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Queen Elizabeth II and Privy Council Rig Elections Worldwide

Queen Elizabeth II Rigs Elections Worldwide

Queen Elizabeth II Rigs Elections Around the World


 Queen’s Privy Council / SES / Soros have backdoors into voting machines in 17 U.S. States


Foreign Meddling in U.S. Elections Since 2005

As Americans awake from their 242 year sleep thinking the American Revolution had been won and the United Kingdom was its ally, we find that the Queen has not only been interfering with our elections since at least 2005, she was also the top-dog in orchestrating the overthrow of Trump’s presidency through her Privy Council, Strategic Communications Laboratories, Christoper Steele, and a whole cadre of ‘Sirs’- Richard Dearlove, Geoffrey Pattie, George Mark Malloch-Brown – and, of course, the Queen’s most favored hitman – George Soros.

This is why the U.S. needs to strike new alliances in the world. Read our blockbuster reports and audios (below) on the Queen’s interference in elections and her plan to overthrow the presidency of Donald J. Trump in the many articles we have posted below.

Then….ask yourself. Why haven’t these headlines appeared on Drudge or top stories on Fox News? We know that the BBC and CNN would never run these stories, but aren’t you always told that Fox News is “news you can trust” and Drudge is “brilliant”? We call b.s. They are propaganda tools for the Queen’s to keep you stupid and uniformed.


Indictable Evidence: Foreign Interference in US Elections Since 2005


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and the Privy Council Interfered with the US 2016 Presidential Election


Will Romney Defeat Jenny Wilson by Rigging Utah Election with Smartmatic Machines?


Bipartisan Chain of Custody Act


EXPOSED: All the Queen’s Agents and Corporations that Control the World


Queen’s Henchman Geoffrey Pattie Fails to Overthrow Donald J. Trump


Obama-Clinton-Schmidt-Zuckerberg Election Rigging Failed


Spygate was Directed by the Queen, not Russia


International Espionage, Spygate, and All the Queen’s Men



Senior Executive Service Stephan Halper: All Roads Lead to the Queen




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