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Senior Executive Services ALLOWS the Chinese to Infiltrate USA


Why the IRS may be knocking on your door during tax season this year


If you are a globalist darling like David Brock from Media Matters, the SES vermin at the IRS keep you protected. Which goes to show that the IRS are henchmen for the Federal Reserve to shake down patriots for taxes, while their globalist friends go untouched.

Is the IRS protecting leftist radical David Brock?


The IRS is a Corporation registered in Puerto Rico & The Federal Reserve is owned by 8 Families


The IRS are henchmen for the Federal Reserve. They shake us down for mo-money mo-money and if we don’t pay up, they seize it. It’s their money unless its David Brock’s or Hillary Clinton’s. That’s why they call our hard earned money….

THE IRS (Theirs, not yours)

In brief summary (of what is fully explained in American Popular Sovereignty),

  1. A tax is a publicly authorized public taking. All taxes have a subject and a measure. The subject of a tax is the specific thing, activity, or event that the tax is levied on. The measure of a tax is the means or method of computing the amount of tax due.
  2. In 1796 the issue of direct and indirect federal taxation under the Constitution was fully argued and settled in the case Hylton v. United States, 3 U.S. 171 (1796). The U.S. Supreme Court determined that the Constitution divides federal taxation into two categories: direct; and indirect. The Court further determined that the subject of a direct tax consisted of land and the revenue proceeding from the land, and that an indirect tax was a “circuitous mode of reaching the revenue of the individual”. Consequently, the subject of an indirect tax is necessarily something other than the revenue of the individual.
  3. The last time Congress levied a direct tax was in 1861, which expired in 1872.
  4. In the cases Brushaber v. Union Pac. R.R., 240 U.S. 1 (1916) and Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 U.S. 103 (1916), the U.S. Supreme Court determined that the Sixteenth Amendment did not alter or amend Article I, thus the direct and indirect taxation provisions in the Constitution remain intact.
  5. For these reasons, all federal taxes set forth in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) are of the indirect kind.
  6. The IRS claims that all workers in America are liable for a federal income tax on their pay, yet it is not clear how such a tax could be an indirect tax conforming to the Constitution.

Randall E. White will be assisting us at the ground level on taking real action against our out-of-control government. But it’s going to take all of us to make an impact. Make sure to pass the word to your network and theirs to theirs – fan out.

Randy prepared this letter to send to the IRS. You are going to love it. Calls out their tax bullsh*t. And we even created a WORD document for you so you can just cut, paste, customize, and print. Or prepare an email.

Patriots Take Action Against the IRS

Man your battle stations, warriors. Commander White has sounded an alert. 🙂

Many of you wrote and asked how to get involved with the citizen grand juries after listening to Douglas and Randall in this video. Go ahead and buy Randy’s book if you want to get started. He is going to be walking us through the steps, but that doesn’t mean that patriots with deeper interests and resources can’t steam ahead.


The Senior Executive Services is the KEYSTONE to taking down the corrupt crown agents that are running America for the Queen and her Privy Council, along with the Pilgrims Society.

Remove the keystone and it all falls down, like a beautiful implosion of Building 7, right in its own footprint. Then we can begin clean up operations.

Senior Executive Service ALLOWS the Chinese to Infiltrate USA


The Best Of Trump In Vegas


Varney: The Trump train rolls on


Donald Trump Brings ‘MAGA Cowgirl,’ ‘Wall Man’ and ‘Fake News Man’ on Stage


America The Beautiful – Mississippi Mass Choir



Donald Trump Is America’s Chief Law Enforcement Officer


Key Intelligence Aide Joins Acting DNI Richard Grenell – Mandate: “Clean House, Top to Bottom”


“Kash Patel previously worked as Devin Nunes’ senior staffer on the House Intelligence Committee (HPSCI).  It was Patel who was the lead author of the Nunes memo exposing corrupt conduct of the FBI and DOJ officials during Crossfire Hurricane.

Patel joined the National Security Council’s International Organizations and Alliances directorate last February and was promoted to the senior counterterrorism role at the NSC mid-summer 2019.  According to recent reporting Patel is now joining Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell as a Senior Advisor and Catherine Herridge is reporting the objective is to ‘clean house‘.”



Tom Fitton: AG Barr Needs to Focus on the Corruption of His Own Agency




Another misinformation campaign is being launched by Democrats in Congress saying that Russia prefers me to any of the Do Nothing Democrat candidates who still have been unable to, after two weeks, count their votes in Iowa. Hoax number 7!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 21, 2020



Washington Post (CIA) Starts: “Bernie is a Russian Asset” Narrative

Our team checked in with Vladimir Putin for a response.


Sorry for the delay on the intelligence findings we have for you on the Queen’s QinetiQ. We told you that a written report would be following the video discussion. Our researchers found a HUGE chopping and underneath was a lode that had to be mined before it is scrubbed from the internet. It took all day Friday for the miners to work through these findings and preserve the intel. This will make their report even more spectacular!



Roger Stone has filed a motion to disqualify judge, questioning Judge Amy Berman Jackson’s impartiality based on statements at his sentencing yesterday.




Proof: The left can’t meme. Read all about Bloomberg’s lame billboards.


Teachers and parents are standing up to cultural Marxism in public school indoctrination centers. What are you doing to speak up? Don’t wait for doNothing Betsy deVos Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education to do anything about the globalist infiltration into our public schools. Betsy DeVos is an Amway globalist who is in place to keep the Pilgrims Society indoctrination spewing out of our public school teachers, all paid for by taxpayers.

Indiana Teacher Claims She Was Fired for Exposing Left-Wing ‘Social Emotional Learning’ Scheme




Clueless Jack Dorsey has no idea the big, powerful sword the President holds regarding Twitter and all the other social medias.

‘Harmfully Misleading:’ Twitter Tests Warning Labels on World Leaders’ Tweets


Smackademic, PhD. Depl. Stud. posts:

Exactly, but lawmakers could pass a law that forces all users of twitter to see a warning at every usage that says “it is known to the federal government that information conveyed through this app has been known to be a product of Chinese and Russian propaganda units, and that the owners of the app have been known to censor political speech for the sake of China and Russia, and to censor the free speech of Americans”

To which Alex Nakasone added this insight:

I have a different take on this insane idea. I think there is a clear distinction between shadow banning or even suspension as opposed to a conspicuous colour label. The former does not expose the victim publicly, the latter does. Twitter has been proven to be subjective and bias in their judgements in the past. So, herewith is the slippery slope they will be getting themselves into. Let’s say, they give a Republican senator an orange card for something the senator said. A public outrage ensued. The senator lost in the November election. Say, eventually, it was proven that the senator was truthful all along. So, now come the kicker. The senator can then sue Twitter for libel for a big fat pay day. A few of such lawsuits will surely bankrupt Twitter. My two cents worth.


CNN Asks Why Testosterone & Sperm Counts Are Plummeting in Europe and North America


P. P. Butt has been christened with a new name.

Donald Trump Refers to Pete Buttigieg as ‘Howdy Doody’



Axios is not a reliable source of info for patriots. Anytime you read an article from this propaganda online site, be careful to notice who the author is and where their sources are linked. In this article below, the authors cite three inside sources, but no specifics. The article is flying around the internet and we just wanted you to pay attention to the sources.

New White House personnel chief tells Cabinet liaisons to target Never Trumpers


John Bolton Admits Last-Minute Impeachment Leak Was A Publicity Stunt


Dementia: Joe Biden Says Son Beau Was ‘Attorney General of the United States’


Coronavirus. The latest QinetiQ false flag operation to take out America for the benefit of British Imperial Fascist Corporatism.  

Whew…we are definitely comforted to hear from NEC Director Larry Kudlow in the video below that the CDC is involved. Patriots will totally trust Nancy Messonnier to give us truthful information…just like her brother Rod Rosenstein has during the treasonous act of overthrowing Donald Trump.

One can’t help but wonder if Nancy is screaming coronavirus to protect her brother and the swamp vermin from the arrests that are coming once We the People get rolling with our citizen grand juries.

Listen to the CNBC bloviator Jim Cramer try to scare Kudlow into reporting this nonsense to the President. Remember Cramer is a propagandist. CNBC is a division of the British global propaganda network…they lie. That is what propaganda is – veils of deceit covering TRUTH.

Bottom line, folks: The CDC and CNBC have an agenda….and it is not America First. It’s a false flag operation and patriots aren’t biting. We aren’t buying this propaganda coming from the CDC, WHO, Bill and Melinda, propaganda media, the UN, and anything from China.

Full interview with National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow


MSDNC (Comcast Slime), @CNN and others of the Fake Media, have now added Crazy Bernie to the list of Russian Sympathizers, along with @TulsiGabbard & Jill Stein (of the Green Party), both agents of Russia, they say. But now they report President Putin wants Bernie (or me) to win.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 21, 2020




Makes you wonder why Hillary Clinton gets a pass for selling foreign governments open access to her classified emails when the little people get such severe penalities for their crimes.


Former DIA Employee Pleads Guilty to Leaking Classified National Defense Information to Journalists




New York Library Plans LGBT Re-Education Program After Community Rejects ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’



Many patriots feel that President Trump is alone in the swamp, like this boomer alligator hunter. What are you doing to give the President your support? Can you write letters, tweet, attend a Trump rally, energize those around you, and VOTE straight R in November?

What are your God-given skills and talents that you can use in the Great Information War? Watch this hunter use his resources to haul in one big gator. Could be Hildabeast if we all get to work and help President Trump!





An oldie…but always a goodie to throw into your social media network. No, this isn’t salve just for P. P. Butt.


TJ posts:

Americans lost $36 Billion in expatriated money last year.

Americans should teach Americans how to report them.

How to Report Illegal Immigrants

How to Report Illegal Immigrants Anonymously



We have no idea what the Chinese writing says. Do you?


Up-n-coming meme warrior showing his skills: Right Now



This meme warrior redesigned the Democrat logos with Trump’s name.







Toby Keith – American Soldier. You, too, are an American soldier – an information warrior who is going to save America with the weapon of TRUTH. Honor the millions of warriors that gave their lives for our country by stepping up, speaking up, and taking back our country from the enemy – British Imperial Fascist Corporatism.


The Gabriels Hear the Call of the North

When the Earth reached the mid-point of the galactic center, we decided to go north to where the spiritual community joins together each night as the crown of the aurora borealis spins around the north pole. The date December 21, 2012 was seen by many to mark the celebration of the middle point of the 25,920-year cycle called the Platonic Year, or the body of the Goddess. When the Earth reaches this galactic mid-point, every 12,960 years, or so, humans can take giant leaps in consciousness and the Earth itself can go through cataclysmic earth changes that accompany this great influx of cosmic energies.

Often, the wobble of the axis of the earth changes to some degree as a response to a grand solar minimum and this also changes the ocean currents, which ultimately control all weather on the Earth. Many people believed that 2012 would be the year that the axis of the Earth would change, just as the poles of the Sun had changed dramatically the year prior. The Sun regularly changes its polar magnetic orientation which can trigger the Earth to do the same. We went to the North Pole to be under the aurora borealis to consciously help prevent a dramatic change to the Earth physically. We choose to be part of the solution.

We spent a week under the glow and splendor of the aurora in 40 degree below zero weather while swimming in a huge outdoor natural hot springs with the North Pole of Alaska below us. One day after we left Alaska, there was a large earthquake near where we had been. We believed our mission had been accomplished and a spiritual reprieve was given so that the, often predicted, cataclysm turned out milder than imagined and few people were harmed. For our part, being under the indescribable majesty of the crown of the spinning aurora was a blessing that will last a lifetime.

Each night, as we stood atop a mountain and the crown of the aurora encircled us, each person would weep or be visibly moved, even the men. Silence would come over us as we all looked up transfixed by the living nature of these ions of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen meeting the solar wind as they flow into the cosmos with levity, color, moving currents of light and a part of your soul. Truly, standing within the ever-moving walls of the aurora can raise the soul into the cosmic atmosphere within this “temple of human sacrifice” – a direct conduit to the Sun and stars. A true connection is made to the spirit of our cosmos through this attempt of the Earth and humanity to “shine like the Sun.”

Going to the north during the coldest time of the year seemed quite crazy to everyone we told about our trip. It sounded like an imaginary tale complete with cosmic aspects of spiritual overtones. Of all the places on the Earth, at this most auspicious moment in history, who would choose a frozen wasteland instead of a tropical island beach? Why did we find a hot springs within the arctic circle, from which we could be “inside” the aurora borealis?

Before we went to Alaska, we had had numerous amazing encounters with the aurora borealis in Michigan. Three times we witnessed aurora phenomena that is written about in books, but rarely experienced. Occasionally, the southern end of the aurora will create a huge dish in the sky that “turns back” the terminal ends of the aurora and creates thunderous sound like explosions. When both the dish and the sound happen, you are within the field of the aurora and can hear these booms that are accompanied by a spectacular light show that is within the hemisphere of this light.

When it happened above our house, we thought explosions had gone off, so we ran outside and found ourselves in the most unusual natural phenomena imaginable. It was breath-taking, frightening, wonderful, and beautiful beyond words. We were awestruck and terrified at the same time. The sound and light show went on for what seemed a long time and it was so intense that we didn’t want to step any further towards this soft, multi-colored lightning show that had encompassed our house and neighborhood.

After that particular encounter with the aurora borealis, which arose at the moment in our conversation when we were talking about the archangelic beings who appear in the aurora borealis, we wanted even more direct experiences with the magic “northern lights.” We didn’t have to wait long until we had another encounter of the colorful dish of aurora light at the southern end of the manifestation. The next “bowl of aurora” we encountered looked like a gigantic portal that catch the light and turned it around in the bowl and sent it back to the north.

We witnessed this phenomena one evening while we were driving. The burst of lightning-like color was again accompanied by sound. Generally, even people who have studied the aurora directly for a lifetime may have never “heard” the aurora. Some people have reported hearing “pops”, “hissing”, and “thunder-like” sounds, but they have seldom been recorded. We felt incredibly fortunate to have these experiences and they cemented our desire to go north and see what else the aurora borealis could bring to us.

Our further studies found that humans all exit the North Pole at night as we stream out into the solar system and move through the planetary spheres digesting the karma of the day. Thus, the ring of “cold fiery light” that does not come from the light of the sun, is a new crown of glory created by the higher thinking, feeling, and willing of humanity. Humanity’s spiritual efforts are ionized through specific elements that rise up as offerings to the gods through the aurora borealis. This happens every night as the rotating ring of the northern Aurora Borealis is reflected in the Aurora Australis at the South Pole.

It is literally true that human “light” (higher thinking), “goodness” (higher feeling), and “love” (higher willing) arise and shine like the sun at night as the gifts of humanity to the cosmos that has given us life.

This ionic wall of upward flowing substance (aurora) reflects what humanity offers to the gods as their best gifts of the day, just as the Sun itself offers warmth, light, sound, and life to all who would receive it as grace raining down from above. We, in turn, take those gifts and give them back in our own way. What a sacred honor it is to stand within the wall of this holy temple of humanity’s spiritual offerings and act as a mid-wife at the threshold between the physical and spiritual worlds witnessing the birth of humanity’s higher nature.

We were humbled by the experience and the quiet power of this force of nature meeting the force of humanity’s nightly offerings to the cosmos. We believe there were a few conscious people who chose to be “fair witnesses” to this process of spiritual ascension for humanity on December 21, 2012.

We are convinced that a difference was made by all those who used this galactic moment of awareness to claim the magnificent spiritual future that awaits conscious humanity.

We felt as if we had been chosen to be witnesses to this birth of a beautiful future for evolving humanity and not an apocalyptic cataclysm, as predicted by the unimaginative pessimists.

We moved forward to the coming day of the aurora that will arise in each heart as the dawning of what will become humanity rising up to shine like a new sun glowing with the beauty and grace that we behold in the aurora.

Where did you hold consciousness on December 21, 2012? We would love to hear your story in the comment box below.

Finding the Blessed Isle

     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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