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DNI John Ratcliffe: China Is Using Blackmail, Covert Influence to Target Members of Congress



AIM Cats always check Trump Tweets daily.


President Trump Tweets

December 3, 2020: Very sadly for our Nation, it looks like Senator @JimInhofe will not be putting the Section 230 termination clause into the Defense Bill. So bad for our National Security and Election Integrity. Last chance to ever get it done. I will VETO!

December 4, 2020: A provision is in the NDAA for the renaming, or even desecration, of National Monuments in National Parks. This is not what our Country wants!

The tweet


Senate GOP Gives Victory to Kamala Harris, Her Big Tech Donors with Green Card Giveaway



DNI John Ratcliffe: China Is Using Blackmail, Covert Influence to Target Members of Congress



WE HAVE IT ALL. DO SOMETHING! (March 6, 2021. Production note. YouTube Big Brother doesn’t want you to view this important information, so they have censored this video.)

Romney: Trump’s Election Fraud Claims ‘Damaging’ America — Biden Will Be President January 20


Preliminary Composite of GA Video

Watch the video inside the tweet below.

The tweet


Bookmark: #blue-red-crime-wave |

.Blue Wave – Red Wave – Crime Wave

Errata: Michael misspoke when discussing the London connection to the Wayne State Law, Sec. of State Jocelyn Benson, Executive Magistrate Judge R. Steven Whalen triumvirate in the Sydney Powell election fraud litigation. He said “DLA Piper LLP” but meant to say “WilmerHale LLP.”

Situation Update, Dec. 3rd – Trump invokes foreign interference provision of his 2018 executive order, authorizing military response to cyber warfare


Facebook-Backed Libra Association Has Renamed Itself “Diem”



Voting Machine USB Drives Had Totals Altered Overnight, Witness In Nevada Election Contest Alleges


GA Runoff Republican Vote Boycott – Is Lin Wood A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing?



This is about control and compliance which is an important step in preparing a population for GLOBAL GENOCIDE. When you see a sign like this, understand clearly what it is about – We are being prepared for extermination by the Pilgrims. Educate your downline and resist the face mask and the vaccinations like your life depends on it.


Compulsory Vaccine Totalitarianism – No Longer a Crazy Conspiracy Theory





For those of you still in Rio Lindo, this is a meme.


Cat lovers, maybe we need some fun music for all the touchdowns we will be making in 2021. This might be purrrrfect music to post whenever we feel a celebration is in order. What do you think about this one? TALL CAT PARADE

We thought this would work out nicely for those times we wanted to show how boss C.A.T.s are. Spanking the Cat. Has over 1 million hits. When would we use the term “spanking the cat” and what would it mean?

“Betsy,” one reader asks, “do you watch cat videos all day in order to select these meows for us?”

Betsy: Yep. The lockdowns left many of us immobilized in the 3D world, but it has been a great time to expand my 5D awareness of how AWESOME cats are. I used to have a very smart Abyssinian named Dothan (after a small town in Alabama where I lived as a little girl) until he moved into our new location and was grabbed by a coyote – a real coyote, not the kind that smuggles illegals into America.

Here’s a picture of our back yard which is filled with wildlife, but we didn’t know about the coyotes until it was too late for Dothan. Our new favorite pets are sand hill cranes who drink water from the pond and trained us to throw corn whenever they chortle. We get deer, turkeys, all kinds of furry ground critters, a wide assortment of birds, turtles, fish….and Canadian geese that fly in and try to take over the sand hill territory.

Pictured below are bird parents Myrtle and Junior before they gave hatch to a new little chick that is now as big as its parents. We call the chick ‘Rusty’ and aren’t sure if it is male or female. Each year the sand hills return to nest and to enjoy the lavish corn lifestyle afforded to them by the Gabriels. In the fall, we can be home to dozens and dozens of cranes, stopping by the pond, before flying to their winter locations. We call it our Crane-palozza Festival.


Here is Rusty with just a few months of growth. Notice that his head is not as red as his parent’s because he is still an adolescent (in bird years). He comes right up to the back porch and dances for us when he wants attention (corn).


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