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The Fall and Ascent of Man


Raw audio file:


The three articles referenced in the audio are:

The Karma of Untruthfulness

Evil Foundations of Materialism

The Gospel of St. John as Mystery Wisdom


The Gospel of Sophia Series can be downloaded for free. Gabriel Bookshelf.

Get your consciousness out of the computer screen, with its distractions and bright lights, by deepening your spiritual journey with an actual printed book that you can hold, write notes to reflect your thoughts, dog-ear special passages, and join others in a study group/book club to discuss our human journey to spiritual enlightenment.



Not everyone is going to make it through the GREAT SHIFT of this age. Many of us will see friends and loved ones who put themselves in harm’s way, suffer and perhaps die. Why is it that some will make it and others not? Why wasn’t it possible for you to “reach” those that needed to hear your truths?

Brainwashing is a serious psychological weapon. It has taken decades of indoctrination, bad diet, television-movie-computer programming to dumb-down people to the point that they could not protect themselves from the evil being hurled at them.

Why are people stupid? A scientific approach | Eternally Curious #1


PRO TIP: Our Gab-riel timeline moves rapidly throughout the day. If you see a post that interests you, but don’t have time to review it until later and you are concerned that you won’t find it again, simply BOOKMARK it and it will stay in your bookmark folder until you release it.


Stoicism & The Art of Not Caring


A few of you have written and asked how to get involved at a community level. If you have suggestions, please leave links in the comment box below. People want to take back their communities and states; let’s help them find ways to get involved.

We spoke to one of the founding leaders of this organization and were very impressed with the work they are doing, in particular with the Citizen Grand Juries in Oregon. Please bookmark this site and first opportunity you have, get involved.

Douglas and I registered today. Hope to see you, too!

PEOPLE’S RIGHTS – Uniting Neighbors to Defend Their Families, Faith, Freedom and Future.



An important aspect of SOPHIA is beauty. She is the Goddess of Beauty. The video below shows you the ugliness of the world as it separates from Wisdom, Nature, Beauty, Love, and God into what we see today – uglification, criminality, evil, and Satan. In the first volume of the Gospel of Sophia, we help you integrate these elements back into your own soul.

By meditating and contemplating the passages, we hope that you will be inspired to bring the Wisdom of Sophia into the world, first in your own heart and hearth, then streaming outward into your community and the world.


The Uglification of the World


We suggest that you create your “biosphere” which is your personal sanctuary of peace, security, and love. Each one of us will make our biospheres differently. After the financial-political-spiritual crash, you will be needed restart and guide your community into a new age. The young ones might call you the “Elders”.

There are at least 48 of you who will be ELDERS of wisdom and truth.


Ways I Make My Home a Sanctuary


Getting older, growing younger

In future, human beings, the older they get, will need to take in spiritual impulses if they want to be able to grow younger and younger and really develop their inner life. If they do so, they may have grey hair and wrinkles and all kinds of infirmities, but they will get younger and younger, for their souls are taking in impulses which they will take with them through the gate of death. People who relate only to the body cannot grow younger, for their souls will share in everything the body experiences. Of course, it will not be possible to change the habit of going grey, but it is possible for a grey head to gain a young soul from the wellsprings of spiritual life.

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 177 –  Fall of the Spirits of Darkness: Lecture 12: The Spirits of Light and the Spirits of Darkness – Dornach, 26 October 1917


If you would like to continue reading and listening to passages like these, please check out the Cat Report here. You will find some similar material mixed in with new pieces, plus comment additions from the community.


The Gabriels continue to post daily on GAB. Good luck keeping up with all of the great material we leave you all throughout the day. Meow.


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