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Revealed: McCabe Pushed Trump ‘Golden Shower’ Hoax and Comey Approved





The whole world watched him commit his crimes. He must be arrested.


Snooze…how long did it take Breitbart to report this? If it weren’t for alternative media biting their ankles constantly like an Australian cattle dog, we would not be reading this. Breitbart is propaganda, not just for its outright lies and deceit, but for its obvious omissions.



President Trump: You can’t make this up! David Kris, a highly controversial former DOJ official, was just appointed by the FISA Court to oversee reforms to the FBI’s surveillance procedures. Zero credibility. THE SWAMP!


FISA court selects former Obama admin lawyer, left-wing blogger to oversee FBI’s surveillance reforms



Must watch video in the headline link below.

This is what happens when people start coming out of intense brainwashing. We aren’t kidding – try waking up someone in a deep sleep. They can get violent, incoherent, crazy. He/she/they (dare to pronounce a pronoun) is waking up and his/her/their brain can’t make sense of the world. Share with your information troops – with an explanation of why this is happening. This can be a teaching moment.

The Starbucks Snowflakes are Melting


Thus Spoke TrumpaZustra

“House Republicans investigating origins of the Ukraine Whistleblower complaint. ICIG Michael Atkinson facing serious questions. “The Democrats know the ICIG is a major problem-didn’t release his testimony. Looks so much like everything else we’ve seen, from the Russia Hoax, to…

….the Ukraine Hoax that became the Impeachment Scam. Must get the ICIG answers by Friday because this is the guy who lit the fuse. So if he wants to clear his name, prove that his office is indeed incompetent.” @DevinNunes @MariaBartiromo @FoxNews

The ICIG never wanted proof!”


Here we have Fox News reporting on an article that the AIM community has been well aware of for several years:

Chelsea Clinton is worth big bucks — Here’s how she managed to make all that money

Cool with us that propaganda media is finally catching up to our research. All the more reason to turn off Fox News and Tammy Bruce. They are over TWO YEARS BEHIND THE AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE MEDIA:



Gina Haspel is a British operative who works with Five Eyes and the Crown Agents to overthrow Donald Trump. She’s been doing this since her days as the head of the CIA office in London, long before she became the director of the CIA.

She works closely with Arvinder Sambei, Joseph Mifsud, Stefan Halper, Richard Dearlove, and the rest of the Pilgrims Society MI5-MI6 gang. Of course don’t expect the propaganda rag Breitbart or Fake Fox News to report this to you. Their reporters seem to be clueless about world events.

The important thing is that YOU and your troops know this. Get the word out to your information troops that Gina Haspel is an AMERICAN TRAITOR.

All that stupid drama that you see playing out with Harry and Megan is supposed to distract you from probing the Queen and her pedophile sons…And how about that time she and her entourage sent Robert Hannigan over to Trump Towers to literally WIRETAP the President of the United States?

Folks, the truth is not going away.

It is there, veiled in layers of propaganda, staring you right in the face. Our country has been infiltrated by a variety of enemies, all who want to take over America. Below are the three primary groups with associated names. Several players hold positions in more than one group. There are other groups vying for world domination, but these are the top three that we see playing out right now.

Isn’t this crazy that we are talking about “world domination” and “saving the planet”? But that is actually what we are facing, dear AIM information and spiritual warriors. This is a time for you to step up and use your voice. Stay in 528. All together: Nations rule; globalists drool. This is what THEY fear – our united, yet decentralized, voice.

Oh..sorry…back to that list. POTUS has taken out the first two globalist contenders. They are now powerless and have started to fall like a controlled demolition of Tower #7.

Time to watch what he does to the last group. To our patriot friends in the United Kingdom: We are with you, although President Trump’s next moves might have you think otherwise. Hang in there.

Donald Trump has taken out every contender since the day he entered the ring with the 2016 primaries.

Stop doubting his strategies, patriots. Learn from them.

Taking down British Imperialism and claiming America’s sovereignty – once and for all – is going to be the WIN of the millennium. Basically and literally, America will be concluding the AMERICAN REVOLUTION from British rule.

Can you believe that we are actually alive and witnessing the most amazing time in human history and that President Donald Trump has accepted his role in leading humanity into a new age of human existence? Will our wisdom children and grandchildren write about this like a Noah or Abraham, who led their people to safer grounds?

Oh..sorry…back to that list. 🙂

Chinese (Diane Feinstein, China Chao and hubby Mitch, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Eric Schmidt, Hillary Clinton, James Breyer, IBM, Henry Kissinger, Steve Bannon, John Kerry, Christopher Heinz, Joe and Hunter Biden)

Muslim Brotherhood (Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Strzok and Page, the Squad, Susan Rice, Andre Carson, Brennan, Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry);

British Imperialists/Pilgrims Society (Queen, Gina Haspel, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Mark Malloch-Brown, Geoffrey Pattie, Arvinder Sambei, Alison Saunders, Robert Hannigan, Richard Dearlove, Stefan Halper, Privy Council, SES, Christopher Wray, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, Page and Strzok, etc.)

BTW – If you haven’t noticed, the President closed two of the major exit doors that the swamp creatures could use for their escape – China and Iran. Those doors are now closed. And forget the Vatican. President Trump has been starving the Vatican of its refugee gravy $$$ train for quite some time.

And look. Even before pushing out today’s Cat Report, President Trump tweets these beauties. Here we go….buckle up, kids!


Trump: Intel Community Inspector General Faces ‘Serious Questions’ on ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint




Skeet Shooting Middle-Eastern Style



Clinging to a Narrative – Speaker Pelosi Denies Iranian Protestors Marching Against Oppressive Regime


Itsy bitsy, tiny weeny gathering for Bloomberg and Judge Judy despite campaign’s big spending

Just 45 people showed up





YouTube blocks links to texts of Virginia anti-gun Bills

“Does the State of Virginia know that YouTube suspects their site of “malware, phishing attempts, or disturbing content?”  The anti-gun bills are certainly disturbing, but probably not in the way that YouTube intended to convey.

What we are witnessing is an attack by the media on the citizens of Virginia.  Media oligarchs don’t want you to see the laws that politicians are about to pass.  We can ask, “Why bother having sunshine laws, when the oligarchy will attempt to block the sunshine?”  Remember, the virulent left has a strategy.”



Here’s one that aged nicely. From April 30, 2018

Netanyahu Spies Steal Iranian Nuclear Cache



Drag Queens are Not for Kids. Patriots around the world have had enough of cultural Marxism and are getting in action like these young people. What are you doing to keep this out of your schools and libraries? George Soros is counting on you to be uninvolved while he uses his paid radical SJWs to run over our morals and Constitution.

This isn’t just an American problem. It’s worldwide.

Remember to have the video or camera ready to go so that we can take these local events and turn them into global glass beads.

For example, this sign below didn’t cost too much. But think about the people who will drive by and read it. How about how many times it has been passed around as an image in social media? Make it happen. JUST DO IT.


Just in case you see this image, Imam of Peace debunked it and indicated that it is a Muslim prayer ring.





Y’all remember this VINTAGE video from Lionel? We laughed and laughed at this great conversation. After over half-million hits, Lionel removed this video and all the others he recorded with Douglas from his YT site, but our miners kept a copy to share with you on a rainy day. Enjoy.

You Will Be Completely Controlled You Are Wetware



     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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