, McCabe, Wray, Hubert, Strzok, Page, Baker, Preistap, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and company – he works outside of the constitution to bring down a duly elected president. Folks, you are watching an epic battle in the swamp. Let’s get behind the president and make sure Mueller and company have no where to go except GITMO.
202 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben of Americans explain what the Golden Share is. If you want to understand how the world really operates, then stop in and listen to these two brilliant researchers explain the connections of SES, Serco, the Crown Agents, and Queen Lizzie. See this article for more:
203 Betsy and Thomas get many questions about the protocols they use. This short audio is a way to provide you these links on our YouTube channel. We have several articles on 5g. Here is a good one to get started:… This is an audio that we did on shungite and 5G:… To learn about Paul’s devices for EMF and 5G protection see: To access the ASCEND diet: Here is our self-assessment symptom list: This is our special formula enzyme called Vibes: Of course we have a medical disclaimer:…
204 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss how globalists, attorneys, and a corrupt patent system have been stealing the patents of striving American entrepreneurs who are waking up and no longer bringing new ideas to the U.S. Patent Office which is being run by Serco and foreign agents. The results of stripping innovators of their rights is devastating to entrepreneurs and innovators. Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Have you seen the extensive crimeline? https://americans4innovation.blogspot…
205 Betsy and Thomas answer a reader comment in this audio. The interesting conversation that they refer to is located at the very bottom of this article in the comment section:… If you want to read the Star Wars article:…
206 Douglas Gabriel and MIchael McKibben explain how the entire system is one big fat lie. Make sure to pass along this blockbuster report:
207 Betsy and Thomas call out Daniel Jones for leading opposition research funded by Russians to continue the attack against Trump. Learn more about T.S. Ellis:
208 FAKE JUSTICE ALERT! Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben turn the federal judiciary upside down and bust Ellis’ plan to exonerate Mueller and his skunky, slimy swamp esquires. Learn more about T.S. Ellis:… Learn more about Michael Horowitz:… Why is no one being locked up?…
209 WEED ALERT: Easy to get lost here if you are not a Q aficionado. Thomas gives an eloquent requiem to Q. Great comments under this article in the comment section:… 
210 What was the redacted name that Devin Nunes and SES Trey Gowdy went to look at in the redacted files of the DOJ? Sergei Millian Poroshenko, Stefan Halper, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos?
211 ‘c-change’ wrote a beautiful piece on a new dawning in America and the world. Douglas Gabriel interviews him. You can find this collection here: If you are ready to ascend, you might check out our ASCEND diet. It is free and can help you align your chakras and cleanse your pineal gland so that you are better able to realize your full potential as a human being:
212 Betsy and Thomas look the weakest link of Mueller’s investigation and one that is likely to take down the entire small group impeachment overthrow-America group. To read about the federal court system:
213 Betsy and Thomas look at the middle east and the colliding ideologies that have been forever at war so why don’t we get out and let them fight it out among themselves.
214 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss how Serco companies work with the SES Deep State shadow government to implement 5G, and then manage the societal effects of their coming mass murder program. That’s why Serco runs FEMA camps, owns pathology companies, houses migrants, owns laundries, operates prisons, provides transport and rail, run hospitals and leisure centers, builds ships and space technology—to zap the populace with 5G like a mosquito zapper, then handle the clean up. This is important information that citizens around the world need to know about. So get this intel out to your community. See intelligence report here:
215 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss how Serco companies work with the SES Deep State shadow government to implement 5G, and then manage the societal effects of their coming mass murder program. That’s why Serco runs FEMA camps, owns pathology companies, houses migrants, owns laundries, operates prisons, provides transport and rail, run hospitals and leisure centers, builds ships and space technology—to zap the populace with 5G like a mosquito zapper, then handle the clean up. This is important information that citizens around the world need to know about. So get this intel out to your community. See intelligence report here:
216 Douglas Gabriel and John Barnwell take us deeper in our analysis of the corrupt systems in D. C. –including Senior Executive Service, Serco, British control of the U.S., the Fabian Society, Cloward and Piven, and the global coup d’etat.
217 You will not want to miss this Betsy and Thomas discussion where Thomas goes so far out in the weeds that he finds the exact mole that unplugs the swamp.
218 Find the full interview here:… 
219 Betsy and Thomas discuss the latest T-drops. See drops here:… PRESENT PROVES PAST. 
220 Betsy and Thomas show you how Cambridge Analytica is connected to the Queen and the British rule over America. Folks, wake up. We didn’t win the American Revolution. They tricked us and kept us brainwashed. Now we are awake and need to finish what we started. REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
221 Betsy and Thomas review T-clearance tweets from May 21, 2018. To read the tweets while you are listening to this audio, click here to read tweets:
222 Hang on for the next T-drops. These are a doozy and will one day may be seen as the tweet heard round the world. The war against the Deep State is now wide out in the open. See the written drop here while you are listening to the YouTube:
223 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben reveal the attorneys that control the SHADOW GOVERNMENT through the Senior Executive Services, often called Obama’s army. This article takes you to the search tools:… Americans for Innovation https://americans4innovation.blogspot… Learn about the Miller Act notice:… Read about Senior Executive Services here:…
224 Trump Wars are Star Wars as you will learn from Betsy and Thomas.
225 Today’s tweets start with #SPYGATE and round off with a fly-by of New York City as a reminder by POTUS that he is in charge now. 
226 Thomas recall their favorite skit with Johnny Carson on the Magnificent Carnac as they read through today’s tweets from the President.
227 In the tweet review of May 25-26, 2018 Betsy and Thomas find some hidden meanings that you need to know about.
228 Who are they? You may not know unless you listen to master Trump-cryptologist and his assistant.
229 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of May 27-28, 2018. Trump tweets “the President deserves some answers.” Read tweets here:… Bypass YouTube altogether and follow to receive Trump Tweet decodes as they are posted. Audio and tweets all on one page. Plus, special surprises at the bottom of the page. Election rigging:
230 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of May 28-29, 2018. Trump tweets “I’m the President!” and calls out Crooked Hillary and the Crooked Campaign. Follow the tweets here:… Bypass YouTube altogether and follow to receive Trump Tweet decodes as they are posted. Audio and tweets all on one page. Plus, special surprises at the bottom of the page.
231 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of May 30, 2018. Trump tweets about Trey Gowdy, Jeff Sessions, Valerie Jarrett, and Roseanne Barr. Today’s tweets and article references can be read here:
232 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of May 30-31, 2018. Trump continue to tweets about Jeff Session’s incompetency as AG, using words from other spokespeople. Follow along at this link which is also very easy to pass along in your social media network.
233 Betsy and Thomas explain a timeline about Julian Assange since March that could explain why he is being held a prisoner in the Ecuadorean Embassy. To read the article that is discussed:
234 Nina and Betsy (Tyla) see the consciousness of the people of the Earth coming into alignment with truth and love. This monumental shift of awareness unfolds as rose petals blossoming with pink scents in the air. To see all of Nina’s beautiful pieces go to:
235 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of May 31 – June 2, 2018. Trump tweets point to John Brennan as the biggest liar ever in American history. Follow along at this link which is also very easy to pass along in your social media network
236 Follow here to read tweets while you listen to this audio:
237 Bypass YouTube altogether and follow to receive Trump Tweet decodes as they are posted. Audio and tweets all on one page. Plus, special surprises at the bottom of the page.
238 Bypass YouTube altogether and follow to receive Trump Tweet decodes as they are posted. Audio and tweets all on one page. Plus, special surprises at the bottom of the page.
239 Bypass YouTube altogether and follow to receive Trump Tweet decodes as they are posted. Audio and tweets all on one page. Plus, special surprises at the bottom of the page.
240 The article referred to about the Brit connection to SPYGATE can be found here:
241 Michael McKibben of CEO of Leader Technologies joins Douglas Gabriel in this EARTH SHATTERING, GROUNDBREAKING, BOOM-BUSTING discussion that every patriot around the world needs to hear. To read more on this news of all time, see:…
242 Make sure to check out this article on USAID
243 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of June 7. Link here for audio and tweets in one URL:
244 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of June 8. Link here for audio and tweets in one URL:
245 Betsy and Thomas discuss the increasing loss of free speech in Europe and America.
246 Betsy and Thomas discuss the leaks in the Senate Intelligence Committee and call out the criminals who committed treason against America.
247 Betsy and Thomas follow Trump Tweets to Singapore where world peace may soon be realized. Read along and look at bonus items here:
248 Thomas gave advanced students of the American Intelligence Media a homework assignment and this audio is his explanation. To see the assignment, click here:
249 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben CEO of Leader Technologies give an AMAZING report on how the Queen of England maintains control of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government. This is big red pill so get a HUGE GLASS of water.
250 Betsy and Thomas are celebrating with coffee and cheesecake today on Trump’s BIG WIN in SIngapore. Step in and join the conversation – which may be digital, but always insightful.
251 Betsy and Thomas look at the Trump tweets just as he was arriving back home after a successful trip with Kin Jong-Un. To read the tweets as you listen:…
252 Did you know that Horowitz was handpicked by George Soros to protect the swamp? See what our intelligence has on Horowitz:… Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
253 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of June 15. Link here for audio and tweets in one URL:
254 Did you know that Horowitz was handpicked by George Soros to protect the swamp? See what our intelligence has on Horowitz:
255 In this Video, John Rose takes a closer look at 2 really interesting men and their Organizations – the American Intelligence Media with Douglas Gabriel and Americans for Innovation with Michael McKibben. Please share these links below… This amazing Timeline of Corruption needs to be bookmarked by every patriot.… PDF Version… There is a Search Function on the site so that you can look up the Indictable Evidence needed to Prosecute your favorite D.C. Swamp Monster! Related Videos: American Political Criminals EXPOSED!!! –… Satan’s Secret Weapon –… For more information, call John (713-789-2223), email or go to Listen to Dr. Roba on Day 21 of the 1st of Rose’s 3 Step Process –… Juice Fasting with John Rose on the Debra Duncan Show –… If you’re ready to take the 1st Step on a Solid Food Vacation, go to… Solid Food Vacation Playlist –… Healing Secrets Revealed –… Medicine IS The Ultimate Tool of Control –… Videos for my Special Teaching Tool: The Ultimate Schematic Playlist –… The Ultimate Solution 11 Part Series Playlist –… ► Subscribe to My Channel Here –…
257 Betsy and Thomas look at the Trump of June 17 and 18 which are filled tweet fires aimed at the Deep State operatives. To read the tweets as you listen:
258 Betsy and Thomas look at the Trump’s #CHANGETHELAWS tweets. To read the tweets as you listen:
259 Just when you thought you knew all the dirt about Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, James A. Baker, James P. Chandler, Robert Mueller, the Bushes, and the corrupt patent system in America, Betsy. AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE MEDIA American Intelligence Media Just when you thought you knew all the dirt about Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, James A. Baker, James P. Chandler, Robert.
260 Betsy and Thomas decode only one tweet in this audio and it is a doozy. Do you really know what’s going on with Trump and King Felipe VI? To see the support material that was referenced:…
261 Betsy and Thomas look at the Trump’s tweets of June 20. To read the tweets as you listen:
262 Betsy and Thomas decode important Trump Tweets of June 20, 2018. Listen and learn. It is news if you hear it today, but history you need to know tomorrow. To see the support material that was referenced:
263 Thomas discloses the assassination attempt of Donald J. Trump in the IG Michael Horowitz report. Read the selected materials at
264 Betsy and Thomas give you some very exciting news about the order that Trump just signed. Here is the EO link:
265 None
266 Betsy and Thomas decode important Trump Tweets of June 21 and 22, 2018. Listen and learn. It is news if you hear it today, but history you need to know tomorrow. To see the support material that was referenced:…
267 Betsy and Thomas decode important Trump Tweets of June 22, 2018. Listen and learn. It is news if you hear it today, but history you need to know tomorrow. To see the support material that was referenced
268 To see the support material that was referenced:…
269 Professor Thomas Henry Horan discusses the new solution to the infamous Zodiac Killer “340” cipher on American Intelligence Media!
270 Betsy and Thomas decode important Trump Tweets of June 26, 2018. Listen and learn. It is news if you hear it today, but history you need to know tomorrow. To read the tweets:…
272 Betsy and Thomas decode important Trump Tweets of June 24-25, 2018. Listen and learn. It is news if you hear it today, but history you need to know tomorrow. To read the tweets:
273 Betsy and Thomas decode important Trump Tweets of June 26 27, 2018. Listen and learn. It is news if you hear it today, but history you need to know tomorrow. To read the tweets:
274 Betsy and Thomas decode important Trump Tweets of June 27, 2018. Listen and learn. It is news if you hear it today, but history you need to know tomorrow. To read the tweets:
275 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain how the British Monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, and her Privy Council rig elections all around the world. Astonishing, jaw-dropping intel. Then to read more see this link:
276 Betsy and Thomas look at the Trump’s tweets of July 1 and 2, 2018. To read the tweets as you listen:…
277 Is Judge Tonya Chutkin going to accept the Imran Awan plea deal of one count of bank fraud? Prosecutor thinks that is a fair deal. Betsy and Thomas are outraged.
278 Betsy and Thomas look at the Trump’s tweets of July 4-5, 2018. To read the tweets as you listen:
279 Betsy and Thomas #StandwithJim. Do you? Read how Perkins Coie is attempting to smear the outstanding American freedom fighter
280 Betsy and Thomas look at FOUR POWERFUL Trump’s tweets of July 7, 2018. To read the tweets as you listen:
281 Betsy and Thomas explain why Trump’s tweets of July 8 and 9, 2018 show that he is a master twitter troll. To read the tweets as you listen:…
283 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben reveal the dark, corrupt underbelly of election rigging. Once you listen to their citizen intelligence report, you, too, will demand that all elections go back to paper ballots and manual bipartisan counting. To read more articles that explain their findings in detail, see:
284 Betsy and Thomas join Michael McKibben to tell folks about an amazing, courageous American patriot that we all need to be supporting.
285 Michael McKibben joins Douglas Gabriel to explain the details of how Queen Elizabeth II and her Privy Council meddled in U.S. elections and attempted an overthrow of Donald J. Trump.
286 Betsy and Thomas explain why Trump’s tweets of July 10 and 11, 2018 and his bilateral breakfast meeting to kick off NATO talks. To read the tweets as you listen:
287 Betsy and Thomas join Michael McKibben to tell folks about an amazing, courageous American patriot that we all need to be supporting.
288 NATO was a huge success and Peter Strzok shows his cards in these Trump Tweets of July 11 and 12. To read the tweets as you listen:
289 Think you know all about the man who invented social media? (Sorry, to redpill you but it wasn’t Dude Zuckerberg). Here is story of how he and a young group of musicians brought down the Iron Curtain of Communism. To see the original video:
290 Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Also subscribe to us at and
292 Lots of working notes and theories on the Conclave drawing board right now. Betsy sneaks a microphone into their discussions so that you can hear how intellectuals like Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben develop their working theories and hypotheses that later become blockbuster citizens intelligence reports.
293 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of July 14, 2018. Is Julian Assange getting ready to be released? To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
294 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of July 15, 2018. Will we see world peace when Trump and Putin get together? What are we going to do with cyber security? To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
295 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of July 17, 2018. Just as they start, a surprise member of the Conclave member walks in and the conversation becomes even more interesting. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
296 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of July 16, 2018. These tweets captured the excitement of the Helsinki Summit. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
297 Learn about election rigging and what citizens need to do to stop it. This link contains the video and some great intel to pass along to others:
298 TOday the news was awah with articles similar to this on Breitbart:
300 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of July 21, 2018. Listen to Thomas explain why Trump is like the Highlander MacLeod in more ways than you might think and learn something about the mystery of the Spear of Destiny. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
301 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of July 23, 2018. Mueller Witch Hunt needs to end and Iran is skating on thin ice with POTUS. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information
302 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of July 24, 2018. POTUS tweets about Lockheed Martin and Thomas excoriates the company for being a foreign held entity that does nothing but scam American taxpayers. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:…
303 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of July 25 and 26, 2018. Are you winning enough yet, Patriots? These tweets are full of great MAGA news. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
304 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain why Devin Nunes’ call to ban electronic voting systems is critical for free, fair, and transparent elections. Then continue your education as an informed citizen by reading this collection of articles:
305 On two occasions, I’ve done videos explaining that these two a-holes know very little about anything regarding the Federal Government, let alone the SES. Yet they continue to spread disinformation and now they’ve attacked me as being un-American for putting out two videos clarifying their SES disinformation in a nice way. No more Mr. Niceguy!
306 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of July 29 and 30, 2018. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
307 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 1, 2018. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
308 While listening to this audio, please view the important information at this link:
309 After reading an article from the Gateway Pundit (see link), Thomas and Betsy discussed whether things are as desperate as the publication makes it seem. Here is the link:
310 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 5, 2018 and discuss the Ohio rally where Trump’s crowd went wild for Jim Jordan. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
311 Betsy and Thomas discuss how Trump’s plan to win MAGA is working just fine. They referred to this article in the discussion
312 Five wins for Trump gives us plenty of steam to keep the Trump Train running strong. After the results come in on August 8, 2018, a flurry of activities have started exposing Obama-Clinton’s FAILED coup d’etat. Hang on – Thomas is in high gear for this round. See articles referenced:
313 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 11, 2018. Trump calls out lovers Page and Peter S and damaged Comey and McCabe in the never-ending saga of ‘when will the people see D.C. thugs arrested and put into the prisons that POTUS will be clearing of illegal aliens”. Is the swamp gas dangerous for bystanders? To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
314 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 10, 2018 where Trump gives a shout out to Nancy Pelosi and has Tim Cook of Apple over for dinner. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
315 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 11 and 12, 2018. Says AG Sessions is scared stiff and MIA and ‘Bikers for Trump’ surround the president’s home in Bedminster as a show of patriot strength and resolve. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
316 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 14, 2018. Trump calls Omarosa a dog and wonders what would happen if we had a “real Attorney General.” Fired FBI Agent Strzok is a fraud who started the illegal Witch Hunt. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
317 The complete article to this brief video can be found here:…. Each slide has been presented in a manner that you can enlarge and read the words on the slide. 
318 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben are at it again – giving you truth that the propaganda media will never do because they are all tongue-tied by AVID. To see the charts and info described in the audio:
319 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 16 and 17, 2018. The thumbnail says it all. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
320 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 17 and 18, 2018. POTUS slams social media, censorship, Bruce and Nelly Ohr, BLANK Jeff Sessions, and John Brennan in this tweetblast. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
321 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 18 and 19, 2018. In this episode, POTUS calls out the New York Times for outright fake news stories as he continues to hammer SES operatives – Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
322 Yes, we know the picture might cause nausea…so don’t look at it. Just listen to us and create your own pictures in your mind’s eye. Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 22, 2018. To read the tweets and see what other surprises we have for you open:
323 None
324 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 24, 2018. Trump calls out Jeff Sessions to do his job and demands that he open up the papers and documents without redaction. To read the tweets as you listen and see other interesting information:
325 Listen to Betsy and Thomas explain how Trump is knocking out Sessions, Brennan, and the Senior Executive Service in a 1-2-3- punch. Read the articles discussed here:
326 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 25, 2018. The big story is that the FBI ignored tens of thousands of Crooked Hillary emails- many are REALLY BAD. To read the tweets as you listen and find out more about the Spear of Destiny:
327 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 28, 2018, taking the listener on a whirlwind discussion starting with minority winning, to NASDAQ gains, trade deals, consumer confidence, adding a dash of McCain and Pope Francis corruption. To read the tweets as you listen and read more in-depth articles:
328 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 28 and 29, 2018. To read the tweets as you listen and pick up PART TWO of this string of tweet decodes:
329 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump’s tweets of August 28 and 29, 2018. To read the tweets as you listen and pick up PART TWO of this string of tweet decodes:…
330 Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies joins Betsy and Thomas for Trump tweet decodes of August 30, 2018. To read the tweets as you listen and see some other great info:
331 Sheryl Sandburg is going to Congress for questions. We wanted congressional staffers and American Intelligence Media audience to know the deep backstory of Facebook’s witch so that deep, penetrating questions can be asked of her. Open this file to see her dossier:
332 Betsy and Thomas decode the Trump Tweets of September 1, 2018. Trump calls out the fake news and the horrible NAFTA deal that is now leaving Canada with no deal. To read the tweets and the other information mentioned in the audio
333 Betsy and Thomas decode the Trump Tweets of September 3 and 4, 2018. Trump calls out the failing New York Times, and NBC fake news. He also gives a shot across the bow to Bashar al-Assad. To read the tweets and the other information mentioned in the audio:
334 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben come up from the information mines long enough to give patriots a scan of what they have found. It isn’t pretty. Listen now, then click on the link to find more
335 The headlines are exploding with talk of treason and military tribunals. Betsy and Thomas walk you through the intel so that you know the lay of the battlefield. Make sure to click on the link to pick up other intel left for you and your network of truthseekers:
336 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben continue to expose the HEART OF THE BEAST in this epic report, revealing Hillary Clinton’s control of the FBI. Look at the indictable evidence here:
337 As Betsy and Thomas decode the Trump Tweets of September 7, 2018, they get sidetracked on questions that Senator Lindsay Graham asked of COTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh about military tribunals. To read the tweets and the other information mentioned in the audio:
338 As Betsy and Thomas decode the Trump Tweets of September 8, 2018. Trump is not indicted for collusion and Mueller presents a nothingburger. To read the tweets and the other information mentioned in the audio:
339 As Betsy and Thomas decode the Trump Tweets of September 11, 2018 which requires some deep decoding to get to the truth of what happened this day in 2001. Read the tweets and the other information mentioned in the audio:
340 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben drill down on Trump’s Executive Order on foreign and domestic interference in the elections. BOOM! September surprise. All the EOs discussed can be found in this link:…
341 As Betsy and Thomas decode the Trump Tweets of September 13, 2018. Learn why Hillary Clinton has not been arrested. Learn how Trump’s newest executive order is a game changer. Read the tweets and the other information mentioned in the audio:
342 http://www.starshipearththebigpicture…… President Trump’s September Surprise; Mind Blowing Revelations | AIM4Truth If you thought you understood the grand cabal scheme… You ain’t heard nothing yet: THIS will blow your mind. It explains SO much. Congratulations to Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies—creator of all social media groupware that the globalists stole—who brings us his team’s latest research results.
343 Betsy and Thomas decode the Trump Tweets of September 15 and 16, 2018. Trump retweets a Devin Nunes video clip which points to the possibility of full transparency on important documents being kept from the American people. Read the tweets and the other information mentioned in the audio:
344 Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel continue a blockbuster report on Hillary’s plan to rule the world. This is not an exaggerated statement as you will hear. To read details of Hillary’s world digital domination plans:
345 Betsy and Thomas review the trump tweets of September 18, 2018. They also give some insight into the observatories that were closed last week and an update on the war with China. To read the tweets and see other info:…
346 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben show you the path forward to winning. https://aim4truthblog.files.wordpress… Listen to this brief audio and then click this link to learn more:… Patriots, it is time to put the Constitution first and restore law and order in our country.
347 Betsy and Thomas examine why Sessions is resisting POTUS. They also explain why it is that we know so little about our space program. At the end of the discussion Thomas explains what is really happening in Syria. Check out the post here:
348 Only one big fat juicy tweet today September 21, 2018. Looks like the rats are getting deep in a corner. Read the tweets and see what treat we have for you in the link:
349 Just because the media isn’t reporting it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. The British government and monarchy are enemies of the United States and attempted, along with Senior Executive Service, to overthrow Donald J. Trump. Betsy and Thomas share important updates with you so that you can relax and know how the story ends…eventually.
350 Thomas and Betsy look at POTUS tweets of September 24 and 25, 2018 and review his BRILLIANT speech given at the United Nations. TO read the tweets, see the speech, and other surprises:
351 Betsy and Thomas review tweets of September 25 and 26, 2018. Today Thomas gives special attention to Zionism, the Greater Israel project, and Netanyahu. Read the tweets and check for other surprises:
352 Douglas Gabriel, American Intelligence Media, and Michael McKibben, CEO of Leader Technologies, uncover some amazing intel from the swamp that will leave you reeling. Don’t get angry. Get EVEN! Learn what the MSM will never tell you, but all patriots should know. Support materials:…
353 Betsy and Thomas review today’s Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearings of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh. An article of interest is here:
354 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of September 28 and s9, 2018, but first go back to a few tweets on September 26 that need further decoding. To read the tweets and see an example of a video meme:
355 Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel continue discussing the ramifications of Google morphing into Alphabet. If you missed the first audio:
356 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss the latest news from Sir Timothy Berners-Lee who olans to upend the World Wide Web. See the article here:
357 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of October 1 and 2, 2018 which point to the new deal made between the US, Mexico, and Canada. They also discuss ongoing developments in the confirmation hearings of Kavanaugh. To read the tweets and supplemental items:
358 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets regarding Brett Kavanaugh by answering reader questions. They also discuss how Germany and the EU need to wake up to George Soros. To read the tweets and see a great post on Blasey-Ford
359 Betsy and Thomas explain why VP Mike Pence announced that China is an enemy of the United States. Make sure to watch the video of Mike Pence or read the speech transcript here:
360 Betsy and Thomas are as excited as Representative Jim Jordan about what swamp attorney James Baker revealed in his closed-door hearing. Make sure to watch the video of Jim here:
361 Douglas Gabriel and John Barnwell discuss the historical aspects of how the world has become ensnared into a web of lies and deceit. Connect the dots between the City of London, Vatican City, the Queen’s Army, and Senior Executive Service.
362 Betsy and Thomas run through 3 current events topics: 1) Rod Rosenstein’s in-flight meeting with POTUS 2) Oleg Deripaska-Diane Feinstein-Fusion GPS-Daniel Jones web of deceit 3) China-Israel connection, Talpiot, Unit 8200
363 Douglas Gabriel introduces MICHAEL THOMAS, the founder and editor of two of the independent media’s most substantive news sites – State of the Nation and The Millennium Report. As a resident of Florida, a first-hand eye witness of the devastation of Hurricane Michael, and a citizen journalist who has followed the progress of weather being weaponized against citizens, Michael is outraged at what is happening in Florida’s panhandle just as the midterms are around the corner. After listening to the audio, see this link to continue your education:
365 Did you know that the Federal Reserve has begun to collapse? Listen to Betsy and Thomas explain, then continue your education here:…
366 Betsy asks Thomas about Mad Dog Mattis, Nikki Haley, George Papadopoulos, James Baker, and the Pope. Continue your education here:
367 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of October 16, 2018 where POTUS calls out Horseface and Bruce and Nellie Ohr…plus WHERE IS JEFF SESSIONS? Continue your citizen education here:
368 You need to pay attention to the wave of digital tyranny that can engulf patriots around the world if we aren’t paying attention. Listen to the audio then go here to continue your education:
369 Douglas and Michael are the top dogs in the Conclave. In this video, the two show off their research skills, a very important skill needed in fighting the Great Information War.
370 Continue your citizen education here: Continue your citizen education here:
371 5G is no laughing matter. We need to understand what this technology will do to the human race, from physical to spiritual harms. After you listen to Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel discuss this subject, learn more about the technology and ways that you can protect you and your family:
372 Over the last few days, Douglas and Michael had the research team deep dive into China – from their surveillance state system to its mega company Alibaba. After you listen to this video, make sure to continue your citizen education here:
373 Betsy and Thomas look at the truth of Osama bin Laden’s death (and it isn’t what is in Michael D Moore’s book about how he dismantled the FBI in his pjs) and the demise of Senior Executive Service operative Rod the Rat Rodentstein. Continue your citizen education here:
375 Betsy and Thomas look at only one tweet of Trump’s on October 21, 2018…and it’s a doozy. Continue your citizen education here:
376 Betsy and Thomas look at Trump Tweets of October 22, 2018. They show you how the Mexican and British globalists stand with George Soros and the Democrat party to destroy America. Get to know Sir Nick Clegg, read Trump tweets, and continue your citizen education:…
377 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben continue to expose the Queen’s Privy Council operatives and their intentions to take over the world…literally. Get to know Sir Nick Cleggand continue your citizen education:
378 Betsy and Thomas review the FAILED October surprises that the Globalists have tried running through their pathetic network of puppets. Take you citizen education another step and check out this link which explains even more
379 Betsy and Thomas review Trump tweets of October 27, 2018 which includes updates on the synagogue shooting. Take you citizen education another step and check out this link for even more great content
380 This huge October SURPRISE will have the swamp rats in a frenzy. Listen to Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain what was just thrown in the swamp:
381 n this fascinating interview with AIM4Truth Christopher Strunk,…, we get the backstory on why Christopher and fellow petitioner Harold van Allen, decided to launch this information grenade into the swamp. Fitting thing to do for two Vietnam veterans – but now they see that the war we fight is with information, not explosives. For years, these two vets have been honing their skills in lodging lawsuits at the Supreme Court. Just search their names on the internet. Now, they join the AIM Conclave to take the information war to a higher level. Give them your support in the comment box below. Congratulations to these two AIM patriots for doing what we say all the time – do what you can, with the skills and talents you have, to educate and enlighten your circle of influence. Now, you go out and preach the same. Truth is not linear. It is radiant. Got it? 
383 Douglas Gabriel, Michael McKibben and James M. Miller continue their explanation of election rigging, discussing the recent Supreme Court action that citizens have taken to get Hillary Clinton and her technocrats out of American elections. Here is a great link to pass along your patriot network. Make sure to educate and enlighten your circle of influence
384 We are sick and tired of the government not paying attention to ELECTION RIGGING so we took our complaint to the Supreme Court. See the complaint:… Continue your citizen education as you listen to the Conclave talk about the process :Douglas Gabriel, Michael McKibben and James M. Miller. Here is a great link to pass along your patriot network:
385 Our AIM cat Chris Strunk is “in the swamp muck” in Washington and has successfully filed the petition with the Supreme Court:
386 The PLAN is here! Read it and then activate your patriot cells to do what you can to clean up D.C. corruption. Here is the writ: https://aim4truthblog.files.wordpress… Continue your citizen education here:…
387 Michael, Douglas, and Tyla opine about their recent findings on the corrupt court system in America. The FISA Courts are the corrupt extension of the compromised Supreme Court justices. Folks, we better have a YUGE RED TSUNAMI on November 6th or the swamp may very well drown us all.
388 Douglas Gabriel speaks to our “man in the muck” in the Washington swamp – Christopher E. Strunk – who gives us the latest update of the Writ of Mandamus filed with SCOTUS plus some surprises that will have your head spinning as it did when Douglas heard Chris make these revelations. Here is the Writ:
389 Listen to Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel explain how white hat cyber warriors can protect election integrity. Surprise bonus at the end when Michael makes a huge discovery in Florida elections! To continue to educate yourself, check out the great stuff we have for you in this link:
390 The miners at the Americans for Innovation keep uncovering layers and layers of corruption in the election process. Listen to Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel discuss the latest findings…that will leave you speechless. Then continue your citizen education here:
391 It’s the MORNING AFTER pill. Listen to Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets the day after the mid-terms. Then continue your citizen education here:…
392 We disabled comments on the YouTube version of this video. If you have pertinent comments to share, please leave them in the comment box inside the article link. As we move deeper into “enemy territory”, we aren’t interested in random thoughts from trolls and low-IQ viewers. This information is for our white hats and independent media creators.
393 Betsy and Thomas are reeling from the Trump Tweets of November 9, 2018. POTUS talks about election fraud, Russians, and Broward County magic voting. Listen. Then continue you citizen education here:… 
394 Michael McKibben, CEO of Leader Technologies, the real inventor of social media, explains to Douglas Gabriel how the Florida, Ohio, and other state elections are being rigged. Bet you never heard of Cloudflare and a guy named Joe Sullivan. Listen to the audio, then continue your citizen education here:
395 To see the specific references made in this discussion, go to:
396 Betsy and Thomas are thrilled to be decoding POTUS tweets from November 12, 2018. The Trump’s are back in D.C. after a weekend in Paris where Melania looked absolutely fabulous in her amazing grey Dior suit and Macron looked boyish in his globalist speech about nationalism. Continue to educate yourself and read today’s tweets:
397 Douglas Gabriel, a former Jesuit himself, interviews Christopher Strunk and Eric Phelps about the status of Jesuits in America. First the guys walk you through a bit of history that they probably didn’t teach you in public school.…then be ready for a HUGE RED PILL when they connect the dots from history right to Trump’s presidency. Learn more:…
398 Christopher Strunk updates the community with his last visit to the Department of Homeland Security where a Secret Service agent asked him unusual questions. He explains his next steps in salvaging the rigged election system and finding out why DHS would consider him a concern to Secretary Nielsen.
399 Douglas Gabriel of the American Intelligence Media talks with Michael Thomas, editor of State of the Nation and other independent news publications, who gives patriots a huge wake up call about the firestorms in California. We need all patriots AWAKE. After you watch the video, please continue your education from the links. Then pass it along to those in your circle of influence, including your elected representatives – all the way up to the White House. This affects all nations of the planet. The Globalists are at war with the nation states. LEARN MORE…
400 In this epic tweetstorm of November 15, 2018, Trump calls out fake media, crooked Hillary, highly conflicted Bob Mueller, and the criminal slugs in the swamp . Listen to Betsy and Thomas decode these information-packed tweets. Learn more:…
401… Published on Nov 17, 2018 This Voat thread contains the original footage and testimony from the videographer: Check Out: Survivor Explains Fires Set on The Perimeter To Prevent People From Escaping! This Video: Cars Melted Down Everywhere, But Trees are Fine-Thousands DEAD from Paradise, Ca Fire Alone!!!
402 Douglas Gabriel interviews Robert Otey in his first-hand account of what it was like on the ground as the California firestorm broke out. After listening to this video, you may want to help Robert. His website is . His paypal account is He will be returning to his homestead after the fire and will be uploading videos on his YouTube channel at… 
403 This Voat thread contains the original footage and testimony from the videographer: 
404 Hillary holds the digital keys to the planet. Let’s take them from her. Here’s how. Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain the worldwide crypto key system that controls everything in the digital world. To read about their findings and continue your education go to:
405 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets of November 19, 2018…plus give listeners some food for thought about Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Bob Mueller, and John Brennan. Read the tweets and continue your citizen education:
406 Mirrored from this video:… I just barely escaped alive with my three little dogs from Concow, just a little over and hour after the fire started in Pulgas! It was hell on Earth and it is a Miracle I made it out alive. I was probably two breathes from death from smoke inhalation. Luckily I had a few good breathes of air in the cab of my Truck to make it past Concow Lake and up the hill where there was still a little fresh air left! I had to knock my burning Gate down with my 1991 Ford F-250. If I did not have that truck I would have died for sure! I also had to plow trough two cars that were in an accident and burned to the ground. I had to plow through them as well, knocking them out of the way for others who might come behind me!
407 Betsy and Thomas are serious on this important audio alert on how George Soros has waged war on America. Do not expect the media to tell you. Listen to the audio, then continue your citizen education here:…
408 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets of November 22 and 23, 2018. Trump calls out the corrupt court system and for a return to the CONSTITUTION AS WRITTEN. Read the tweets and learn about GALT and thorium here:…
409 Betsy and Thomas take you deep into the meanings of Trump Tweets of November 25 and 26, 2018. Understand the nuances and hidden meanings of a Very Stable Genius so that you can help your brainwashed friends understand what’s really going on. Listen to the audio, then continue your citizen education here:…
410 Betsy and Thomas take the Robert Mueller Trump Tweets to the next level of full disclosure. Is SES Herr Mueller an American patriot or Globalist thug? You decide…and then ask the same questions about James Comey and John Roberts. Listen to the audio, read the tweets, watch the video of the crying baby, and continue your citizen education about SES Herr Mueller:…
411 WHOA!! Trump tweeted a big one on November 28, 2018. Betsy and Thomas do a deep dive and discover that it is the plug that drains the swamp. Listen to the audio, read the tweets, watch the video Prager University’s on-the-ground reporter in Mexico:
412 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump Tweets of November 29, 2018 which include further exposure of SES Herr Mueller’s WITCH HUNT, plus a “read-between-the-lines” tweet that reveals the corrupt Romney family and their rigged election machines that were used in MICHIGAN and may have cost Republicans their win in Michigan. Why isn’t DNC Chair Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel, who is a Northville, Michigan resident, exploring election rigging in her own backyard? Is she assisting Uncle Mitt and George Soros with their globalist agenda? Listen to the audio, read the tweets, learn more about the Romney’s election rigging machines:…
413 George H. W. Bush died. Thomas gives this AIM eulogy. Listen to the audio, read the tweets, learn more about feline propaganda:…
414 “I will never testify against Trump.” This statement was recently made by Roger Stone, essentially stating that he will not be forced by a rogue and out of control prosecutor to make up lies and stories about “President Trump.” Nice to know that some people still have “guts!” Read the tweets and learn about thorium here:
415 Do you have a mortgage? If so, then this is a discussion that may save your home from being stolen from the banks and attorneys who now steal homes from Americans using a craft legal trick. Every homeowner needs to pay attention before you are left homeless like many of the victims Douglas Gabriel has spoken to. Listen to the video and then see our citizens intelligence report on MERS at this link
416 Trump tweets: “this is not a funeral, this is a day of celebration.” Betsy and Thomas agree. Now let’s discuss China and the human harm of 5G. Read the tweets and learn about WAYMO ONE, the self-driving cab service ready to take the clueless to the re-education camps. Continue your citizen education here:… 
417 After you listen to Leader Technologies CEO Michael McKibben explain to Douglas Gabriel the dirty secrets of Lords Clegg and Allan and their involvement with Facebook, you may want to continue your citizen education. Go here to learn more
418 None
419 None
420 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets of December 5 and 7, 2018 reveal that Robert Mueller and Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey are best friends. To read the tweets and learn more, go here:…
421 In this Conclave special report from the American Intelligence Media, Douglas Gabriel gives a brief overview of the origins of money, from the earliest temple coins to the fiat currencies of the world’s central banks. If citizens are going to demand the end of ODIOUS DEBT and the Federal Reserve, we need to understand what money is…and isn’t. We need to look at the ratlines of money and the evil allure of serving MAMMON. Once you listen to this audio, you may want to continue your citizen education about the exchanges, stock market, federal reserve, silver, gold, etc. See this link for more info:
422 None
423 Michael McKibben and his researchers at Americans for Innovation expose the dangerous alliance of the Tavistock Institute and Facebook and what this means for THE FUTURE OF THE PLANET. Click here to read more about Richard Allan and his partner Ana Padilla Jargstorf and their evil plan to use Tavistock and Facebook to mind control YOU.… Then contact the White House and let President Trump know what’s going on
424 To receive you special gift of 5 books written by Tyla and Douglas Gabriel, click here:
425 Betsy and Thomas are thrilled with the gifts that Santa Trump is bringing Americans. From the legalization of hemp to troop withdrawal in Korea, Syria and Afghanistan Trump’s sleigh is filled with spectacular gifts of peace and prosperity.
426 Betsy and Thomas examine Trump Tweets of Christmas Eve 2018. To read the tweets and listen both audios from these decode session, click here:
427 Betsy and Thomas examine Trump Tweets of Christmas Eve 2018. To read the tweets and listen both audios from these decode session, click here:
428 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben connect the dots from the overthrow attempt of Donald Trump to the Tavistock Institute and Facebook. Along the way, they give further disclosures on the Jesuits and Pope Francis. AFI. (Dec. 28, 2018). The British Tavistock Institute controls MSM social media propaganda, Mueller, SERCO and the Senior Executive Service (SES). Americans for Innovation. https://americans4innovation.blogspot……
429 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben provide a detailed accounting of the corruption of Chief Justice John Roberts who uses the Supreme Court to spy on Donald Trump and overthrow America by legislating from the bench. His crimes against Americans are outrageous, yet the media stays silent..complicit. Click here to read about this SCUMBAG who needs to be IMPEACHED….then TRIED for TREASON:
430 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of December 29, 2018 and explain how the British government and monarch tried to overthrow the 2016 U. S. Presidential election results by framing Trump in the fairy tale they called “Russian Collusion’ Read the tweets and the blockbuster report here
431 If you thought the first video on this topic was an EYE-OPENER . . . .this one will leave you in SHOCK at the sheer truth of it all. Listen to Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel as they continue to peel back the truth of Facebook, Tavistock, and the Crown.
432 THE GREAT INFORMATION WAR has been going on since 1914 and is being won by the British who have been propagandizing the world with stolen technology and false narratives so that the world is constantly at war while the royals and banksters continue to make money. Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben zero in on the target and invite all nations and people of the world to counter attack the British propaganda machine. Learn how and then pass along this informative link to your network of truth seekers:
433 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump Tweets of January 5th and explain why government workers will soon to be begging Nancy Pelosi to pay anything Trump needs to build the wall. Check out the tweets here and see an IRS worker cry about her near-empty refrigerator:… 
434 Patriots, we are WINNING BIG!!! Do not think that the MSM will report this to you. Listen to Betsy and Thomas decode Trump Tweets of January 7th that show how America is winning the war against the globalists. Check out the tweets and see some other exciting intel and shareable memes:
435 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben continue to unwind the Gordian Knot of British propaganda that has been going on for over 100 years. Once you see how they have done it, using psyops from the Tavistock Institute, you will never see the world the same way again. After listening to this riveting discussion, follow this link and learn more:
436 Patriots, the time has come to make your choice. Stand with your NATION and protect its borders and laws or welcome the storming troops of globalism into your country to wipe it off the face of the earth. Betsy and Thomas look at Trump’s Oval Office speech and other tweets of the day. Check out the tweets and see some other exciting intel:
437 Trump is blasting out some bombshell tweets on January 12, 2019. In this cache of information bombs, POTUS discusses “the insurance policy”. The D.C. cabal is on notice. Learn more from Betsy and Thomas and check out the tweets other referenced material here:
438 Betsy and Thomas have a blast decoding these SHOCK AND AWE tweets of January 13 and 14, 2019. Why does Trump call him BOZO? Learn more and check out the tweets here:
439 Trump tweets that the rank and file of the FBI are great people who are disgusted with what they are learning about Lyin’ James Comey and the so-called “leaders” of the FBI. Betsy and Thomas explain the deeper meaning of this tweet and many others of January 15, 2019. Learn more and check out the tweets here:
440 Hold on for this ride!! Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel take their research as deep as it gets to show you who holds the driving mechanisms of global control. KNOW YOUR ENEMY IF YOU WANT TO DEFEAT IT!!
441 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets of January 19, 2019 where Trump points out Mexico is doing NOTHING to stop the caravan which is fully formed and headed to the borde . Read the tweets here and learn about the HOLMAN RULE:…
442 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets of January 18, 2019 where Trump points out that Fake News is truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. Read the tweets here and learn how propaganda media is used to brainwash citizens:
443 Yes, this audio is over an hour…that’s because Thomas had so much to say about Mueller’s predicament that we just kept the audio going. In the beginning he and Betsy talk about Trump tweets of January 20, 2019…but one thing leads to another and then it all leads to Felix Sater. Read the tweets here and learn more:
444 Betsy and Thomas of the American Intelligence Media review an email they received from a source claiming to be an insider of the Mueller Team who wants to “come clean” on what’s really going on behind the scenes. Listen to the audio as you read the email attachment and get this scaled through the internet, patriots:
445 Betsy and Thomas of the American Intelligence Media review an email they received from a source claiming to be a Vatican insider who explains how Robert Mueller, Joseph Mifsud, and Stephan Roh are all Knights of Malta agents working to overthrow Donald J. Trump. Listen to the audio as you read the email attachment
446 Betsy and Thomas continue to point out that Trump Tweets show the massive conspiracy that has been in operation to overthrow Donald J. Trump. Listen to the audio as you read the tweets and see some other interesting items:
447 Douglas Gabriel (aka Thomas Paine) reviews Trump’s speech today where he announced that the government is reopened. Pay attention and see how he works the ‘art of the deal’.
448 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben show you how FAKE HISTORY has poisoned our minds and lead millions of people into slaughter. From Cecil Rhodes to Mark Zuckerberg, our telecommunications history has been one of propaganda and control. Learn more here:
449 Betsy and Thomas CONTINUE reviewing Trump tweets that call out the fake media coverage he has had and how Crooked Hillary still walks around free. Read the tweets and some other cool stuff here
450 Betsy and Thomas review Trump tweets that call out the fake media coverage he has had and how Crooked Hillary still walks around free. Read the tweets and some other cool stuff here:
451 AIM Patriot Brian wrote: Today, I came across a video from Dana Ashlie, on YouTube, who interviewed a former DHS employee regarding 5G and their devastating health effects she suffers (…). At 23:33 she makes the comment that a bill passed in March 2018 that would accelerate the implementation of 5G technology in cities and rural areas (…). I am confused because Gabriel implied that Trump was opposed to 5G technologies because he prevented the monopolistic merger of Viacom. Our reply: Trump is only becoming aware of the dangers of 5G and his position has changed over time. The FCC is all for 5G and is providing $3 billion in subsidies for 2019 to AT&T and others. Trump has been unusually quiet about 5G since he intervened in the Broadcom/Qualcom deal. We hope he is taking a long look at what is obviously a very bad idea and slowing down the process.
452 Jeannie Rhee, Arvinder Sembei, and Zainab Ahmad are three shady characters on the Mueller team. Listen to your favorite patriots McKibben and Gabriel explain how Roger Stone is being set up by Mueller’s legal thugs. Read the evidence yourself in this report and then share with a friend:
453 Documents released by WikiLeaks today shed light on a power struggle within the highest offices of the Catholic Church. AIM Patriot John S. asked Douglas to provide an explanation of what this material means. Here is a link that contains the Wikileaks and support materials on Pope Francis:…
454 Trump tells “Intelligence” agencies to go back to school! Maybe THEY should drop in and listen to Betsy and Thomas decode Trump Tweets of January 30, 2019. Maybe U.S. “Intelligence” would be a whole lot smarter. To read the tweets:
455 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain how the Deep State can be dismantled by destroying the corporate propaganda news media which is, as President Trump continues to remind us, ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. Then round off your citizen education on fake news by watching this blockbuster interview with Michael McKibben on Steel Truth.
456 The Dalai Lama often says that the 20th century was that of war and bloodshed, now the 21st century has to be one of peace and prosperity. Mirrored via…
457 Tyla and Douglas Gabriel are joined with Michael McKibben to explain how it is now perfectly legal to lie to Congress. Anyone can do it and we show you a 1996 law they passed while you were “asleep” to make sure that no one goes to jail. Make sure to view the laws yourself here:
458 None
459 Has anybody seen anything INTELLIGENCE come from Dan Coats, Gina Haspel, and Christopher Wray? Why are we paying these people to LIE to the American people and to the President? Trump has been tweeting about these jokers for a while so Betsy and Thomas decided to give the tweets a decode. Read the tweets and other support material here:…
460 Did you know that it is LEGAL to LIE to CONGRESS? AIM CATS (Citizens Addicted to Truth) are cleaning the swamp. Listen to Betsy and Thomas explain the real agenda behind the DEMONrat party so that you can help Donald Trump expose and catch the vermin of the swamp.
461 Betsy and Thomas explain the hidden meaning behind the lapel pin Nancy Pelosi was wearing during the State of the Union. Then Thomas explains why the Democrats want to murder our babies. Make sure to watch the screen shots for discreet messages to viewers. Pick up the free Where is Ruth Ginsberg media kit to help educate and enlighten your circle of influence:…
462 Michael McKibben and his crew spent the day in the dankest part of the mines – a place that only Hillary knows about. He comes up to share with Douglas Gabriel what he has found and its one mother of a swamp gator. Make sure to see the evidence here:
464 None
466 Betsy and Thomas review the second part of Trump tweets of February 9 and 10, 2019……but they were so juicy that we had to break the discussion into two parts. Here is the first one: We put some of our best memes for the week on screen so make sure to note them. 
467 Betsy and Thomas review Trump tweets of February 9 and 10, 2019……but they were so juicy that we had to break the discussion into two parts. Here is the first. We put some of our best memes for the week on screen so make sure to note them.
468 Christopher Strunk joins Douglas Gabriel explain to our truth community what is really going on with New York state’s infanticide law. Turns out the state is running Nazi-type human experimentation and as a young man Christopher assisted his architect father in building many of these psych hospitals. Now Christopher goes on the record what he saw happening behind the public’s eye. Listen to more Chris Strunk audios:…
469 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of February 13 1nd 14 2019. NO COLLUSION and Andrew McCabe is a “poor little Angel”. Read the tweets and other referenced items here:
470 Betsy and Thomas review Trump’s tweets that reference the 25th Amendment unconstitutional power grab and status of the southern border. To read the tweets and reference other info:
471 On February 18, 2018, we posted an article “We the People make Official Charges of 28 Counts of Treason,”…. At our one year anniversary, we are revisiting this article and adding audio descriptions to each count to bring this story to current events. 
472 On February 18, 2018, we posted an article “We the People make Official Charges of 28 Counts of Treason,”…. At our one year anniversary, we are revisiting this article and adding audio descriptions to each count to bring this story to current events. 
473 On February 18, 2018, we posted an article “We the People make Official Charges of 28 Counts of Treason,”
474 oin us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and BLOCKBUSTER:…
475 Amy Berman Jackson is a judge you need to know about. She is a deep state swamp bottomfeeder who does the bidding of her master Robert Mueller. Listen to Douglas describe her situation, then go to this link to pick up more intel
476 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump Tweets of February 19, 2019. Watch out for the shock and awe intel at the end! Stock up on your information arsenal here
477 Betsy is fuming with Trump’s tweets about 5G on February 21, 2019. Thomas does what he can to help explain. Contact the White House and let Trump’s staff have a piece of your mind: Get your DRAIN THE SWAMP weapon of mass intelligence here and use it as often as you like:…
478 Get your DRAIN THE SWAMP weapon of mass intelligence here and use it as often as you like
479 Get your DRAIN THE SWAMP weapon of mass intelligence here and use it as often as you like:…
480 Gateway Pundit called us “far-out-there website named American Intelligence Media, also known as Aim4Truth.” Well, that didn’t sit well with the Conclave so here is our response to this so-called “reporter”. And we keep finding out more about this FAKE NEWS reporter:
482 Douglas, Michael, and Tyla are settling in for a few days of audios for our amazing truth community that is winning the information war on all fronts. The night before we start recording, we like to sit around and warm up the conversation. This time, we thought you might like to join us. We know it can be lonely out there to find thinkers like you and us….and this conversation took some interesting twists and turns.
483 Douglas, Michael, and Tyla are settling in for a few days of audios for our amazing truth community that is winning the information war on all fronts. The night before we start recording, we like to sit around and warm up the conversation. This time, we thought you might like to join us. We know it can be lonely out there to find thinkers like you and us.
484 Get your DRAIN THE SWAMP weapon of mass intelligence here and use it as often as you like:…
485 Now that you learned about limited hangouts and controlled opposition in part one , apply what you have learned in a case study of Salem Media. 
486 This is part one of two. In this audio you will learn techniques for spotting limited hangouts and controlled opposition. In the second video you will hear Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben analyze an actual hangout. It is a case study package that all informed patriots will not want to miss.
487 Think you know everything about Tavistock, JK Rowling, and Harry Potter? Listen to the two smartest guys in the room have a discussion about what they found out.
488 The Americans for Innovation website is a treasure trove of indictable evidence for patriot researchers. Tyla Gabriel and Michael McKibben walk you through a brief video to show you how to access thousands of files of indictable evidence on the creatures from the D.C. swamp and around the world. Then try it yourself and see what you can find. Start your own Youtube channel to share your discoveries based on REAL evidence, not conspiracy theories. Try it yourself. It’s easy! https://americans4innovation.blogspot… 
489 None
490 BRICK IN THE WALL MEDIA located at gave us permission to share this video production with our AIM audience. Enjoy. Learn. Share. Executive Producer – Richard Grannon Original Youtube Hosting Channel… Plugged IN Official Website http://www.pluggedinsocialmediadocume…
491 Betsy and Thomas look at a Trump retweet today about Michael Cohen. Make sure to read the tweet and see the other reference material about Cohen and Felix Sater here:
492 Betsy and Thomas review Trump Tweets of March 5 and 6, 2019. This Witch Hunt looks like it might becoming a nightmare to the failing Dems.
493 Betsy and Thomas are back to finish decoding the second half of the Trump Tweets of March 8, 2019. Also see why Lou Dobbs soured on Trump and no one ever tells the truth in Congress. Make sure to read the tweets here and listen to the first half of the tweet decode:
494 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump Tweets of March 8, 2019. Poor reporter Paul Sperry swims in the shallow end of the swamp, while being schooled on truth by B&T. Make sure to read the tweet and see the other reference material about Cohen, Felix Sater, Richard Dearlove and the gang here:
495 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben report on another layer of corruption that was revealed in Bruce Ohr’s testimony. SHOCKING!! Make sure to see the details here:… Get your DRAIN THE SWAMP weapon of mass intelligence here and use it as often as you like:…
496 Betsy and Thomas give their latest update on the swamp. Why is Pelosi backing down on impeachment? Why isn’t the media talking about the connections of the Knights of Malta to the overthrow of Trump. Why is CIA director Gina Haspel not reporting to Trump about the British operation to overthrow him? Why YOU need to join us in a SPRING event in D.C. this year.
497 Betsy and Thomas are on fire as they take the latest testimonies from the DC swamp and show you how the evidence leads to London and Rome where the nastiest of all swamp gators lurk in deep, muddy waters.
498 Douglas Gabriel gets an update from Christopher E. Strunk on the status of baby harvesting in New York (and others) state. Folks, this issue needs our prayers and action. See Chris’ law suit and website here: [coming] Let’s bring in the CITIZEN CALVARY:… Get your DRAIN THE SWAMP weapon of mass intelligence here and use it as often as you like:…
499 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain how American traitors worked with British high-ranking attorneys under the Queen’s control to overthrow Donald Trump. This is an international crisis with huge consequences for all citizens of the world.
500 Betsy and Thomas look at Trump tweets of March 17, 2019. This is a two-part video. See the tweets and view the second video you may have missed here:
501 Betsy and Thomas look at Trump tweets of March 16 and 17, 2019. This is a two-part video. See the tweets and view the second video you may have missed here:
502 Top 25 plus some more on our TOP WANTED POSTERS. Grab any screen shot and share with others. Learn how to ‘Don the Vests’:… To get the indictable evidence we have on these people, visit:… To get a copy of these wanted posters and more:… Missed your favorite swamp monster? Click here and see who we have added, upon listener requests:…
503 Get “America Top Wanted” media kit at this link. All videos and posters ready for your use:… To get the indictable evidence we have on these people, visit:…
504 Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel open up a huge can of worms when they look at who showed up for dinner at the Ohrs’.
505 Betsy and Thomas look at the results of the Mueller Report as well as a tweet from March 21, 2019 about the Golan Heights. Check out the tweet and articles referenced here:
506 Betsy and Thomas review AG Bill Barr’s letter regarding the Mueller Report. Read the original letter here
507 Betsy and Thomas start decoding Trump tweets of March 25-26, 2019, but Thomas falls down a huge rabbit hole and comes up with 25 REAL Russian colluders and spies.
508 Join Tyla and Douglas Gabriel for a deep dive into consciousness, reality, the eighth dimension and the ethers. The video entitled What is Reality is here: We have put together a packet of materials for you and a free book here: https://truthbitsblog.files.wordpress…
509 Thomas and Betsy decode Trump tweets of March 28, 2019 and explain Trump’s secret to all. Read the tweets here:… Let’s bring in the CITIZEN CALVARY:… Have you seen our 100 Most Wanted?…
510 In less than 3:47 seconds of a surprise interview phone call with American Intelligence Media, (suggested by Mike McKibben) was a painful and attack dog phone call from this organization / camp, specifically from Ms Tyla, Mr. Doug was patient and seemingly calm. I (Joe Rey Founder of POPOLOGY®, am not only angered, I am now frustrated at the lack of sentient communication from your inquiry about POPOLOGY® and our global inner peace via technology venture. You called my phone, while I am in Hawaii, and i recorded our conversation, ( as I have a license to do so, – additionally here in Hawaii it is legal due to the 1886 Eavesdropping Law, This recording is deplorable in that, I was being careful and respectful to your intelligence of media / popular. The defining driver of popular is at the core value of our POPOLOGY® Media Literacy Mission. Most journalists research the subject, a bit before they attack a subject for their mindset or purpose. Ms Tyla, you were vey rude & impatient. I am up-loading this brief experience for your own witness to hear back. In hopes that now you are researched, and are open to a conversation with me, without harassment or prodding for more sensational dialect, (pontification is not what we do, we are science, Media Literacy Science and new innovative technology a platform, that we are inviting Mr. Mckibben to be onboard and reclaim what was stolen from him, and allow me to self express. That is what the trademark is founded for in 30 nations globally. Being hung up on was low vibrational assault on my time and care for the global goals stated. Far more reaching and innovative than a youtube channel spreading dark news, and corruption & malevolent propaganda not fit for a child, or young adult. As you have a brand to consider with American Intelligence Media, I am required to protect POPOLOGY® from obtuse minded, media illiterate propaganda reporters, or take another shot at getting along? I hope this is not whom you are, yet the behavior is not what i am used to in my creative and professional dealings. If y’all are here to contend with deep state issues, or corruption, you got a strange, and abusive way of interviewing subjects. If you choose to ignore me & POPOLOGY®, I will be speaking at Ted Talks Portland Oregon coming this late spring, and you will just have to listen then. I will be providing this recording as exhibit if I do not receive a conversation resolve from your agency. Of course i will remove the video as well, once we are friendly associates of clarity on both sides.
511 We are pleased to feature this video by AIM Patriot Infotoons who took one of Douglas’ lectures on Venetian banking and created an animation. Make sure to subscribe to Infotoons here:
512 Betsy and Thomas find lots of winning in the March 29-30, 2019 tweets. Read the tweets and begin your lesson in banking history here
513 Dr. Douglas Gabriel summarizes The Venetian Takeover of English Banking which brings to light the Venetian plan to supplant the Roman Catholic Pope, the European monarchy and any others who tried to slow down their insatiable desire for hegemony. The Venetian Republic became the new model for ruling a kingdom through multiple committees of oligarchs who exercise total control over the civic population, including imprisonment for debt or even assassination of those who got in the way of the bankers making money. The financing of war became the biggest business these warlord bankers conducted. The control of kings, queens, popes and despots fell to the control of central banks that came to rule most European nations as monarchs were transplanted by Italian Republics. Read the full report here:… Access the full lesson on banking with all audios here:…
514 Dr. Douglas Gabriel summarizes Archetypal British Corporate Warlords showing that the centuries old methods of Italian bankers morphed into the British East India Company and the new British imperialism that was taking over the world. Lord Shelburne was a good example of a corporate warlord whose crimes were so bold that they need an “intelligence service” to spread propaganda to cover up the theft, debt enslavement and outright war that was perpetrated on anyone who stood in his way. Jeremy Bentham was selected by Shelburne to head his propaganda efforts, which later turned into the British Secret Intelligence Services. Thus, the oligarchs around the monarchy thoroughly supplanted British rule with a Venetian Republic.
515 Dr. Douglas Gabriel summarizes Venetian Bankers Come to England and reveals the secret that Italian bankers, philosophers, political operatives, and economic predators flooded into England and controlled the monarchy completely. Even the dynasties that came to rule England were directed by Italian bankers like the d’Este family who married into the Fugger and Welser German banking families, later marring into the elite families of England. Gasparo Contarinia and Paolo Sarpi were the minds behind overthrowing the European monarchies and the Pope of Rome. Eventually, this infiltration was complete when the Italian banking families married into the great houses of England: Howards, Russells, Herberts, Cavendishes, Cromwells, Poles and many others. Thus, Britain was permanently infected by the Venetian virus of central banking and Italian warlord politics.
516 Access the full lesson on banking with all audios here
517 Stay vigilant, patriots…those nasty British warlords are trying to overthrow Donald Trump and conquer America for the Queen and Privy Council. Continue your citizen education on this important historical event and thanks to for the great video.…
518 Two POWERFUL tweet bombs fired from POTUS on April 6, 2019. Listen to Douglas answer Trump’s question: “How did it start?” Make sure to contact the White House and let the President know what happened. He needs to know that ordinary citizens know how deep the rabbit hole goes. Here is his email box: Read the tweets and share with a friend:…
519 Are you confused about what is going on at the border? Betsy and Thomas explain while they decode Trump tweets of April 5, 2019. Read the tweets and see the article Thomas recommends on USMCA
520 Betsy and Thomas listened to President Trump call the Witch Hunt a coup. He said it was treasonous. Watch the video yourself at this link, plus lots of goodies inside:
521 Thank you, Power Tie on YouTube, for putting a beautiful touch to a great week of MAGA winning. Make sure to subscribe and pick up great video memes as they roll out of production.…
522 None
523 Join us for our SWAMP GATOR series where we do a deep dive of individual traitors and criminals in the DC swamp. This time Thomas and Betsy look at VICTORIA NULAND.
524 The British Privy Council has lots to lose in this international scandal of all times. Folks, you are living through history that is so amazing. Here is the Rule of Specialty, the special law we were discussing:…
525 Join us for our SWAMP GATOR series where we do a deep dive of individual traitors and criminals in the DC swamp. This time Thomas and Betsy look at VICTORIA NULAND.
526 Donald Trump, Ivanka, and Ajit Pai are advocating the hard ware installation of 5G all throughout the United States. The faster, the better. Who is advising them on this HORRIBLE action? Don’t they know that the effects on humans are lethal? After you listen to Thomas, drop in and see the other items we left for you about wetware, the Internet of Things, and 5G here:… 
527 Go to this link to read other blockbuster reports from the Conclave about the Jesuits:… 
528 Tyla and Douglas Gabriel discuss opening passages of The Eternal Ethers: A Theory of Everything which you can download for free here: https://neoanthroposophy.files.wordpr…
529 Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel explain why Andrew Marshall’s death is a major victory in cleaning the swamp. View the screens that are difficult to read here
530 None
531 Betsy and Thomas dig into the first 69 pages of the Mueller Report, a complete piece of fiction delivered at a high cost to Americans. Follow along with the report here. We made a searchable copy so use ‘ctrl F’ to navigate search words:…
532 Enjoy a great collection of Robert Mueller and Deep State memes and cartoons while listening to two amazing thought leaders – Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben – rip apart the Mueller ca-ca dossier. Then watch how Michael shows how all these characters fit into the big picture of the British propaganda wars.
533 Betsy and Thomas wrap up a post mortem on the Pee-Pee and Ca-Ca Dossiers, all fairy tale fiction stories paid for, directed, and executed by the traitors of America. Now it’s time for patriots to think how they want to direct and ‘execute’ their plan to claim back America.
534 Behind the scenes major stuff is happening! Listen to Thomas and Betsy discuss three topics and how they relate to getting America back from globalist control. 1) Office of Personnel Management reorganization 2) Visa overstays 3) Mexican remittances and the Federal Reserve
535 Behind the scenes major stuff is happening! Listen to Thomas and Betsy discuss three topics and how they relate to getting America back from globalist control. 1) Office of Personnel Management reorganization 2) Visa overstays 3) Mexican remittances and the Federal Reserve
536 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets of April 23 and 24, 2019 where Trump points to British intelligence for helping Obama spy and him. Read the tweets and other material here:
537 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets of April 23 and 24, 2019 where Trump points to British intelligence for helping Obama spy and him. Read the tweets and other material here:…
538 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben expose James P. Chandler III as being the warlord behind much of DC’s lawfare and patent theft. A whistleblower steps forward to expose the Highlands Forum Group and Andrew Marshall’s kowtowing to Chandler. Patriots, we need to expose this dirty rat. Make sure your social network is up to speed on these criminals.
539 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben expose James P. Chandler III as being the warlord behind much of DC’s lawfare and patent theft. A whistleblower steps forward to expose the Highlands Forum Group and Andrew Marshall’s kowtowing to Chandler. Patriots, we need to expose this dirty rat. Make sure your social network is up to speed on these criminals. Read the affidavit here:… Here is the revised Miller Act Notice:…
540 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets of April 29th and explain why Sally Yates is a traitor. Enjoy a great meme show while you listen. Then have fun with a swamp surprise at the end. Continue your citizen education here
541 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain how Robert Mueller and James Comey began their plans to take-down America several decades ago by weaponizing the federal court system into a weapon against the people. Are you aware that we are being ruled by LAWFARE? Read our full report here:…
542 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets of April 29th and explain why Sally Yates is a traitor. Enjoy a great meme show while you listen. Then have fun with a swamp surprise at the end. Continue your citizen education here:…
543 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and
544 If you are on Twitter, make sure to get connected to the Conclave through @johnbarnwell888. Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and
545 oin us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Read the crimeline here: https://americans4innovation.blogspot… Read the tweets and catch up with your citizen education here:
546 Learn more about propaganda here:… Read about the theft of social media:…
547 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and
548 Truth doesn’t have to come to you loud and noisy. In this meme presentation watch how fellow citizens, just like you, perceive the world around them. Enjoy the healing resonance of truth and open your heart to the possibilities of a New World Awakening.
549 It is quiet in the swamp. The media doesn’t know what to report since their Russia Collusion hoax failed. The Silicon Valley Boy Kings are silencing independent media…so all is calm, quiet. Our voices are being silenced. Let these memes and messages slip by the social media gatekeepers as you send calm assurances to family and friends. Our job, patriots, is to wake up as many people as we can before indictments start coming down. We don’t need to scream and yell to get the job done.
550 Betsy and Thomas discuss Trump Tweets of May 8, 2019. Trump has replaced the term WITCH HUNT with TREASONOUS HOAX. But was it more? Listen and decide for yourself. Read the tweets and see our newest meme scrolls to scrape and share hilarious, truth-biting memes:…
551 Betsy and Thomas discuss three hot topics: Did Mueller hire Fusion GPS to write part of the Ca-Ca Dossier? Trump calls out John Kerry for Logan Act violations. Bill Barr is raising the bar his position as attorney general. The propaganda article by Paul Sperry can be found here: https://www.realclearinvestigations.c…
552 To read the articles and material referenced in today’s discussion, go here:…
553 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss the Treason Report, a U.S. citizen intelligence report on high crimes, treason, and espionage in D.C.. Read the report here:… Get your free speech email here:… Learn about the Miller Act Notice:…
554 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben take a close look at Arvinder Sambei, the Queen’s special counselor who worked with Robert Mueller to protect real criminals of 911 and recently worked with the American traitors to overthrow Donald Trump. This is one she-he-it creature that needs to be imprisoned for a safer and more peaceful planet. Read the Origins of the Coup:…
555 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
556 Betsy and Thomas review the tweets of May 17, 2019 and the historic tweet where Trump calls out TREASON. Read the tweets, the Treason Report, and the Origins of the Coup here:…
557 Betsy and Thomas review the tweets of May 22, 2019 explain how Bill Barr can lock down the 2024 presidency. Read the tweets here:… Read about endocannabinoids here:…
558 Betsy and Thomas explain how the British planned and executed the overthrow of Donald Trump. This is good news for patriots everywhere, including patriots in the UK. We now have solid proof that your Monarchy and Privy Council lay siege on America. Thank goodness we woke up just in time Here is the twitter thread about Clapper’s meeting with Arvinder Sambei in 2013.…
559 Betsy and Thomas decode Trump tweets and show you how the traitors want to keep us from knowing about their ASSASSINATION plans against the President. Read the tweets here and other intel here:…
560 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben reveal the origins of this thing called “Five Eyes”. It blew us away when we saw who created this spying network and guess what? The British enemy uses it to spy on the United States. Listen and learn who the enemy is. Then see the documents that Michael is referring to:… 
561 To read more about the endocannabinoid system, see this article by Douglas Gabriel:…
562 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben update patriots with the latest intel on the British involvement in the overthrow of Trump. Make sure to educate and enlighten your audience on WHO the enemy is (sources) and HOW they operate (methods). High level stuff here. See this page with links to referenced material:…
563 This is intense, but you must be informed of some horrendous things that are happening to little patriot ‘kitties and cats’. Read Strunk’s legal filings here:…
564 Betsy and Thomas review Mueller resignation video. See the video and read the tweets here:… 
565 See our full report on cannabis and hemp here:…
566 Trump is crushing globalism, but you wouldn’t know it if you listened to fake Fox News. Let Betsy and Thomas explain the wins. Click here to look at the other reference material:…
567 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss the theft of social media and explain how this was global racketeering against the people of the planet.
568 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben throw back more curtains on the shady activities of the DC criminals in this explosive report that main stream media and the shill independent channels will never, never cover. Hold on. It’s one helluva ride. To read the actual evidence the researchers collected go here:…
569 Betsy reads a letter from a Facebook insider who claims to know the real truth about why and who created Facebook. To read the letter and use the translation feature on the page to convert to a language of your choice:…
570 Betsy and Thomas review the most recent IG report from Michael Horowitz and Thomas promptly nicknames it the vomit report. Also discussed is the Zuckerberg Dossier and a conference that these two retired school teachers attended last week. Read the Zuckerberg Dossier here:…
571 Betsy and Thomas do a deep dive into some very interesting tweets from Trump in mid-June 2019. To read the tweets we selected, click here: (… 
572 Tyla and Douglas Gabriel review a conference they attended on vibrational science. They review several modalities and devices that they found effective. Of course, you will want to do your own research and draw your own conclusions.
573 Betsy and Thomas of the American Intelligence Media review an email they received from a source claiming to be an insider of the Mueller Team who wants to “come clean” on what’s really going on behind the scenes. Listen to the audio as you read the email attachment and get this scaled through the internet, patriots:… Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Also subscribe to us at and 
574 Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies and Douglas Gabriel of AIM hand President Trump the key code to take over all socialist media. Click here to read the steps proposed and the logistics. Then be a patriot ‘information warrior’ and educate your circle of influence:… 
575 Contact the White House: Read more about this important issue:…
576 Leo Zagami discusses current issues in the Vatican with Douglas Gabriel and John Barnwell.
577 Scrape and share single images…or pass the video into your network. Have fun educating and enlightening your circle of influence with this week’s meme collection.
578 Read Trump tweets of June 22, 2019 and see our latest meme scroll here:… 
579 ALL POINTS BULLETIN FOR PATRIOTS AROUND THE WORLD Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies and Douglas Gabriel of AIM walk patriots through the process of how easy it is to get control of the rogue and weaponized social media platforms. Please share this video wide and far and load it on to your own YT channel for maximum redpilling. Then contact the White House with what’s on your mind: If you live outside of the U.S., contact your trusted elected officials with this information. You, too, are harmed by the rogue faction of tech lords running America. 
580 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
581 Listen to BPEarthWatch explain a solar event that occurred today. Then listen to Betsy and Thomas explain why this even was so critical today and how prayers around the world may have saved the sun from blinking out altogether. It sounds crazy…but the charts don’t lie. It happened. The timing was exact. Was this the 11:11 gateway? See the BPEarthWatch video here:
582 Betsy and Thomas read a transcript of an interview with a Google/Facebook/DARPA insider that was conducted with a member of the Anonymous Patriots, a citizen journalist group aligned with the American Intelligence Media. The person interviewed wishes to remain anonymous and for purposes of the interview will be called Jane Doe. This conversation took place on July 1st, 2019. To read a transcript of the interview:…
583 Scrape and share our Joe Biden meme arsenal. This is the Great Information War and YOU are an information warrior for truth.
584 To learn more about Kamala Harris and her birth certificate and ancestral slave ownership:…
585 Scrape and share. Help unbrainwash the masses.
586 Betsy and Thomas walk you through three types of sophisticated propaganda so that you can spot these slick moves the next time you are being played for a sucker. Disinformation. Omission of information. No information. Resource materials, the Corbett Report video, and more in this easy-to-share hyperlink:…
587 The British Privy Council calls out Trump as its enemy. Michael McKibben and Douglas report on the latest from the British Privy Council in its attempt to overthrow President Donald Trump. All patriots worldwide need to pay attention to this breaking news as the British monarch wants complete control of the world, even where you live. Continue your citizen education at this link and pass it around your influence network:…
588 Betsy and Thomas look at some Trump tweets that call out fake news, in particular Fox News which has become a total globalist propaganda network. Learn more and read the tweets here:…
589 Betsy and Thomas give you the truth about Epstein, the FBI, the flying brothel, and Bill Clinton is a CHILD rapist. Here is the flight manifest in a fantastic 78 page searchable document:… Here are James Comey’s treasonous crimes:… Learn more about perception management and false flags here:… Grab all these links in one easy hyperlink:…
590 Fill up your information arsenal with these edgy memes. Not everyone can handle the truth like you can, but maybe you will find just the right meme to help your friends and family see truth.
591 This discussion will have you spinning as all the pieces come together and land back into the British Privy Council and Monarch … once again. After listening to Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben reveal the BIGGEST SECRET of all, click this link to see the evidence that they found to support their claims:…
592 Learn who, why, how here:…
593 The Democrat party is falling apart at the seams. Stay strong, patriots, and have faith in our leader Donald J. Trump. Just follow his tweets as he and Melania lead us to the great American Renaissance.
594 Betsy and Thomas tackle four issues today – from Iran to Peter Thiel’s dust up with Google, to the four women of the Democrat apocalypse. But what is really a surprise is what we are finding in Kamala’s family closet of secrets and sins.
595 Read the evidence here:…
596 See the evidence here:…
597 Michael McKibben brings shocking documentation to Douglas Gabriel from information warriors outside of the Conclave. It shows, without doubt, the connections of Google, the CIA, Salem Media and a shadowy Deep State figure – Jon Venverloh. See the evidence here:…
598 oin us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
599 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
600 She has risen according to celebrity chef Padma Lakshmi who sipped champagne and dined on king salmo with the Supreme Court justice, she claimed in an instagram post and Insider article. Read details here:… After uploading this video, there is a sighting of Ginsburg at Stevens funeral:…
601 Don’t believe that Herr Mueller and Hildabeast hold the encryption keys to the internet? See the evidence here:…
602 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
603 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
604 Betsy Ross and Thomas ‘Pain in the Ass of the Globalists’ review Mueller’s pathetic performance in front of Congress on July 24, 2019. Learn about the Senior Executive Service and the DOJ-SES 500:…
605 Check out Ruthie’s so-called public appearance at Stevens funeral:…
606 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
607 The Conclave has a round table discussion about artificial intelligence. Hang out with these smart guys for awhile. Who is Michael McKibben? Just the most relevant entrepreneur of our times. Kind of like today’s Tesla. But you will never hear the shills on the internet report this blockbuster story:…
608 In this audio Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel vet an article written by a Brit reporter – Nafeez Ahmed and posted at Medium. You will learn how the article is a sophisticated form of propaganda. Hopefully, our “lesson” will help you be able to discern future articles like this that omit information and lead to false conclusions. Read the articles here:…
609 History lessons were never this interesting in school! Listen to Michael McKibben, Douglas Gabriel, and John Barnwell explain the early history of what we now know as the Privy Council and learn about their evil plan to take over the world into a global prison planet. If we don’t know history, we won’t know our true enemy– so wake up now and take your redpills!
610 We start off talking about the pathetic DEMON RAT debates and end up sharing our secret plan on how Trump could stay in office beyond 2024 during the American Reconstruction and Rennaisance once we overthrow British rule. This has been a rogue government operation and as soon as we claim America back again, we will be ready to vote for an authentic American president – our Trump George Washington the Highlander. GPO-CRECB-1940-pt-19-v86-1. (Aug. 19, 1940). Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife, PARTS I-IX, Remarks of Hon. J. Thorkelson, Montana, House of Representatives. Government Printing Office.…
611 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben explain the connections between the Venetian bankers and today’s British Israel Zionism that was revealed in a 1940 Congressional Report. View the video below and then see the Congressional record. This audio tops off nicely with a deeper understanding of the history of the Venetian Bankers and a first hand review of the CR. Continue your citizen education so that the evil empire never fools you again.…
612 History lessons were never this interesting in school! Listen to Michael McKibben, Douglas Gabriel, and John Barnwell explain the early history of what we now know as the Privy Council and learn about their evil plan to take over the world into a global prison planet. If we don’t know history, we won’t know our true enemy– so wake up now and take your redpills! Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:
613 Let President Trump know that you stand with him: Show your support of Betsy Ross and the world wide freedom movement:…
614 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
615 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
616 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
617 The AIM – AFI journey for the Holy Grail continues. Michael McKibben and Tyla Gabriel introduce Douglas Gabriel’s newest book to our truth community. Fascinating conversation about a history never told. To read the first chapter, please go here:… 
618 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben discuss the evil secret society called the Pilgrims Society. Once you see how this organization is responsible for war, strife, and white supremacy around the world, you will demand that your elected officials shut them down for being a domestic terrorist organization. We offer PROOF that they have been terrorizing the world for over one hundred years. And we “name names”! Go here for full story and links:…
619 CALL TO ACTION:… Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
620 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
621 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
622 We are pleased to feature this video by AIM Patriot Infotoons who took one of Douglas’ lectures on Venetian banking and created an animation. Make sure to subscribe to Infotoons here:… Click here to see the entire lesson:…
623 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
624 Betsy and Thomas rail against the evil tech lords and their sinister plan to take over the world. Calling on all information warriors to step up the meme warfare. We have a planet to save and not a minute to spare.
625 Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel explain why Andrew Marshall’s death is a major victory in cleaning the swamp. View the screens that are difficult to read here:…
626 You know all those social media whistleblowers that are bloviating about the evil of their companies and espousing break-up-the-monopolies narratives? It is a sophisticated form of propaganda pushed by the socials because We the People have a real plan and it’s scaring the crap out of them. Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
627 Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben examine the Grassley – Johnson Investigation of the DOJ’s and FBI’s Handling of the Clinton Investigation. To access the team’s research, please go here and share with your circle of influence:…
628 To read the Grayzone article and other items discussed in the audio:
629 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
630 Read more about the images in this Ben Garrison cartoon:… 
631 The Brits are at it again. More propaganda to try to rouse citizens to war.
632 Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin, reveals his identity in parts 2 and 3 of the Satoshi Dossier, a must read for political dossier aficionados. Listen to part 1 and see all of the links here:…
633 We turn our attention to the three-part “big reveal” of Satoshi Nakamoto and his 980,000 Bitcoin holding which is turning out to be nothing but a CIA Ponzi scheme. Listen to Betsy and Thomas explain why all of this is a hoax and read the” Satoshi Dossier” yourself.… If you currently own cryptos, this is an audio that we highly recommend. 
634 We found the creator of Bitcoin and have the proof. No conspiracies here…just the facts, ma’am. Read our findings here:…
635 Betsy and Thomas discuss the resignation of Patrick Byrne from his CEO position at Overstock and his relationship with Russian spy Maria Butina. Here is a recommended article that will help you get up to speed on the situation and explain how Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, and James Comey are center stage again.… 
636 Please correct all those fake news channels calling it a “soft coup.” It was a hard coup. It was a British attempt to overthrow the United States President. It was conducted from the highest levels of the British inner Fleet Street cabal from the Queen, her Privy Council, the Pilgrims Society and the media. This also includes: Alison Saunders’ conspiracy with Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Arvinder Sambei with Robert Mueller, Robert Hannigan with John Brennan, Richard Dearlove, Mark Malloch-Brown, George Soros, Nick Clegg, Geoffrey Pattie. Our AFI-AIM researchers are pulling out the TRUTH and the EVIDENCE daily from our research mines. Call it what it is: ACT OF WAR The British Monarch is enemy of the entire world. We must call for immediate action against the Queen and her co-conspirators for their crimes against humanity. All patriots around the world are called to action to free their nations and its citizens from the tyrannical rule of the British Empire. Keep learning REAL history:…
637 Thomas Pain-in-the-ass-of-the-globalists gives a rousing speech of why we stand in unity against globalism and Betsy Ross sums it up as only Betsy can do.
638 AFI Michael McKibben and AIM Douglas Gabriel report on the roots of fake news which are found in a huge global British spy network that spews propaganda to promote never-ending war, big pharma eugenics, regime changes, and even…the overthrow attempt of Donald J. Trump. Learn more about Wellcome and the Wee Little Death Box here:… See the AFI research to support these claims: [coming when report is finished. will be posted at]
639 Read about the 28 treasonous crimes of James Comey:… Learn more history and current events that matter:…
640 Betsy and Thomas walk you through the current events of the corrupt FBI, DOJ, Iran, and China…and show you that all roads lead to the British Monarch – the Evil Empire of Planet Earth. Continue your education with these reports: Horowitz is the new D.C. fixer:… Here’s the scoop on Jessie Liu:… Who are these British spies and propagandists?…
641 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:… 
642 Douglas Gabriel and John Barnwell discuss the historical roots of fake news and show how secret societies control America’s public narrative with propaganda that creates wars and conflicts that enrich the bankers and elites.
643 The researchers at Americans for Innovation have discovered important history that has been hidden from We the People for over a century. It is a nefarious plan to weaponize the media and intelligence agencies and literally – take over the world through British Imperialism. They were really good at it as we see unfold in current day events of spies, lies, and propaganda. To full appreciate this TRUTH HISTORY, make sure to see the primary evidence and photographs we collected here: https://americans4innovation.blogspot…
644 The American Intelligence Media and Americans for Innovation have posted lots of great research on how election rigging occurs. Below you will find our top articles, each one holding important information for patriots who want to understand how elections are rigged . Learn what YOU can do “on the ground” to protect the integrity of YOUR elections. Please pass along this important collection of articles to your circle of influence and your election officials. This election rigging occurs all over the world, not just in the United States.… Fly under the censorship radar, using this tiny URL:
645 The only way they can win is by rigging the elections. Make sure you know the most devious ways they do it – in cyberspace!
646 After listening to Douglas, you may want to know more about George Soros’ purple revolution to take over of America
647 Douglas Gabriel and John Barnwell discuss the mysteries of blood and why the elite sickos of the world can’t get enough. Listen to Leo and John discuss this topic and also learn about the Grail Queens and the blood relics here:
648 Tyla and Douglas Gabriel, John Barnwell and Michael McKibben have their first open source Conclave meeting. We invited our listeners to join us and had a great time. Thanks to 7seven7, Kevin Timmer, Tim Sullivan, and Dr. Dominique Rebel for your great comments.
649 Same Video 2 Titles
650 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
651 We were exposing Crowdstrike back in January 2017.… Then continue your citizens education and find out why the Queen needs to go:…
652 Ronna ROMNEY McDaniels throws Joe and Hunter Biden under the bus for corruption before thinking about her own family’s corruption which is shocking. Her Uncle Mitt actually runs the rigged election machines along with her cousin Tagg Romney and globalist George Soros. One wonders what her real role is as the head of the GOP and why she hasn’t spoken up about her family’s election rigging business. Make sure you know the depth and breadth of the Romney family corruption:… We were exposing Crowdstrike back in January 2017.…
653 Read the two Conservative Treehouse articles here:
654 Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
655 Check out the amazing cartoon from Infotoons who is hitting one home run after another. We will be giving him a nice “tip” for this work. Would you please join us? This is a powerful way our community can reward independent media truth warriors like this. To make a video production of this caliber takes hours and hours, well beyond a hobby. This is a labor of love. Please, take a moment after viewing and send Michael some $$ fuel to help with the next project. Here is his paypal account: Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
656 The Mike and Doug Show delivers this blockbuster “news” that has been hidden from patriots in history by the Pilgrims Society. Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel explain all. Read the full report here:
657 Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites. (Home of the daily Cat Report)
658 Here is the related news item on Google-Oracle case
659 We eventually fixed Douglas’ video stream. Join Betsy’s team:
660 Open this link for the tweets, John and Leo’s video, and a whole bunch of other cool stuff:
661 Read this blockbuster report, including video critiqued:
663 Written and spoken by Michael Rivero. “All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars” The written version is here:… Video by Zane Henry. Mirrored from: This video is in the public domain. The producers have waived their copyright to this video. Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
664 Written and spoken by Michael Rivero. “All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars” The written version is here:… Video by Zane Henry. Mirrored from: This video is in the public domain. The producers have waived their copyright to this video. Join us on the frontline of truth revelation at:,, and Get your free speech email here:…
665 None
666 Today’s discussion comes from this Cat Report:
667 Today’s discussion comes from this Cat Report:
668 Today’s discussion comes from these Cat Reports:
669 Yes, we see the typo. They are meteorites. Learn more about meteorites, THC cannabis, hemp, shungite, C60, Buckyballs in this link:
670 Learn more about meteorites, THC cannabis, hemp, shungite in this link:
671 Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites. (Home of the daily Cat Report)
672 Learn more about these early American patriots here:
673 Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites. (Home of the daily Cat Report)
674 Learn more about the Frankfurt School
675 Listen to Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel, with their guest Phil Brooks, discuss the lethal combination of psychological programming of Tavistock and the Frankfurt School. Educate yourself and alert those in your networks about this destructive force on Western Civilization. Continue your patriot education and learn more about The Frankfurt School:
677 Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites. (Home of the daily Cat Report)
678 Look inside to see all the goodies we left you:
679 Save this PDF to your permanent records:
680 Make sure to see today’s top articles and more about the Romney family corruption:
681 None
683 None
684 The nature of the Being of Wisdom – the biographies of the divine feminine and their relationship to the Being of Anthroposophia as found in Rudolf Steiner’s teachings.
685 The quest for wisdom-lore surrounding the Grail Queens, the Maidens of the Wells, and holy blood relics of Jesus Christ and his followers in “The Way”
686 Machine Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence – the dangers of artificial intelligence and the future of humanity – defining the materialistic god of our time – Ahriman
687 Dr. Douglas Gabriel summarizes Venetian Bankers Come to England and reveals the secret that Italian bankers, philosophers, political operatives, and economic predators flooded into England and controlled the monarchy completely. Even the dynasties that came to rule England were directed by Italian bankers like the d’Este family who married into the Fugger and Welser German banking families, later marring into the elite families of England. Gasparo Contarinia and Paolo Sarpi were the minds behind overthrowing the European monarchies and the Pope of Rome. Eventually, this infiltration was complete when the Italian banking families married into the great houses of England: Howards, Russells, Herberts, Cavendishes, Cromwells, Poles and many others. Thus, Britain was permanently infected by the Venetian virus of central banking and Italian warlord politics. READ and LEARN from the articles posted inside of this link:… Access the full lesson on banking with all audios here:…
688 Access the full lesson on banking with all audios here:
689 Learn the important backstory of Italian banking and how its tentacles reach into banking activity today. Download this supplemental material:
690 Make sure to download our Venetian Bankers series at:
691 We are pleased to feature this video by AIM Patriot Infotoons who took one of Douglas’ lectures on Venetian banking and created an animation. Make sure to subscribe to Infotoons here:
692 We are pleased to feature this video by AIM Patriot Infotoons who took one of Douglas’ lectures on Venetian banking and created an animation. Make sure to subscribe to Infotoons here:
693 None
694 None
695 Read more about cannabis and hemp:… Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites. (Home of the daily Cat Report)
696 Tyla and Douglas Gabriel have created a digital game of consciousness called the Glass Bead Game. Our hubs are located on the following platforms and we welcome you to join Magister Ludi and begin to awaken your higher self.
697 None
698 Join Betsy and Thomas in their Infotoons cartoon avatars and see why we may not have won the first American Revolution and what you need to know to win the Second.
699 Author and lecturer Douglas Gabriel continues his discussions on the New World Awakening. Find out why he says we are all crossing the threshold during these historical times. See the full series here:
700 Douglas Gabriel of the American Intelligence Media explains how the Second American Revolution is a New World Awakening in which every citizen around the world can participate. See the full series here:
701 None
702 Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel explain the two-tiered court system in America – one for SES and the Pilgrims Society operatives and the other for patriots and regular folks.
703 Make sure to check out the background info that Betsy and Thomas refer to in this handy, shareable link:
704 Asking all patriots to listen to this important message from Michael McKibben, Founder and CEO of Leader Technologies. Then learn more at this link: [coming]
705 Please sign the petition!… And write a comment to the FTC –… Lawyer’s discussion of this topic –… More info on how this affect you –… Save family friendly content on Youtube –… COPPA – Everything you need to know –… FTC’s rules for complying with COPPA –… Youtube’s original video introducing this to creators –… More thoughts on COPPA –… If I am no longer on Youtube but this video is still viewable, come find me, Burley, and Fy Nyth at or
706 Continue your citizen education with this citizen report on Fiona Hill:
707 Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites.
709 Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time.
710 We don’t want to become robot extensions for the corrupt Silicon Valley boy kings so we came up with a citizens’ solution. This is not some pie-in-the-sky solution. This is something we can do to free humanity. Please educate and inform others.
711 From ancient Hindu philosophy to modern scientific theories concerning the ethers there is a comprehensive cosmology found in the science of the ethers.  Make sure to download a free copy of Dr. Gabriel’s book The Eternal Ethers here:
712 Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites. (Home of the daily Cat Report)
713 Learn how to build a home unit here:
714 Learn how to build a home unit here:
715 So many great topics. Here are some of the topics we discussed:
716 Listen to a discussion between Douglas Gabriel and Dr. Jonathan Levy about the dangers of cryptocurrencies. Dr. Levy’s formal complaint to the European Commission and his contact information is here:
717 Betsy and Thomas review this article from the Conservative Treehouse where SUndance seems to be totally confused about Joseph Mifsud and refuses to look to the UK for answers:
718 Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites. (Home of the daily Cat Report);; Get your free speech email here:
719 Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites. (Home of the daily Cat Report);; Get your free speech email here:
720 Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites. (Home of the daily Cat Report);; Get your free speech email here:
721 Nice to have you join our global truth community. Make sure you are tuned in to all of our sites. (Home of the daily Cat Report);; Get your free speech email here:
722 Restore the rule of law! Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel explain how it can be done.
723 Betsy and Thomas discuss how the Pope and Vatican were involved in the overthrow attempt of President Donald Trump. To learn more about the topics discussed, we left you a page full of excellent notes and links here:
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