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Shenanigans of Robert Hannigan

AIM Patriots, don’t forget the British involvement here! ROBERT HANNIGAN set up wiretaps for the FBI. 

Meet the British spy that came over to America and worked with John Brennan to set up a wiretap on Trump. Companies like Infosecurity Group are proud to sponsor an enemy of America to be their keynote speaker…..but then maybe they don’t know about Robert. Has he not told his compatriots what he did to meddle in U.S. elections?

Calling a digital flashmob here. Please leave your comments under the video so that we can educate the folks at Infosecurity Group. We started the party with the comment below. The last person we did this to resigned his political position within a few weeks of our digital flashmob that exposed his corruption with the US Patent Office and SERCO.

This is just another information weapon that you can use against the opposition – you and your audience don’t have to leave your chairs. Please info flashmob along with us.

Here’s Robert Hannigan.Then please visit the YT site directly to leave your comments.


The Queen is ‘set to invite Donald Trump for a full state visit on 75th anniversary of D-Day this June’

Request of POTUS: While you are there please ask the Queen why her Privy Council is out to destroy your administration. Let them know that despite fake news, the American and British people are fully aware of Robert Hannigan‘s shenanigans with John Brennan as they committed espionage and treason to overthrow your administration.

Ask her to bring you up to speed on what they are doing with Arvinder Sambei who, along with her cohort in crime Robert Mueller, have been running operations against the United States since 911. Let her know that the American people are demanding sanctions against her entire country, its oligarch warlord bankers and brokers, and the Windsor Monarchy for their overt election meddling.

We are also demanding that all offshore accounts of the royal conspirators be seized, including those of George Mark Malloch-Brown, Tony Blair, Richard Dearlove, Stefan Halper, Alison Saunders, Geoffrey Pattie, Nick Clegg, Andrew Wood, and the many others we have named for espionage.

Tell old Lizard Lady that you know how she controls Lockheed Martin, BAE, and other strategic companies in the US military industrial complex with her golden share.

On behalf of the American people, please let her know that we understand how SES and SERCO work with the Crown Agents to keep British rule over America.

We ask you to proclaim that America is free from British Rule and we are terminating their operations in America.

Then we can party like it’s July 4, 2019, which could become, under your presidency, our true Independence Day from British Rule.

British Attempt to Overthrow Donald Trump – FAILS


“It Belongs To The People, Not The Bankers” – Italy Moves To Seize Gold From Central Bank

AIM Patriot Matteo is ‘kicking butt and taking names’ in Italy. Watch out Venetian bankers! The people of the world see what you have been doing to humanity. It stops with the global patriot movement and its outstanding leaders like Matteo Salvini. SALUTE! Who holds the gold in your country, fellow patriots? ‘You the People’ or your evil, corrupt, central bank warlords, bankers, brokers, and Federal Reserve?


AIM Patriot Devin Nunes discusses criminal referrals


People around the world understand the dangers of 5G, but you will not see these protests televised on fake FOX NEWS, still a propaganda network owned and operated by globalists to keep patriots from knowing the full truth. Why hasn’t Fox covered the 5g issue?

Oh…that’s right, we are being lulled to sleep so that these harmful weapons can be rolled out in our communities without too much protest until the globalist warlords are ready to turn on the kill switch. Don’t these talking head idiots at Fox realize that all humans, including them and their children, will suffer the same fate as all the rest of us. That’s why we say they are IDIOTS who only know how to read globalist bullscript from AVID ISIS Management prompters.

Why is it that Brussels, City of London, Rome, and Palm Beach County, Florida ban the use of 5G? The elite toast while the people roast.

5G & Cell Tower Protests Worldwide.


The left realize they cannot meme and are left defenseless in the Great Information War

As we have been saying for several years….we are fighting the Great Information War. This is a propaganda war that the Brits have been waging on the world since the days of Cecil Rhodes. The antidote for propaganda is education….and the best education is a well crafted meme weapon. While the opposition has been running around crying “the Russians are coming’, AIM patriots have been working hard to hone their skills in filling their information arsenals with memes, hashtags, hyperlinks, etc. to fire at any time throughout their social media networks.

This meme video below is incredible. It has CNN admitting that the left can’t meme while Carpe Donktum shows how Donald Trump used a meme about other memes to weaponize his twitter. Make sure to join the fun in creating and launching your own information bombs. The left has no ammunition, poor social, creative, and reality skills  and no sense of humor.

Best Episode of Reliable Sources EVER


According to AIM Patriot John B., George Webb is reporting that the son of Bruce and Nellie Ohr works at the Copyright Office. We do not have source material that proves this to be true. We only have this picture and reference about a ‘Michael Ohr’ at the Copyright Office. If you find anything that ties all of these Ohrs together, please send it to us.

Screen shot from here


So who owned the DNC’s and HRC’s email servers?


Google and other tech giants are quietly buying up the most important part of the internet


Stock up your information arsenals with fresh, dank memes below. An information warrior always keeps his/her/xir stock dry, fresh, and ready for firing.






Steve Pieczenik is revealed as a globalist. This video (below) from April 7, 2019 tells you everything you need to know about his agenda, in his own words.

He has always been a Deep Stater for any of you holding on to any notion that he is MAGA. We are taking you directly to the YouTube where you might want to say a few things to Steve.

OPUS 238 Buttigieg Blossoms




     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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Jacob Engels is a pathetic reporter and Gateway Pundit is FAKE NEWS.