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False Flag in Las Vegas

 False Flags are Legal Propaganda


If you are new to our site, you may not have seen the article above which the Anonymous Patriots posted in January 2016 after watching the false flag shootings in San Bernardino in December 2015. This article will give you the tools you need to identify possible false flag events, including 12 identifiers of a false flag operation.  We have posted these characteristics below. As you review the articles and videos from the Las Vegas shootings, see if you can see a pattern or evidence of false flag activities.


False Flag (Perception Management) Characteristics

Let’s compare what Wikipedia tells us are the “12 basic strategies of perception management” with what might be its counterpart in “characteristics of a false flag event.”

  1. Ambiguity: if ambiguity increases, the perceiver finds it harder to form an accurate perception.

Counterpart: Eyewitnesses have conflicting accounts.

  1. Social status: targeting a person’s position in society or in an organization

Counterpart: The official narrative has obvious domestic and geopolitical advantages for the governing body.

  1. Impression management: the perceptions or impressions of others

Counterpart: The narrative behind the attack serves to leverage emotions like fear, as well as patriotism, in order to manufacture consent around a previously controversial issue.

  1. Preparation – having clear goals and knowing the ideal position you want people to hold.

Counterpart: Military and law enforcement training drills occur on the same day very close by causing confusion to obscure eye witness testimony and allow orchestrators to plant both patsies, disinformation and backup operatives. Immediate calls for gun control or restricting civil liberties.

5.  Credibility – all information uses prejudices or expectations to increase credibility.

Counterpart: News agencies keep saying that they are “being given reports” or “being told” and do not cite who reported or told them the unconfirmed information they broadcast as real. 

6.  Multi-channel support – have multiple arguments and fabricated facts to reinforce your information.

Counterpart:  No obvious motive for the mass attack and no prior indicators. Shooter leaves manifesto or lots of evidence “proving” they were “radicalized” or “on drugs” or other were other undesirables.

 7.  Centralized control – employ entities to promote propaganda.

Counterpart: Fake “victims” and crisis actors. 

  1. Security – the nature of the deception campaign is known by few.

Counterpart: All drill participants and crisis actors sign Non-disclosure Agreements with “National Security” clause promising swift and severe punishment if broken.  Everyone involved is on a “need to know” basis and kept in the dark about the overall intent of the event. 

  1. Flexibility – the deception campaign adapts and changes over time as needs change.

Counterpart: Evidence gets destroyed or tampered with and the details don’t matter because the culprits are dead.  No more interest in an investigation. 

  1. Coordination – organize in a hierarchy to maintain consistent distribution of information.

Counterpart: The federal agencies trump the local law enforcement agencies due to the “National Security” element of the drill which is ultimately controlled by the Department of Defense. 

  1. Concealment – contradicting information is destroyed.

Counterpart: Culprit is dead and evidence disappears from news reports, Internet, and media. Patsy has no military training, yet shoots extremely fast and accurately but no authority looks at the evidence. 

  1. Untruthful statements – fabricate the truth.

Counterpart:  Families of “victims” have acting backgrounds and receive payoffs in GoFundMe accounts and direct payoffs, especially mortgages. They often show little to no emotion, and even smile or laugh. The lie perpetuates and the “official story” is shaped by the media into truth.



Articles posted by AIM4Truth on October 10


Military Surgeon Says Videos of Las Vegas Gunshot Victims Are Fake


Insider stock trading before the Las Vegas attacks


Wikileaks Julian Assange Just Revealed What Really Happened In Las Vegas and It Is BAD For The FBI


Where are the death certificates? Video 1. Video 2.


Mass Causality Drill Shortly Prior to LV Shooting Incident


Vegas Massacre Story Changes: Gunman Shot Security Guard Before Opening Fire On Crowd


Forensic acoustic proof of second shooter in LV shooting


Thomas and the Conclave have reviewed the video below that and report to AIM4Truth readers and viewers that it is completely fake. Notice the fake blood, no bullet wounds, crisis actors (as victims and helpers). 

Vegas Shooting Concert Site (Dead Bodies)


In this video, notice the crisis actors, the mother that seems to appear in the Orlando shootings as well as the Las Vegas event, the law and fire officials without official uniforms. Where do any of the uniforms have the official Las Vegas insignia. What is a “firemed”? Many crisis actors are wearing this uniform. Yes, there are some far-out notions in the video, but you can use discernment to pull the nuggets from the vid.

This is why it took 72 minutes for Police to Locate Mandalay Bay Vegas Shooter



Articles posted by AIM4Truth on October 9


YouTube Is Pulling Vegas Videos & Striking People For Bogus Violations


Why are Infowars and Paul Joseph Watson defending the lone gunman lie?

New Video Emerges Raising Questions Of Overlapping Gunfire At Las Vegas Concert


MANDALAY MASSACRE: A Special Report On The Las Vegas Terror Attack & Mass Casualty Incident



Articles posted by AIM4Truth on October 8


The Lone Gunman Lie


Articles posted by AIM4Truth on October 6


Was Las Vegas Massacre ‘Fast And Furious’, A Massive Gun Running Scheme Gone Terribly Wrong?


Las Vegas Plot Thickens: Stephen Paddock’s Plane Was Owned By Obama Administration Intelligence Contractor


The Bizarre Press Conference of Sheriff Joe Lombardo


Mandalay Bay mystery: Where’s all the expended BRASS?


Eerie Predictions in Vegas


Footage of Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock at an Anti-Trump Protest?


Former SEAL Team Commander: Vegas Appears to be Political Operation


Las Vegas Shooting: Who or what is moving on the roof above word “HARVEST”? (Video)


Articles posted by AIM4Truth on October 5


Betsy and Thomas discuss the Mandalay event and the UN Small Arms Treaty.

Will Mandalay False Flag Lead to Gun Grab?


Smoking Gun – MGM CEO sells $18 million stock 20+ days before Vegas Event VIDEO


Really Graceful Explains False Flags


What are false flags?


Articles posted by AIM4Truth on October 4


Analyzing the Mandalay Massacre False Flag


MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Official story of Las Vegas shooting unravels; physical impossibility of lone gunman senior citizen makes narrative ludicrous


On Sunday night, October 1 the media reports the Las Vegas shooting. Less than 24 hours later, the New York Times already has the names, photos, and detailed backstories of victims. Wow. Now that’s some kind of propaganda passing as news! You have to ask who is feeding this bullsh*t to the NYT? Is this an example of propaganda that the Broadcasting Board of Governors pushes out to media agencies using its legal authorization to terrorize and lie to Americans under the NDAA

The Stories of the 58 Victims of the Las Vegas Shooting


AIM4Truth reader Dorothy points out this article from September 1, 2017:

MGM Resorts fund CAIR, Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL

MGM Resorts International owns the following resort properties:  Bellagio, Beau Rivage, Circus Circus, Delano, Excalibur, Luxor, Mandalay Bay Resort, MGM Grand, Mirage, Monte Carlo, New York New York, The Signature and Vdara Hotel & Spa. As Dorothy points out, “The nugget here is that MGM Resorts is 50% owned by Dubai World.

Dorothy continues to explain: “Here is a photo of Marilou Danley, the alleged shooter’s (read patsy) girlfriend or companion taken on the beach in DUBAI. This coupled with the fact that as of 3 years ago, she is listed as an employee of Mandalay Bay hotel.

And I find it very odd that the LVPD Chief said that they spoke to Danley and dismissed her as being involved. Afterwards, we find out that she’s abroad, so how can she be dismissed? Rumor says she’s either in Japan or her home country, the Philippines (where the alleged “American Sniper” recently wired $100,000), and that she’s an FBI Informant re: foreigners who gamble heavily.
Plus the MSM seems desperate to keep the words terrorism, ISIS, Jihadi, Muslim and Dubai out of their narrative, partially so that they can hammer away at the Second Amendment.”


Marilou Danley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


FBI Agents Allow Las Vegas Shooting ‘Person of Interest’ Marilou Danley To Go Free After Meeting


Vegas Shooter Filmed Himself During Slaughter, May Have Left A Note; Suicide Photo Emerges   

Somehow, Boston 25 News has obtained exclusive photos from what they describe as “police sources” purportedly showing the guns used during Sunday night’s massacre in Las Vegas.


Vegas Shooter’s Hotel Room Tour Before Shooting (Video)


The Chertoff Connection

“Giving up your guns is the PRIMARY goal of these shootings, but the secondary goals are equally important. Creating a surveillance state which restricts individual fluidity within their country while tracking and cataloging and archiving your interests, movements, choices and routines which will eventually lead to a complete prediction algorithm attached to your person for use in war-game planning.”


Articles posted by AIM4Truth on October 3


Either The ‘Surveillance State In America’ FAILED Terribly Or Mandalay Bay Was A Massive ‘New World Order’ Operation


Riveting audio details from Vegas crime scene


Antifa Receiving Military Training in Syria – Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Travelled to Middle East

Even after ISIS takes responsibility, MSM fights to cover up Islamic link just like San Bernardino


Former NSA Analyst Offers Latest on Vegas Shooting False Flag

Why did report an American muslim as the Vegas shooter?



Articles posted by AIM4Truth on October 2

Las Vegas Mass Shooting: False Flag, PsyOp & Black Op to Distract



YouTuber Perfectly Predicts Las Vegas 2 Weeks Before Incident


A GoFundMe for victims of the Las Vegas shooting has raised over $1 million


Shots Fired from 4th Floor, NOT 32nd. This is not the only video circulating that shows this angle of firing. Here is another one.


Was Stephen Paddock A Patsy?


Paddock Worked for Lockheed Martin


Gowdy on Vegas Shooting: ‘Difficult to Believe That a Single Person Could Have Done This Without Detection’


ANTIFA Literature Found In Shooter’s Vegas Hotel Room Says Hostage Rescue Team


Here comes the gun agenda

Mark Kelly on Politicizing Las Vegas Shooting: ‘If Not Now, When?’


Las Vegas Massacre: Gun-control Agenda Already Being Pushed

“What is certain is that the anti-gun forces are already ramping up its outrage over the incident, demanding that Congress “do something” even though it is unclear exactly what can be done to prevent carnage like this from happening in the future.”


Mystery Lady Warns Las Vegas Concert-goers 45 Minutes Before Massacre That Many Would Soon Die


Five things that just don’t add up about the Las Vegas mass shooting


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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