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Democrats for Trump

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It’s Bullshit!


Senior NXIVM Member Confirms Illegal Clinton Campaign Scheme During Trial


Stunning win for another PATRIOT. Prime Minister Scott Morrison wins Australian election.


Translated for Americans:

The Australia federal election was just held to elect the new Prime Minister (President), and the conservative party (Liberals) won against the leftist commie party (Labour).

MAGA, baby. Another win for the Patriots. Another loss for the Globalists.


AG Barr details his hunt for the truth on what really went on with the Russia probe: Listen to the full interview



mr.piddles posts:

Behold! Jim Jordan and John Ratcliffe might put Bob Mueller on the spot if he testifies.

“He doesn’t want to be trashed by the Republicans,” said Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), who serves on the Intelligence Committee and is close to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a fellow California Democrat.

“Does anyone want their reputation dragged through the mud falsely? You’ve seen Jim Jordan [R-Ohio] in action. He can handle his own, but they’ll ask questions like, ‘Why didn’t you look at this and why didn’t you look at that?’ I mean, talk about a thankless job.”

Yes, Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), Jim Jordan might actually ask pertinent questions about the Weissman/Mueller report that makes Bob Mueller particularly uncomfortable. Can you imagine the gall of that man? Unbelievable.

Nobody said this Whitewash-Coverup attempt would be easy, Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.).

As for me: holding out hope that Bill Barr INSIST that Bob Mueller testify in front of Jim Jordan and John Ratcliffe. *quadruple crossies emoji*


Sen. Feinstein is colluding with the foreign minister of an enemy state




AIM Patriot Chris N. is an information warrior with this great idea below. Open the link to read his suggestion and let’s pass this around the truth community. And make sure to see his other suggestion at the bottom of the page.

Surround New York Times Building with Ultra Powered 5G Installations


The hyperlink version of this image is available here, about mid-way down the page.



Judicial Watch Obtains DOJ Documents Showing Andrew Weissmann Leading Hiring Effort for Mueller Special Counsel


Judicial Watch Releases Email Exchange Between State Department Official and Bruce Ohr Targeting Trump with Steele Dossier Material





“The evidence is now clear. New World Order globalists around the world, including those in the FBI, C.I.A., State Department and Department of Defense, conspired with the British Privy Council to create terrorism as a bogeyman enemy to enrich themselves and consolidate power.

Let’s just review the list of false flag events that occurred under the Clinton, Bush & Obama reigns of terror: 2008 Bank Crash, 9/11, Boston Marathon, First Gulf War, Kosovo, Las Vegas, Oklahoma City, Parkland FL, Ruby Ridge, Rwanda, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Second Gulf War, Syrian Gas ‘Attacks’, U.S. Embassies in Kenya & Tanzania, Waco and World Trade Center.

These events have driven our world to the brink of a new totalitarianism driven by globalist far left international corporatists who promote fascist capitalism for themselves and socialism for the masses—as a permanent means of control.”


The Wireless Wake up Call



Border Patrol to fly migrants FOREIGN INVADERS from Texas to California three times per week to ease overcrowding


This is what mass immigration has done to Europe. Is this what young men stormed the beaches of Normandy for? Is this the Europe that millions of men fought and died for? View video



AIM Patriot Chris N. understands that we are fighting the Great Information War. Below he explains the ‘culture jamming technique’ applied to the 5G narrative:

Go up to people and say ‘global warming’.  Double down. Say, “it’s worse than that, it’s “global microwaving“… “not just humans and their CO2s, but we are microwaving the planet now with WiFi that’s heating up the earth and destroying the ozone layer”  …then you finish with, ‘it’s not global warming, it’s not even global heating, it’s global immolating–the world is literally on fire.  I saw a colony of bees the other day spontaneously explode from the…you guessed it, 5G microwaves.. I saw a woman ignite walking down the street”
Maybe then they’ll start questioning their narratives.  I think the word for it is “enantiodromia” you push them so far into the direction they seem to be headed anyway that it forces them to say, ‘wait….what’s going on here’.  But if you happen to succeed in convincing them, they will be neutralized in the eyes of more rational people.


Our reply: Chris, we used that technique about a year ago with our “Democrats for Trump” campaign. You may recall these memes:

We know that there are places in America where being a Democrat is a generational thing. Grandma and grandpa were Democrats and so were their kids. This campaign gives you non-threatening permission to keep allegiance to your Democrat heritage, but exercise your common sense by voting MAGA.

We see that this narrative is beginning to get traction from the two posts (below) we saw today. That’s the crazy thing about the internet. You can put info into it, but once released it is beyond time and space. People find the message once they have the consciousness to seek it. That’s why we started back in 2014 to create the Glass Bead Game which is loaded with amazing content yet to be discovered.

LBB posts:

“Democrats for Trump” trending on twitter. It put the TDS crowd in a panic. Some funny ones.


Democrats for Trump.

— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) May 18, 2019



Wikileaks Releases Unused Footage of The Moon Landing


Meme superstar Grumpy Cat has died

…alas, the inspiration of the Conclave kitties has made its transition back into the group soul of grumpy cats everywhere.

Our kitties wish Grumpy Cat farewell.


Crack Pipe, IDs, And Badge Found In Hunter Biden Rental Car



An internal memo from @facebook has leaked. They are offering “extra credit” to employees that can figure out how to segregate me from their platform.
To the brave employee who leaked this— thank you.
To lawyers that follow me— is this legal?
I am taking this very seriously.

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) May 18, 2019



Robots Take the Wheel as Autonomous Farm Machines Hit Fields


13 Fascinating Farming Robots That Will Feed Humans of the Future


Have you ever watched a #Biden rally? He’s confused and disconcerted. When being interviewed on ABC, his wife Jill had to correct him and assist him like a “handler” would. If you elect #JoeBiden, his wife might be running the country as the first female president. Sad but true.

— Bud Meyers  (@BudMeyers99) May 17, 2019


@CNN @MSNBC — Rally after rally show tens or may a hundred at #Biden rallies — further reinforcing what we know — Corp MSM reports #FakePolls of Biden lead. Examination of their polls show they call landlines & 50+ yo voters. Bernie’s voters are <50 & use cell phones.

— Kyle Taylor Lucas (Hereditary Chief) (@KyleTaylorLucas) May 13, 2019



Kinda wish another Dem would declare candidacy to liven things up. The current bunch are as lively & appealing as clearance produce.

— Savage Randy (@_hublette) May 15, 2019

Wish granted..

De Blasio speaks to his largest crowd of the day in Iowa at a Woodbury County Democratic Party fundraiser in Sioux City.

— Grace Rauh (@gracerauh) May 18, 2019




     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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