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Hard proof Larry Ellison has lied for 41 years taking credit for the name “Oracle” [of Dephi] which had been the name given years earlier to the unification of all intelligence data at Langley

‘Michigan Is Now Unlocked’: State Supreme Court Strikes Down Emergency Powers Law


Michigan Patriots stand up to tyranny. Soon, Heil Whitler will not have her special state police protection behind her 8 foot high electric fence. Then we can ‘tar and feather’ her in the public square for all the destruction and death she caused in our state. She will never, ever be free in America as her ugly face and her evil deeds will be recognized everywhere she goes.

Whitmer called the 4-3 ruling “deeply disturbing” and a conclusion with which she “vehemently disagreed.” Heil, Whitler! 

Whitmer slams Supreme Court ruling, warns orders could continue


Heil Whitler said: “It is important to note that this ruling does not take effect for at least 21 days, and until then, my emergency declaration and orders retain the force of law. Furthermore, after 21 days, many of the responsive measures I have put in place to control the spread of the virus will continue under alternative sources of authority that were not at issue in today’s ruling.”

The court’s opinion emerged on the same day that Whitmer’s critics submitted more than 539,000 signatures in a bid to repeal the 1945 law.


Note to Michigan voters: There are 2 communist on the ballot for the Michigan Supreme Court. DO NOT vote for Bridget Mary McCormack (D) or Elizabeth Welch (D). Spread the word to your downline. Vote STRAIGHT RED to avoid these DemonRats.

Time to End COVID Lockdowns and Mask Mandates



Thank you, for the tremendous support! Nice purple tie there, Mr. President. We noticed that your Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was also sporting a purple (with black stripes) tie as well. Are we defeating George Soros’ purple revolution?

darthmath005 posts: He’s STILL throwing virtual rallies while he’s got Covid?

HighIQIndividual adds: I really hope he does it in some classy ass silk pajamas.

BigZilm recommends: MAGA bathrobe!

SonofaGunDealer12 says better yet: The MyPillow bathrobe made in Minnesota

Gipgm2 loves it: In a red smoking jacket with his arm draped over the First Lady’s shoulders


Watch the tweet and share with your peeps.


Taking the Trump rally to Walter Reed!


MAGA supporters have started arriving at Walter Reed. LET’S BRING THE RALLIES TO HIM! Parking suggestions inside link.


AIM Patriot Jazz fine tuning meme skills. Notice the picture frames above ‘James Bond’ Steele. Truly, a meme masterpiece.


Politico and Josh Caplan are not reliable news sources so keep your eye out to see if this also comes from a trusted patriot source.


Medical Journal Calls For Mandatory Covid Vaccine: ‘Noncompliance Should Incur A Penalty’


Chris Wallace and Joe performed beautifully at the first debate


Looks like we have another domestic enemy list – 225 Democrats and 146 Republicans are on Team GLOBALIST. Only 18 representatives on Team Patriots, folks. We have some house cleaning to do in November. Vote straight RED. Once we win the Republican seats, we can weed out the globalists among them. Many have committed crimes for which they need to be arrested – when we get a Patriot Attorney General instead of that SES lard ass who currently holds the position.

Here is the list of 18 who voted no.


Mexican President Notes Central American Caravan Timed to Interfere With U.S. Election


Dem Senator Chris Murphy Claims Trump Will Rely More Heavily on Putin as Campaign ‘Surrogate’ Due to COVID Quarantine


Netflix’s “Social Dilemma” Is Pure Deflection Because The Best Lies Always Contain Some Truth



Hard proof Larry Ellison has lied for 41 years taking credit for the name “Oracle” [of Dephi] which had been the name given years earlier to the unification of all intelligence data at Langley

What else has does he lie about?

His company, Relational Software Incorporated (RSI), was given IBM’s database management software to rebrand it as “Oracle,” named after an earlier hardware tape system that the C.I.A. was unhappy with for unifying their access to global intelligence data. The system was set up at C.I.A. Langley Headquarters in 1973.

Oracle Contract Schedule. (Nov. 27, 1973). MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD, Hardware Services Branch at C.I.A., location for Oracle at Headquarters, CIA-RDP86-01019R000100240011-7. CIA.

Office of Logistics, Real Estate and Construction Division  (OL), CIA. (Apr. 17, 1974). Mission, Functions and Delegation of Authority, Instruction No. LI 1-8. Central Intelligence Agency.


More confirmation of CIA origins of ORACLE


NSA request on Nov. 29, 1982 to the C.I.A. for instructions on how to install the new ORACLE database management system (DMBS) on IBM computers.

NSA Oracle Request. (Nov. 29, 1982). Request to the C.I.A. to provide ORACLE installation procedures to the National Security Agency from vendor Relational Software Incorporated (RSI), Larry Ellison, CIA-RDP84-00933R000300160001-3. CIA.


Confirmation that Larry Ellison, Oracle, is a CIA agent.

In 1975, Ellison worked for AMPEX that was hired by the C.I.A. for “Project Oracle” – a name created by the C.I.A., not Ellison. Tellingly, the C.I.A. for decades had been doing psychic warfare, citing the Oracle of Delphi as the first use of psychic capabilities in military intelligence.

Oracle Acceptance Test. (Nov. 26, 1975). Project ORACLE, Redwood City Preshipment Acceptance Test, released Oct. 28, 2004. CIA.


The Oracle of Delphi – the first to perform military intelligence in DATE

Dolan M. McKelvy, Lt. Col. USAF. (May 01, 1988). Psychic Warfare: Exploring the Mind Frontier – A Research Report submitted to the Faculty in fulfillment of the Research Requirement, Research Advisor: Colonel Donald N. Panzenhagen,, CIA-RDP96-00789R001001420001-3, Air War College, Air University.  Maxwell Air Force Fase, Alabama.


Source of quote below:


Movement Light-Life inspiration WYD

Michael T. McKibben, Joel I. Vesanen, producers. (Aug. 1975). LIVING SOUND IN POLAND, filmed, scripted, narrated and edited by Michael Jackson (BBC, ed.). Living Sound.

During the 1970’s, the American contemporary Gospel Music Group Living Sound grew close to the People of Poland and their Roman Catholic Church, even though no one in the group was Roman Catholic. They were Protestants of various traditions including Methodist, Baptist, Anglican, Assembly of God, Brethren, Pentecostal, charismatic and unaffiliated. After an unlikely 1972 invitation to sing in a Kraków communist youth club, news of that concert caught the attention of Cardinal Karol Józef Wojtyła. He was patron of Sacrosong, an annual sacred music festival that supported Oasis retreats of the Living Church home church movement founded by Auschwitz survivor Fr. Franciszek Blachnicki (1951).

Cardinal Wojtyła then invited Living Sound to participate in Sacrosong, returning 17 times, including with Lech Wałęsa and Solidarność! From 1974-1976, the Living Church movement trebled from 7,000 to 20,000 and was renamed “The Oasis” and “Light-Life” during that time. “Oasis formulated a new aim: all members of the movement, regardless of their age and status in the Church, should strive towards Christian maturity not only through studying God’s word, the liturgy and prayer but also through witness and active service” [*] — many of the themes that Living Sound helped motivate, according to a written endorsement by Cardinal Wojtyła. Please email Michael McKibben, trombonist and co-producer of the 1975-1976 Living Sound films if you have testimony of these events.

As trust between Cardinal Wojtyła and Living Sound grew, the doors of Poland’s cathedrals were opened to sometimes 20,000 people standing shoulder to shoulder at a single venue. Several concerts reached 300,000 in one event (Jasna Gora Monastery, Częstochowa). Living Sound sang in many cities including Warsaw, Kraków, Kroscienko, Nowa Huta (Arka Pana Church under construction then), Nowy Sącz, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Bydgoszcz, Lublin, Białystok, Katowice, Bielsko-Biała, Częstochowa, Legnica, Słupsk and Przemyśl.

This film captures important elements of this unlikely (some say miraculous) love affair between Living Sound and Poland. It was produced by members of the 1975 Living Sound Team II: Joel Vesanen, road manager, and Michael McKibben, trombonist. The cameraman, script writer editor and narrator was BBC film editor Michael Jackson who, with his wife Janet, had hosted Living Sound at their church in London’s western suburbs, and offered his talents to make the film (on a shoestring budget using a hand held camera and cassette recorder!). Whit Gatewood digitized this version from the 16mm original.

Living Sound was headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma ca. 1971-1985. In the mid-1980’s the ministry was reconfigured and became World Compassion led by Living Sound’s co-founder and president, evangelist Terry Law. On Aug. 31, 2020, Terry died in Tulsa of heart complications. His son Jason succeeded him as World Compassion’s president. Terry is shown preaching several times in this film.

Living Sound toured in some 27 countries from 1971 to 1985. Their music was pop, jazz, rock and country-styled. By the early 1980’s they had four groups touring around the world. Each group had singers, brass and rhythm and normally traveled in a Greyhound-size coach, carrying sound and lighting systems.

Living Sound generally booked their concerts and venues through local Churches who would often unite to organize evangelistic concerts across their cities. They sang in churches, schools, prisons, concert halls and open air. They mostly sang in English, but would often learn songs in the local languages as well, as you will see in this film.

The church shown in this film is believed to be the Grand Cathedral of the St. Family in the Częstochowa, Poland.

Living Sound Team II and friends members shown in this film: Georg Bartley (trumpet), Bob Casto (sound), Brent Clayton (vocal), Kristi Cleary (née Zwick) (vocal), Dixie Hall (née Thomas) (keyboards), Tom Hall (trombone), Tim Hoover (vocal), Terry Law (pres.), Michael McKibben {trombone), Nancy McKibben (writer), Warren Merkel (music dir.), Tony Monteith (guitar), Robbie Moore (drums), Dan Murdoch (woodwinds), Gordy Neufang (bass), Carol Pelletier (née Tedder) (vocal), Ryszard & Renata Pruszkowski (translators), Lita Rector (vocal), Dave Tillack (admin), Joel Vesanen (road mgr.) and Ruth Vesanen (photog).

[*] Grażyna Sikorska. (Mar. 01, 1981). The Light-Life Movement in Poland. Keston College.


How Michael McKibben Brought Down the Iron Curtain Through Music

‘The Return’: Could a ‘Great Awakening’ Be Happening Now Across America?


The Only Way Out Is In



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