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They cannot mass murder us if we ban together and say NO.



You would think the Jewish community in Palm Beach would be up in arms about this blatant attempt to use Nazi round-up techniques on its citizens. The mask are utilized to give you a “label”. You are compliant or not. The Jews in WWII were forced to wear the yellow star. State and local governments around the world are requiring that citizens be tagged in such a manner.

Once they tag you, they bag you. In WWII, the undesirables were loaded up in boxcars and sent to the gas showers. Today, the undesirables will be force-vaccinated with Fauci bio-hazards that will cause death and harm immediately or … over the next few years.

Their goal is written on the Georgia Guidestones – human population reduced to 500 Million. That is massive depopulation otherwise known as GLOBAL GENOCIDE…all for their god Satan.

Palm Beach County commissioners vote 7-0 to require masks in public indoor spots, not outdoors

The order, approved unanimously, likely will be made official on Wednesday. While commissioners debated an automatic expiration after 30 days, they left the power to rescind the order to the county administrator, knowing that any commissioner can bring it up for reconsideration at any time.

Anyone not following the mask mandate will be met first with education, Kerner said, although violating an emergency order could result in civil penalties up to $500.

. . . . . . .

Make sure to listen to the video inside the headline link below. It will give you courage to face your local commissars. Then get out of your house and start attending local meetings and SPEAK UP. You have educated yourself and know the issues. Please have the courage to speak when your neighbors cannot, will not. It is time for us to act locally. Challenge and remove these communists who want to destroy America.

Just how angry are the people in Palm Beach County about mandatory mask wearing? (Video)


This is what they have planned. What stage is your community or nation in? We all need to stop the progression NOW by coming together and DEMANDING that face masks are optional.

Next, we stand together and refuse to take their deadly vaccines.

They cannot mass murder us if we ban together and say NO.


8 Stages of Genocide


ID Please! | UK pubs will register customers to TRACK THEM in case of infection


A chilling warning about where the statue-toppling leads…

Think it can’t happen here?

It can happen here.

That’s the warning from a young woman from Venezuela, who has seen the statue-topplings before — and the street-renamings, (and the flag-alterings, and the name-changings) along the destruction of history, and knows exactly where it leads.

She made this powerful video inside the headline link.


College Removes Word ‘Freedom’ From ID Cards Because It Reminds Some Students Of ‘Slavery’



Replace “Pilgrims Society” every time “CFR” is mentioned, then this propaganda piece is actually good. Without that, it is a piece to divert attention from the real world controllers: Privy Council and Rothschild, with J.P. Morgan carrying their water.


Raw file:


Key quote from 1917 about J.P. Morgan’s role in buying editorial control of 25 leading newspapers has been modified to intentionally thwart search engines.

Errata: (1) the date of Michigan Socialist quote should be March 9, 1917, (2) Representative “Galloway” should be “Callaway,” and (3) “Morgan & Co.” should be “J.P. Morgan & Co.”

(Note that typos were added by a history censor to throw off search engines. They do this all the time, so the AFI miners are always paying attention.)

Here’s the quote transcribed with the typos fixed:

(Michigan Socialist, March 9, 1917.)

. . . Representative Callaway charged on the floor of the House that twenty-five of the leading papers in the United States have been “bought and paid for” by J.P. Morgan & Co., to create a public sentiment in favor of war. . . .

Frank Bonville. (1920). What Henry Ford is Doing, Bureau of Information, CU04245571, 226 pgs.  Columbia University Library.

This book is pretty interesting. He focuses on Ford, but what has changed from 1920 to today? Very similar modus operandi and even lingo.

We know more about the parts he doesn’t go into in detail. He mentions the “British” generically numerous times, but no mention of Rothschild, de Worms, Rosebery, Empire Press Union, Carnegie, Imperial Press Conference, Pilgrims, etc. – – – the controllers behind J.P. Morgan.

He mentions J.P. Morgan just a few times, including our famous Congressman Callaway quote from Feb. 9, 1917.

Frank Bonville. (1920). What Henry Ford is Doing, Bureau of Information, CU04245571, 226 pgs, Columbia University Library.


Their House of Cards Has Collapsed


Raw audio file:


Exquisite meme on display below. Absolutely no words used – just the images and the lingering question in the viewers mind – what is this? Then, in a non-threatening way, the viewer resolves the question in a very personal way. Memes are incredibly powerful antidotes to propaganda. 


Flynn’s attorney reacts to appeals court order to dismiss his case


FBI Director Chris Wray Conducts Climate Assessment ‘Sensing Session’ With Brett Baier – Video


Thanks, AIM Patriot Andrea for sending us this video:


Scandal free administration.


Trump Claims Germany Owes $1 Trillion In NATO Obligations


AIM Patriot Thomas writes:

The UK central bank has discovered how to create the maximum amount of money.
The local banks are instructed to make loans without checking credit worthiness.
The central government guarantees the loans knowing only about fifty percent will default.

The actual money created is doubled compared to dispensing the funds through various government supports. (unemployment insurance, aid to dependent children, etc.

The accidental discovery of a Money Machine by the UK government


Execution of the Lincoln conspirators, 1865

When a citizen betrays her/his country, they jeopardize the safety, freedom, and liberties of all other citizens. They have broken contract with the rest of us. You see, We the People have a contract called The Constitution. When citizens commit treason, they are telling the rest of us that they don’t want to uphold the contract and will destroy the country if they can’t get their way.

There is no “reform” for treason, espionage, and seditious conspiracy. This is why we have punishments like life-in-prison and execution for these crimes. These souls will have another opportunity, in another lifetime, to try and become better human beings. So it’s not like you are killing their essence…just the vehicle in which their soul and spirit currently reside. We are removing their physical presence from this realm and sending them back to other realms for cleansing and reflection.

Did you know that the bottom of hell in Dante’s Inferno is reserved for TRAITORS? This is the worst kind of crime Dante could envision. This would be an area in hell for genocidists, too. They are being traitors to humanity.

Traitors and the Ninth Circle of Hell



This is what treason smells like. It’s a stench that can’t be covered by our corrupt justice system or a sternly written letter by AG Barr.

Obama and Biden were up to their necks in the Flynn persecution


Raw file to share:




“Preparations have already begun”


They globalshits are coming after your way or another. If they don’t have child protective services (contact tracing) removing them from your home, they will come into the schools and poison their minds with their Marxist indoctrination.

Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo Announces Collaboration with Gates Foundation to Develop a Blueprint to Reimagine Education in the New Normal


Dear Tyla and Douglas Gabriel:

First of all I need to express to you, my deepest and most intimate gratitude for all the blessings, insights and inspirational force which through You is coming my way. I am 44 years of age, father to 5 wonderful kids, long time educated and experienced Anthroposophical Pedagogue and more recently took the education as a Waldorf Teacher. In the same way that I successfully and very naturally has walked the bridge from The Goddess to your truly amazing and very disenchanting AIM productions, I also needed to educate myself in the “normal” way of educating children, why I also am an educated and experienced School-Teacher in the state-regulated ground school.

Here in Copenhagen we have named our Waldorf Teacher Education The Sophia-Seminar, and it was during my last year of study, almost 5 years ago, that I as an act of Divine Intervention got in contact with your beautiful body of work. I have been reading (or digesting) the works of Rudolf Steiner since I was 14-15 years of age, but it was just before I was guided to You, that I received the keys to the Philosophy of Freedom which I had read many times before that, but seemingly never really opened.

It was literally like a portal was opening, and the following succession and development of my intimate studies is bestowing my life with the deepest feeling of pure Awe and with Light for The Spirit to see. I guess that this is what you so accurate mean with the beautiful coined word “NeoAnthroposophy”. I am a long-time member of the Anthroposophical Society here in Denmark, which unfortunately has become a more or less sleepy and rusty place to be. WE NEED NEW MATERIAL, NEW INSPIRATION, NEW TIME TO WONDER AND NEW WAYS OF SHOWING OUR LOVE TO EACH OTHER.

What I have experienced through Your work, first of all your 3 living books “The Gospel Of Sophia” which I ordered while the paint was not yet dry, is one of the most profound experiences in my life. And I need to share this information, to spread it out and to see your work being brought to light and to to use here in little Denmark. Nobody here – even in the Society- seems to know anything about either You or your work, which in my opinion is very sad. And that is the reason, dear Gabriels, why I will ask your permission to translate your book Eternal Curriculum For Wisdom Children into Danish. I will not be alone with the work and many skilled individuals will be taking part in the making.

There is a desperate need for this book at our seminars, and I very much hope, that you will take the time to answer this query, which arises from a deep-felt urge to see Good Things happening. There is so much to write and so much love to share, and I would so very much love to be able to meet you one day. I wish all the very best and will be looking forward to read your reply.

With Love and Gratitude


Our reply: YES!! This is what we hoped people would do. Translate when needed and share with others. All of our books and materials are FREE online for you to use. The education book is particularly important as citizens around the world are removing their children out of the public school indoctrination centers and are looking for spiritual supplemental home school teaching guides.

You can also use our materials in your study groups. A group in Greece translates articles one by one and use as study materials. Here is an example of one:

Η Ανθρωποσοφία Αποκαλύπτει το Δεύτερο Ερχομό: Αντίληψη του Χριστού στο Αιθερικό (επίπεδο)

For those new to our AIM community, here is the Gabriel bookshelf. You can purchase print books for a nominal cost. The PDF versions are FREE.


Destruction of America Through the Education of Our Children, Part 1

“In my opinion the Federal Department of Education was formed for no other reasons than to (1) satisfy the Unions and (2) shape our children into “robots”. You and I know that almost every program the Federal government touches fails.  Why in the world would we think they would do a good job educating our most precious resource – our children?”



Polish President Vows to Oppose “Social Experiments” Designed to Harm Family Unit


US, Poland to Expand Economic, Security Cooperation Based on Shared Values of Freedom, Rule of Law


President Trump says the U.S. signed a 5G Joint Declaration with Poland VIDEO



Patriot Jim writes: This [the video below] proves we are screwed. There are so many ways to steal an election there’s no possible way we can cope with it, OTHER THAN BLOCKCHAIN AND A RECEIPT. If you don’t get a receipt proving who you voted for, that you can check later, the election WILL BE STOLEN. All they are doing now is putting the mindset in people that Trump will lose, by lying about everything, about every poll, about EVERYTHING. They have committed to doing whatever it takes to steal it, and they know they will succeed. The only thing they need to do is put enough doubt in people’s minds to squelch a rebellion.

Fake pens during elections in Kazakhstan



Jim Crow Joe | The Racist History of Joe Biden [Uncensored]


Everybody can do something. What are you doing to restore the Republic or save your nation from the ravages of globalism?


So few?

More than 6 dozen alleged rioters face federal charges in weeks of unrest across US





Need a new poster to hang in your neighborhood or pass through your social media? A patriot meme warrior created this high resolution image for printing.





AIM Patriot Hannelore writes:

Dear Betsy ~
I love your wonderful cats !!
I love ALL animals and some people !!


Dear Hannelore, I come from a long line of cat ladies. You know that crazy aunt who has adopted every stray cat in her neighborhood, and you can smell her house as your turn into the driveway? That’s my Tallahassee kin folk. I knew it would happen to me, too. Thank goodness we are in the internet world and I can keep my kitties online.

For the newbies to AIM, kitties are our mascots.

We are Citizens Addicted to Truth. CATs.

Cats rule the internet, especially YouTube where we found some of you because you saw our thumbnails of the cats and were curious. Curious like the cats you love so much. And now look where you are…redpilled and all.

Our featured cats can be cute little fur balls of snuggles or big roaring LION CATS of the wild. They get very excited when they are hand-selected to be the day’s “centerfold” pussycat on the Cat Report. They only stay with us a few days because kitties like to wander and explore new things. It’s hard to grab a pussy.

Our kitties are centurions guarding the vast amount of intelligence that we keep on the site. Liberals scoff at our kitties and call our site conspiracy. What serious “news” site or blog would feature cats? Many times we get emails from folks who can’t figure out how to access our information from the front page. “We know,” I tell them. “We designed it that way.”

I tell them that they shouldn’t worry about it. If they can’t figure out how to use the site, then they are too stupid to understand the information inside.

Each Cat Report is layers and layers of truth discovery. It is the day’s lesson plan in the AIM School of Truth.

This is what FULL DISCLOSURE looks like. Doesn’t truth taste good?


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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