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Pharmacists Now Vaccinating Children in all 50 States PREP Act Secretly Amended this Week to Allow Pharmacists to Vaccinate Children Ages 3-18



Trump: I Don’t Want My Supporters Confronting Protesters

VIDEO: President Trump Extensive Interview With Laura Ingraham


The Globalist Attack on American Education You may also mirror this video on your own video platform. The truth must never be hidden from humanity again!


California’s Radical Brainwashing Curriculum Soon To Be Mandatory



If I Ran A University


Cancel Harris and Her Slave-Trading Legacy!

Global Disruption of Three Terror Finance Cyber-Enabled Campaigns Largest Ever Seizure of Terrorist Organizations’ Cryptocurrency Accounts

VIDEO Sidney Powell With Lou Dobbs

Rasmussen Reports noticed something very fishy about polling

Pharmacists Now Vaccinating Children in all 50 States PREP Act Secretly Amended this Week to Allow Pharmacists to Vaccinate Children Ages 3-18




The tweet


Trump implies opposition to feds mandating COVID vaccination as some states move in that direction



Joe Biden’s speech in Pittsburgh today


Michael Moore and Bill Maher PANIC as Polls Show MASSIVE TRUMP LANDSLIDE in November. Start Steve at 1:55



Kenosha Police: 102 of 175 Criminal Arrests are From Outside Agitators

Amazon Granted FAA Clearance For Prime Air Drone Delivery Fleet 

Extensive citizen research inside CORONAVIRUS LINK DUMP: PROOF OF SCAM INSIDE

VIDEO: Lumber Shortage Story Is Screaming Loud In Pressure Treated

UK Government State Sponsored Genocide disguised in an article entitled ‘Changes to Human Medicine Regulations to support the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines’

Tweet video: Does she belong to BLM, ANTIFA, or is she as dumb as she acts?



Re-posted as requested from AIM Patriot Annie. Douglas will be giving the keynote and we will be attending the other workshops, with plenty of time to meet AIM Patriots who attend. We do not know if the event will be recorded. If so, we will make sure you get a link of Douglas’ keynote.



Still nothing from this Senior Executive Service operative. Mr. Barr, Clinesmith was a nothing burger…

We will need a bigger piece of swamp meat to satiate our taste for law and order. How about blackened Brennan brisket or whole hog Clapper on the spit? We need something BIG and BODACIOUS. Not weeny dogs like a Clinesmith.









The Vortex — A Great Realignment






David Icke. (Aug. 29, 2020). Speech at the London United For Freedom Rally. Clare Swinney.

Jillian MacMath. (Aug. 29, 2020). Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters gather at Trafalgar Square in London [London United For Freedom Rally]. Wales Online.




Which pronouns are used for it?


Thinking of the November tsunami? Tsunami from Heaven / Amazing Rainstorm Timelapse / Downburst / Microburst



Inheritance of talents and capacities

Thus the human being is born into that family which is able to transmit to him by heredity the bodily conditions which correspond to his karmic potentialities. It then looks, if we go back to the example of moral courage, as if the latter itself had been inherited from the parents. The truth is that man, through his individual being, has searched out that family which makes the unfoldment of moral courage possible for him. 

In addition to this it may be possible that the individualities of the children and the parents have already been connected in previous lives and for that very reason have found one another again. The karmic laws are so complicated that we may never base a judgment upon outer appearances. Only a person to whose spiritual sense-organs the higher worlds are at least partially manifest may attempt to form such a judgment. 

Whoever is able to observe the soul organism and the spirit, in addition to the physical body, is in a position to discriminate between what has been passed on to the human being by his forebears and what is his own possession, acquired in previous lives. For ordinary vision these things are not clearly distinguishable, and it may easily appear as if something were merely inherited which in reality is karmicly determined. 

It is a thoroughly wise expression which states that children are “given” to their parents. In respect of the spirit this is absolutely the case. And children with certain spiritual qualities are given to them for the very reason that they, the parents, are capable of giving the children the opportunity to unfold these spiritual qualities.

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 34 – ANSWERS TO SOME QUESTIONS CONCERNING KARMA – Essay in Luzifer/Gnosis – October 1904


Patriots, we, too, are changing the world. THE ROCK

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