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Jane Sullivan Roberts (wife of SCUMBAG Roberts) oversees the recruiting of Pilgrims Society soldiers globally


Jane Sullivan Roberts consults for many of the leading Pilgrims Society companies on the planet, in satellite technology, law and big pharma

Roberts was confirmed on September 29, 2005.

Editors. (2014). Jane Sullivan Roberts – Chief Justice John Roberts wife. Wag Politics.

We’ve cracked the control of their recruiting system!

Jane’s conflicts of interest disqualify Roberts from most cases he’s ever been involved in.

This finding literally takes our breath away.

Jane Sullivan Roberts oversees the recruiting of Pilgrims Society soldiers globally.

She was consulting to EVERY participant in the Leader v. Facebook whitewash… and Obamacare… look at this list that didn’t scrub!

Clare Brilliant. (Jun. 09, 2011). Major, Lindsey & Africa Announces Seven New Partners [incl. Jane Sullivan Roberts, Press release], Wayback Machine accessed Jan. 26, 2020. Major, Lindsey & Africa.[incl-Jane-Sullivan-Roberts-Press-release]-by-Clare-Brilliant-Major-Lindsey-and-Africa-Wayback-Machine-accessed-Jan-26-2020-Jun-09-2011.pdf

Roberts needs to come clean on his wife’s collusion with the Pilgrims Society, big time.

Sullivan consults to the British-American law firm Hogan Lovells (formerly Hogan & Hartson LLP), John Roberts’ long-time law firm… in satellite technology, big pharma and law among many notable Pilgrims Society organizations. (accessed Jan. 26, 2020)

More to come this week on SCUMBAG ROBERTS and the corrupt federal, FISA, and Supreme Court. John-boy is just for openers. Our miners hit a motherlode and its all coming up for fresh air and transparency.

Headlines like this aren’t just teasers…we have the details, the facts, and the evidence. And soon you will, too.

Have you started educating and enlightening your network about SCUMBAG John Roberts and the corrupt court system?

Share our recent John and Jane Roberts findings with this tiny url:


Judge Collyer should be punished for Page’s misery.

Of course, the AIM community knows that Carter Page is a CIA-FBI asset and is “in” on the coup. Doesn’t mean that Collyer isn’t pure swamp…but Carter Page is not a choir boy victim.




Trump defense team: Schiff not credible



Rep. Jim Jordan: 2 hours of truth beats over 20 hours of presumptions, assumptions, and hearsay.


A Quick Recap of the Impeachment Trial of President Donald J. Trump



Jon Voight: Say The Truth



Winning for World Peace


Chris Murphy: It’s ‘Possible’ Some Democrats Vote to Acquit Trump


Sen. Chuck Grassley expanded his investigation into the DOD’s Office of Net Assessment



“Thermonuclear, Pandemic-Level Bad” – Harvard Epidemiologist Warns Viral Outbreak Might Get A Lot Worse


DOJ Responds to Andrew McCabe’s Lawsuit and It’s an Absolute Beatdown



Six Italian Courts Have Ruled That Cell Phones Cause Brain Tumors




One Family To Rule Them All?


To learn more about the global banking system and its origins, check out this four-part series we posted on the history of banking. Important real (not fake) history lesson that all patriots should know. Keep in mind that our school history books were filled with Pilgrims Society LIES. Start learning real history so that humanity can break out of Prison Planet much faster!

Venetian Takeover of British Banking


EU CRISIS! Protests EXPLODE Throughout France as Macron’s Support IMPLODES. Start Steve at 1:38 mark.


Watchdog group says two North Carolina counties have more registered voters than voting age citizens


Dutchman posts a reminder that we can all do something to out the RINOS and RATS in the RNC.

THAT’S what I’m talking about! In New Hampshire, an RNC official who had been (I think) State party chair for 16 years and close to McCain was ousted. Replaced by a MAGA supporter.

This is how we do it, yea! They say it wasn’t even close,…the vote.

Purge the party, one State, one district and one position and finally tear the Rockefeller republican, Rino phonies OUT of the party, to make it the RepubliCAN party of MAGA and America First!

Do you know who your precinct captain, district, county and State party chairs are? Have you TALKED with them, to determine if they are RINO or MAGA?

People wonder how Mitt got in in Utah? Cause of the State RNC, THAT’S how! And no matter what State you live in, it can happen to you!



One of America’s largest pro-Trump super PACs is running a new billboard in New York City. Located at 1500 Broadway and 43rd Street, the board is two-sided and both sides will feature the video of Biden admitting to withholding one billion in aid to Ukraine until the government fired the prosecutor investigating Hunter. Read more


Adam Savage Tests Boston Dynamics’ Spot Robot. Think of the possibilities in the wrong hands of tyrants and blood-thirsty globalists and banksters.


AIM Patriot Jeffrey writes:

I have been following you guys for several years now. I love you all as the most trusted voice in American politics today.

I was getting your pod casts on YouTube but of course now on this site. I am frustrated because I want to send out your pod casts to friends and can’t. I am 68, I have older friends who aren’t tech savvy. How do I send a copy of a pod cast to their e-mail?

Our reply:

Thanks for the note. Sharing the material is easy, just different. Average age in the Conclave is 65 and we can handle it. ok, Boomer?

1) We always put our newest video at the top of the page here: If you open up the video, you will see the Vimeo address (or YouTube if it is one of our “vintage” videos). So yesterday, for example, the top video was Winning for World Peace. Click on the title that is marked in yellow and you go to:

It is easy to share the Vimeo url through your network. Remember, too, that you can download the video and then upload to your own YouTube channel. You will be able to share like you did when we were on YouTube.

2) Subscribe to or check in for video updates. We upload videos with support material. Each video blog page gets a url that you can share. Here is the one for Winning for World Peace:



Is Jane Timken a RINO RAT globalist hiding in the Republican Party?

Ohio GOP Chairwoman Timken Spreads Falsehoods on Refugees in Letter to Party Members




THIS is coming true…


HHS gives Calif. 30 days to end rule requiring insurance providers to cover abortions


Bernie Sanders isn’t a ‘democratic socialist’ — he’s an all-out Marxist






Master-level climate change meming:

Porsche 911 mit FUCK YOU GRETA am Heckspoiler








AIM Patriot Tommy Cook writes:

A MESSAGE TO THE QUEEN: THERE WILL BE NO ‘BRITISH GYPSY CLAIMS’ TO ANYTHING WITHIN THE CANADIAN BOUNDARIES THE CANADIAN BORDERS OF CANADA…THE BRITISH KINKS ROCKBAND RELEASE IN 1969 (Victoria) WAS CUTE…….DON’T GET ANY IDEAS”……………är-khän-gelos ……………… “GovernmentofBC”GematreaVictoria…….180,143 views Joined Nov 30, 2009…….(180143302009)…(1,(8+01=9)333,4330,(2=1+1)11,00,(9)333)…(133343301100333)…((1+3+3)7,(3+433)436,011,(0033+3)36)…(743601136)…(743,(6+011)17,36)…(743736)…(743736)………………743-736 Divine Gematrea………………(blueletterbible)………………(G743)–är-khän-ge-los–“I.archangel, or chief of the angels” (1Th 4:16)For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the “TRUMP” of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first…….(H736)–ō-rekh-ä–“, travelling company” (VANCOUVER ISLAND BEING INVADED BY ENGLISH NOBS…’new world order’ ideas of confrontation come in many forms that ONLY money can buy as proven many times over since ‘SOROS’ and the ‘BANKERS’ have accumulated MOST of the wealth in the world through usery fees and interest(100 YEARS OF ROBBERY and 100 YEARS OF SCHEMES…now look at YOU) and now you argue over the SCRAPS…ALL WHO JOIN THEIR CAUSE WILL PERISH)”………………

Amen Warrior Saint Thomas333 & Warrior Angel Rosie/Warrior Angels of ONE”YAHWEH”


BIG CATS like boxes too!


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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