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The President Lowers the Flag to Half-Staff

Dear AIMCats,

We think this could mean something and open up the conversation to what you think. Feels like some dots are connecting that could mean great news. But we aren’t sure if this is what we are seeing.

First, let’s point out some items that happened this week.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to lower flags to half-staff in honor of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh

Concurrently, Biden ordered flags to half staff to mark 500K virus deaths

As part of teacher prep work tonight, I was watching the video below where the videographer takes us on a walk in D.C. I was drawn to the title because I had been reading all these “flags at half-staff” stories. But this one included a reference to the White House fences.

White House Update – Fence removed & a hike to the VP’s & some historic Presidential Homes in DC.


The scene with the flag at half-staff over the White House with the fencing being removed just as the video creator walked into the area had me pause. I stopped the recording and asked my higher-self, “What are you seeing, girl?”

Instantly, I recalled this favorite AIMCat video and could see in my imagination that President Trump could use the flag to send us a message that he is still in control of the Republic. Of course Biden-Harris wouldn’t want the citizens to know that the British no longer had control of the flag and would fill the media with propaganda that deflected the real reason the flags were at half-staff.

Have we have witnessed another flag event like the one that inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner As You’ve Never Heard It?


Douglas had always wanted a Ben Garrison cartoon so we commissioned Ben to draw the image below a few years ago. Douglas wanted the figures arranged around a flag with Rush Limbaugh holding the flag, and I already wrote that I didn’t like that Ben drew Rush in an all-black suit, but the cartoon was completed and that was that.

Here we are with this profound cartoon showing us that even in his death, God used Rush Limbaugh to be a patriot for America. President Trump ordered the flag at half-staff to honor Rush Limbaugh. Rush was the messenger and the message is PRESIDENT TRUMP IS IN CHARGE.


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