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Mailchimp Will Now Deactivate Accounts Sending ‘False, Inaccurate, Or Misleading’ Emails



Biden Harris Bus Intercepted by Texas Trump Train


Could Trump Flip California?

BREAKING NEWS: The Biden’s were working to sell 14% of Rosneft Oil Company to the Chinese to circumvent US sanctions on Russia. FBI Director Christopher Wray represented Rosneft. @amuse

When Wray was nominated for FBI Director CNN reported that he removed ALL references to his representation of Rosneft. Hunter’s laptop includes details about the deal between the Russians and Chinese to circumvent Trump’s Russian sanctions. @amuse  

Lawyers for the Kremlin’s law firms also lead the U.S. DOJ and FBI for Trump admin


We have alerted our influential audience that the COVID operation is part of a world-wide genocide plan. What you are hearing from this Irish man in the video below is what will happen in America, and every place in the world, if the Pilgrims Society continues to operate as Earth’s planetary ruler and controller. We must imprison every member of this global terrorist organization and then take down their evil network.

Americans must re-elect Donald Trump for any hope of destroying this global organization that is terrorizing and murdering people around the world. Get yourself and everyone you can to the polls and vote ALL RED on November 3. We must help all the Thomas Sheridans out there in order to save our own families.




FOx News Laura Ingraham proudly wears the GENOCIDE MASK

Laura is a propagandists who works for Fox News and pushes the Pilgrims Society program of global genocide…that or she is a complete uninformed media idiot that you shouldn’t listen to because she works for the enemy – and either is too STUPID to know it or is carefully placed to gain your trust.

Trump calls out Fox’s Laura Ingraham for wearing mask at his rally


AHS Bidens America. This is the kind of world that media propagandists like Laura Ingraham are pushing your towards. By wearing the Mask of Genocide, presstitutes and idiots like Laura are doing the work of Satan. Disregard the little cross she wears all the time to distract you from the evil agenda she promotes to her audience.

Twitter Capitulates: Reinstates NYPost Account After 16-Day Suspension


President Trump Blasts Minnesota Governor and AG for Blocking Rally and Undermining First Amendment


Share the tweet video.


E-mails Reveal Biden Knew About Burisma

Typhoon Investigations provides Biden timeline.




Who did this?? This was whipped up in record time. Lol this is gold. Ultimate trolling.

Originally tweeted by Joe Kamal (@Joe_Kamal_) on October 30, 2020.



Sorcery & Pharmakia, part – 2

Sorry that you had to be put in this position, Mr. President. But you are the one. You are the one that WE THE PEOPLE ask to work hand in hand with Jesus Christ to save the planet. Your peeps have your back. People around the world see your mission and support the actions that you will need to take. Please be swift and bold so that we can put an end to their tyranny and start making the planet great again.


These Vietnamese singers are counting on you to put America First so that people around the world will be free from the Pilgrims Society tyranny and, then, can begin to make their nations great again. Hãy Bầu cho Tổng Thống Donald Trump: Hợp Ca Hồn Việt

Kek vs Baphomet

Mailchimp Will Now Deactivate Accounts Sending ‘False, Inaccurate, Or Misleading’ Emails



For anyone following the Archbishop Vigano story, he was interviewed on a podcast at Podbean by BardsFM:

Transcript: .

Part I

Part 2



Being intelligent and at the same time immoral will be impossible in the future

Whereas it is still entirely possible today that a person may be very able intellectually but be immoral, we are approaching a time when it will be impossible for anyone to be at the same time intellectually shrewd and immoral. It will be impossible for mental shrewdness and immorality to go hand in hand.

This is to be understood in the following way. Those who have kept themselves apart, and have opposed the course of evolution, will be the ones who will then battle together, all against all. Even those who develop today the highest intelligence, if they do not develop further during the succeeding epochs in feeling and morality, will gain nothing from their cleverness. The highest intelligence is, indeed, developed in our epoch. It has reached its climax. But a man who has developed intelligence today and who neglects the possibilities of further evolution, will destroy himself by his own intelligence. 

This will then be like an inner fire consuming him, devouring him, making him so small and feeble that he will become stupid and be able to achieve nothing — a fire that will annihilate him in the epoch wherein the moral impulses will have reached their climax. Whereas a person can be very dangerous today by means of his immoral shrewdness, he will then be without power to harm. 

Instead of this power, the soul will then possess in ever increasing measure moral powers — indeed, moral powers such as a modern man cannot in the least conceive. The highest power and morality are needed to receive the Christ Impulse into ourselves so that it becomes power and life in us.

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 130 – Esoteric Christianity – JESHU BEN PANDIRA WHO PREPARED THE WAY FOR AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE CHRIST IMPULSE – Lecture 1 – Leipzig, 4th November 1911









FEARLESS CATS ★ 29 Cats Who Are Totally Badass


Thanks for all the great Halloween cat pictures, AIM Cats.






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