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We found the COMPLAINT Department for the New World Disorder operation


This is the head of the NEW WORLD ORDER beast, the Pilgrims Society. For centuries they have hidden themselves behind veils of propaganda, revisionist history, banker wars, pestilence, and poverty, all so a few of the world’s satanic elite could create HELL ON EARTH. Whatever your complaint is, from genocide masks and usury, to Senior Executive Services and crown agents, make sure to let them know that you are sick and tired of their EVIL.

Call them out. Send letters, emails. Show up and picket their offices. Let your friends and family know who is running this genocide operation on humanity.




We watched the hyped interview on Fox News on August 10, 2020 (Here’s the YT video) because Trump tweeted a recommendation to watch. What a waste of time. Total lawfare blah blah blah. First, it was featured on propaganda Fox News so we knew there had to be an agenda. Then one of the worst interviewers on the networks – Mark Levin, who keeps you in a limited narrative due to his own lack of intellectual curiosity or perhaps by strategy, does the half-baked interview speckled with commercials every few minutes.

Go ahead, watch Barr spin his lawfare ‘word salad’ to explain why he hasn’t done sh*t when it comes to SWAMP INDICTMENTS. Point is this: If We the People don’t see MAJOR INDICTMENTS from the Department of Justice before the election, Barr is telling  us that he and his SES chums are TRAITORS to this country.

William Barr is SES

YES to all those who keep asking. William Barr is SES Senior Executive Service.

S. Prt. 102-509. (Nov. 10, 1992). WILLIAM P. BARR, Attorney General, p. 85, Senior Executive Service (SES Plum Book, Policy and Supporting Positions. Committee on Governmental Affairs, 102d Congress, 2d Session. Y 4.G 74/9: S. Prt. 102-509. ISBN 0-16-039526-7. Government Printing Office.

Toughsky_Shitsky remarked: “Barr has been in the swamp his entire professional life .. he knows how to run the con: talk tough to placate the plebs, do nothing until everyone forgets, summarize with a stern report that says, “mistakes were made, but nothing that we can prosecute.”

That’s why the never-Trump senate put him at AG.”


The propaganda continues as the Pilgrims Society brings out full-gun narratives and operatives to keep patriots from busting their British espionage operation wide open. The latest was this hokey piece pushed by propagandist Matt Taibbi.

Steven P. Schrage Propaganda to Protect the Queen


Raw audio file:


Kabuki theater here folks. The propagandist and the spy:

Bartiromo interviews Schrage


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The tweet continues




100 arrested after night of looting in downtown Chicago; 13 cops injured



Instigators of the Occupy Movement Now Calling for ‘Siege’ of the White House



Patriots want us to remind us of what the Trump administration is doing about human trafficking. This is a topic that the propagandists in the MSM won’t report as many of them are complicit in these crimes. Eagle1 posts:

MakeWorldGreatAgain adds:

From January 2019:

You won’t be hearing about this from propaganda media as many of them are involved in human trafficking as facilitators or end users.


Nancy Pelosi points out that China prefers Biden.


Hey..don’t forget these guys. China preferred them, too!


Google Blogger is shadow banning readers from getting to this latest post. Lots of updates in the last 48 hours BTW, incl. the Rothschild flow chart. Please download the PDF and pass it around as well as keep trying these links. Let us know if they are getting through.


Nearly all, if not all, of the Pilgrims Society, NY officers in 2001 were former O.S.S. spies, the precursor to the C.I.A.

In 2002, the Pilgrims Society in New York was operating under the charitable 501(c)(3) tax exempt status of The William J. Donovan Memorial Fund. Donovan was the O.S.S. chief living in Bern, Switzerland who organized the transfer of all stolen Nazi and Japanese gold to the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland. (See latest AFI post.)


Source: 2001

IRS Form 990 Reports 2001-2018, EIN (Employee Identification No.) 13-3095744 for:

The Pilgrims Society of the United States, operating through 2001 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization as:

The William J. Donovan Memorial Foundation, then from 2002-current as:

The Pilgrims Foundation, Inc.

2001 | 2002 (missing) | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 missing | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 (“Assisting the Pilgrims of the United States in promoting the understanding between the United States, United Kingdom, and the Commonwealth”) | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018

For more information, see:





The Blessing (remix) ft. A Rap from Andy Rebirth


Poof goes the diamond trade.

Botswana’s Rough Diamond Exports Crash 66% 


What is the Deep State? Pt. 1 – John Barnwell & Alexandra Bruce


Gates has been selling this snake oil for a very long time. June 2011. 4th Issue of Sovereign Independent.


Every Parent Should Know This is Happening



‘It was chaos!’ Students get suspended for posting pictures of packed halls — now the high school is closing after 9 people were infected. Read more.



How’s that homeschooling planning coming along?

This is a great time in American history to shift the education paradigm. Use the extra money you save from payroll tax relief to defray the expenses of homeschooling, whether you buy curriculum supplies or pay the light bill. If you are unemployed, consider your “job” during the great reset to educate your children in home.

Let’s keep our children shielded from this social engineering madness which will pass in time. Remember the movie Life is Beautiful where the father used humor and imagination to keep his young son from seeing the horrors of the concentration camps? Be like that, parents.

These liberal-crazed, TDS teachers are not coming back. Get your plans together for your children. Make sure everyone in your downline gets the intel.

How Teachers Really Feel About Schools Reopening



Get your children away from this evil social engineering!



Franklin Graham has announced a Prayer March on September 26 – provides a good base for praying and singing Trumpers to join and make it a very special day. Push the info out.





Important information on the Knights of Malta contained in the links below.

History on the English Priory’s beginnings with Victoria, who took control after its formation, and Albert, later Edward VII

See attached book segment. (3 pages.)

Edward VII was the titular head of the Pilgrims Society. He was also a patron of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 as well as the spawned Empire Press Union. He also likely awarded Andrew Carnegie a Knights of Malta honor several months after he assumed the thrown at Victoria’s death in 1902. The Pilgrims Society had just formed months earlier, on July 16, 1902. Prince Edward, Lord Rosebery (Rothschild), Lord Rothschild and Henry de Worms (Rothschild) all collaborated in 1888 to form the English Priory. Cecil Rhodes was preparing to move to South Africa to be the first experiment in their neo-Imperial corporatist British Empire.

These Knights and Dames of Malta take loyalty pledges, and it ain’t to the United States of America. At best it is to the U.N.

Christopher McCreery. (Jul. 21, 2008). [KNIGHTS OF MALTA:] The Maple Leaf and the White Cross: A History of St. John Ambulance and the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in Canada. Dundurn Press.[KNIGHTS-OF-MALTA]-The-Maple-Leaf-and-the-White-Cross-A-History-of-St-John-Ambulance-and-the-Order-of-Hospital-of-St-John-of-Jerusalem-in-CA-by-Christopher-McCreery-Dundurn-Press-Jul-21-2008.pdf



AIM Patriot Jazz (UK) sends this update:

WARNING WILL ROBINSON! I’m going to order extra silver rods for my colloidal silver making machine as a precaution of a shortage and prices sky rocketing….

Whole Foods has officially removed all colloidal silver based products from their store shelves and online search products. Step by step we are seeing a direct campaign to remove colloidal silver at every turn. The concerted campaign against colloidal silver started immediately upon the COVID-19 pandemic. Surely it is not hard to read between the lines at this point.

Spread this news to your family and friends who have been skeptical about colloidal silver and remind them it may be sooner than expected that colloidal silver will be an outlawed element of nature. We soon expect Amazon, GNC, Vitamin Shoppe and similar retail outlets to be targeted and will continue to keep you informed as of the latest news concerning colloidal silver and the agenda to remove it from the general population.


Our reply: Here’s the recipe. Make it one that you pass down through the generations. Get your silver rods now before the price skyrockets. Ha, ha…look what the BBC had to say about silver antibiotics back in 2013:

Silver ‘boost to antibiotic success’



Betsy loves this tweet video. Reminds me of when I was a little girl and all I wanted to be when I grew up was a teacher. I would line up all my stuffed animals and dolls, or any small child that was interested, and teach. Here I am today…all grown up sharing this AIM School of Truth with all you AIM cats somewhere in the ethers.

The tweet video


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Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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